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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29835550 No.29835550 [Reply] [Original]

What are your EOY predictions anons?

>> No.29835607


>> No.29835642


>> No.29835812


>> No.29835847

yeah maybe

>> No.29835852

Probably $1000, but at this point who cares...
Every fucker on /biz is shilling Zero.Exchange!
What a time to be alive.

>> No.29835981

I just know that in march there will be a massive ve dump when the stakes are unlocked

>> No.29836002

>> No.29836031

Either $100 or $5 I really don't know. Probably not anywhere in between because it's either going to remain relevant or it won't.

>> No.29836053

Any EOY predictions for Pangolin? Not looking healthy, desu.
It’s sad Pangolin isn’t mentioned on /biz/ anymore. It’s just too embarrassing to talk about.
Zero.Exchange will have five blockchains, fiat gateways, IDOs, multi-tiered NFTs and more.
I mean at this point you just have to feel sorry for Pangolin then get back to farming your ZERO.

>> No.29836580

4$ fucking sell you bagholding assholes
..i want to buy back in at 20.

>> No.29836672

Did you forget to switch IPs retard?

>> No.29836897

I’m here to promote the benefits of Zero.Exchange to all the new fags who have yet to hear about it.
Why would I be switching IPs? Are you retarded?

>> No.29837064
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I would guess 150 to 300. With ADA at #3 the market is stupid so could be way less. I just want it to get and stay above 100 so i can collect a salary from staking. I read on twitter that we will be able to stake our validator node avax into defi protocols while it is still validating so it will be a third income stream after subnets and staking rewards, plus all the deflation is sweet. Only sell staking rewards, anons. This is one of the tickets to the top.

>> No.29837290


>> No.29837386

Hey Avaxanons, quick question. Do I need AVAX to claim my PNG? Or can I just use ethereum? Problem is I cant find a way to purchase AVAX in my state.

>> No.29838202

You need some AVAX to pay the gas fees on the Avalanche network, if you live in the US you can use OKCoin I believe

>> No.29839389

Zero.Exchange will have fiat on ramps soon, so you’ll be able to use a credit card to buy AVAX via the DEX.

>> No.29840058

OKcoin isnt available in my state, nor is Voyager. Any other suggestions?

>> No.29840693

Are you in NYC? Looking to do the same as well

>> No.29840825

pink wojack ID
i would sell

>> No.29841161


>> No.29841380

Depending on how bad the bitcoin dip/crash is?
Near term, we should hit about 15-20. The long term could be 8IF things get cracking, again 80 -100. Not entirely the fault of AVAX.

But, let's say TA doesn't work and lets fundamentals don't work in crypto. Let say those things. This whole board (and Twitter) has spent the last X months preparing for 2017 part 2. We, broadly, are 100% sure it is coming soon. Additionally, we are 99% sure BTC will go to ~100k. "This is just a dip. 37% 40k" In what world does that make sense? Since when have most of the market participants been right?

I am often wrong, but I think think this is compelling. What if the lead up to now was the run; indeed, many coins reached ATH, and look at the euphoria of BSC. And BTC went from 3k to 58k. Many are leveraged to the gills. BTC is PoW. The miner's "short and dump supply" play to win twice is also persuasive.

>> No.29841383

Take your meds please, I'm tired of your relentless shilling, nobody gives a fuck about Zero

>> No.29841522

You’re clearly rattled enough to post a reply.
What do you think Pangolin fags will do when Zero has multiple blockchains, IDOs and fiat gateways?
My bet is they abandon Pangolin and throw their support behind Zero.Exchange. Should take the price to $10-$20.

>> No.29841551

Tree fiddy

>> No.29841880
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Btc always has 38% pullbacks in bull trends, because every whale learned ta on the internet and thinks fibonnacci levels are magic. Protip: they are.