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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28799092 No.28799092 [Reply] [Original]

>£60k to my name

>> No.28799185

you want medal?

>> No.28799289

What? I literally want to kms

>> No.28799290

>6 figures hell

>> No.28799326

lmao this guy is poor

>> No.28799338

More than 99% of 27 year olds in the UK, what are you complaining about?

>> No.28799389
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>5k networth
>living with parents
>I didn't shower for the last 2 months
>I smell my armpits while I masturbate

>> No.28799424

I'm 27 already and I'm not even 6 figures

>> No.28799459
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still better than me
> 32
> $45k
I had this much money few years ago, but got depression. I didn't work for some time and burned almost all my savings on food, rent, therapy and trying to find something enjoyable.. Worst thing is, it's happening again. I think an hero will be easier then lying to myself I will find happiness eventually.

>> No.28799589

thats not even bad, could be way worse.

>> No.28800296

Another not so subtle humble-brag thread made by an insecure loser
Many such cases
Have sex

>> No.28800413

i'm 21 with 100k and still want to fucking die

>> No.28800453

I have a house and hardly any bills or debt but I only make maybe $3000 a month. I only have like $400 in cash savings. When you guys are feeling bad just remember how bad i've got it.

>> No.28800740

>160k eur (+170k eur apartment)

not sure if i will ever make it

>> No.28800778

>almost 93 k
just kill me.

>> No.28800821



home owner

>> No.28800850

i worked in helsinki for a little over a year
kinda boring small town vibes but would be a cool place to rise your kids and settle down when you're old

>> No.28800999


Hoping this bullrun will bring me to 6 figures. Started w/ 6k, happy overall. Be happy with ur gains man jeez

>> No.28801063
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I'm pretty happy desu. Just wish I could leave the house and meet a lass.

>> No.28801253


The last 7k feel impossible bros... I won't even manage 6 figure hell

>> No.28801362

could you explain how did you make it?

>> No.28801423
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>> No.28801571
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>3k in my name
>work 10 hours in my own business
Being a third worlder sucks big time.

>> No.28801720

Man, you are doing well for your age, believe me.
I would kill to be in your shoes.

>> No.28801942



>> No.28802039

60K is good you fucking moron

>> No.28802139

>only $300k net worth

>> No.28802141

Any debt? Live in an apartment or with parents?

>> No.28802145

quit your bitching

>> No.28802307

What are you talking about, that's great. I'm 29 and my networth is about $5k

>> No.28802403

Are these threads actually LARP threads? Most of people around me who are 25-30 are either studying or living wage to wage.

>> No.28802477

most people are retarded and you shouldn't compare yourself to them

>> No.28802522

>~10k net worth

You've still got a few years to cultivate an alcohol dependency and blow all of your money on women so you can be a Chad like me

>> No.28802561

this is a biz and finance board, so it will seem everyone has money but in fact its the opposite dont feel left out.

>> No.28802761

probably. I'm 27 net worth around 20k and most of my close friends and acquaintances are very poor. luckily going to law school soon so don't have to care if i make it on crypto

>> No.28802807

>are these threads actually LARPs

Jeez, anon. Nobody would tell a lie on the internet, especially not on an anonymous Mongolian Basket Weaving board.

>> No.28803002

how can you be happy at 31 with 17k networth while you live with (I assume) your parents?