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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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30272387 No.30272387 [Reply] [Original]

It took me a few weeks. But its dawned on me using this board beyond larping means I'll miss most of the alt bull run..its just scammers posting their scam farms and redditorspostong their muh bonds are gonna collapse.

Worthless piece of shit board. Well done jeets and redditors you ruined this board.

>> No.30272526

Gme literally destroyed this board. Like obliterated it. I could come here in 2017 and get some info on a coin and get an easy 2x and then leave.
9/10 threads on this board are either scams, FOMO threads, or pink wojaks. You listen to this board and you’ll lose money.

>> No.30272744

/biz/ was on its deathbed before GME but the reddit invasion pulled the plug

>> No.30272787


Checked. I used this board 2017 to now and the last few years this has been where all my gems were found. Now I worry if anything I good is mentioned here.

>> No.30272801

I dunno man, it's still pretty funny to post about link with the boys from the old days

>> No.30272810

Read between the lines ... nowhere will you find such an accumulation of anonymous high net worth individuals

>> No.30272856

this, since crypto all the scam shit got worse with each passing day. Cant look at the catalog without seeing those shitty memes to lure in retards.
Anon Im sure there will be one but I personally dont think you should try chasing an alt bullrun

>> No.30272881

yeah this board is 99% scams and sadly cant trust any of you fucks

>> No.30272902

It is but it quickly gets burried by shitposts. Then once it's x100 people FOMO in, get dumped on, and complain that /biz/ never tells them.
That said you can't differentiate the genuine coins and projects from curry.finance without DYOR diligently. And even then, sometimes good projects don't make that much money.

>> No.30272913

Reddit actually cucked us by shilling their shit here and it mooned..Now they are trying iota. Imagine calling Charles based it's just beyond my ability to grasp. This board is now Bitcointalk circa 2016. It's done.

>> No.30272920

I am so fucked up by those dumb asses sharing their scam fck. i will put money only in phore coin and only to get the graphene. I will see x100 transactions per second and get rofit from the sharding tech.

>> No.30272966

Why is leddit like this. They destroyed /pol/ in 2015. It’s unusable now

>> No.30272986

I've been here since 2014. I don't know what shit ass threads you fuck around in, your instincts are probably as shitty as your portfolio.
You could have easily doubled or tripled your money in the last two days by grabbing unfederal or hbar (probably a few I'm missing, but that's where I was), but you were probably chasing shit that already mooned like ada, or investing in some other ancient trash like ltc based upon what it did relative to btc 4 years ago.

>> No.30273294


Isn't there a street you need to be shitting in?

>> No.30273308

It’s bizarre how /biz/ only manages to promote a coin that’s at the tail end of its moon period. Do the posters know this and intentionally mislead people? Or are they just retarded? The worst FOMO thread was BNB. Posted threads at $350 I hate biz.

>> No.30273404

Whats wrong with iota today? Its pretty green

>> No.30273437

Good, now get the fuck out

>> No.30273659

Greed. They think the parabola is just starting.
It's not about promoting it when it goes parabolic, it's just that it gets a lot of attention when it's mooning.
If you only check threads on the frontpage with 100 replies, that's your fault for not understanding how imageboards work.

>> No.30273817

Either way this board is trash. Imagine buying making someone FOMO into fantom when it was 88 cents....
And even when I find threads on coins that have like 2 replies, they’re just telegram shill threads. This board is disgusting.

>> No.30273823

/pol/ took over the republican party in 2015 lol. redddit still posts cat memes and even with 100x more users they're unable to get their faggot bernie into the mainstream much less the oval office lmao.

>> No.30274097

This board is like a TA indicator. You use it in conjunction with other tool. This place I use as a kind of Greed and Fear index. I also FUD coins to test whether or not there are people with deep understanding of the project in those threads that will teach me more about it or if it's just screeching Pajeets.
It's also great to monitor my own sentiment, not wanting to FUD a coin I own is a sell signal to me.
You can also check the English proficiency of people in threads you're interested in, racism is just pattern recognition and it's been keeping us alive for thousands of years before we even invented agriculture.

>> No.30274374
File: 137 KB, 945x745, BNBChad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The worst FOMO thread was BNB

t. totally not an ETHkike, honest

BNB's true value is around $5,000 as of right now. Anyone who bought at $350 and sells below four figures is a dumbass.

>> No.30274436

I own one BNB just in case, just like I bought one ETH just in case a while ago when it was about 100 bucks.

>> No.30274510

You think I like paying $100 in eth gas fees? Just admit that all this BNB threads were terrible terrible threads to get kids to fomo, which will just increase sell pressure when the coin dips like 5%
I only buy coins that haven’t mooned already. That’s my criteria.

>> No.30274520

Biz needs to be split between finances and a crypto exclusive board to return to normal.

>> No.30274541

Biz is exactly as cancerous as last summer. I just spent 9 months away from this shithole and it's literally exactly the same. GME didn't change anything

>> No.30274590

This is a fucking larp. /biz/ has always been garbage.

>> No.30274657

People were posting about bnb before it went to heaven you fucking retard. Your fault for hoping into shit that already got pumped, just go for crabs.

>> No.30274784

The only 'sell pressure' will be from rubes sellng at $350 then wailing as it smashes through on it's way to $1000

>> No.30274875

I didn’t buy BNB cuz I knew it was gonna dump lmao. I ONLY buy coins that have bottomed out after getting smacked by link in 2020 when it went from $20 to like $5

>> No.30274940

Ironically this. If you fall for scams because you don't dyor it's your own fault. We can't shill promising coins because of volatility. Figure it out yourselves.

>> No.30275018

But I wasn't being ironic.

>> No.30275158

Check the charts, stupid. For someone who's trying hard to appear like an '17 og (lol), you sure seem to not know how to dyor.

>> No.30275730
File: 17 KB, 536x178, 1589076759244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every wave of newfags on every board is always convinced that some arbitrary year (usually 1-4 years in the past aka the year they got here) was the glory days and now it's all ruined.

4chan has always been this way, at least since at least 2008 when I got here. It's just the universal, natural cycle of novelty and excitement giving way to familiarity, and it's going to ruin your life and make you one of those bitter queers who wishes they could go back in time if you don't learn to find the next level and make your own fun. Stop whining and start shitposting.

>> No.30276676
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Was comfy before gme favs, I'll be comfy after gme fags

>> No.30276864

this is because things do get progressively worse each year

>> No.30277969

No, you just get bored, and on /biz/ specifically your brain just filters all of the stupid scam garbage that got shilled in the past and leaves you with memories that have literally gone through a survivorship bias filter to even stick in your brain at all. Spergs unironically post like that this place was some kind of perfect goldmine where a person could have come here in 2017 and gotten rich by just aping into whatever shitcoin got posted on the front page. It's stupid.