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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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30058790 No.30058790 [Reply] [Original]

I FUCKING HATE WAGING. I fucking hate so much.

It’s not even the working part that bothers me, I don’t mind it because I’m basically useless as a NEET. It’s the working for absolute incompetent idiots that really gets to me. I WFH so I’m comfier than if I had to deal with these retards in person but still. I work customer service taking calls from angry customers all day, mind you this is a completely free service that gives them discounts and they still feel entitled like if they had paid you hundreds of dollars and you owe them for wasting their time. Not only that, but the management at this company is completely useless. They hold hours long meetings and standups going over stupid accomplishments like ohhh looks guys now we have stickers and cute cardboard displays WOOOWWW!!!! While their fucking customers, the real income source, are fed bullshit after bullshit.

I’m so tired frens pls tell me I’m going to make it so I can support myself while I study programming full time and hopefully I’m able to get a comfier job where I don’t have to deal with retards every day.

>> No.30059086

Why don’t you answer frens? Why do you leave me in this hopeless void