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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 133 KB, 800x600, DigiByte_Logo_Words-4nnycr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3213703 No.3213703 [Reply] [Original]

A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our bags and break all bonds of ownership. But it is not this day.

>> No.3213721

This coin has been Esper'd. I don't believe anything can save it from meme-death, and I say this as a disillusioned holder

>> No.3213725
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This will be over soon. DGB over all.

>> No.3213731
File: 716 KB, 3048x1485, Digiweb-Hospice-Photo-16-Sept-2011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes you have been to believe...

>> No.3213737

I'm not trolling here - DGB is a fucking joke.

As I ask whenever someone is shilling it, what is the USP? what does it do?

Its a wankcoin

>> No.3213744

Be faster than bitcoin

>> No.3213750


OK - but isn't that just LTC?

>> No.3213757


Is it a case of: it's faster than bitcoin, because it has so much less traffic than bitcoin?

Not just something levelled at digibyte - I'm genuinely curious to see how any other crypto would hold up to dealing with btc levels of volume

>> No.3213760

No, it's DGB. Just take the gamble lol its like 0.13 cent per dgb, invest 10 dollars or something and dont touch it for years.

>> No.3213775
File: 146 KB, 249x640, 1500665473477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its faster than litecoin

dgb is the fastest crypto

>> No.3213898


Blocksize doubles every two years- hardcoded with no bullshit.

Difficulty retargeting after every block- no death spiral, ever.

15 sec blocks.

Yes its faster and not because 'no ones using it' but because they dealt with all shit BTC's going through before the network got clogged.

It's the best blockchain, anon. Of course it mmight be worth nothing even so or it could be set to hit the mainstream and dominate the market over the next few years.

21K DGB. Get yours.

>> No.3214068

200 sats

>> No.3214081

bitbean is ready to pump, I suggest selling your digibyte and investing in bitbean before you miss this new moon mission. I just picked up 100k

>> No.3214288

Buying now

>> No.3214584

Bought 5000 at 2200 sats as a noob back in June.

Watched it drop. Almost all my losses are from it. Yesterday thought fuck it and swapped it all out for OMG and Lisk.

Still holding 1500 because digimarine etc, but wish i bailed sooner but I'd only been holding a month when it had halfed and it felt like a pussy thing to do

>> No.3214596

I'd buy some if it hit 100 or fewer sats

>> No.3214650

My last purchase was 263 sat. First at 1700. I really believe its the best blockchain and that it is in the best position.

>'muh citi'

Its the only publically traded token in the comp. The purpose of the comp is to make partnerships. Bankers want in on crypto.

Do they want to bend the knee to Jihan, or would they prefer to back their own horse for 1000x gains?

Its not just biz thats greedy for normie shekels anons.

>> No.3215307

Same here my dude, although I sold only a quarter for NEO and OMG and made some gainz.

They're not gonna win it for sure, I'm hoping to sell the rest at the last price spike just before the award ceremony.

A shame really, the technology is great, but if no one trusts it anymore it's pretty much over...

>> No.3215396

Yeah its not a lock; I just don't see something like DGB being in the field unless (((someone))) was looking for BTC level gains out of crypto.

>> No.3215420

Is it at least worth to mine?

>> No.3215460

i haz a bag of 100 digibytes. Am i set for life`?

>> No.3215482


>best position

nothing but downhill for months

great position

>> No.3215519


>> No.3215531

fuck it enough for my rolex?

>> No.3215589

2 lambos

>> No.3215609

Ill be FUDing later, too.

>> No.3215610

I have 117 lMAO.
I suppose we can buy an apartment

>> No.3215644

I have 1000 I'm ready for lamboland

>> No.3215767

Everyone with less than 100k of this shitcoin won't Even be able to afford a fucking skateboard.
You do not honestly think this thing will go above 3cents in 2017, right?

>> No.3215776

He knows

>> No.3215782


How is it fud?

Digibyte hasn't made any moves since June, it tanked, and has not recovered even a bit. Grats, it went back above 1 cent after the Bitcoin drama of July. Wow.

>> No.3215987
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>> No.3216008

enjoy y-your fucking scooter IMA HAVE FUN WITH MY SKETBOORD

>> No.3216166
File: 35 KB, 500x294, IMG_7410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Digibyte is one of my favorite memes

>> No.3216507

> it's fallen in price

Well spotted mate! Not buying until the price is high is the /biz/ way. That way you get the most valuable coin! Remember to sell low though.

>> No.3216609
File: 144 KB, 640x360, MARINES DO NOT SUICICDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HODL digifreinds

>> No.3216748

>no moon
>dgb chan no tits

its like pottery.

>> No.3216833
File: 45 KB, 640x720, 1503363764389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
