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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28963171 No.28963171 [Reply] [Original]

Will these pisscoins be worth something or should i sell what i have left?

>> No.28963307

PnD by telegram groups
They will rise again in the coming months but may very well never reach ATH again

>> No.28963320

boomer pls
it's all about bsc rn

>> No.28963397

Did PLT dump already?
I used to laugh at it because it was run by London Pajeets.

>> No.28963541
File: 61 KB, 720x644, 130540245_857798971664991_1705994620831761926_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dunno about asko, but plt is a PnD, and scam. they pulled all liq for a token swap, and now that swap is delayed by a week. I suspect that liq and they will disappear by monday

>> No.28963643

there are still high hopes for PLT if they have any marketing at all
The privacy mixer, aggregator and lending functions will be huge by EOY but im also a bit bearish short term, they keep delaying this shit

>> No.28963701

I feel like these were likely p&ds but they willl recover in alt season
Ktlyo is undervalued atm fyi

>> No.28963810

That doesn’t make any sense why would you pull liquidity to scam?

>> No.28963848

Can someone give me some hopium regarding ASKO? I've got some heavy bags.

>> No.28964001

PLT is still a play once the token swap takes place there should be more hype around it. Asko on the other hand is run by a team of incompetent devs. I’m thinking that needs to be dropped

>> No.28964091

Zero hopium anon. Why didn’t you sell pre main net?

>> No.28964166

Seems like the bottom is in, could see a pump when the website is fixed and people realize its a legit project

>> No.28964263
File: 62 KB, 497x219, binance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No binance or exchanges coming confirmed by ceo himself. team run by 3 dudes who look like they sale knock off rolexs in a alley and their ceo was a dog pic how retarded and unprofessional to release a team pic like that when all eyes are on you. also the "ceo" owns like 40% of the coin supply and is dumping slowly he paid like 18k for half the coins at like 000.5 cents.

>> No.28964365

they still have a wallet with over 1mill in liq just sitting out there plus everything unknown they can dump on the exchanges. Do you think that doesn't look juicy to Arnie the pajeet wrangler? I have seen more "legit" projects rug for less

>> No.28964616

Arnie is already rich so that also doesn’t make much sense. Your fud gives me an erection that could cut diamonds.

>> No.28965107

Bernard Madoff was very rich too

>> No.28965232

And he robbed people of billions not a few grand from shit coins.

>> No.28965252

i sold at a loss when i could have sold at .30c. just pull your ASKO, and divvies out. put them into IOTA, and relax.

>> No.28965369

Jesus, people here are dumb.

ASKO went down because /biz/ didn't like the website.
PLT went down because they're rebranding

Just hold, and they'll go up once they start to get results and gain traction off this paperhanded shithole

>> No.28965463

They've hired a marketing company, so you'll see hype soon enough. Sell when you make SOME profit, just to save face, or hodl

>> No.28965538

I don't think it will go much lower. Might as well hodl and hope for a miracle.

>> No.28965641


>> No.28965762

More like Q2. Why do you expect shitcoins to just constantly make x100 every week? Don't you remember how shitty LINK performed for like a year?

Your impatience is why you haven't made it yet.

>> No.28965935

the numbers are too small for this to be a pnd/rug pull. If it is that they need to pull the rug further down the road. Too elaborate for just a couple milly.

>> No.28966494
File: 8 KB, 222x227, yoyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better move it all into JIGSTACK. Much higher chance of doing that X100

>> No.28966703

Hopium will be that if it does pump in the next week or so, you will /biz FOMO in so fast your head will spin. It wasn't a "rugpull" like most claimed, just the team is not good at marketing the project save the 4chan AMA.

>> No.28966848

he's literally telling people to wait and you're calling him impatient

>> No.28967005

hes being sarcastic you brickhead

>> No.28967071

Neither of one is scam or Rugpull OP, dont listen to newfags. ASKO just has terrible foudners/devs who ruined the release of website + ASKOLend so its pretty much dead and probably not recovering in the near future.

PLT is doing a tokenswap PLT > ADD.xyz they are communicating in TG very openly about it and answer any open question regarding the token swap. ADD.xyz defently has high chances of reaching ATH in the next two weeks.

>> No.28967140

I'm unironically buying more
targeted fud on biz is always bullish

>> No.28967196

Asko is dead.

PLT has the momentum but is undergoing a rebranding and will fly soon after. Moonshot still to come.

>> No.28967201

Thanks to all anon frens for responding. I'm going to hold for a few months and see what happens. If it goes up I'll take some profits. At least I'm staking and earning dividends (which won't matter if this thing goes to .00001, but whatever)

>> No.28967214

I just got rugged by XNS and they’re 100x more legit than ASKO.

>> No.28967497

Asko is gonna take awhile to recover I guess

>> No.28967712

It's a meme, you dip.

>> No.28967805

I wish people would stop bringing these up. I still feel disgust and get PTSD on seeing mentions. DUMP DUMP DUMP.

>> No.28967994

why did you invest into PLT / ADD.xyz if you didnt DYOR ? Just hold it, you gonna profit from it fucking deluded retard

>> No.28968182

I didn't. People just kept bringing it up with reference to ASKO so if I think of PLT I immediately think of ASKO.

>> No.28969163

saw it mentioned in another thread, but can anyone confirm that poloniex will honor the swap? i may re-buy if so...