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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 33 KB, 512x320, budz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29594775 No.29594775 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to BUDZ! -Launched 5 days ago (fair launch, no presale)- I TOLD YOU SO EDITION

Seeding an innovative decentralized platform offering high yield options. Utilizing a symbiotic relationship between burning, staking and farming through DeFi to maximise growth and sustainability!
Website - https://budz.finance/
Telegram: t. me/budzfinance

mcap - 900k pre-coingecko/bsc yieldfarm list

The dev made the code himself, this is not another cake copypasta nor fork of any other project. The developer is an established dev on hex coin where he's worked over a year.
You can confirm this by going into the hex telegram and checking user list or asking admins
Ref code benefits both referrer and referee. This ref system will make the coin spread like wild fire.

!!THIS IS HUGE!! Non-dilutive farming pools, the Apy's shown on the pools do not go down as the pool grows in size. This is unique! These cake clones promise huge apy by dumping huge portions of the supply into the pockets of early adopters(the dev and his friends). A few get rich, and most people get rekt. This is not the same, the emissions start off low and continually get cut down. This model is NEW and untested, not the same rehashed sushi/cake BS we've seen for 7 months. Current apy about 2900%

We had our first promoter pop in and tweet (https://twitter.com/Defi_Kings/status/1364627204877914112?s=19))

Also confirmed by dev he's looking into a War on Rugs audit.

Team token lock, possibly more incoming - https://bscscan.com/address/0x6c3d1857Fd7b25364C5B150d3B862d8D6332c38a#tokentxns
Liquidity is locked - https://bscscan.com/address/0xc9348ecfaec993aa9f9da202f20a0d2027fe0fd0#tokentxns

buy here - https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x1e0A4D330b60BaBf3386125aeD73b81C6afC8526

If you want a ref link, request it here, I'm not here to shill my ref link, I'm here because this is STILL criminally undervalued. This thread stays up every day until 15-20mil mcap
I will answer all questions.

>> No.29594970
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For 3 days, I told you guys to get in on the literal ground floor. I begged you to ignore the chart, spend 10 minutes to DYOR, and logically evaluate the project at 300k mcap

Btw that big green candle was mostly 1 person, whom immediately locked it up for 7 days by staking it. No dumps from him for 7 days minimum. 900k is the new floor

>> No.29595290

pajeets OUT

>> No.29595591
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whiter and higher IQ than you.

>> No.29595872

Scammers like OP are using token generators which can be found on GitHub (example: https://vittominacori.github.io/bep20-generator/)) to create these rug pull, PnD shit tokens. They then organize raids of /biz/ via telegram to spam their copy-pasta'd shitcoins. That's why you get so many canned responses in broken English when you tell them their "project" is a scam.

To any newfags around here that cant understand this bullshit: The vast majority of people who ape in to PnD and rug-pull tokens LIKE THIS ONE, end up losing everything they put in. Only the first handful of people that buy in end up making money, which is facilitated by rapidly dumping all over everyone who got in later. All you are doing with these "projects" is increasing the net worth of a bunch of lying, subliterate, third worlders, while risking your money.

This is how anything .finance works. This is how anything .money works. This is how PUMPKIN works. This is how POLONIUM works. This is how YIMPS works. This is how GBOI works. This is how YPANDA works. This is how KEBAB works. This is how SWOON works. This is how HODL works. This is how HOGE worked. This is WYNAUT worked. This is how MCDC worked etc... Et al. The people shilling it were early, and the people buying it now, will be dumped on at some point (often in minutes, but some very crafty scamniggers can make a PnD operation last for days, and in very rare situations, a couple of weeks). Stay away, and thank me later.

PRO TIP: If you can't buy something on a single major exchange, if it is being vigorously spammed on /biz/, dollars to donuts it's a piece of shit scam.

>> No.29595969

STOP spamming the board with your useless weed lmao scamshit: https://yuki.la/search.html?boards=biz&startdate=2008-02-02&enddate=2021-02-23&sort=descending&postext=BUDZ#page=1

>> No.29596346
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and another giant brain has logically evaluated the project and realized the potential. well done

1.1mil mcap

All those projects you posted are forks and copy pasted websites that take 20 minutes to change some assets. This is unique code(NOT A FORK, NOT TOKEN GENERATED). The website itself took weeks to make, it's original. This is an established dev that was working on hex coin for over a year(name one other rug where the dev had any track record at all - it doesnt exist, they all came from nowhere and disappear forever). Scammers work in groups with half a dozen people to post nothing but moonboy "number go up" bullshit while switching IPs. I am clearly here alone, to promote and defend a project I believe in with rational arguments. This coin is not vigorously spammed, it is only me making threads and posting, defending against the onslaught of fud because the coin has a spooky chart.

Since you seem to love copy pasting this shit in my threads I will copy paste this response as well.

also you missed a 4x. this is just the beginning. soon you will have missed a 40x. you cant say i didnt try to help :)

>> No.29597021




>> No.29597379
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I stated my objectives clearly. I'm promoting this coin as close to 24/7 as possible through every avenue I know until it hits its rightful place of 15-20mil mcap.

>> No.29598578
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>> No.29598894

thanks OP, bought in under 0.03 due to your constant shilling, decent gains already

>> No.29599740
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>> No.29601343
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Reading these threads feels like it's been just two autists arguing with each other nonstop for the past four days. Decided eh fuck it and just farm it yesterday cause even if it decides to crash to shit I still get some nice yields out of it. Seems like it's paying off for now.

>> No.29601482

Also who the hell uses yuki for /biz/ searching, just use warosu for that.

>> No.29602178
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accurate. He's trying his best in a shitswamp of clone scamfucks. This is different and he wasn't able to see it despite me calmly explaining it over and over and over what makes this project special

so i guess he'll just miss out. oh well