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File: 357 KB, 720x724, Screenshot_20210213-002213_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28579481 No.28579481 [Reply] [Original]

>Finally made alot, halfway to 6 digits
>Going to get limb lengthening surgery

I will finally escape being a manlet

>> No.28579632

>Not becoming full Dwarf mode while hoarding your coins

>> No.28579741

prob looks like a trainwreck under the pants, but this one actually looks better after than before

>> No.28579952
File: 666 KB, 640x640, bar_manlet.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

left pic
>doctor on his toes to appear as not a manlet himself (he is)
>manlet in socks
right pic
>doctor not on toes
>manlet in shoes

when will they learn?

>> No.28580010

It's me or the new generations are getting taller?
I live in Europe and being 180 cm (5'10, I don't know exactly how it works your retarded system), I always saw myself tall compared to other people, now teenagers have my same eight, even fucking girls.
Am I going to be considered a manlet in the next decades?
>implying you already are
Naah, average height is 175cm here (5'8)

>> No.28580017

I just wanna wear pants without having to hem them

>> No.28580077
File: 790 KB, 286x520, 1579550407839.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28580818

>lengthens legs
>can never play sports again
>required to cover legs while doing elliptical on lowest resistancefor rest of life
>still holds massive Suter stack
>remains based

>> No.28581047
File: 64 KB, 564x756, 1555737582832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Manlets are ALWAYS the top dogs.
Caesar was like 5'2
Napolean was 5'6
Hitler was 5'8"
The majority of engineers and scientists throughout history were short.
There's an inverse relationship between height and intelligence; the shorter a man is, the smarter he is as he has more brain mass per body weight, meaning more energy and proteins are sent to his neo-cortex as opposed to tall "men" who, due to the square-cubed law, require much more energy to do anything and thus they live shorter lives, are less intelligent, and weaker/take more work to get nice gainz.
The only "advantage" they have is women may be more attracted to them, but if your only value is based on ROASTIES, as opposed to being a leader of MEN (like manlets are) then that just proves how pathetic tall "men" are. "Oh, I only like TALL men" <-- literally how roasties and tall "men" think.
If you're a tall "man" you may as well get a sex change now, you're basically a woman.
And yes, I am a manlet and proud. Manlets are objectively superior.

>> No.28581085

People will always get taller every generation on average. Not a lot but they will. Until we get back problems or other genetic problems. Size is viewed as attractive. Even in the animal kingdom.

>> No.28581098

lol wtf do you have that saved

>> No.28581246

His next surgery is reduction mammaplasty to correct bilateral gynecomastia.

>> No.28581335

Same brother I'm a good looking guy still they get girls despite being 5'7 but I feel like I need to do this to help myself mentally. It's the only way to overcome those thoughts of inadequacy and childhood bullying. Plus I'll definitely be more popular with the ladies too so it's a win win

>> No.28581787

Wouldn't the ratio of his arms, torso, head now be out of whack
I'm a manlet but I developed a fetish for tall women from being a coomer and now it doesn't bother me at all.

>> No.28581894

>get 3 inches taller
>still can't pick up women because confidence is ruined from 20 years of manlet status
>stub toe
>bones turn to dust
Sad. Many such cases!

>> No.28582031

Manlets need reminded. They get fiesty and bitchy like moody women sometimes and need reminded they're really not apex, only tall men are.
Or just accept who you are and dont mutilate yourself. I guarantee youre unhappy with the results

>> No.28582254

That manlet is well positioned to break his jaw if he just had the courage to throw one hard punch.

>> No.28582879

no. Ive read diaries and its life changing

>> No.28582939

Yes get it . All that matters in life is looks money and status. You have the money get the other two

>> No.28583008

>t. Pharma and plastic surgery jew

>> No.28583112

Nope just a manlet myself so I understand the plight. Imagine society abusing you for something out of your control. No point sulking or " accepting" it. We're men not sacrificial lambs. We see a problem and we fix it if we have the means to.

>> No.28583187

Ok bro i get it you have a business to run dont let me get in the way of your sale

>> No.28583293

I've seen what post surgery legs look like and it's fucked. Also body proportions are off.

>> No.28583300

Keep seething lanklet. You realise your only positive attribute is meaningless and can be acquired by those he have money and balls

>> No.28583358

us surgery cost 85k, but in india it's 15k. Leaning towards the latter.

>tfw while recovering in india, I can trade crypto and actually be a pajeet

>> No.28583365

are you THE limb lengthening anon? if it makes you happy, then congrats, I wish you all the best

>> No.28583442

They look fine perhaps narrow shouldered but nothing lifting can't fix. The nails are much less draconian now. You can walk on two weeks post surgery. Manlets have hope at last they just need to grind for it

>> No.28583464
File: 80 KB, 759x508, 1613016806183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fellow paid probably somewhere in the range of $50k to go from 5'6" to 5'8"

>> No.28583545


>> No.28583553

And he looks much better for it. I dunno why people are tryna discourage OP. Escape manletism be happy start a family enjoy life and overcome your short comings kek. 'Tis what it means to be a man

>> No.28583566

Enjoy your permanent explosive diarrhea afterwards.

>> No.28583621

dude has lifts on too

expect at most 4 inches and leg pain for the rest of your life (the tendons/muscles are stretched)

>> No.28583672

Height is relative so literally everyone is a manlet that’s the point of this JIDF meme.

>> No.28583706

Because mutilating your body for non medicinal purposes is wrong.

>> No.28583717

I'm 193cm and zoomers are indeed taller, also gen z girl are more attractive than back in my days (29 yo here). Boys are more nerdy and feminine though.

>> No.28583721

>Going to get limb lengthening surgery
That sounds like mega cope. Your naked body will probably be blatantly botched just at a glance but in your mind you'll pretend it's not noticeable because you're finally tall/a woman/other delusional surgery results. Humanity still has 50 years to go until surgery becomes less obvious.

>> No.28583789

Sounds like poorfag cope. Just get the fucking surgery and stop being a bitch or are you gonna let women and men abuse you all your life because you wanna " prove them wrong" kek

>> No.28583795

Yeah but how does that pain compare to the pain of being a manlet

>> No.28583862

Both Napoleon and Hitler were taller than the average of their time.

>> No.28583927

>just chop off your foreskin
>after all you dont want to look DIFFERENT in the lockerroom!!!! Hahaha!! AHAHAHAH!!!!!!
Turns out no ones judging you but yourself and some jewy douches trying to hurt you into buying their surgery.

>> No.28583977

Loooool. You know that those heights were normal in their times? They all would be around 6 feet today.

>> No.28584029
File: 62 KB, 960x540, 6534654654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28584063
File: 2.63 MB, 250x400, bar_manlet2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28584082

Lol ok just get rejected by women and"belittled" by other men constantly then. Idk seems like a no brainer to me. Niggas getting their teeth straightened and women get surgeries and botox. It's all the same. I don't see why manlets need to be your punching bag. Adapt or die

>> No.28584096
File: 2.92 MB, 1056x594, gym_manlet.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28584147
File: 2.67 MB, 404x720, bagel_manlet.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28584194
File: 936 KB, 480x720, gym_manlet2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28584217
File: 2.97 MB, 640x360, jewlet.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28584241
File: 958 KB, 300x532, manlet_shake.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28584267


>> No.28584269
File: 655 KB, 640x640, manletvspig.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28584301
File: 2.89 MB, 1920x1080, photo_manlet.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28584314

omg bro are you the fucking manlet who was posting about roping if you didn't make enough to afford limb lengthening surgery?
i'm glad you didn't fucking kill yourself you havent posted in a while

>> No.28584343
File: 761 KB, 480x600, niglet.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28584346


>> No.28584402
File: 2.13 MB, 480x480, piglet.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28584415
File: 35 KB, 600x600, Naamloos-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28584492

I'm not

pls stop webms. I just want to be normal :(

>> No.28584646
File: 28 KB, 395x330, legs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm literally the middle guy in this image
>tfw 6'1"

>> No.28584832


>> No.28584920

Doesn't that turn you into a paraplegic on stilts? Like you can't run anymore or go to the gym, just barely walking and 3 inches taller.

>> No.28585017

have you gotten any taller women, telll us how

>> No.28585115

>It's me or the new generations are getting taller?
Yeah, I'm assuming it has to do with food being more available and rich for everyone and short men having less children

>> No.28585154

Pretty much, lol
I'm trying to find a picture but I'm always sagging my pants so it's hard to tell
flagpole legs 4lyfe

>> No.28585287

Greatness at any cost

>> No.28585406

read some of the bios

some of them are running and jumping within a few months

>> No.28585482

Same here anon I like it although if I’m spooning a girl my height my face is at their shoulders bc they have longer torsos kek.

Also yo just learn to love your body. Or not. But fuck that surgery, it’s INCREDIBLY painful and you will be ruining your stability and balance for the rest of your life.

>> No.28585542
File: 40 KB, 400x406, GT-Anectodal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol you high HGH low T idiot, that's the archetypal female build. Longer torso is more masculine.

>> No.28585550

But I wonder about dead lifts and squats using my new legs
those are necessary for me

>> No.28585641

No, blonde womanlets always like me for some reason. Maybe also one of the reasons I have the fetish now. It's great because I'm completely fine with being a manlet now, it's like my brain changed that psychological trauma into a fetish to make me permanently cope.

>> No.28585763


>> No.28585792
File: 145 KB, 1500x1000, SciFiSat_049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's pretty funny I have a short legs (short torso too, he's just short lol) friend and we're still eye-to-eye when sitting at a table lmao
Longer legs are authoritarian since the dawn of man
get back in your hole

>> No.28585824

I’m 175 cm and would never consider doing this, seems so unnecessary and dangerous, I accept being a manlet and don’t give a fuck, already married and have money, I have no use for being taller

>> No.28585830

Very gay picture btw

>> No.28585979

Fuck I would be so mad if that was me lol

>> No.28586012

>they're really not apex, only tall men are
Holy fuckin based lol

>> No.28586273
File: 101 KB, 1600x697, Sentry2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wait I see you're a manlet, that explains the short fuse. Anyway, back in your hole.
People that society looks up to are being constructive here.

>> No.28586370


>> No.28586694

But he was right about leg to torso ratios though, testosterone lengthens the torso relative to the legs in development. You may have Klinefelter syndrome bro.

>> No.28586803

Be quiet or I'll kick your forehead.

>> No.28586915

looks like a great way to F up your hips and back when ur older and u would still be short not worth bro

>> No.28588324

manlet here myself, recommend checking out turkey, mid range prices, safer than india

>> No.28589260

do what skaters do and cuff them?

>> No.28589436

When will they learn

>> No.28590231

Yeah it's definitely not because of a second generational of exposure to BOVINE GROWTH HORMONE, GOY.

Zoomers look like literal cattle compared to Silent Generation Men.

>> No.28590628

>more estrogen everywhere
>girls get larger boobas and fatter asses
>being a thot is idolized, thus girls actually do situps to become pawgs
>boys become feminized bitches
i guess its a win for us ~30 yo boomers. fucking sexy bitches that thirst for actual cocks (not feminized peepees) are widely available.

>> No.28590718

just invest in a mine OP

>> No.28590814

I would just off myself, I couldn't take that.

>> No.28590863

Legitimately funny

>> No.28591012

Being shirt sucks I'm 5'4
But I prefer it to not being physically fit
My whole career I've worked with people much older than me and seeing all their physical limitations.
I prefer still being able to run and bend and stuff

>> No.28591199

jesus.. leave him alone
he's just trying to make it

>> No.28591415

I think Napoléon was pretty much exactly average but all his generals were giants so it gave a perspective that he was a manlet that the British used in their propaganda.

>> No.28591568

Ceasar got rekt by his own adopted son, Napoleon you can't even spell and he rekt his army in Russia because his (((handlers))) told him to and hitler was a rothschild bastard offspring working for the same people as Napoleon.

I met two geniuses in my life with over 140 measured IQ, one is indeed a manlet, the other is 187cm tall. Your hypothesis is pure cope and height has nothing to do with brainpower which is mainly genetics

based on your examples, being a xoping manlet makes you prone to being a manipulated cunt because your ego suffers heavily from knowing the truth; manlets are just short people and it doesn't offer any advantage other than needing less food (and that just marginally)

>> No.28591665

why don't you just do like coping baldies do and hit the gym? don't fuck your legs up for peace of mind that you could get by doing some work

>> No.28591784
