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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3709954 No.3709954 [Reply] [Original]


just HODL xD!! my fellow magapedes

>> No.3709969

Not everyone sits on their NEET ass all day watching charts and circle jerking on /biz/.

Some of us are productive members of society with gfs and have responsibilities.

Also I guarantee you, that you have lost money day trading.

>> No.3709985

Yeah dude lemme just pull out my crystal ball

>> No.3709990


don't you know how crypto works?

You don't get real life dollars back from it, you just put them in and watch the price go up

If you ever tried to take your money out it would freeze, maintenence on the data base, 40% fee, only $2000/24h max withdrawal and it takes 17 business days for the money to reach your financial institution

Why would anyone ever sell?

>> No.3710011


Reverse sell and buy and you have the average /biz/ poster.

Infographic (I use that term loosely) is shit. Presumes you will get it right 100% of the time. GTFO.

>> No.3710108


Not everyone can do it successfully, but those who can certainly have the right to shit on the failures.

>> No.3710127

someones never been big dicked by daddy irs

>> No.3710142


So it should be updated to have three panels. 1st is the pro traders, 2nd is the hodlers getting an expected average return, and 3rd is the pink wojacks who jump and land in a turd.

>> No.3711042

um just trade it for USDT or BTC or some coin

>> No.3711055 [DELETED] 

Imagine if you had bought Bitcoin at the dips and rode the wave for 15% gains.

100x leverage would give you 1500% returns.

Trade on Bitmex


>> No.3711084

Tether you fucking retard

>> No.3711105

just kill yourself

>> No.3711111

taxes come out of profits

>> No.3711119


>> No.3711133

Dice nigits

>> No.3711193
File: 192 KB, 1010x688, MOON TIME BABY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're severely overestimating the average intelligence of the "traders" on this board.

>> No.3711447

LOL u faget u ALWAYS hodl XD

>> No.3711461

Lost "theoretical" money I could have gained, but net gained only. Haven't lost one cent from my initial.

not op

>> No.3711469

speaking of which, thanks to the retarded advice from /biz/, I'm bagholding EBET and BMC right now...
so, FUCK YOU /biz/. hodling sucks, and it's the most stupid thing one can do


>> No.3711512

Bagholding verge but I expect it to go up after the market upturn.

>> No.3711539

Be careful anon. Some of your tax $$ is being spent on NEETs here that are pumping your crypto instead of spending it like niggers. It's the best solution for now.

>> No.3711899


>> No.3711976

>implying you know when the market has capitulated
>implying you know when it will rise again
>implying you know a temporary bump from a long term trend

>> No.3712262

idiots who look back in hindsight and see everything with 20/20 vision and think they are geniuses because they can make shitty graphs.

>> No.3712272

Anyone know where I can get one of these neat graphs that will predict the market and let me know the good time to sell and buy. Willing to tip some BTC

>> No.3712279

>hodling sucks, and it's the most stupid thing one can do
Only if you hold shitcoins.

Hodling BTC is ez money

>> No.3712293


Thanks to Donny fucking Crypto, I'm bagholding

1) ETC
3) ZEC
4) OMG
and thanks to /biz/ shill yesterday I'm bagholding
5) 1ST

My only profit in the last 2 weeks has been LRC I bought a couple days ago.

>> No.3712315

>Also I guarantee you, that you have lost money day trading.

Lmao at that projection.

>> No.3712318

keking at how true this is

>> No.3712321

How much $ are you down right now?

>> No.3712350


Down about 12% altogether. Have 1 BTC spread between all of these. I nearly put .2 BTC into ELIX when it was first shilled and before it had even moved, but I was pissed off by the whitepaper so I didn't.

>> No.3712381

daytrading crypto is so easy...until you fuck up only once.

>hmmm,the meme lines indicate we've hit a ceiling and price will drop 50% to the last support level, time to sell.
>some bullshit rumor pops up on twitter
>price suddenly skyrockets
>b-b-but the TA was impeccable!!

>> No.3712398

>lose your money to get me paid


>> No.3712403

>he actually fell for that lousy firstblood shilling

how moronic do you have to be?

>muh gamer munnies

>> No.3712429


I got in early so I reached about 50% profit. But then I left it aside for a few hours to go to work and it had crashed

>> No.3712468

we all fall for a PnD at least once...i had the same with SIGT not that long ago, so me calling you an idiot is a bit hypocritical actually.

>> No.3712500


It's ok, you're an idiot too.

>> No.3712617

Get on our Discord faggots, join the MAGAtrain.


>> No.3712778

So every single trade you make is profitable?

>> No.3713006

Someone is salty, guess you tried to trade and lost it... lel, I have literally never went negative trading, broke even once or twice but I come out ahead all the time... It's not fucking hard to see a peak coming and sell, as long as you know where previous support levels are and aren't greedy af trading is easy. I never go for massive gains, just lots of small ones. It's not worth it if your only trading like $100 worth though...

>> No.3713045

Ok but how do you make the price go back in time like on that graph?

>> No.3713902
File: 98 KB, 378x485, 1499399953032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big money on holding, small money on trading. You know im right.