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373833 No.373833[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ask someone who grew up in the top half of the one percent and now works on wall street anything

>> No.373843

As someone growing up in the bottom one percent of the top one percent, what do?

How do I use this?

>> No.373857

would you family adopt?

>> No.373861


define income, background plz

i'm in my 20's so i don't really have a family, my parents have enough on their plate

>> No.373867

what's your job?

net worth?

>> No.373870

i work for a very well known bank that recently (like everyone else) slapped on the wrist

i earn around 250 a year and live with my parents (who live in manhattan anyway)

its pretty relaxing but i could imagine having to pay rent and stuff a real pain

>> No.373871

nice. that's a lot of money for not having to worry about paying for shit. I bet you have a nice ass car

what do you do at the bank, ya dingus?

>> No.373872


>ask for net worth
>i earn around 250 a year

Retard alert
Inb4 i trolled you all biz!!!

>> No.373874


haha i actually use my parents car

externally i'm a prep kid but internally im a 4chinner, as demonstrated by me spending my sick day on here

i deal with emerging markets bonds and used to work with commerical paper

pretty soul sucking

isn't annual salary enough

or did you want my hair and eye color as well

>> No.373877

Move along everyone

>> No.373878

>ask me questions and ill answer other questions

Just funny that a banker dont know what a net worth is

>> No.373880


its not a very proper question

it's like asking someone what size waist they are

>> No.373881

>perfect argument
>look mom i made someone believe me

>> No.373883

seems like everyone I know in finance says the same thing. I know this one guy that used the exact same term: soul sucking

also, we are on 4chin aren't we? wouldn't imagine you'd be bothered by unproper questions :p

I know you deal with EM bonds, but what's your opinion on JGBs and nippon's macro situation in general?

>> No.373885


Plus at this age most of his money is his parents

And OP my income was defined, basically the low end of the highest possible tax bracket in the US, probably not including capital gainz.

>> No.373887

you're in DCM / syndicate?

>> No.373890

>Plus at this age most of his money is his parents

Its no hismoney if its his parents money retard

>> No.373896

What do you think of individuals in the lower tax brackets

How are you politically?

Did you attend private school or any prestigious universities?

Can you judge whether one has similar backgrounds to you based on a quick conversation and analysis of appearance? If so, how?

>> No.373898

fuck the nips

it is pretty soul sucking

i actually was a few classes away from an english major in college, because that's what i really love doing, but i'm a realist about life

the internet is a shitty place to give out personal information, didn't give out bank name for same reason

i was actually latinamerican bonds but i have a dislike for japan because of their economy

solid investment, i don't know anything about trading them

honestly no one at these banks knows more than anyone else, we just get information faster than you guys and have more experience reading the charts


i meant more like area etc, alot of people value that

>> No.373902

You have horrible grammar for someone who's into English. I feel like I'm reading something a 7th grader wrote.

>> No.373905

bb bank?

>> No.373912

>Implying wealthy families completely split their assets the moment their children become legal adults, and do not support their children financially to a degree that, until their child is making enough on their own, may comprise a sizable portion of their child's personal net worth.

>Implying members of wealthy families own everything individually rather than sharing illiquid assets and real estate, which thus would not technically be a part of the net worth of the child but rather of the parents, even if the child retains use or control of it

>Implying more liquid assets in these families arent consolidated as trusts that could be used by a number of family members.

So yeah pleb, it might technically be his parents/family money

>> No.373914

nope. I was already pretty sure and now you're confirmed for sick high school kid/college freshman

>solid investment
>anyone in banking would laugh at you
>no way in hell you have a job

>claim to be close to english degree
>have a dislike

>we just get information faster than you guys

get BTFO kid. not even close

>> No.373915

my grandparents came over on a boat with less than 50 dollars to their name, i don't have anything against people with less money

i pay nearly half my income to the government so i'm right but i'm pro gay pro legalization all of that bullshit

i don't really vote or follow politics unless its related to my job

i graduated from one of the eight schools association and a top-20 school

yeah, it's not that hard. similar schools, clubs, etc. just when people talk about their hobbies or interests it shows. that being said i dont judge on appearance because people will surprise you if you wait long enough

i'm not a grammar nazi, when i write papers or emails i use proper grammar. on the internet its not worth the effort


>> No.373917

Are women on your dick when they hear you're in finance?

What do you look for when reviewing resumes? Are Ivy/MIT students noticably smarter than less prestigious uni students? What is the best thing I can do to improve my CV if I have free time this summer?

Isn't working jin S&T pretty fun or something? Or are the liar's poker days over?

>> No.373918

what makes you so qualified?

>> No.373919

I require proof, but have fun chatting with your fellow NEET friends

>> No.373922

No one in family in finance, but they know a lot of people who are

>> No.373924

you're sales rather than trading, right?

>> No.373928

the government wont default on them so theyre safe

taking a look at the yields they are rather low so i guess you're correct in that you probalby should park your money elsewhere

it's very possible you know more than me about my job i just plug stuff

not really everyone in ny has some sort of calling card that they use to pick up girls

ivies always win, i used family connections. get experience in a relevant industry

if your college isn't that great try and get a decent mba

its boring and hollow as fuck

just use personal connections, money doesn't matter unless it constrains you from doing anything


i schmooze with the best of them

>> No.373931

enjoy the easy ride, sales sounds easy as fuck

>> No.373945



actually if i could do something it would be to be neet and just play video games all day long to be honest

i wake up at 7 to take the 6 train, which is always ass to ass crowded, transfer to the 4 which is more crowding and pushing, get to work, bullshit for x hours, get home, eat, vegetate, sleep.

i just want to play video games and watch movies because i know what i'm doing is dumb and just shuffling money around

or even just do what i've always dreamed of and write a book

but i'm too cowardly so this is my escape

>> No.373954

dude you sound like a faggot. i dont give a fuck about your problems taking a train. if you dont like it leave. you should know how the game works by now

>> No.373957


eh, try it for a while and see how you feel

>> No.373958
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>i earn around 250 a year and live with my parents

>> No.373959

i work corp fin pool at a us bb

>> No.374367

In which equities would you invest right nao

>> No.374493

>i'm in my 20's so i don't really have a family
>i live with my parents

>> No.374541

how the hell is this post still up at this hour? Go to bed already.
captcha: bling jobesti

>> No.374576
File: 261 KB, 1781x1094, op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and now works on wall street
>works on
>wall street
This you, OP?

>> No.374618


"Ask [me] anything"

Doesn't your net worth fall under the umbrella of anything

>> No.374703

are you kidding? try making $250k and see how it feels? warped reality detected

>> No.374707

1.What is the elite classes main goal
2.How much is enough money?
3.What the fuck goes down a bohemian grove?
4.Why do you elites have to be dick holes? you got all the money all the laws all the medicine but you (they?) still want to bust the chops of your average joe, have you not anything better to do like... enjoy life?
5.Would you be willing to give me 100K?

>> No.375894

can I have some money pls

>> No.376183

pls I am poor

>> No.376189

>I have lots of money
>Look at me
>Looook at meeeeee
>Loooooooke ATTTT MEEEEE!!!!EE!!E!EE!!111111111
>Someone please give me attention
>Don't you love me daddy?

>> No.377629

LMAO at OP gettin





>> No.377640


So you're libertarian (lowercase l)

ever think about becoming a Libertarian? The party has a long way to go, but politics is a long term game.

>> No.377672

top lel

>> No.379165

you do know there's rich inteligent people that just simply decide to not give a fuck about how they type'?

in the meantime there's people who want to seem smarter using big words

>> No.379240



>> No.379248

I'm going to apply for a sales role for a financial services company. Anything brief that'll give me an advantage in an interview? Thanks.

>> No.379251

>What is the elite classes main goal
Nothing. Whatever the individual in question wants. Which could be anything
>How much is enough money?
What the fuck goes down a bohemian grove?
>Why do you elites have to be dick holes? you got all the money all the laws all the medicine but you (they?) still want to bust the chops of your average joe, have you not anything better to do like... enjoy life?
What the fuck are you talking about

Would you be willing to give me 100K?
>Calls OP a dickhole
>asks for 100k
Learn a lesson