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File: 73 KB, 512x512, ZE8LxNBf (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28945410 No.28945410 [Reply] [Original]

I can't decide between these three. I already have some in GRT but I don't know if I want to double down or not.

Help me decide which one of these is most likely going to 2x or more and why.

>> No.28945458

get all of them

>> No.28945555

All of them are pretty good.
I only own Fantom though.

>> No.28945578
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>> No.28945628

ALGO is probably the one with the most potential.

>> No.28945662

Always gonna pick FTM its still so early and like 10x less marketcap than the rest with the same or arguably better tech.
Until that gap is filled it's not even a question for me

>> No.28945688

Among them ADA/ALGO with preference for ALGO as it's more undervalued.

But overall non of them, AVAX and Dfinity are the only sound ones.

>> No.28945726


Do you want more upside potential or less downside risk?

>> No.28945919

>FTM better tech than ALGO
lmao go back

>> No.28945968


>> No.28946907

less risk, have to be away for my degree

>> No.28946968

FTM is the best choice

>> No.28947057


>> No.28947072

Avax doesnt even guarantee finality where algo does, extremely quickly at that

I'm legit curious why people think avax is so viable.

>> No.28947539

Cardano long term has the best potential.

Ouroborus Cardanos consensus protocol was taken by Polkadot and made more centralized for their coin.

Algo is probably 2nd best if you're a poor fag and want a more risky play than Cardano.

Fantom is a shitcoin.

>> No.28947777

agreed. this is yuge
once this spreads to normsville, it's gg.

>> No.28947848
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checked, it is settled,

>> No.28947988

buy ADA if they deliver on their promises this year

>> No.28948053

>I own ALGO so now other coins can't have better things because I'm emotionally attached now

>> No.28948062

parachains do not compete with VMs

>> No.28948068
File: 161 KB, 1200x806, EdHEIIEWAAAt357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polkadot has over +350 projects being built on it and a lot of ethereum DeFi projects are moving over to Polkadot. Cardano, Fantom, ALGO, AVAX etc. are just vaporwares with literally 0 adoption by dapps or other DeFi projects.

>> No.28948131

More upside potential I want bigger gains

okay I see

Thing is I have my portfolio split in grt and Band atm. Thought the moment band goes back into the green I think I will sell it.

>> No.28948179

Sage all ADAfaggots

Buy 100k fantom and retire in 3 years.

>> No.28948199

Quads confirm that ALGO is the coin to buy.

>> No.28948702
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Definitely go for Zenon Network, ticker is ZNN.

>> No.28948781

Look up their leaders it could help decide.. ada: led by underachieving manchild who does more shilling than actually contributing to academia; polka: led by genius pedo weirdo; fantom: led by self-described Korean "Elon Musk" (take that as you will); algo: led by a Turing Award recipient who created zero knowledge proofs.

>> No.28948814
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>> No.28948883

Algorand is the banker's choice ;)

ALGO $500 in the next 10 years

>> No.28948971

i have to admit ive bout a little too much crypto lately. If everything does crash soon i will pickup a fat lil sack of algos though, thats the one project i like but dont have money in

>> No.28948979

Fantom will x100 from here?

>> No.28949012
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I've made up my mind.

>> No.28949024
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One legitimate answer. Wish you all the best anon

>> No.28949071

send it

>> No.28949224

Get rich play is fantom safe play algo. Algo will steadily go up but they will also dump coins if price rises. They want a stable coin.

>> No.28949471

>>28947777 checked
>article written Mar 2 2020
I'm bullish on ALGO though. My second biggest hold after ADA.

>> No.28949481
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I’m betting on fantom

>> No.28949516

This. Shit's gonna be huge.


>> No.28949591

What is this absolute pajeet fuckery

>> No.28949710
File: 85 KB, 1425x516, 001-hbar-usd-dev-tool-MINOR-edit-for-ada-facts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked. But quads lie.

>How long has it been? 3 Days? 4 Days? It's crabbing at 84 cents
>No smart contracts still after 4 years. deadlines keep getting pushed back and back despite muh April deadline (was December before)
>No projects being developed for it (Polkadot already has ~360). no one can post a link to any projects
>Scaling still 2 years away (phase 4 of 5). everything is hypothetical
>Governance still 3 years away (phase 5 of 5)
>Only 40,000 transactions on it currently a day. Ethereum does 1.5 million.
>My wife is leaving me
>Literal ghost chain, Tron and BNB have more utility. charles is spamming transactions with high volume to make it look like people are using it
>Almost certainly a security
>He had dinner with Shatner, a fucking leaf
>This will crash the chink gpu farms in favor of white countries to virtue signal for Africa
enjoy alt season as this pumps with everything else but those bags are going to be heavy afterward

>> No.28949743

ALGO is great and is my bet on winning too, but the tokenomics aren't good for moon. Actually they try to manipulate the price to keep it rather stable for a coin, makes it easier for institutional adaption to have less volatility

>> No.28949809


FTM will be the future.

>> No.28949836

This, you can instantly tell who the faggot childish redditors are when they act like retarded pussies about their coins.
Mentally ill untermensch.

>> No.28949901

algo and ftm will win long term

>> No.28949915

>ALGO has 0 adoption
You don't know what you're talking about, it just has more legit project, government-based projects rather than pajeet rug pulls, and shitty Defi yield farms that routinely get hacked.

>> No.28949968

Or you could do some performance tests yourself and extrapolate for public scaling.

>> No.28950102

I'm betting mostly on DOT due to intersection of network theory, fundamentals, and development community

>> No.28950192

Algo has the most guaranteed profit long term with auto staking that you can opt out.
ADA is good but unstaking takes like 30 days

>> No.28950231

The pedocoin is the one which will give you more profit short term due to the parachains

>> No.28950412

Checked. You can't go wrong with FTM or ALGO of these four, OP. Especially in terms of room for growth and tech.

t. FTM holder.

>> No.28950529

Same lol

>> No.28950846

> ADA is good but unstaking takes like 30 days
Factually incorrect. There's no locking. You can spend your ADA at any time.

>> No.28950873

But if you think it is going to win, you realize that means a HUGE market cap for it. So you will make a lot of money on it regardless of whether they try to stabilize it.

>> No.28950884
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I got a performance test right here for you nigger.

>> No.28950962

DOT or maybe ALGO. ADA is just empty promises from a fatass and idk much about FTM

>> No.28951104

Algo isnt on there... also Fantom on their own website claim their consensus protocol can only tolerate 1/3rd faulty and/or malicious nodes which is laughable.

>> No.28951151
File: 66 KB, 720x713, f9b3e8537518b212ee84d1d8edce56bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FTM. Working pilots with Ukraine/Afghanistan and they'll use those finished products to close the deal on Australia/Dubai. Not to mention a full defi suite, the defi god himself Andre advising, and low mcap. It's an iq test.

>> No.28951175

Cool. Now show me screenshots of your local replications instead of an infographic. You aint in /pol/ anymore, newfag.

>> No.28951193

>scamtom, whatever you do AVOID

>> No.28951314

Get all 4, no way you lose

>> No.28951415
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Uhhh ok? Lmao.

Afghanistan government:
Fantom in Health - https://forbes.com/sites/lukefitzpatrick/2020/07/06/fantoms-blockchain-tech-is-being-trialed-in-afghanistan-to-solve-a-surprising-world-health-organization-who-problem/?sh=350264aa3844
Fantom in Energy - https://finance.yahoo.com/news/blockchain-firm-fantom-unveils-pilot-193717908.html
Fantom in Chamber of Commerce - https://fantom.foundation/blog/acci-fantom-pilot-program/

Dubai government:
Fantom in Smart Cities - https://cointelegraph.com/news/smart-dubai-initiative-receives-a-boost-as-dag-platform-comes-on-board

Ukraine government:

Korea government:

>> No.28951476

forget about algo & fantom, get most DOT, then BNB, then ADA

>> No.28951477

Hold 10% of prq and never sell.

>> No.28951504
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No dont buy fantom its a massive scam.

>> No.28951579

DOT and Fantom /biz fren

>> No.28951679


>> No.28951691
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Definitely a massive scam, I fucking hate Andre Cronje.

>> No.28952170

Within 3 years? I'll hold you to that, you better not lie to me, fren.
How about x1000 within 8 years?

>> No.28952586
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Lmao are you actually crying because fantom is secure?
This is some very bullish FUD.

>> No.28952903
File: 11 KB, 800x800, Polkadot_symbol_color.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

numerous projects already going
$100 April 2020

>> No.28953213
File: 107 KB, 702x1013, 1613187498227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 3 years FTM will be over $100.
Screencap this.

>> No.28953412

All of them. Buy Algorand at a lower price though(month or so later).

>> No.28953564
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>> No.28953626
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dubs confirm EOY x10

>> No.28953811

>cringe beta dev
>candy randy mastercardy ahem

>> No.28953955

Buy the least shilled coin here between all those 4, it means the holders are already comfy with his stacks without the need of shilling

>> No.28954004

English is hard... tolerance of only 1/3rd of faulty nodes is NOT secure. Avax tolerates up to 80%. Bitcoin and eth have to be 51% attacked.

>> No.28954135
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Hmmmm, I wonder which one that could be....

>> No.28954196

Just for clarification for the brainlet this was in response to: 33% < 51% < 80%

>> No.28954227

Based af
They dont deserve people like you anon

>> No.28954290

>bro my chain can handle 80% faulty and malicious nodes!
>that means its better than yours because we let more scammers get away with their scams!
Critical thinking is hard as well...

>> No.28954450

Atom, polkadot and solana are the only competitor blockchain solutions worth a damn. The rest are just pajeet memes

>> No.28954470

fucking newfags

The only ones that will survive longer than 5 months are polka and ada and polka will be dead in 2 years.

>> No.28954579

>t-the only good ones are the ones I own

>> No.28954794

I only own Atom out of those. But can recognize there’s at least dApp development on Polkadot and Solana is valuable just because of Sam.

What other competitors have any non-Pajeet development? I’m genuinely curious

>> No.28955013

fyi...and this is not a shill...

recently Grayscale opened up a trust for ADA and DOT

>> No.28955058
File: 64 KB, 945x332, 64900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This FUD is so incredibly bullish.
Look at what's happening here. Someone is tripfagging as "Cardano Gary" to FUD Cardano. People like this actually exist. They think they have enough power to FUD a top 5 coin to a lower entry point, so they can buy in cheaper. I'm actually impressed.

>> No.28955275

Nice straw man, dipshit

>> No.28955347
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>the BFT protocol has the most potential

>> No.28955415
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proven broken coin will win

>> No.28955607
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Not DOT but Darwinia RING and stake it

This is still part of the Polkadot and Web 3.0 ecosystem

>> No.28955687

XLM with these?

>> No.28955724

I have a piece of advice for you
don’t follow this scam that they try to shill on this thread
if you want to use good instruments and bots for trading you should check Bot Ocean
Thank me after, boi

>> No.28956179

This is a trannie IP grabbing operation.
Do not listen.

>> No.28956601


>> No.28957287
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Algochads check in

>> No.28957595

ADA and DOT for the win !!!

>> No.28958016
