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29989966 No.29989966 [Reply] [Original]

Which man is more of a Chad?

>> No.29990032

the one with more children

>> No.29990099

The Martian.

>> No.29990121

I unironically admire them both

>> No.29990233

>looks like a scrotum
>gets pegged by a goblin

>> No.29990234

Both are midwit redditors. Got lucky cornering their markets and have a god complex.

>> No.29990300

Bezos lifts

>> No.29990499

It's a pointless argument, both men are among the most powerful people on the planet.
> b-but this one acts autistic, and this one has shitty taste in women, and this one doesn't support my politics
I'm sure they'll cry themselves to sleep at night knowing that they're not what a poor person considers a turbochad.

>> No.29990532

The one who didn't bitch out and get a hair transplant

>> No.29990533

Lizards can't be chads

>> No.29990597

Barely, even on gear he’s pretty DYEL tier

>> No.29990634

Exactly anon. Poorfags will never know how much of a chad you are just by being rich

>> No.29990661
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Round 2

Which man is more of a Chad?

>> No.29990730

So Musk because he didn't bitch out and got a hair transplant. Interesting reasoning.

>> No.29990802

The one with slaves today

>> No.29990808

Neither, they're both pussies

>> No.29990851

elon isn't a chad he's a complete sperg if you haven't noticed

>> No.29990853

there is only one man in your picture

>> No.29990859

>Which man is more of a Chad?
the one that didnt get cut in half by a parasite (yet)

>> No.29991221

Amazon is the greatest company of our times, they've disrupted pretty much every single industry there is. I think Bezos is a bit better but I don't mind Musk.

>> No.29991233

You’re the midwit you fucking clown bezos was a 1%er hedge fundie before he started amazon and elon dropped out of a stanford energy physics phd
God complex is a given

>> No.29991371
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No contest.

>> No.29991655

hes from africa tho, so i go with

>> No.29991936

This one is still so funny. You can't even vaguely mention the monopilization of the media; it's automatically assumed to be semitic in nature.

>> No.29992084

Bezos is a beta cuck. Look at his posture. Very weak. Baby man.

>> No.29992104

Gee what an accomplishment

>> No.29992267
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Amazon was allowed.
>Man of the year
>Literally 1999
>Owning an online bookstore
>Bill gates isn't man of the year
>Steve jobs
>Fucking jeff bezos is
He's allowed to happen

>> No.29992340

>Is allowed to buy washington post
that should say enough
you have ny times and you have washington post
every other paper gets their news from these two papers
bezos was allowed to buy entire washington post

>> No.29992481

The bald jewish man doesn't like certain history books on his platform but allows books on transitioning children to another sex.

Draw your own conclusion.

>> No.29992652
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Charles "Chad" Hoskinson

>> No.29992735
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>> No.29992739

based this

>> No.29992745

Elon is gay. You are gay. Fuck off back to wsb.

>> No.29992756

This. They're fucking cringe

>> No.29994499

They are both balding faggots

>> No.29994591

Both gay pawns

>> No.29995268

Bezos was cuc.ked in divorce by his 3/10 wife.
Musk blocked his wife and mother of his child because she was doing pronoun shit.

>> No.29995620

Bezos, but you don't want a chad as the CEO. You want autist CEO's, See; Musk, Gates, Vitalik, Sergey.