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29107095 No.29107095 [Reply] [Original]

>What is Litecoin?

Litecoin (LTC) is an open source peer-to-peer Internet currency that enables instant, near-zero cost payments to anyone in the world. With substantial industry support, trade volume and liquidity, Litecoin is a proven medium of commerce complementary to Bitcoin (BTC)

>How is Litecoin different to Bitcoin?

One way to view Litecoin is as silver to Bitcoin's gold, in that it is a relatively less valuable cryptocurrency that is easier to obtain and transact with

Litecoin uses scrypt instead of SHA256 for proof of work
Total amount of LTC is 4 times the total amount of BTC
Transactions are 4 times faster than with Bitcoin

>Why invest in Litecoin?

Litecoin, one of the oldest cryptocurrencies, has proven itself a reliable and secure money with the advantages of name-recognition and high liquidity (available on almost all exchanges), consistently ranking in the top 4 in trading volume. It’s also the second most available coin in cryptocurrency ATM’s. Bitcoin continues to be the ‘gold standard’, but Litecoin has proven itself the silver to Bitcoin’s gold. According to Coinbase’s metrics, Litecoin’s price is 98% correlated to Bitcoin’s

>What's new with Litecoin?


>Support /LTC/ - Litecoin General

Thank the baker; LTC address:

>> No.29107302

>support ltc gernal
closed the thread after this
> faggot get banned for begging

>> No.29107447

That's not even my LTC address. I'm just doing it for fun

>> No.29107493

its to late everyone knows it

>> No.29107828

Only kind-hearted people would donate for shit like this. Those people don't exist on 4chan.

>> No.29108682

265 incoming

>> No.29108712

boomer coin is moving without BTC.

>> No.29108799

Let's LARP about $250 before then, Garry

>> No.29109565

$232 waiting room.....

>> No.29110273
File: 76 KB, 247x250, oooooooooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is unironically the next 10x that niggers are gonna miss and then complain about.

Fuck your faggot food coins and pajeet garbage. If you're reading this, hop on the boomer train.

>> No.29110648

I can feel it

>> No.29110741

Was gonna go all in with ETH but the way how things are looking, LTC is way safer long-term investment as it's so correlated to BTC

>> No.29111368

Please stop talking about BNB, anon

>> No.29111601

I would flame and call BNB a stinky chinky chinese coin but so is LTC.

If it hit's 1k then I have no one to blame but myself for not riding the pump.

>> No.29111713
File: 484 KB, 2000x1000, 214BF9C9-1F43-45A7-9705-F933467A96C5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for making the general every day. I LOVE YOU OP and LTC HODLERS. WAGMI.

>> No.29111745

At this rate, BNB will reach $1k before LTC

>> No.29111913

LTC is a normie coin, right? That's why it's going to make it?

>> No.29112006

on a related note, I panic sold a dip in the middle of the night. JUST

>> No.29112068

It also has a lot of opportunity for growth too

>> No.29112233
File: 52 KB, 1280x720, 125658678667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's more than that. It's sound money.

>> No.29112350

Well its best of both worlds, normie + complete crypto chads (not youtube "ads chads") understand value

>> No.29112351


>> No.29112463

Does OP's pic look like a norman? Thats your answer

>> No.29112510
File: 532 KB, 526x642, claps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trip dubs amen fren

>> No.29112662

You only think you're ready.

>> No.29113059

It’s bullish on the LTCUSD, LTCBTC and LTCETH charts, hasn’t even come close to its ATH from last cycle, tends to go vertical at this point in the cycle after halfening and when it’s at its lowest relative pain point vs BTC - which it currently is. If you can’t connect the dots to see what is about to happen I don’t know what to tell you anon.