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File: 52 KB, 750x734, C4C9D8A3-73CC-432F-AA55-2CF22DAC3C04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29821886 No.29821886 [Reply] [Original]

If I just went with the narrative and bought ADA I would have been so fucking rich but I fell to the dumb fucking narrative that ETH will scale, I swear I want to remove my own skin

>> No.29822116

physiogomy is real

>> No.29822326

I know what you mean. A 4-5x with Eth but could've had a nice 10x with fat fuck charles and his vapourware coin

>> No.29822351

Without a doubt Vitalik is the boss of all bosses in the cryptosphere.

>> No.29822393

$250 in eth on cb what should I switch to and best way to avoid massive amounts of fees? Xsn monero algorand ltc btc bsv what one? Not much but still looking to make the best choice

>> No.29822396

If you think thats bad, just wait until you see what iExec does

>> No.29822413
File: 89 KB, 260x260, charles-hoskinson-thumbnail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sold all my eth for cardanom months ago, feels good man

>> No.29822449

Its like doubled in value in two months chill homie.

>> No.29822490

Suck my dick let me express my pain

>> No.29822536

if you can't control your emotions then eth ain't for you neither is crypto in general

>> No.29822541

I bought GRT at .30 and sold it at .60 I always fucking sell these coins when I'm a little ahead because I expect a rug pull I'd fucking kill to know when I'm holding my ticket to make it.

>> No.29822692

Yes sell the bottom and buy the top of cardano like a the good little poorfag cuck u are lmao this board never changes

>> No.29822732



>> No.29822751

ur not gonna get rug pulled buying shit on coinbase they like vet the developers and shit

>> No.29822866

you've had those tickets all along. It's your mindset that's holding you back, not your coins, Anon

>> No.29823154

Yeah I know it is that's what I'm getting at.

>> No.29823512
File: 3 KB, 127x250, neck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was 500$ 3 months ago fren. Wtf is wrong with you?
It already mooned anyhow, and you're priced out of API3 or any other quality defi. Definitely KYS

>> No.29823902

what a handsome cunt

>> No.29825092

dHEDGE fixes this

>> No.29825961

why do people photoshop shit like this also the pictures of crypto logos on girls with bikinis

like are the people in crypto finance so talentless and uncreative that they can't make their own memes and in-jokes literally just photoshopping logos onto peoples faces as if those people endorse whatever shit coin they've put their money into

someone put time into making that image and probably thought it was the coolest shit, but it's cringe

>> No.29826058
File: 78 KB, 807x1024, 1614011385826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, it's better when we do not even need to photoshop

>> No.29826124

>like are the people in crypto finance so talentless and uncreative
most of us are burnout NEETs that went no where or stuck at dead-end jobs trying to win the lottery with internet funny money.
Why would you expect anyone here to have talent in anything.

>> No.29826606

>what is ZK rollup
>what is optimism
fudders telling you eth 2 is years away don't know shit, a couple of months at most and gas prices are gone

>> No.29826676

umm reefchads?

>> No.29826892

based af