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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4923629 No.4923629 [Reply] [Original]

This shit is going to be worse than Tulipmania.
Feels good to be a nocoiner desu.

>> No.4923630

Just sold yesterday and doubled my cash. Sorry nocoiner

>> No.4923631

Sorry senpai. Shit is going to skyrocket once all the Jews lose their money shorting it

>> No.4923632

>went from $1000 to $2000
Woah, big spender ova here!

>> No.4923633

Get out now. The worst part is that all the people that do lose their money will be begging the rest of us to save them.

>> No.4923634
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Word around the block is, it’s all going to come crashing down on sunday.
Sell Sell Sell!!!

>> No.4923635

Everyone buy precious metals.
If Trump is indicted, you win!

>> No.4923636

Bad. Bunch of asshurt soccer moms who heard about buttcoin from talk radio are going to give Congress an excuse to assfuck everyone who uses an exchange.

Crypto zealots will say this is great because they’re getting back to their roots. In reality though Dave & Buster’s tokens will have more value.

>> No.4923637
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>> No.4923638

It will probably correct to 10k soon, then shoot up to 300k around August 2018.

>> No.4923639

This is actually really good. All the people who have no idea about shares will panic sell. Most normies will panic sell. The price is stabilising its absolutly normal that it goes down after it went up. Bank will try to short bitcoin and they will realize it won't work and they will lose a lot of money. Diversify, think before you act and embrace the technology that is changing the world. Not accepting this as a fact just shows how moronic you are.

Screencap this. End of year 20k, next year 40-50k.

It will change everything.

>> No.4923640

You have a stack? Silver or gold?

>> No.4923641
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>price will only go higher after crashing, forever

>> No.4923642

no not forever. It will crash again its normal. The price has to stabilise itself. Trade with stoploss if you can't afford to wait.

>> No.4923643

No you're a nocoiner brianlet faggot.

>> No.4923644

Warren Buffett, JP Morgan, all the bigwigs say it’s a mirage.
Now they wouldn’t just lie about something like this, would they?

Some guy on CNBC the other day predicted it would cap at 300k then permanently plummet to 0

>> No.4923645

>warren buffett
>jp morgan
dude those are the people who know about stocks and shares but have absolutly no idea how blockchain works or how bitcoin works. They are all too oldschool. They don't even know how HFT(high frequency trading) works. It's different plain and simple. Buffet is mostly only long on vanilla stocks.
also it doesn't make sense what the cnbs guy said. Absolut idiotic.

>> No.4923646

obviously i meant the cycle would go on forever

which is silly

>> No.4923647
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I got out at a ittle over $17k, didnt want to be greedy
feels good man

>> No.4923648

why is the cycle silly? Have you ever traded a share? Do you know how stocks and share work? How currencies work? How bitcoin affects currencies? I'm sure you can't even answer one of those questions.

>> No.4923649
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>Being this much of a wagecuck normie
Yeah it's best sticking to the honest, hardworking way of making money. I agree with you on that.

>> No.4923650

I really hope it will crash, normie scum will lose interest and the prize will become stable. It became so volatile it's hard to use it. Wish we could bring back time to the good old days.

>> No.4923651

Good job. Now buy again when you think it won't go down anymore. Its actually free money. 20k end of year.

>> No.4923652

I made about 9x on my money since june or so, got out when I saw it dip below $17
will def be buying in when all the normies leave the market out of fear and devalue it

>> No.4923653

right now its just the ECB laundering money its handing to EU nations to keep them from going into negative gdp growth. so the price is bloated despite shut downs of locations trading them and no central bank officially backing it

when it drops i dont expect much fallout since its just the ECB dumping money it was going to hand over anyways it just wants to save the EU the embarrassment

>> No.4923654

what price do you predict?

>> No.4923655

>price is bloated despite no central banks officially backing it
>bloated despite no central bank
riight, cuz central banks do a tremendously great job of stopping currency from inflating
more like its got to the valuation that it currently has because no central banks are backing it

>> No.4923656

not quite sure. im really just going to wait a little while and watch before I make judgement. I have a lot of faith in the BTC but this is uncharted territory and what I dont have faith in are the normies who just see it as an investment vehicle. Im going to watch over the next few days and make a decision. will probably just reinvest what I initially put into it and keep the other 7x as profits gained

>> No.4923657

diversify it is my best advice. Other coins have much better technology. Look into something like this:
50% bitcoins
20% eth
20% iota
10% altcoins (ark, monero, neo)

i'm actually doing the same right now. Just analysing and trying to figure out when to jump back in.

>> No.4923658
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>> No.4923659

>bragging about 20k
Nice chump change, poorfag

>> No.4923660

What about Litecoin?

>> No.4923661

yea split it up as you please. I just didn't mention it but i will buy it aswell. maybe do something like
30% bitcoin
20% eth
20% litecoin
20% iota
10% altcoins

its just important that you diversify.

>> No.4923662

How do you turn your crypto into cash? Completely new to crypto considering buying some bitcoin and iota but how do you turn them into cash?

>> No.4923663

I hope every bitcoiner kills themselves over Christmas and it causes their children to lose hope in humanity.

>> No.4923664
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Bitcoin is inflationary. If it goes down just keep waiting until it inevitably goes back up. Some coins will be lost forever because of missing wallets and other things, meaning n% of a bitcoin's value would inevitably rise, given enough time. That list bit is the catch, it could be until after you die.

>> No.4923665

Think it will dip down closer to 10k at some point again.

I know it's probably still gonna trend upward for a good while, but I would like to wait for another dip.

>> No.4923666

I mean deflationary. I should fucking kill myself.

>> No.4923667

20k in Trudeau bucks as well... sad you're proud..

>> No.4923668

Not bad at all. This is one of the tamest bubbles ever. During the web bubble people were cashing out their 401ks, remortgaging their houses, and putting their life savings into any stock with a ".com" in the company name.

>> No.4923669

im going to take a portion of my profits and invest in some gpu's for mining.
a $300 video card right now will mine $700 monero each month

>> No.4923670

>a $300 video card right now will mine $700 monero each month
Citation needed

>> No.4923671
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its all part of the game

>> No.4923672

tulipmania never happened at the scale people think it did. Shitcoin is the kind of noxious meme that gains relevance by people talking about it, hence why parasites hype it over here 24/7 hoping idiots will buy into it

>> No.4923673

whatever money is spent to buy bitcoin is far more parasitical though?

>> No.4923674

echoTHEYecho have enough USD fiat to sit as long as they want consolidating short positions/contracts to push the market down to echoTHEIRecho long contracts poised to buy back at 2015 prices.

But it going to happen rappidly in order to spark a debate meant to justify (((REGULATION))) of crypto in general.

Now would be the time for /pol/ to get ahead of the narrative by generating memes that highlight how the market operated just fine before major financial institutions could manipulate a market through futures financial instruments.

>> No.4923675
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>> No.4923676

Y u lying

>> No.4923677

heres just an example...
profit: $600/month

>> No.4923678

good luck.

>> No.4923679
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How do I stop being a nocoin cuck and get in on the cryptoshekels?

>> No.4923680

>le tulipmania
this is a meme. lasted a couple months, no bankruptcies

>> No.4923681
File: 28 KB, 470x313, 324253425352353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin is a manifestation of roko's basilisk.
>unknown creator
>uses greed (predictable human reactions) to motivate people into creating a world wide network of processing power the like that has never been seen before.

Im just saying this as a casual statement though, I mean you no harm roko plz dont end me.

>> No.4923682
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>casually mentioning the basilisk
What a world we live in.

>> No.4923683

Delete this. You're only harming people!

>> No.4923684

It's growing stronger. It'll hit 20k by the end of the year and 50k 6 months after that.

>> No.4923685
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I remember lurking on /b/ when they were worth next to nothing. People were giving em away and ordering pizza with them n shit.

>> No.4923686

BTC is being pumped up by super-Jews like cernovich right now, which means many boomers are getting into the action. Boomers are easily spooked and any news coming out related to computing could have btc crashing for a moment which will allow you to buy cheap. Just wait, people pushing up the price like this are mostly retarded and it will crash for a retarded reason before rising again. Or just buy monero and litecoin.

>> No.4923687
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>calls himself a bitcoiner
>he didn't ride the dip

>> No.4923688


That's 13 separate cards chained together you idiot.

>> No.4923689
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>tfw you got in at 700 and sold yesterday

>> No.4923690

>Diversify, think before you act and embrace the technology that is changing the world.

The only thing Bitcoin changes is the amount of money in people's back accounts.

>> No.4923691
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pic related

>> No.4923692

>faggits that don't understand btc was created by US govt just like TOR

>> No.4923693

This assumes there will always be demand for it. Why not just use a better coin?

>> No.4923694

Not quite as bad as when the global market crashes and everything enters hyper inflation because nobody wanted to pay their bills or reign in their governments. 20 trillion anon. The clock is ticking.

>> No.4923695

>us flag
Hopefully you mean the first time it hit 700 because otherwise uncle Sam will enjoy butt fucking you in taxes because you weren't wise to hold on for a year.

>> No.4923696

what is iota? and how do you get it?

>> No.4923697

Thanks to Crypto in general I can quit my job soon. No more wageslaving for me. I make a shit ton as a day trader, great volatility.

>> No.4923698

But it doesn't have a use at all. It's not like gold or silver or even (((diamonds))), it's just more goys getting on board which jacks the price up because they think some other goy will come along later, jack the price higher, and then they can get out at a profit. It's a Pyramid Scheme at absolute best.

>> No.4923699

I just sold my BTC today in the morning.

Predicting it to shoot down after release of futures

>> No.4923700
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Just bought $50 worth

Its gonna come back

>> No.4923701

Correct me if I'm wrong but wont everyone and their mother rush to buy bitcoin if a big drop comes?

Bitcoin is so volatile I doubt that many bitcoin holders will panic when it drops.

>> No.4923702

Can you make a guide please?

>> No.4923703
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>Fiat money is shit
>Sells his Bitcoins for more fiat money

>> No.4923704


Tell us your secrets senpai

>> No.4923705

eh, if you did this with amazon or apple you'd be incredible rich right now

>> No.4923706

Eventually you wont need to.

>> No.4923707

Hopefully Bitcoin will fully crash on December 14th so we can get a double dose of reddit tard tears.

>> No.4923708
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Can I get a quick brainlet rundown on buying, storing and cashing in cryptoshekels?

>> No.4923709

I really enjoy 4chan. Not many know that nice example of this story of getting money out of nowhere repears over and over again.
In Russia we had MMM ( same thing) and THESE MORONS BELIVE THIS AGAIN!

>> No.4923710
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Why are you people so bitter. Every single fucking thread theres at least 3 of you babbling salty bullshit non stop. MUH UBBBUBBUBLE HURRRRR, ITS GONNA C-C-COLLAPSEEEEE ERRRHRHURHRURHRUGRRR. Get a life.

>> No.4923711

Even the BBC were shilling for it yesterday with 2 articles on their front page. Today I opened a bloomberg link and on their sidebar was an article about Bitcoin Whales. I shit you not.

>> No.4923712
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no :^)

>> No.4923713

No ones telling you to buy anything brainlet.

>> No.4923714

Bitcoin won't crash, it's value will be over 1 000 000$ before January 2019

>> No.4923715
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looks like it's following gold like charts
its going to peak then halve

>> No.4923716

>the bubble wont pop guys!
Yes you are. We dont want any.

>> No.4923717
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Bitcoin can not crash - it's the Millenial Neets first asset, they're pumping every last cent of their money earned in dead end jobs into it, forever.

>> No.4923718
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Why are you even in this thread then. Just to spwe bitter bullshit everywhere for hours?
>Your coins are dumbbb
>you're going to lose everyything and Im gonnna laugh hahAHURHURURGURR.
You're like a pile of vomit that repulses everyone that encounters it.

>> No.4923719

Your like a crack head. Always chasing that first high. You can't get it back bro.

>> No.4923720

Bubbles only exist due to government intervention into the markets causing empty growth, and well being in said markets and government expenditures. Real development is slow in such a system which why bitcoin is not a bubble,

>> No.4923721

When it crashes those same people now hysterically proclaiming it to be the new currency will have made a fortune anyway, so they probably won't care. It's the masses that lose.

>> No.4923722
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>> No.4923723

Made $20K in a week sorry nokoiner

>> No.4923724

implying crypto is anything more than digital fiat.

>> No.4923725

>Fed creates money
>Fed is stacked with Goldman Sachs
>Goldman Sachs runs CME's bitcoin futures contract
Up or down, (((they))) will be in complete control

>> No.4923726

It seems to be back declining where it belongs ever since people remembered it exists.

>> No.4923727

You need to crawl back under the rock from wence you came. You sour fuck.

>> No.4923728

So can someone finally tell me what I can buy with this shit?

>> No.4923729

How much of that will you pay the tax man?

>> No.4923730
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>People should know when they are conquered
>Would you Maximus, would I?

>> No.4923731

I notice that when bitcoin goes up the alt currencies fall, when bitcoin goes down the alt currencies go up

So why not just hold a shitload of cryptocurrencies? Same diversification applies for any other investment

>> No.4923732


anycoindirect (dot) eu

>> No.4923733
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We're in the memeverse now. Reality is under our command.

>> No.4923734

But what is BTC tied to? When BTC falls $4,000, what else collapses? Unless a few billionaires have their businesses and investments tied to BTC, only BTC will collapse.

>> No.4923735

and I'll look down and whisper "No."

>> No.4923736


You just dont get it do you. Bitcoin will go down from its peak, but then go up.

Just a few years ago $300 was its massive peak, then in 2013, $300 was its low point. Soon $20,000 will be BTC's low point and only continue to climb higher.

Now EVERYONE is buying into it. Literally baby boomers to niggers are buying these coins now. $30,000 by Jan 1, 2018.

>> No.4923737

I didn't ask where I can buy bitcoin, I asked what I can buy with it.

>> No.4923738


>iota up 229% in one fucking week

Hold on boys. This ride is going to be wild.

>> No.4923739
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>> No.4923740


Oh sorry. Lots of places accept it now as a form of payment, and ATMs pay out coins to cash in places all over the EU. Amazon will accept bitcoins in 2018.

>> No.4923741

I've got tons of iota. Feels good to be a coiner.

>> No.4923742

Anything from NewEgg, some other places are starting to accept them as well. You can also cash out in exchanges directly to your bank account. So depends on what you mean exactly. There's even apparently ATMs now.

>> No.4923743

>be me
>give myself a Nippon larp name
>solve the double-spending problem
>teach US faggots how to code
>create 21 million coins
>take 1 million coins for myself
>find out that one of my 'employees' is talking to the CIA
>go into hiding along with my crypto
>fast forward to 2017
>I am now a billionaire

Continue falling for my memecoins, I've enjoyed it so far.

>> No.4923744

Stop lying please. I am buying something on Newegg right now, and there's no option to buy with BTC.

>> No.4923745

we have bitcoin ATMs all over the US too. people are fucking retards

>> No.4923746

About 1,200 with most of them concentrated into heavy Democrat cities. Sadly they are not as widespread as they need to be for this thing to be useful to most of the population still.

>> No.4923747

These false analogies ("tulips") are meant to box people into thinking of things in arbitrary categories. Not everything that goes up a bubble.

No one ever says Apple is a bubble and will crash.

No one ever says gold is a bubble and will crash.

No one ever says Exxon-Mobil is a bubble and will crash.

Is the Dow-Jones lower or higher today than when it was created in the 1900s?

Sometimes things just go up and stay up.

>> No.4923748
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This. Again, BTC as a currency is utterly worthless. One transaction cost like a weeks worth of electricity of a single house and like 25$ in fees. What a joke. There is a reason the directors from JP Morgan etc are NOT investing in this ponzi scheme.

>> No.4923749
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You just aren't looking hard enough nocoiner.

>> No.4923750
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So IF you buy now you might make a 25% profit by the end of the year?

or you might even double your money next?

these aren’t the 10x profits people had this years

The risk isn’t worth it anymore

>> No.4923751

Holy shit the cringe.

>> No.4923752
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>> No.4923753

Overstock bro.. you can buy stuff on there with bitcoin.

As crypto starts getting adopted around the world more places will start accepting bitcoin if not bitcoin then another crypto currency, either way crypto currency will be the new norm especially since it's a common currency around the world that people can exchange for their own currency.

>> No.4923754

The thing is as more places start to accept bitcoin the more likely the goverments will start banning it. You're devalueing a country's currency by introducing more money in the economy. Coinminng is essentially printing money, there's a reason that's illegal.

>> No.4923755

That's what i did. Bought $1500 at 7-10k during the last couple of weeks.

Cashed out yesterday at $2600.

Feels pretty good for someone who missed the train.

>> No.4923756

Coin-mining is nothing like printing money. There are a limited number of coins.

Where do you think that tiny transaction fee goes when you use bitcoin?

>> No.4923757

Riddle me this - how can bitcoin futures can permanently lower the price of bitcoins? No one has ever explained how that could happen in any futures market. All it can do is decrease the volatility. All that futures trading does is decrease the size of the peaks and valleys on the charts, not the trend line. Even with that, it's not by that much.

>> No.4923758

What exactly is going to happen when all 21 mill btcs are out there?
There’s 16 mill in “circulation” right now, right?

>> No.4923759

Well, retards around here have been saying it has crashed all year and in the meantime I've gained over 20k, so... if that's what "crash" means I'd say its not bad at all!

>> No.4923760

>There are a limited number of coins.
Completely irrelevant. There's limited amount of paper to print money on too. Fact is you're creating money out of nowhere. I'm suprised they haven't shut this down already.

>> No.4923761

good luck selling all of your coins for real currency i made about 70k in bitcoins (I bought a bunch in 2012) but im having a hard time selling big amounts to people

>> No.4923762

90% of btc is held by less than 1% of users. It's a jewish pump and dump to bankrupt as many goyim as possible. The futures market will absolutely destroy bitcoin

>> No.4923763

nice red herring post lol

>> No.4923764

>i made about 70k in bitcoins (I bought a bunch in 2012)
So... you're having a hard time selling less than 5 bitcoins?
Jesus if you're going to lie at least make some effort

>> No.4923765

How? They have to buy bitcoin to sell futures.

>> No.4923766
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>> No.4923767

Have no BTC but I do have LTC and ETH and I got them relatively early, so hopefully if BTC dies they benefit.

If not I'll buy the dip.

>> No.4923768

>It's a jewish pump and dump to bankrupt as many goyim as possible
Estimates on coindesk put the total number of bitcoin owners at somewhere between 1 and 5 million people, worldwide. We'll say 3 mil
Congrats Jews, you tricked 0.042% of the world

>> No.4923769

You mongs, smart money is in bitcoin since years.
Back then it was QE, cheap money and lack of possibilities to invest in stocks.
Smart money moved into bitcoin when you didn't even know what it was.

>> No.4923770

True not everything that goes up is a bubble.

If Apple went up 1700% in a year people would say it is a bubble and will crash.

If gold went up 1700% in a year people would say it is a bubble and will crash.

If Exxon-Mobil went up 1700% in a year people would say it is a bubble and will crash.

If the Dow-Jones went up 1700% in a year people would say it is a bubble and will crash.

>> No.4923771

so? maybe anon is living in the basement and doesn't have to pay for electricity. hehe

>> No.4923772

Growth in the early phases of things is often exponential. There is no magic number at which you can declare it's a bubble and it will crash.

>> No.4923845

it will crash from 1 million to 500k. believe me.

>> No.4924641

>worse than tulip mania

False. Tulip bulbs became worthless. People won't be selling their bitcoin when it crashes hard.

>> No.4924712
File: 89 KB, 600x488, bombnowmusic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTC is dead.

MUSICOIN is our savior.

>> No.4925711

Thats why crypto is so good - after each bubble people get used to the -70% correction, so it gets less and less everytime.

>> No.4925769

When the global market crashes we get hyperinflation since the fed issued $$$ using mortgage backed securities as collateral (instead of usual bonds like they normally do).

It's like the 2008 sub-prime mortage crisis waiting to happen all over again, instead it's going to be the government with its pants down this time. I'd much rather have my crypto stack cut in half because of a market crash than have my dollar-idoos become Venenzuela money.

>> No.4925916
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Amazon and Apple weren't bubble's themselves, they were companies in the dotcom bubble. A lot of companies went out of business when that bubble popped. Apple and Amazon stayed on top of the game, that's why they are still around. Even then, their shares lost a lot when the bubble popped.

Bitcoin isn't the bubble, crypto is. The only difference is that there is no crypto that is more innovative than Bitcoin itself. A few changes here and there for the better, but they're all basically copying Bitcoin as they are just get rich quick schemes like the rest of crypto.

>> No.4925969


You could have made five times the money by investing in the right fintech stocks during that time period.

>> No.4926056

bitcoin is the bubble u fucking delusional mongoloid.

after 10 years There still is no real use for bitcoin. It even became "digital gold" because its so useless.

>> No.4926057

>It isn't real money
>If you didn't earn it mowing lawns in 100+ degree heat you didn't earn it
>I am euphoric not because I have faith in capitalism but because of being McSmart
>Its just a scam, read the elder protocols sheeple
>Diogenes was right

>> No.4926102

You didn't read. I said the entire crypto is the bubble. It's not just Bitcoin.

>> No.4926154

>WAAAH Capitalism is bad because zero-sum game
>Investing in crypto isn't like capitalism

>> No.4926218

Guys where are there no IDs for half this thread?

>> No.4926316

A crash would be the best thing.
>retarded normies gave money to complete autists that are persuaded bitcoin will just keep going up in the long run
>those autists never sell everything, just enough to buy the normies/institutions dips

>> No.4926401
File: 27 KB, 317x400, Steve_McQueen047_7356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bitcoin isn't the bubble, crypto is. The only difference is that there is no crypto that is more innovative than Bitcoin itself. A few changes here and there for the better, but they're all basically copying Bitcoin as they are just get rich quick schemes like the rest of crypto.

Brainlet. BTC is the bubble not blockchain. Blockchain is awesome and the smart contract coin that actually works is going to be worth a lot.
It might not be ETH but the one that does is going to be the new 'Microsoft'.

>> No.4926498

It's been around for 10 years and it hasn't gone anywhere. People just ignore all of it's faults that haven't been corrected.

>> No.4926516

Now that's a good fucking question

>> No.4926528

Probably got moved from /g/

>> No.4926583
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I didn't save the image, but someone made a graph extrapolating a 6 month blowoff. ~17k was the December all time high, 1700-1600 was the bottom by mid June.

>> No.4926697

ffs that is pathetic, I dropped that into litecoin 2 days agot at 120 sold at 140. L2Trade faggot.

>> No.4926729


How long was the computer(blockchain) around before some fuckin hippy(millenial) decided they could make a small personal one(useful as actual currency) in their garage(mom's basement)

>> No.4926899

There hasn't been a single success from blockchain technology. It's a terrible form of currency. No one accepts it. Computers became more and more accepted and became better with each and every version. Every form of crypto has just been another Bitcoin copy as they're there to do the same thing as Bitcoin. They're all get rich quick schemes.

>> No.4927041

Miners sell everything and move onto the next shitcoin

>> No.4927077
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I don't know. I cashed out at 9k.
You'll sell either too soon or too late.
What's it going to be, anon?

>> No.4927170

>basing crypto gains in fiat

>> No.4927195

it's accepted alongside fiat in Japan, dumbass.

>> No.4927203

GDAX at 14,000 USD

>> No.4927220

GDAX 13.9K

>> No.4927234

The country club is full of people who sold too early, not people who sold too late.

>> No.4927467

Being accepted by a small minority of a minority is hardly a success. It's at best a start. The minority of businesses that accept Bitcoin are just getting smaller by the day.

>> No.4927601

Yep, greed is the number one reason people get fucked in investments.
He's an advice for all the people who still have it, do not get dollar signs in your eyes and think it will be worth 40k in the future.
Be sensible and sell high, no matter how high, just sell high.

>> No.4927862
File: 364 KB, 500x375, 1500613052688.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With these levels of exposure, at least as bad as the dotcom crash. It won't kill crypto, just like the '83 crash didn't kill games and the wall street crash certainly didn't kill shares. No, it will just be a maturing point where people realise that they need to diversify their portfolio, invest in a variety of coins instead of holding all their eggs in one basket. Crash might be soon, might be mid-2018 but now is a wise time to cash most of out your equity. I gained an amazing return from just 1 week's wages. I could never forgive myself if I lost it all despite this hunch I'm getting. I could forgive myself slightly more if I lost the chance to make even more. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

>> No.4928314
