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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29449042 No.29449042 [Reply] [Original]

>For more than a decade, progressives have tried and failed to impose a financial transaction tax. But there is new momentum for such a levy as the national debt skyrockets during the pandemic and in the wake of the GameStop trading frenzy that shined a bright light market structure concerns.
>The White House told CNN Business on Sunday that a financial transaction tax on GameStop-like trading deserves additional study and can be part of a greater evaluation of such a tax for revenue and market stability. The leading proposal amounts to a $1 tax on every $1,000 of transactions.
That's what they came up with after the whole GME thing? More taxes? Another way to fuck us over? So much for helping the little guy.

>> No.29449087


>tfw most poorfags won't be affected greatly

>> No.29449117

this sounds dumb, also doesn't seem like it changes anything except skims a bit more off for gov which, okay. but maybe actually fix the things that need fixing instead of just talking about it (health care & education)

>> No.29449414

Dems don't help the little guy, they create regulations that fuck small businesses and provide loopholes for the large corps so they get political donations aka bribes.

>> No.29449755

>new taxes
Was this really a shock to anyone?

>fuck small businesses
>provide loopholes for the large corps
This anon gets it.

>> No.29449800

The only thing that surprises me is the fact that you're surprised.

>> No.29449853

Neither party helps the little guy

>> No.29449948

check out this retard

>> No.29450010



>> No.29450011 [DELETED] 

If you don't understand by now that Democrats literally hate you and the meme that they're "for the little guy" is perpetuated by fucking idiots that believe whatever they hear on the lying media you're not gonna make it. /biz/ isn't gonna make it either but I take solace in the fact the liberal shills that came over from red dit are gonna get fucked the hardest.

>> No.29450098


>> No.29450099

So what? We pay that on crypto.

>> No.29450638 [DELETED] 

No one cares about the literal tranny party. The Democrats cannot even do a single fucking thing to improve anyone's lives at any point.