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File: 353 KB, 828x991, 78993793-2FC7-4B89-B36C-0C12A435D983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29683941 No.29683941 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.29684207


>> No.29684278

Although I agree with the sentiment, I still don’t think this is the top

>> No.29684303

That is why I am All in LINK faggot

>> No.29684390

inb4 schiff comes to slob some knob
it is inevitable

>> No.29684403

so how much leverage is involved in the run-up?

>> No.29684453

he is tweeting too much and therefore losing credibility

>> No.29684477

So they're pushing this guy now. Getting tired of all these gurus really. Stop posting this shit here.

>> No.29684483

buy monero, its not inflated like bitcoin

>> No.29684528

lol number go up

>> No.29684537

Nice work faggot

>> No.29684545

He's right. I can't wait for BTC to fucking go to zero once and for all

>> No.29684560

Is he getting too cocky?

>> No.29684581
File: 437 KB, 895x871, D48BF062-11AA-4E6E-9A0A-8422CAF8AD13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is with all the baby boomer goldbugs infesting this board with cancer?
End of the day the demand will btfo your asses, retard fudders. Enjoy your 1% gains in gold LOL

>> No.29684633

Go fuck your mother pajeet

>> No.29684694
File: 36 KB, 623x450, A922C26B-3C0E-4860-A529-07655B6A6877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>predicted 08 crash
>predicted gme
>literally was right about Tesla 2 weeks ago
so (((they))) are pushing this guy now

>> No.29684704
File: 24 KB, 374x363, A4EC3E3B-DB79-4EEC-92A3-F38E5546A2A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, I’m too retarded to own bitcoin?

>> No.29684794
File: 6 KB, 201x251, images vit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why you sell all your BTC for ETH

>> No.29684827

>If you don't know how much leverage
>you don't know enough to own it

He means like the hedgies that tanked the economy in 2008, the hedgies that are getting rekt on GME, again. Those guys that over leveraged and we all had to pay for it.
Got it.

This fucking guy can lose his other eye for all I care.

>> No.29684858
File: 60 KB, 647x660, Dr. Michael J Burry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BTC is a speculative bubble
Yeah, and it has been since it was $10. Fuck off, you glass eyed boomer.

>> No.29684951


>> No.29685025

he's right
if you are buying bitcoin now you are a fucking idiot

>> No.29685127

Thank god I'm all in on REEF and LINK instead of BTC. Get rekt n00bs.

>> No.29685192

sounds like a boomer noicoiner

>> No.29685228
File: 406 KB, 1192x911, 972-9722564_sad-pepe-you-try-your-best-but-you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this lol
what does a guy have to do not to be considered Jewish propaganda on this website

>be born autistic
>deformed face because of cancer
>get a PhD
>make a fortune solely because of myself

>mfw biz is the only place I come and find a bit of peace
>mfw biz things I’m a Jewish propaganda machine

>> No.29685266

>he's about to buy in

>> No.29685277

kill yourself you piece of shit

>> No.29685342

Except it was newer,l back then, so even if volatile, it t was going up
It’s not new anymore
Be greedy when other are fearful
Be fearful when others are greedy

>> No.29685367

He has been shorting Tesla for like 12 fucking months. I don't think you understand how much money he has lost on that position. Just because it's down 20% from its ATH two weeks ago doesn't mean he's in the green. He's still bleeding money.

>> No.29685374

Actually you earned your degree because of work done by colored slaves you racist

>> No.29685432

He might be early, but he is not wrong.

>> No.29685497

nah he’s autistic he wouldn’t risk his reputation just to gain 1% in price
that would mean he was wrong and this guy his ability to predict is everything
he wood probably off himself if he ever guessed wrong

>> No.29685594

>he hasn’t

>> No.29685655

i believe in blockchain technologies
i however do not have faith in BTC
If BTC were released today it would be the biggest shitcoin

>> No.29685733

To add to this; Burry is a clever guy, but when he makes his predictions it's solely based on numbers. His autism makes him incapable of factoring in the human element and the irrationality that follows.
He will be right in the end, because the market always corrects after prolonged irrationality. But that end could be 2 years, 5 years or even 10 years from now.

Until then, the markets can usually stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent. Enjoy your short positions.

>> No.29685748

at least 3, maybe 4

>> No.29685849

>He has been shorting the housing market for like 24 fucking months. I don't think you understand how much money he has lost on that position. Just because it's down 20% from its ABX two weeks ago doesn't mean he's in the green. He's still bleeding money.

>> No.29685879

BTC will literally be forgotten 10 years from now

>> No.29685905

I’m getting tired of this fucking aspie, one hit wonder

>> No.29686016

That is wrong. If you’re ten years early about a market crash you get fucked over. If you’re late about it you get fucked over. Being wrong about time is being wrong, plainly.

>> No.29686048

Important to remember that he makes alot of claims about alot of things. Do we believe that Burry has enough knowledge of bitcoin to even make statements like this? Seriously doubt it he should stick to what he knows.

>> No.29686046

Housing didn't rise nearly 700% while he was holding onto that short position. It did this time, so by fucking up the timing he got absolutely obliterated, and that's why he has turned into a doom and gloom boomer on Twitter. He NEEDS the market to come down right fucking now.

>> No.29686291

Jesus you guys are so dull
You’re probably some millennial that got lucky on a single investment
How many times does somebody need to be right about stuff that nobody else saw for it to get your attention?

>> No.29686605

his mistake is thinking the USA has any influence over BTC. he's right from the logical standpoint, but china and the rest of the world are the ones that drive BTC while the western world is merely a spectator

>> No.29686711

You're a doom and gloom boomer who has most likely been stocking up on precious metals and ammunition for the past 10 years, while watching the stock market and crypto soar to unbelievable heights. Meanwhile your precious metals is worth the same in USD today as it was the day you bought it 10 years ago, meaning you've actually lost money due to inflation.
This pissed you off because by all rational measures that shouldn't have happened because the global economy has been dancing on a knife's edge all this time.

We will have a 2008-esque crash sooner or later. But when that day comes, people like me will have literally 100x'd our money due to both stocks and crypto. Stay salty, you boomer fuck.

>> No.29686775

>more risk than opportunity
to the current financial system
>how much leverage is involved in the run-up
he's just published a piece that says hyperinflation is on the way and institutions are looking for legal means to short it

>> No.29686848

Literally off on any single point lol

>> No.29686880

(the dollar)

>> No.29686953

I predict bitcoin will go 10x over the next 10 years. Give me your money and I'll invest it in bitcoin for you

>> No.29686962

just one of the smartest investors ever

>> No.29687033

No shit. Retards that point out the obvious bubble like they are geniuses are so annoying.

>> No.29687053

But paper /BTC futures through the CME group are nearly half off all trading volume of bitcoin.

>> No.29687057
File: 148 KB, 300x375, 1599759113849.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin will sustain itself another decade. It's because it's a system, not a product of people.

1. Inherently deflationary in an inflationary global market.
2. Available to all peoples of the world to invest in.
3. Decentralized (enough).

It's been through many major rises and dumps now, I think it's time to accept that it isn't going away. With the way global fiat is headed I'm thinking the golden bull is yet to come.

"leverage is propping it up", not entirely wrong, but that goes for all asset classes in the US so it's kind of a moot point. We get it, the world is on stilts thanks to massive amounts of credit.

>> No.29687063

Well, then you're even dumber than I thought. Because at least the PMG boomers are too rational for their own good, and got fucked because they underestimated just how irrational the market can get.

>> No.29687114

IKTF fellow PhDbrah. People here don't want to hear any truth going against their confirmation bias.

>> No.29687122
File: 43 KB, 419x480, 29f81f880c1c0309da94104131db99c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only i can be the rich autist; not you
when did this guy turn into such a faggot

>> No.29687204

kek. citation needed buddy

>> No.29687446
File: 131 KB, 1024x1009, 1554163281052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wait until they hear how much leverage is involved in society at large

>> No.29687463


>> No.29687554

he's a boomer. there's no changing them, they've never had to experience hardship once in their lives.

>> No.29687595

Yeah he needs a virgin on a Mongolian critter porn sharing website to tell him

>> No.29687601


>> No.29687728

What the fuck. Is this wank and Elon competing for the "biggest faggot tanking crypto in 2021" award or something? SHUT UP

>> No.29687729
File: 31 KB, 615x456, B76FF7F3-0904-4A4C-A221-10D67EEFB8F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's a boomer. there's no changing them, they've never had to experience hardship once in their lives
>literally had to have an eye removed when it was a child because of a tumor that made him deformed for the rest of his life

>> No.29687889

Just sold all of my stack

>> No.29687898

Tell me why that’s the case as if link isn’t attached to BTC at all Btc goes to fuck so does link we all kkkw it. I get that it’s a network effect thing.

>> No.29688094
File: 328 KB, 1240x828, 09761983746134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only correct crypto strategy right now is trying to catch the NWO mark of the beast crypto start-up before it blows up. Could be some shit like ALGO, Tezos... even Chainlink or XRP, though I doubt it. Most probably they're already developing it internally and will just drop it on us.

>> No.29688294


Doesn't make him any less of a boomer faggot though

>> No.29688365

Here's for the past 24 hours.
>paper bitcoin = $4.06 billion
>actual bitcoin = $7.78 billion
Just keep an eye on it. Over the weekly timeframe paper is higher and at contract expiration it exceeds actual BTC volumes. Did you think institutions were buying crypto through coinbase?

>> No.29688366

that's not hardship it's a medical procedure, something young people can't afford to have

>> No.29688464

He is not saying that

>> No.29688475

this, good stats coming from a supposed numbers-autist (or whatever he is, don't care much)

>> No.29688590

Meds. Take them

>> No.29688924


spencer would definitely slob your knob, not peter

>> No.29689147

If you're into gold for the gold, you're into BTC too. If you're into gold for the fiat and are therefore bitching that it's undervalued, youre bitching about BTC, because it's a competition to gold.

>> No.29690074

Once it stabalizes demand will go to zero. Why will people just arbitrarily change their whole life to go into crypto for no real tangible benefit? Is your employer going to pay you in crypto? No, it will go to your bank and you'll have to convert it and do all this shit for what? A chance your paycheck might be worth 80% of what it was? And not being able to even spend your money at a ton of places?

>> No.29690292


bitcoin can't stabilize. as mining rates go down, the already high transaction costs will rise. the whole "digital gold" thing came about because it's completely impractical to use for any transaction that isn't thousands of dollars.

>> No.29690515

A lot. Earlier this week Binance were requiring people to pay interest of 0.5% per day to borrow money for bitcoin.

>> No.29690538

i don't own any bitcoin but this is not the top.
the top will probably blow everybody's minds.

>> No.29690587

>Once it stabilizes
>Will go to zero

God, the level of retardation in /biz/ is radioactive. Anyone who wants to keep their IQ should leave this piece of shit hole

>> No.29690902

>money isn't new anymore

>> No.29692439

How many of you borrowed to buy btc?

>> No.29692560

lol he's shorting BTC.

Literally no other reason for him to keep badmouthing it like this.