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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4217889 No.4217889 [Reply] [Original]

Which will multiply more in the short and long term?

>> No.4218047

Screw it, i'm going with ETP

>> No.4218120

Omisego will multiply more in 2018.

>> No.4218127

Only if they post pics with skateboard in front of mcdonalds.

>> No.4218166

Omisego is vapourware. They failed to code their own blockchain so they piggybacked on ethereum (which also meant collecting 25 million from ico suckers). And even after 25 fucking million they still cant code their own blockchain so they are waiting yet again to piggyback on someone elses blockchain (plasma). They are claiming all omise payments will be migrated despite being able to even test the concept because plasma dont fucking exist yet. They got to 1 billion marketcap because of a fucking skateboard sticker. OMG is the biggest meme in crypto and yes that includes all those fucking airdrop shitters. Absolutely fucking deluded.

>> No.4218176

Partnership confirmed

>> No.4218369

ETP has much more potential.

>> No.4218409


>> No.4218422


>> No.4219108

Modum will flip first then ETP

>> No.4219934

LMAO this is the worst fud I've ever seen.

>which also meant collecting 25 million from ico suckers
yeah poor them, they are only up what? 20x on their investment