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File: 113 KB, 435x380, Screen Shot 2017-11-07 at 16.54.19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4234987 No.4234987 [Reply] [Original]

Is going all in on LINK a good idea in the long run?

>> No.4234993

Yeah, you'll be set for life.

>> No.4234999

As long as you don't need the money, it's a great idea. It's always possible Sergey gets arrested tomorrow and the whole thing comes crashing down, but as far as shitcoin gambles go LINK is a pretty safe bet.

>> No.4235002

how much link do i need to run a node?

Do I need to leave my computer on at all times to run a node?

>> No.4235017
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for newbies into the crypto space, I always recommend the A.I.O.L. investment plan. it stands for All In On LINK.

>> No.4235023

Why would you want to run a node? How would that benefit you? I don't even know what a node is. I invested everything into this coin and I don't even know how it works

>> No.4235029

if people use your node you get paid dividends in link

>> No.4235033

/biz/ in a nutshell

>> No.4235035

None, and yes. You get priority if you hold LINK but its not required,

You also have to have desirable data that people will retrieve from your node.

>> No.4235067


Your arms must be fucked with all those heavy bags you're trying to offload.

>> No.4235073


>> No.4235088
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>> No.4235091

Nodes require valuable data sources to be used. This isn't just a master node thing where you stake for dividends. Your node has to offer value.

>> No.4235093

in other words, LINK nodes are for big boys. not biz tards :^)

>> No.4235095


What is a node?

>> No.4235100

Basically yes.

>> No.4235147

FWIW (stands for 'For What It's Worth') I agree with you that's a good plan for novices IMHO (stands for 'In My Humble Opinion')

>> No.4235272

LOL (stands for laugh out loud) you got a better plan? if not then you can kindly GTFO (stands for go taste fruit orbs)

>> No.4235332


This. I'd imagine in a few years we're going tosee companiesdevelop out of sourcing and providing the best data, or info toget that data. Like how fitness people shill supplements via an imagesharing platform like instagram.

If you can hodl go for it, short term you'd prob be better off trading alts if you're not a retard.

>> No.4235342

An entry on the network

>> No.4235539

I was really hoping I could have run a node, but it's seems even if I got one set up I wouldn't know what to do next. I have 0 coding knowledge so it's a RIP in peace. Sucks because I'm really hyped by this project.

Maybe when LINK blows up and I'm big dick in the game, I can set up a node and pay someone to make it sick.

>> No.4235541

Laugh'd hard m8. Loving ya

>> No.4235556

Sergey is one of the very few guys in this market that I actually trust
He was into smart contract before bitcoin even was a thing

>> No.4235610

OMG (stands for 'OmiseGO') I was agreeing with him!!!

>> No.4235615

If you're a young guy and don't need the money then yes

There's a small chance you'll lose it all and a much bigger chance that you'll be set for life within a year

>> No.4235792

>Do I need to leave my computer on at all times
Not if you use a VPS

>> No.4235999

Look, LINK is better than ETH. It's the next step for Smartcontracts. It integrated real time data and whatnot. Sergey explains it well in Devcon, for laymen like me.
Right now, Sergey and Co. are in deep in NDAs. Don't you wonder WHY LINK is so easy to market (multiple partnerships, potential to be eth 2.0, mentioned by a few companies, etc), yet they don't even have a cohesive marketing plan? It's because it's not yet time to market LINK. Probably a year from now they will reveal it all and at that point, they will market the fuck out of LINK, it's skyrocket, and I'll be making mad dosh.

>> No.4236125

I went all in yesterday, feels fucking good to have done so at the obvious bottom. i told my girfriend and she was dripping wet when i told her about the bottom i had found.

My grandkids will talk about my legacy and about their great bottom-finder grandfather for years after im gone

>> No.4236363
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newbies don't get scammed by this link bs, zap store is a real product not vaporware

>> No.4236442

i want to believe in link.

>> No.4236475
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How much LINK are you guys holding?

>> No.4236492

almost 30k, might get some more

>> No.4236505



>> No.4236509


>> No.4236529


>> No.4236536

150K. Only planned on going to 120K but oh sweet jesus that 1800 sat dip

>> No.4236549


Almost 13K

>> No.4236567

How do I buy?
And in what wallet do I store?
Currently using coinomi for btc.

>> No.4236570

Buy on binance and I'm just keeping my link on binance

>> No.4236572 [DELETED] 

bout 200.

>> No.4236577

50k, will buy more if the price goes down

>> No.4236583


>> No.4236601
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well done brothers

>> No.4236631

So when will the price be lowest? And is binance the best exchange for it?

>> No.4236642

I'm thinking of selling my 2300 OMG and putting it all on LINK after seeing that Indian company's tweet

>> No.4236669



>> No.4236675


Crypto-investing in a nutshell

>> No.4236680

>And is binance the best exchange for it?
It's the one with the highest volume. If you want to go in big, you better use Binance. As of today, we are close to the ATL. Go in now, it's not going to drop below 10 cents.

>> No.4236684
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11k stronk here, sergeant shitter reporting for doody

>> No.4236687

Go all in on Ark, not Link.

>> No.4236728


So when LINK moons and you guys are racing your lambos on the moon, how exactly do you get your money out of LINK and into USD without having it taxed to shit?

>> No.4236848

by being european. no tax on crypto gains...

>> No.4236859


US is only like 15% if you hold for a year. Not that bad.

>> No.4236874
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bought at 15c-35c

holding 28k

could have sold at the top and got 100-120k but I'm too dumb to do that

my family are pissed because I borrowed to buy more near the top
I'm near my initial investment, but had I sold at 3btc I would be rich compared to what I have now

I'll try to pay rent in LINK rather than be forced to sell low, at least I will be happy for them when it does well

it feels bad not being able to diversify, but you just know LINK is the safest hold there is

hold me /biz/bros

>> No.4236878

By the time my Link can afford me a Lambo the tax rate will be 20%.

>> No.4236886

in which country?

>> No.4236911

15%? thats bullshit. what if I use salt, that will save me money right?

>> No.4236944

the netherlands

>> No.4236945


I plan on staying in LINK a while, obviously selling tops and buying dips, but I dont need the money I have in it. THe joys of having a decent job.

CGT is 30% where I'm from, after you take out what you put in plus 1300 euro. I'll wait until corporations here infleunce the CGT tax rate of crypto assets (it will happen as our government are bitches to the corporatocracy; we're the EU coporate tax haven at 10 - 12.5 %).

I'd imagine we'l eventually have a legal, government-backed crypto asset within 5 years, similar to tether. I'll be cashing out into that, and prob using it as leverage for fiat loans (if that's still the main currency).

I plamn on giving as little back as possible. These cunts want to CGT my gains, but wont recognise it as a currency. Where's the incentive to work hard and make profit? Will they cover my losses? No.

SO I literally wont be cashing out to give the government my money. I'll move somewhere else with low tax.

>> No.4237089

Ark requires the devs of all the other blockchains to be "on board" and implement their (presumably yet to be fully developed) bridging code.

It's not going to happen. Chainlink will bury ark.

>> No.4237131

What do you guys think Link will be priced one year from now? Two years from now? Ten?

>> No.4237143


>> No.4237151
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A dirty piece of toilet paper and half a can of spoiled mushrooms.

>> No.4237205

this thread makes me think link is just a meme but I still feel inclined to throw $500 in it

>> No.4237230 [DELETED] 

Get a more accurate meme pic

>> No.4237273

What will link hit in 10 years? Give a reasonable guess. I know its all speculation but i want to know how much to buy if i want to make 3 million after taxes.

>> No.4237297

Only 2018 Will tell

>> No.4237387

Well compared to the price it will get to, it's extremely cheap now.

>> No.4237466

To be honest I like Ark more because of its staking system. It's pretty fucking cool and would mean easy passive income if it reached BTC prices.
If LINK moons I just sell and then I still have the problem of not having money in the future

>> No.4237528
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Lads, I have 50K. And behonest. If I hold for another 3 years. Am I gonna be a multimillionaire?

What do you think the price of 1 LINK will be at in 2020?

>> No.4237565

All in? Is this a joke? You might as well go BTC, create some paper wallets then flush them down the toilet. Same thing.

>> No.4237609

You guys have to face the fact that you made a terrible mistake. LINK is nothing more than a meme.

>> No.4237638

Only holding 5k, its all I could afford, but in the same boat in all other respects. I would diversify if I could but I'm not gonna waste time day trading when I could just put it all in link and at least get a 10x return, but hopefully a 50x eventually.

>> No.4237687

How can anyone be this deluded? It's mindboggling. Oracles are not worth much, don't need a token, don't need nodes. I'm a developer and if you think you are going to make 50x 100x or 1000x gains on some dude coding APIs you are out of your fucking heads. Not to mention the mass of oracle competition out there. You are all crypto version of darwin awards.

>> No.4237689

no crypto tax in my cuntry ;)

>> No.4237707

WTF are you doing here then? Get out there and code a decentralized oracle!

>> No.4237710

No Lambos for you!

>> No.4237722
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At first I felt bad for the LINKies, but now I think they deserve to pay the "stupid" tax and learn their lesson

Keep investing in dogshit anon

>> No.4237724

> confused with the difference between an oracle and a network of oracles
> don't need a token for a decentralized network
> don't need nodes for a decentralized network
> thinks there is a mass competition for decentralized oracles kek like what?
Stay poor. If you were actually a good dev you'd realize that there is no point in using a smart contract if you're going to end up relying on a centralized oracle. Why not use a traditional client-server webapp instead? it isnt trustless in the middle either way

>> No.4237748
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You nailed it

>> No.4237749

Some dude on the internet who doesn't even understand how these things actually work, telling me to 'stay poor' LMFAO

>> No.4237789

Lmao, it is so fucking obvious that you have zero clue what Link is even about.
Fud so bad it shills instead.

>> No.4237815

Some dude on the internet with a wagecuck salary thinks he knows better than billion dollar IT companies like HCL Technologies, Capgemini, etc.

>> No.4237842

I did a full workup on Link deciding whether to invest so I know exactly what it's about. This difference between us is, I understood it actually has no real value. Anyone could do this and do it without tokens, nodes or centralization. You likely bought in on hype and buzzwords "Sibos" "Decentralized" "Solves the Oracle Problem". You should be hella nervous right now if you are holding this turd.

>> No.4237866

You do know billion dollar IT companies have 10,000's of partners right? Oh god you didn't know this. LOLOLOLOL

>> No.4237876

The best strategy long run is to chainlink a series of short term high growth flips until it's chainlink's time to be that pump and then go all in on chainlink as the last link in the chain and retire with infinite lambos.

>> No.4237880
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>this reddit-tier passive aggressive posting
>"I'm a developer"

>> No.4237891

You obviously don't know the first thing about this whole thing.

Right. Except Link was the ONLY outside crypto dev invited by Swift to showcase a demo at SIBOS this year.
The most blockchain-heavy SIBOS to date.

Once again you prove you have no idea what you're gabbing about.

>> No.4237909

His reasoning is spot-on though, all you can do is call him names

>> No.4237923

Any more?

>> No.4237927

I'd say good luck with it, but even luck will not save you.

>> No.4237929

He hasn't even stated any arguments lol. All he said is "it's not needed" without explaining why.

>> No.4237942

They arent confirmed partners. They basically just wrote papers or articles on how much wrong you are and how important ChainLink is.

>> No.4237947
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and you claim to be a dev?
nigger you don't even know what the fuck you're talking about.
>without tokens
good luck finding node opeartors doing it for free you idiot
or a dev like Sergey who decides to do the entire thing as a volunteer without tokens
let me laugh at your ass once more

>> No.4237953

A lambo for every wife, buy a helicopter for yourself.

>> No.4237958


what reasoning? he hasn't made an argument, he's just shitposting

>> No.4237980
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i forget her name, she's a radio host in pennsylvania or something like that. no nudes.

>> No.4238004

Even Sergey said "a few years out" for any type of deployment. Can you imagine the competition in this space in a few years? Can you imagine holding these bags for years while they try to dev what is in the whitepaper lmao. There will be 50 oracle companies, most requiring no tokens, nodes or centralization by the time he gets anywhere -if at all.

>> No.4238026

Dude it was like 11 cents last week. You didnt buy the bottom

>> No.4238030

He said 2 years before we would live in an ideal world were smart contracts have widespread real world use cases. Who the fuck even started this 2 years bullshit FUD?

>> No.4238035

>Even Sergey said "a few years out" for any type of deployment.
Two years for an established API portfolio you mong.
Nodes are being deployed on the testnet as we speak.

>> No.4238046

>There will be 50 oracle companies, most requiring no tokens, nodes or centralization
brainlet cnfirmed
why are you still here then fagget? are you trying to convince us or maybe yourself because deep down even your 85IQ brain tries to fight your eternal stupidity

>> No.4238066
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>or centralization

>> No.4238076
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>dev here

>> No.4238080

screencapped, will see you deluded monkeys in a year.

>> No.4238093

screencapped, will see you wagecucking next year as always.

>> No.4238101

>Anyone could do this and do it without tokens, nodes or centralization.

explain to me how an oracle without nodes and payment system would work, what in the fuck are you smoking?


ah, just a low effort fud attempt, ok.

>> No.4238109

In 2 years you’ll either be unimaginably rich, or your investment will be gone. There is no in between.

>> No.4238140

You're >>4228312 aren't you? The guy who thinks oracles being easy to code somehow makes LINK less valuable when anyone who did any research would see that the opposite is true.

>> No.4238196
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Good reply:

>I could write Oracles while taking a dump.
That's the whole point, big boi.
Companies and banks and shit out there are currently writing their own oracles for their specific shit, like AXA Fizzy.

Now look at pic related (from Sibos).
And now imagine every single party to this transaction using their own in-house oracles.

The whole set-up would be doomed to fail, since nothing is connected, and the trust and confidentiality levels are wildly different from one oracle to the next.

Chainlink connects everything. It's a decentralized network; the "internet of oracles".
And even for very simple oracle computations, Chainlink will be a vastly more robust solution than any in-house made oracle. Not to mention cheaper.

>> No.4238232

Okay Mr. "developer", as a developer myself I'm interested in how you came to your conclusion. First of all, could you please describe, to the best of your understanding, what "the oracle problem" is?

Just as a hint, these two answers are wrong:
>smart contracts need data
>there is no oracle problem

>> No.4238296

This. It all seems like an obvious troll that I just don't get, because everyone is in on it.

>> No.4238388


will I make it?

>> No.4238395


>> No.4238413

Calm down, Pajeet.

>> No.4238503

I bought at 17 cents, there is virtually no fucking way link can be below that in a year's time. If complete shit no product shitcoins can reach 10$+ then Link has to get to 100 at least.

>> No.4238527

please educate yourself on what market cap means before you get burned hard...

>> No.4238595

Are you saying it can't feasibly reach a 35 billion cap?

>> No.4238653


>> No.4238712

only if it gets widely adopted, and that probably won't happen for a long long time.

>> No.4238716

this guy is right. link is literally just a json parser.

>> No.4238767

please explain to mean what json parser is

I bet you're just repeating stuff you've read

>> No.4238794

Ethereum went from 10 to 300-400 this year.
Long long time? It could happen in a week if the stars align and a big announcement comes.

>> No.4238802

you're free to make your own decentralized oracle, buddy, maybe you'll even get invited at the next SIBOS event!

>> No.4238841


Planning on getting 4k more if prices go down

>> No.4239039
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>oracles aren't worth anything
>there is so much oracle competition

>> No.4239155


>> No.4239160

for every1 eth there is literally 200shitcoins.

>> No.4239186

yes but if link is a shitcoin then crypto is dead

>> No.4239201


>> No.4239232

you know that zap will FUCKING USE LINK AS ORACLE right??? THey are building a MARKET PLACE

>ChainLink data will be more expensive and take longer to deliver, something that is not necessary for highly trusted oracles, such as those from professional or long-standing data providers. ChainLink is excellent for enterprise dApps where data integrity is crucial but not so much for “lower-tier” dApps.

Ultimately, Zap and ChainLink are not necessarily competitors. ChainLink oracles can serve as purchasable oracle services in the Zap marketplace.

>> No.4239235


>> No.4239468

55k here

>> No.4239485

yeah this

>> No.4239926
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sir please tell me your expectations on chainlink the coming 1 to to years.

>> No.4240125

All apis are already in place.
The problem is not to make them but to make sure your data provider won't fuck you up and provide wrong data.

The problem goes all way back to Wittgenstein who claimed that any answer can be proved to be in accord with any rule as well contradictory with it. How do we check that a solution is the one we want to recceive to the question?
The thing is, you can't know, how anybody else sees the rules you convey.

CL is trying to provide an ecosystem where you are sure to get the answer you were looking for. It is basically the same thing as inventing language. And I don't mean *just another* language but language as back when our hairy ancestors were moaning and screaming to express emotions.

>> No.4240174

indeed. the invention of chainlink is as revolutionary as the invention of spoken language itself. we are on the frontier of humanity evolving into its next stage. chainlink is the bridge from what we are now to what we will become in the future. it is impossible to overstate how revolutionary chainlink is--how lucky we are to have even 1 fucking token.

>> No.4240243

are you just memeing? you're making it out to be the return of Jesus Christ

>> No.4240282

Gonna need a 2001 monolith with Chainlink on it. I’d make it but I’m not by my computer.

>> No.4240292

holy shit kill yourself you commiefornia faggot

>> No.4240319

What will this be worth in a decade and what will eth be worth in a decade? Chainlink being successful depends on eth being successful too and right now it looks like eth might have to do a hard fork thanks to the recent hack leading to hundreds of millions of dollars being frozen.

>> No.4240335

No, man.
Go ahead and read "Philosophical Investigations". The guy wrote about exactly the problems CL is trying to solve.

Also, the difference with other blockchain projects is evident. Most crypto projects create sets of rules to exchange transactions, while CL aims to assess these rules and tell others whether they obey or disobey them.

Sure, Wittgenstein never had any ideas about blockchain or anything like that, but his ideas work pretty well to illustrate our state of affairs

>> No.4240346

The Jesus already returned (Sergey of Nazareth), now watch as he turns LINK into lambos.

>> No.4240376

>without nodes AND without centralisation
0/10 for not even trying

>> No.4240378

> eth might have to do a hard fork
Only if Money Skelly's or his friends' money got lost.
Otherwise parity is free to solve their shit out on their own.

>> No.4240722

I'm currently working nightshift in dead-end job and having a break, reading everything about LINK. I'm going back to work in 8 minutes.
Can one of you give me a rundown with sources about your claims about LINK.

I don't want to throw 3k$ that I have saved into something I have no clue about. I already feel my emotions thinking they are left out on this, but I'm trying to stay rational and calm about this.
What are the chances that I put 3k$ into and get everything stolen if this moons?

>> No.4240745

Do you own research faggot. Kek, doesnt have the balls to risk $3k and doesnt have the initiative to research on his own either. You will not make it.

>> No.4240763

Why would it get stolen I don't understand?
Read more about LINK from the comfort of your home, it's not going to moon overnight, don't worry. It takes a bit of reading to fully understand what is Chainlink trying to do.

>> No.4240780

Never go all in.

>> No.4240811

I'm doing research on my own, I just asked if someone can provide more details. I'm working 6 times a week for 9-10 hours and have also other thinga outside looking into crypto to take care of.
I'm trying my best, that's why I am asking, so I can accelerate my knowladge seeking and learning.

>> No.4240840

That's never gonna happen.

>> No.4240920

If you're talking about the "Ahhh all my links are gone!!" you see all the time, that's a meme.

>> No.4240959


>> No.4240962


>> No.4241216

I think anon is just afraid of having his link intercepted by a hacker and stolen.
I keep my key on my HDD and I sweat about it everyday. Time to get a paper wallet, I don't want my future fortune to be gone one day.

>> No.4241436

Bought another 10K