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28941777 No.28941777 [Reply] [Original]

Why is wasting electricity to get intangible internet points so hot again? Musk literally doubling his "money" hypetrain. China farming those points before you even knew what crypto is. Why are you a part of this epidemic?

>> No.28941887

It is the future of finance.

>> No.28941946

>wasting electricity
Is what the power plant does if we don't consume all the energy it puts out. So you better scoop up all that energy and convert it into value that you will put back into your community by buying things

>> No.28942045

>normies dont understand inflation of fiat currency
>expect them to understand a currency that can double in value in a week
some sort of digital currency is obviously the 'future' but i dont see people buying shit with a currency where you buy stuff with 0.0000001 btc. It's the opposite of hyperinflated currencies where a coca cola costs a million. no one wants that

>> No.28942057

One could argue that certainty IS value.

Knowing that 1 Bitcoin is truly 1 Bitcoin is valuable the same one someone knowing 1 gold bar is truly 1 gold bar.

>> No.28942127
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This is simply the first step

>> No.28942537

>electricity for mining is wrong
>millions of normies burning 9 million barrels of gasoline per day on the USA alone to support the nigger cattle debtslave economy is fine

>> No.28942628

I was farming bitcoin before china knew what crypto was

>> No.28942761

1 Bitcoin is 100,000,000 sats (or Satoshi’)

0.1 Bitcoin is 10,000,000 sats

0.01 Bitcoin is 1,000,000 sats

0.001 Bitcoin is 100,000 sats

0.0001 Bitcoin is 10,000 sats

0.00001 Bitcoin is 1,000 sats

0.000001 Bitcoin is 100 sats

0.0000001 Bitcoin is 10 sats

0.00000001 Bitcoin is 1 sat

0.000000001 Bitcoin is 0.1 sat

0.0000000001 Bitcoin is 0.01 sat

These can be used as cents/dollar equivalent and make sense as reserve currency

>> No.28943104
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Crypto is the way the world can and is able democratize the value of electricity . its basically a technology race to efficiency

>> No.28943416

GPUs become more energy efficient over time and mining DOES have an end point, at least for BTC.

>> No.28943895

just call 0.00000001 btc 10 bitboings and your "problem" is solved.

>> No.28944766
File: 192 KB, 2000x2000, de2m3i9-873133a3-ef07-490b-bc8b-af84883fecb2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i dont see people buying shit with a currency where you buy stuff with 0.0000001 btc. It's the opposite of hyperinflated currencies where a coca cola costs a million

>> No.28944827

cryptocurrency is opposite of a loan on goods or services.
you pay let's say 100$ today to get 1000$+ of goods and services few years down the line. how? because of inflation.
this is very dumbed down and oversimplified and the reason why someone would still spend coins instead of waiting forever - well you gotta eat when you gotta eat, and medical emergencies happen to anyone.

>> No.28945095
File: 194 KB, 776x393, h1YvoRb[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people believe in crypto only insofar as they can exchange it for "real" money.

gotta love arguments like "its not the same as money dude lol get educated" when they/you literally salivate over it's assigned value by other currencies.

>> No.28945279

Tourist detected.

>> No.28945510

Environmentalist nocoiners are probably the most useful idiot brainwashed people on the planet.

>> No.28945538

you can't get lower than 1 sat,its indivisible

>> No.28945754

Yeah, but think about 1 sat. If BTC valuation would be 1 000 000 USD then 1 sat would be 1 cent. 10 000 000 usd / BTC would make 1 sat 10 cents, so I don't see any problem here.

>> No.28945877

>you will put back into your community by buying things
Fuck you I'm living the poorfag life with a 7 figure portfolio

>> No.28946558

Digital scarcity is just worth it. Nation states printing out money and pushing for endless economic growth is destroying the earth.

>> No.28946705

the power isn't wasted brainlet

>> No.28946707


>> No.28946760

mining isn't the only way

>> No.28947867

as opposed to what, the amount of energy that goes into making it possible for HFT bots to execute trades 1ms faster (and the alterations to the environment this also sometimes requires) or the power usage of the entire internet most of which is being used for entirely pointless trite like facebook/twitter/youtube etc

fuck off nigger retard, environmentalists literally contributed to billions of tons of pollution since they decided to get mad about nuclear energy and force the world to keep relying on fossil fuels for decades

>> No.28947956

it's literally that simple

>> No.28947961

Where is the based hotelanon when we need him

>> No.28948836
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nice trips, faggot
>Why is wasting electricity to get intangible internet points so hot again?
>Why are you a part of this epidemic?
It funds the development of A.I. so you idiots aren't in charge of running our home planet anymore.

>BTC = Chuck E Cheese tokens

>BTC as a pump and dump vehicle

>BTC as a hedge against global central bank jewery

>BTC as the biggest functional global payment network that isnt trashed by hyperinflated national currencies

>BTC as a means for fintech programs to manipulate and gain control of the global economy

>BTC as a means for fintech programs to exchange value amongst themselves while normies clamor for the return of "hard money"

>BTC dumped for something else that better correlates to the value of computational value. Human normies fucked and powerless. Anyone with half a brain already is already a cyborg and off planet.