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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3872516 No.3872516 [Reply] [Original]

You know, I'm a big fan of the idea of paying something forward.

I really believe that there are genuinely nice people out there, together with millions of other dickheads ofc. Internet boards like /biz/, that AFAIK mostly consist of students and young adults, really just reinforce me into my believes - almost all of us are tech enthusiasts and actively trying to solve real world problems while helping each other out.

Before I ramble on more faggy shit - here me out. I'm a student myself and I'd like to run my own business some day (probably blockchain related even, but only time will tell). Now, you see that is my biggest dream, not only because I'd like to run a successful business based on my own ideas and aspirations, or to have money and live a good life (although that is def also a part of it), no. I really want to leave an impact on this world. I'd like to make this world just a tiny bit more equal. Restore the faith of the good souls on this planet and bring down the evil.

What I am trying to say is, I am a broke student and I'd like to invest in Bitcoins, so that I can in return rocket start my own future business and in the end donate a significant part of my wealth to the less fortunate on this world. I may not succeed in my aspirations, but I can guarantee you that I'm going to fight the very hardest to make this dream come true.

BTC address: 185ysid8Wx9nWQFrn9ekwpbmuQe4EneJbE

I'll give it back some day, to someone who'll need it the most.
I promise admittedly anonymously, but for sure wholeheartedly.

And now /biz/, please crucify me in this thread for writing the faggiest begging post of all time.

TL;DR: Today me, tomorrow you

>> No.3872606

usually i dgaf about begging plebs like you but you do seem kind of genuine even if a bit naive. if i wasn't too lazy to get my nano i may would have shared some gainz with you. maybe another day. good luck tho

>> No.3872695

after rereading i realize i do come off a bit edgy or naive. maybe i even am a bit naive, but i guess you got to aim for big goals to succeed, right?

>> No.3873071
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>> No.3873093
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>> No.3873123

ill suck your dick for a cup of coffee

>> No.3873177

plot twist i am actually OP and talked to myself just so I could bump the thread

>> No.3873224

tf you talking about

>> No.3873350
File: 20 KB, 385x382, 1506016753371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off you stupid piece of nigger kikeshit

pay THAT forward you worthless bootlicking fuck

>> No.3873502

Wish I could send you a paper bag full of my shit to your address you fag