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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 54 KB, 992x558, A2CC4987-1BA8-44D8-BE42-066840049F2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28401011 No.28401011 [Reply] [Original]

I'm facing 5 years in jail. My attorney says the goal now is to get less time. My only solace is that based Shkreli's doing time so it might not be so bad. But I'm more or less fucked.

Pay the taxes friends. Don't fuck up like me. They know who's trading crypto and who's doing what. They're just waiting for a few years to pass to get the most penalties out of it.

Like the worst part isn't that I'm fucked for life and gonna be a felon. It's how mean to me everyone has been. My family hates me, my friends abandoned me. The agents were all yelling at me. The way people look at you. Its fucking dehumanizing. I just want to go back to being a kid that none of this happened. I wish I never made that money. I fucked up my life forever.

>> No.28401080

You're gonna do weekends in jail? meh

>> No.28401098

How much money did you make?

>> No.28401123

Nice try glowie, you’ll have to kill me

>> No.28401127


>> No.28401195

nice larp retard

>> No.28401278

fake and gay
they dont put in jail they just make you pay massive amounts of interest and fines

>> No.28401284
File: 207 KB, 720x678, 1611461234755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW I have a payment scheduled tomorrow because IRSfags need their cut from me cashing bonds

>> No.28401320 [DELETED] 

did you see this trash on /biz/
who allowed them to shill this shitcoin?
I’ve already participated in bot ocean presale and wait for launch
better use algorithms for trading with unique algo
than believe in luck or smart investment

>> No.28401359

So give more details what was your specific situation?

Didn't pay any at all or, payed wrong amount. etc.

>> No.28401424

nigger the IRS doesn't send you to jail. they put you out on the street to EARN!

>> No.28401437

pretty sure the irs would prefer to just take your money rather than send you to expensive jail

>> No.28401524

My life is so empty I don't really care if I'm going to jail or not.

>> No.28401525
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t. IRS Agent

>> No.28401528

wrong thread anon

>> No.28401553

>my family hates me and everyone is mean to me because they love the IRS
Yeah nice larp negro

>> No.28401672
File: 292 KB, 1018x652, SmartSelect_20210118-170647_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck hahahaha literal poopoo brown pajeet Id doesn't even read the op before posting

>> No.28401706

Christ I feel sorry for you burgers, imagine every crypto-to-crypto transaction being taxable.

I don't have to worry until I cash anything out, and then it's basically net gain, and then the rates are low on that. Until they increase CGT anyway.

>> No.28401887

it's a bot and you are newfags

>> No.28402026

Whatever's in his wallet, he's about to HODL for another 5 years then get jailed for not reporting those gains

>> No.28402178

the only pumps you're going to experience now are with Tyrone
I'm assuming this is a larp, my condolences if it's not

>> No.28402204

Fuck off IRS nigger we won't pay

>> No.28402273

That's not how it works pal.
They just take more of your money since they own it.
Imagine USA without tormenting 3rd world countries.
How would you sleep at night knowing murica is not flexing muscles somewhere?
If they don't get what they want they will even demolish skyscraper with people inside.
Reimbursing those who complied.

>> No.28402294

So this is now how the government tries to persuade me to pay taxes?

>> No.28402339

This is nonsense. They don't go right to throwing your ass in jail they will tell you you owe them money before. Faggot large.

>> No.28402404

>1 post by this ID
Do you job properly CIA what is this

>> No.28402413
File: 461 KB, 887x503, 18895623458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 post ID
>doesn't even explain what he fucked up or how was he trying to, I guess, avoid taxes.
>literal crybaby OP
>"Don't fuck up like me"
Explain more next time, because you didn't yet.

>> No.28402424


>> No.28402444

Shrekli claims to have lost his v card at age 15. And fucking supermodels until he got jailed

He is delusional biz tard kek

>> No.28402461

You get an extra payment penalty not fucking jail you fucking mong.

>> No.28402624

LARP i know you fantasize getting fucked by BLM members but shit.

>> No.28402700

>1 post by this ID

Every time.

>> No.28402814

This post glows...hard.

>> No.28402849
File: 255 KB, 880x810, fuck_niggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suck my dick głowie, never paying taxes

>> No.28402868

nice larp faggot

>> No.28402904

Nice try IRS

>> No.28402976
File: 45 KB, 929x1175, 1612805555961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im going to launder the millions I will make from AVAX with gift cards and IRS will never see a cent of it. Suck my dick and get fucked

>> No.28403016

Hello IRS

>> No.28403169

This is a Fed if Ive ever seen one. Keep seething, youre not gettig a bit of my technology. Id sooner burn it all.

>> No.28403539
File: 69 KB, 720x696, 20200715_195353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do americans really?

>> No.28404134

IRSkun I don't have any Cryptoino, I lost it all in a boating accident.

>> No.28404869

Fuck off glowie. I'm not paying shit.

>> No.28405082

This is some weird fud.

>> No.28405181

Haha Mr. Taxman. You can't tax me if I only lose money.

>> No.28405207

See kids, this is why you only invest in Fiat currencies that are backed by centralized governments. I hope you've all learned an important lesson.

>> No.28405274

>Pay the taxes goy
>t. IRS glownigger

>> No.28405287

How much did you tip the bailiff? I have a court date coming soon and don’t want to be rude.

>> No.28405350

This desu. And unironically.

>> No.28405398

That's why I don't swing trade. I buy and hold and the day before I cash out I'm getting a tax lawyer and ensuring that the IRS gets their cut. Not even Al Capone can outrun the taxman, don't even try.

>> No.28405401

>1 post by this ID
nice larp faggot

>> No.28405505


lmao fucking boomers and their "muh al capone couldnt beat the irs" weird propaganda

it's 2021. scientology routinely trounces the IRS like its absolutely nothing

>> No.28405590

Bad larp, try next time tho.

>> No.28405625

Best of luck with that, I'm a pussy and I can't encourage someone to connit tax fraud.

>> No.28405821
File: 11 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sick fuck, it's people like you that is the reason why we have the death penalty.

>> No.28405843


>> No.28405947

Leave the country, stupid.

>> No.28406252
File: 16 KB, 296x266, 1595574769247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather do a hundred years in supermax than give you one fucking shekel of my hard earned crypto gains. You will NEVER get a cent from me, do you understand???

>> No.28406928

I'm only making a few hundred dollars on crypto like 80% of other people.

Learn to pay taxes, retard.

>> No.28407312

Kek good try but you glow in the dark.