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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29275761 No.29275761[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the game plan for when I receive a $20k electric bill in third world TX? Should I use the Samuel Hyde method and tell them a 30 minute long story?

>> No.29276089

ah jeez dude

>> No.29276106

I took these pillz

>> No.29276143

It's only if you're on Griddy

>> No.29276171

my leg bro ...

>> No.29276194
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>14k power bill

>> No.29276215

Holy shit there is no way you would be liable to pay that

>> No.29276297

What the fuck
If there's a power outage in my area that period gets
deducted from my electric bill, not charged extra
What the actual fuck is wrong with Americans

>> No.29276352

>it’s another “red state is a shithole” episode

It’s all so tiresome

>> No.29276381

It's not everywhere, it's just people on Griddy, which is some scam bullshit that low iq texans can sign up for where it 'promises to buy the lowest electricity' or whatever.
Basically a scam to keep people out of being locked into utility rates (like the rest of the 49 states) and into what amounts to a crypto shitcoin situation except with electricity

>> No.29276386

>For the time being, Upshaw, the Dallas resident, has switched his credit card on file with Griddy to one that has been maxed out to ensure he can't be charged for more. Yet even as he has been conserving power, his bill continued to rise, he said.

that's the only way you could really sam hyde it. the power company will just shut your power off if you give them a 30 minute story. but if you stick the credit card company with the bill you can just give them a story about your leg, the pills etc and tell them you can only pay $3

>> No.29276391

Here you get charged 10-50x the amount because the Joomers that own the utility companies are suffering. The infrastructure they haven't maintained at all is wrecked :(

>> No.29276426

Yes, now tell all your blue state friends how much Texas and other red states suck and they should under no circumstances consider moving to one.

>> No.29276490

>Blue state goes to shit
>everyone flees to red state
>red state goes to shit
>everyone blame red

>> No.29276514

I heard the big reason why power was shut down, not from the storm, was because costs were poomping

>> No.29276535

My electricity is £1.50 a day max 0_0

>> No.29276541
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First 20k ambulance bills, now 20k electric bills. Is there any indignity the Americuck DOESN'T suffer? And as bad as Democrats are, how the fuck do Republicans keep getting away with doing literally nothing for their constituents?

Anyway, it's fun to watch. Enjoy the collapse, everyone.

>> No.29276549

Texas is a blue state with red state government. It's the absolute worst of both worlds.
Cities overflowing with minorities and hipster techbros
Country full of 'fuck the gubment' fudds.

>> No.29276616

This is lord bidens fault. The storm happened on his watch! 6 million Texans are dead because of him.

>> No.29276655
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>blue state becomes too expensive for poorfags
>poorfags flee to red state
>red state fleeces all the poorfags, by design
quit acting like anyone with money wants to move to your disgusting, miserable shitholes. i don't know a single person who moved to a red state, because I don't associate with faggots who are too poor to make it in a blue state

>> No.29276773

Joe Rogan left and he's richer than you

>> No.29276822

>Elon Musk is a poorfag

>> No.29276829
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>6 million Texans are dead because of him.

Damn that would kick ass. I'm a #BidenBomb now

>> No.29277053
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>automated system fucks up during extreme circumstances
normal person:
>calls them and sorts it out

>> No.29277066

i just moved to central texas and im not sure if its worth it desu, havent been able to shower in a fucking week lmao. i may as well be living in laos or some shit

is there a warm city thats more under the radar? i was thinking maybe santa fe would be nice. or is it time to take the southern brazil pill

>> No.29277158

unless you have fuck you money you're gonna hate yourself if you move to brazil

>> No.29277561

From 24 minutes to 45 minutes in this show they explain how there is a market for power which can cause massive price spikes.

They explain that the ince times are not set up to actually give people good service.

>> No.29277775

The incentives are not aligned, that is.

>wall st bets meets Enron
The DTC from the the wall st bets has a parallel here. And Enron's strategy of creating artificial scarcity has its parallel.

Causing power to cost over $9000 per MWh

>> No.29278061

Southern brazil has like two reasonably good coastal towns. Not the kind of place I'd recommend a gringo retire to unless you like infinite farmlands (or gray and shitty crime-ridden cities where you're gonna be locked up in a gated community) but that's just my opinion.
That's assuming you have enough money but we're on /biz/ so you've probably already made it.

>> No.29278123

Ooooooohhhh say can you see

>> No.29278959

No, but hes only rich thanks to apartheid money

>> No.29279072

FUCK I was just about to take some of my gains and make a crypto mining farm out there. WTF TEXASBROS?

>> No.29279076

in the morning to you as well, fellow slave!

>> No.29279169

Texas has its own power grid seperate from the rest of America because they are deregulation obsessed libertarian retards.

>> No.29279207

just start voting and encourage other to vote Democrat so this dumb shit doesn't happen again

>> No.29279289

there are consistently california plates followed by temp paper plates in my neighborhood. it's happening faggot.

>> No.29279326

>Cali faggot moved to Austin lost power and wants to leave

Go back to your shithole faggot. I hope you step on an aids needle

>> No.29279349

How the fuck is this possible? I literally didn't have electricity for a week. How are people being charged for a service that wasn't fulfilled?

>> No.29279357

The media has been foaming at the mouth to find ANYTHING to turn texas blue. This is really what is happening here. Election in 1 year boys.

>> No.29279365
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>power goes out
>power company charges more

>> No.29279443

I lost my shoe

>> No.29279532

1 jew 2 jew red jew blue jew

>> No.29279642
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So this is the power of capitalism.

>> No.29279688

I’d prefer being powerless and hungry for 2 weeks living in Texas versus spending $500k to live in a crackerjack house in LA and all the other expenses that come with it. Liberals have the attention span of a goldfish and think a few harsh days paints an entire picture of a state.

>> No.29279715

Apparebtly in Texas you can either buy fixed rate or variable wholesale rates. One company offers wholesale rates and people signed up with them tio outjew the electric company. Well that backfired

>> No.29279910

Damn seething this much on a libertarian board about libertarians. Why you even here, faggot?

>> No.29279943
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Because solar and wind are treated the same in the market as gas and nuclear and Rick Perry got shitcanned in TX when he said that nuclear was the future and that hurt feelings.

>> No.29279961

>libertarian board about libertarians
oh no no no no

>> No.29280000

Do you even know what apartheid was you fucking retard?

>> No.29280052

Yes and unironically. The entire point of gold and BTC is giving the middle finger to governments and banks.

>> No.29280107

It is largely because California is either being crushed by floods, homelessness, scat, fires or a combination of the above 90% of the time so when Texas has a problem (caused literally by out of staters pushing inefficient methods on TX) it becomes a point to attack TX.

And even then the people suffering are mostly in places like Austin anyway.

>> No.29280155

My economic instructor had a really smart plan for when our city got hit with thunderstorms. He always stocked up on a gasoline generator and some jerry cans.

When the weather hit, he'd charge people $5 or something an hour for use. Undercut the big man and just deliver directly to the people (Granted it was for smaller utilities, not a whole house).

>> No.29280160

Checked and BASED. You can smell the liberals in this thread

>> No.29280170
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>Yeah bro, green energy is the future!!
>*Shits the bed when there's a little snow going on*

>> No.29280335

>everyone in texas thinks everyone out of state is from california


at least texans irl are nice people, the colorado-esque elitism is a little much though

>> No.29280382
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>>Wind turbines work in the cold, as people in Greenland and Denmark can attest
pic related

>> No.29280425

Because Texans are too stupid to winterize their windmills.

>> No.29280491

current wind output is 3x what it was during the storm
>t. monitoring real time conditions all week

>> No.29280515

Immense cope