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4735285 No.4735285 [Reply] [Original]

how does this movie apply to cryptocurrency? also how can i become smart like those guys?

>> No.4735297

this is fake faggot it’s a movies

>> No.4735303

It’s similar... tether is worth nothing, yet market thinks it is

>> No.4735330

OP I am going to give you a serious secret.

Every day, certain stocks are "pumped" far above reasonable price. They typically drop about 50% of their peak gain for the day. If you "short" these stocks near the peak, you can take advantage of irrational traders, and make very large, substantial profits by decreases in stock price.

Shorting has risks, but if you short stocks that are egregiously overpriced, you are almost guaranteed to make substantial profits.

i.e. penny stock goes from $1.50 to $9 in a single day? Preposterous. Short it and cover at $2.75 where it ends up.

>> No.4735376
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its based on a true story pajeet

>> No.4735436

This. Conversely, if you know how to really screen for what you're looking for, it is so so easy to buy good stocks that are down nine or ten points for no good reason. Stocks where it being down is just part of its natural cycle because of profit taking or sector downturn or just irrational selloffs. I turn a tidy profit on the value investing part of my portfolio every year without fail. It's like printing money almost. You just gotta have the bankroll and cash management skills to always be buying.

>> No.4735527

Do you even try to understand a simple concept? What is the real value of your 10$? It's nothing man, but you and your friends, and ya mom and ya dog wants to give it the value of 10$!

>> No.4735580

i didnt watch the movie, but i did read the book, essentially the lesson is that when everyone and their dog are benefiting from something and think it wont crash to the point that they are going in debt because they expect prices to continue rising is when alarm bells should ring.
Bitcoin and crypto will start being problems when people are talking out helocs and going into debt to continue buy coins

>> No.4735589

lol show me penny stocks which have done 900% in one day.

doesnt happen.

MAYBE 50-100% tops for a biotech

>> No.4735658

i've seen many mining juniors do a bag plus in one day over the last two months

>> No.4735665

>rich assholes get richer: the movie

>> No.4735686

its already happening, people are literally taking out loans to buy btc

>> No.4735714

It's Hollywood jew propaganda

>> No.4735763

You aren't going to short bitcoin are you? I haven't seen the movie but I do want a blowjob from Rosario Dawson.

>> No.4735770

So, Short the coins that pump the most on a daily basis? Is it really that simple?

>> No.4735778

You can be smart like those guys be getting the fuck out of crypto right now!

>> No.4735794

but it's also about the amount of people, the amount of people invested/trading in crypto compared to the paper money is still very very small.

>> No.4735822

shes not in it
risky af
fuck no im x10 atm
idk a lot of people are talking about it and joining the party. doesnt matter to me though, even if it crashes 90 percent id still break even kek

>> No.4735826
File: 138 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171201-150715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PRGN, DRYS, KBIO, CBIO, this thing yesterday not exactly went 5x so fucking good enough. Some Chinese stock last week went from 5 to 20 dollars on 1 day.

Penny stocks are better than shitcoins for % gains

>> No.4735835

fixed the indigogo


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ayy thanks people

>> No.4735881

still need more feel good stories about bitcoin

>> No.4735909

your post makes me so fucking sick to my stomach i just cant take it. I am literally red with anger as i read each line of your dipshit project, and my fists are tightening ever harder as i try to decipher your fuckheaded language used in your post. If i see you in real life, i will come down on you like a fucking albatross. you wont have time to react, im a tier 1 operator alright; i was a 9/11 first responder, sent in to tactically and surgically eliminate any and all muslim presence that survived the crash. do you know what its like to look in the eyes of a dying jihad terrorist? cus i do buddy, and it didnt give me a tenth of the joy that i will feel when you bounce off the hood of my car. ill make sure to turn the wipers on, just so i dont have to clean any of your disgusting pajeet bloodstains off the windshield. in closing, i would like to once again remind you that you are a fUCKIN WORTHLESS PIECE OF HUMAN SHIT, END YOURSELF NOW

>> No.4736137

I tried to write a "simplified" explanation but the comment is too long. So I suppose it isn't simple
There is no big short coming in crypto and the circumstances aren't even close to being similar enough for you to do that.

>> No.4736239

If you take anything from this movie it should be the term "CDO". That's what they were shorting.

Imagine you bought a house. You got a mortgage from the local bank to do it. You pay this bank interest and the house itself is collateral in case you stop paying.
The local bank doesn't want to shoulder your default risk, so they sell the loan to a larger investment bank.
They don't want the risk either, so they package the loans into a product called a CDO which is sold to institutional investors, who now shoulder the default risk.

Now imagine the housing market isn't booming anymore. Home values are declining and delinquent borrowers can no longer use the value of the home as collateral to cover ALL their mortgage debt. They stop making payments.
The retail and institutional investors immediately take losses as the sole source of growth in their CDOs has stopped.
This happened because the value of the CDO was incorrect, the mortgages it was comprised of were not actually high grade, and the default risk was much higher than the market expected.
>The whole start of the movie is this guy realizing the mortgages in these products were actually junk with a high rating.

So you now you need to short it. You can't borrow this type of product, so you need to make a product that "shorts" it functionally. They asked a bank to make them: A credit default swap.
This basically says in the event of a credit default, the bank pays him the total value of the loan. If there is no default, he keeps paying the loan to the bank.
For banks, this seemed stupid because he needs to pay them on a regular basis, forever, unless housing crashed. If real estate doesn't tank, the CDOs don't either, and the swap never pays off.
>Then real estate DID tank and the CDOs were almost worthless
>credit default occurs
The swap pays off.

>> No.4736266

TL;DR: Banks underestimated the level of risk in their CDOs. He convinced the banks to fuck themselves by selling him a product that made them liable for the default risk. Plus 100 other factors not mentioned.

>> No.4736909

the rating agencies "underestimated".
everyone else bet against their own investments. they knew it was a piece of shit but sold it anyway

>> No.4736965

Correct. This is how i have made the majority of my earnings in stocks. Find stock that's done a lot over a few days, see if there is any news or rumors to explain the dip. If no news and research says company is stable, i conclude that dip is due to market fluctuation and will correct. Buy up a bunch of stock, set a sell limit just short of where i think it can reach on the bounce back up, wait. This is especially easy to do repeatedly in a new/rapidly growing sector like canadian marijuana stocks. All will rise eventually and all are subject to periodic dramatic sell offs where they can drop as much as 30% in share price.

>> No.4737001

gotta wait for the jews to do their thing. crypto derivatives aren't 20x the marketcap of hard tokens yet

>> No.4737008

That should say *down a lot

>> No.4737295
File: 136 KB, 1492x996, dogesmoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You place a big ass short on btcusd and after getting liquidated you blame whales and manipulation.

>> No.4737307

BTC is literally a fucking bubble...can you not see it? fuckkkkk

>> No.4737320

>3x leveraged short
>eat shit
>stop loss out
>lost 3 grand in like 25 minutes

>> No.4737362

And people will start cashing out to repay their loans

>> No.4737382

The absolute state of biz

>> No.4737449

People need to realise that these people were only able to do this because they had a huge amount of investment to keep the short going for so long, in fact they almost ran out of money before the market corrected which would have fucked them and left them with nothing. If you were doing it with BTC you’d have to pick the exact time before the crash to make it work

>> No.4737497

Exactly. It's likely that Bitcoin will correct considerably, but nobody knows if that's going to happen tomorrow or in month, after hitting 15k.

To make a "big short", like in the movie, you'd need a ton of capital on hand to cover it.

>> No.4737505

you have to research deeper than every1 else

>> No.4738002

There is a graveyard of bears over at Bitmex.