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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29951550 No.29951550 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.29951622

less taxes

>> No.29951633

You mean Jewish?

>> No.29951659

they arent though? Your country is poor

>> No.29951681
File: 73 KB, 640x470, D090E16C-8F2B-4C03-9F95-A4DF3A94B60F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe america's oligarchy class has more control over government than european ones aka less worker rights(?) and less taxes for big corporations(?)

>> No.29951685

Because Cayman Islands are closer.

>> No.29951688
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Because we literally sacrifice people for capital.

>> No.29951696

Wikileaks exposed how American intelligence agencies help American businesses and undermine Europeans and Asians but nobody wants to talk about it

>> No.29951700
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Work ethic, no faggot siestas and three month long vacations

>> No.29951855


Americans are neurotic and aggressive. The European genetic stock of America is basically comprised of the most ambitious Europeans of the era.

Most of us are still retarded and won't achieve anything significant, but we make good drones.

>> No.29951931


I wish.

We are sacrificed everything to the nursing homes could continue bilk grandma for a another 50k per year.

>> No.29951968

They have OXEN on their balance sheet.

>> No.29951985

Not really

During the (mobile phone) wars something like NOKIA absolutely btfo the American Motorola.
Does Motorola even exist anymore?

>> No.29952027

more like eurotrash witch didnt have land and had to leave, not cuz they were ambitious

>> No.29952067

I find it hilarious that this meme makes America look like a lying ass if you actually know the context of the scene

>> No.29952118

Modern American businessman, to a large extent a regressive type, is in various respects comparable to a crustacean or some insect; he is as “hard” on the outside – as a man of action, as an unscrupulous entrepreneur, as an organizer, and so forth – as he is “soft” and formless in his internal substance. Now, this is true to the highest degree of Americans themselves, who represent the degenerate Western type carried to the extreme. But here we find another of their affinities with the Negro. Inconsistent sentimentality, banal pathos, especially in love affairs, put Americans much closer to Negroes than to truly civilized Europeans. Of this, observers can easily find clear evidence in a number of typical American novels and again, songs, as well as in cinema and everyday life.

That American eroticism is as pandemic as it is – technically speaking – primitive, has also been deplored by American girls and women. Which brings us to yet another convergence with what is characteristic of the negro races, in which the at times obsessive part always played by eroticism and sexuality is associated with primitivism.

Another obvious aspect of American primitivism concerns the concept of “bigness.” Werner Sombart has successfully put his finger on it in saying that “they mistake bigness for greatness.” Now, this trait is not found in all non-European peoples or peoples of color. For example, an authentic Arab of the old race, a redskin, an East Asian are not overly impressed by merely material, quantitative, ostentatious size, including that related to machinery, technology and the economy (apart, of course, from already Europeanized individuals). It is a trait found only in truly primitive and childish races like the Negro. It is no exaggeration to assert that the foolish pride of Americans in spectacular “bigness,”, "BBC worship" in the “achievements” of their civilization, reek of the Negro psyche.

>> No.29952150


Of course it does. It also has a 30% larger market cap. Motorola is almost back to its ATH.

Nokia was a product, not a company. They were unable to parlay their success into anything else and didn't have the sense to start making aggressive acquisitions when they had the opportunity.

>> No.29952203

america has more jews than the entire world combined

>> No.29952221

This. Which is also why China is taking the wheel, you can't win this game against them

>> No.29952243

Americans get brainwashed from birth to be consoomers. This is actually a government policy.

>> No.29952296


Literally 90% of Europeans were serfs until the 1700s. The ones content with this stayed, the rest sold themselves into 7 years of indentured servitude to escape.

The ambitious move on, the content stay put.

>> No.29952329
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If Americans born after 45 were to build the country from scratch it would look like chaz. You just inherited the wealth and capitalist engine built by your hard working ancestors who were better men and women than you in every aspect. But there’s still hope for you if you take pic rel every day for the rest of your lives

>> No.29952335


less limits on greed and profits.


>> No.29952375


what does this abstract bullshit even mean

>> No.29952453


Misguided moral grandstanding. He thinks that Europe treats its population with greater respect, without realizing that the entire point of expansive safety nets and welfare states are to ensure egregious taxation that prevents the rabble from ever building up enough wealth to challenge the established aristocracy.

>> No.29952547

Turns out taking 10 weeks of vacation a year and working 25 hours per week and strangling business with regulation and taxing your citizens to death isn't the best atmosphere to make money.

>> No.29953865

European businesses don't get bailouts every time they bankrupt or in other we practice capitalism without government subsidies.

>> No.29954150

Because you buy everything with debt and live from paycheck to paycheck

>> No.29954275

we euros know how to enjoy life, americans are just slaves working 16 hours a day without bathroom breaks. Do you think wagecage meme could ever originate from Europe?