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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 93 KB, 596x773, 1653958667011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49259133 No.49259133 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.49259156

It’s too late for that. The Chinese demographics got fucked by the one child policy too hard. China is literally the fastest aging population in the world.

>> No.49259158

I don't know but I hate Chinese people.

>> No.49259179

The west will copy this and mostly men will move out, because marriage laws in most countries (I am assuming china too) put men in a complete disadvantage. Short China in other words.

>> No.49259188

They still have the slave trade. They keep retarded women in cages and sell children. Why would this have any effect on this braindead civilisation?

>> No.49259189

Only solution at this point for China is "Minimum 3 Child policy". You get the bullet if you don't have 3 kids by 40.

Either that or the "1 Grandparent Policy".

>> No.49259191

>Not enough Chinese women for all their men
>Men still get taxed
Seems like a shittier deal for the men.

>> No.49259203
File: 167 KB, 1024x632, 1651825098860m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ummm yea I'm thinking based

>> No.49259218

What do you think Roe V Wade being repealed is about? It's not about christian values it's about pushing population numbers up because we're not breeding enough.

>> No.49259222

Decline in industrial output as the only competitive factors China has is low labour costs and environmental standards, and frankly speaking it'd be easier for men in industry to upskill or leave than get a wife with how the dating culture is in China as they sure as shit won't get a pay rise to compensate for the increase in tax as then manufacturing would leave as it's already in the process of doing.

>> No.49259225

could work. but i think they need to go further and add a large tax credit for having more than 2 children. no country has been able to solve their birth issues, aside from going all in religious zealot mode.

>> No.49259229

it wont work in the west due to fag marriage. ill just fake marry my brother for the discount

>> No.49259233

Incels rise up

>> No.49259236

holy mother of based

>> No.49259247

Even with it now gone it'll take years to get young couples into a comfortable enough economic standing to start having 1 child let alone multiple.

>> No.49259257

I'd just stop paying taxes
what are they gonna do? kill me? then I'd kill myself in the messiest way possible to cost the city tax dollars

>> No.49259292
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Based thread

>> No.49259306

>paying taxes

>> No.49259325

Just don't pay it lol

>> No.49259330

Fake news

>> No.49259339

This basically already exists in America due joint tax returns lmao

>> No.49259340

Even if every single woman marries, about 40% of Chinese men between 30 and 50 will be taxed.

>> No.49259352

Do they allow gay marriage?
Is this a fag tax?

>> No.49259357

No woman would tied down with an incel like u

>> No.49259369

Yeah, the difference is really just that it feels way worse to have an extra tax levied on you than to see that other people get a tax break. It's like they designed this to piss off as many people as possible

>> No.49259371

Is the difference really that high? I thought it was more in the 5%-15% range

>> No.49259559

so like
what's stopping China from pulling a Nanking on Japan at this point?

>> No.49259640

>feminist group says this is unfair for women but says nothing about it being unfair for men

>> No.49259645

More desperation for White Dick from Chinese women.
You want to get your dick wet with Chinese pussy?
Start looking into Asian-orientated dating apps like TanTan etc NOW.

>> No.49259680
File: 65 KB, 468x640, あしたから会えるよ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks white people can handle a mainland woman
lmao, they'll nope the fuck out as soon as they find out what bird's nest or century egg are

>> No.49259687

1 child policy was great.
Just had to balance it out with a send the elderly to wander the wilderness when they can't take care of themselves policy.
The breed more slaves policy is just going to bite them in the ass when automation is kicked up a few notches over the decade, but I guess nature's built in starve to death policy will take care of that.

>> No.49259709

Holy fucking shit stop central planning human biology already. Fucking bugs are insane.

>> No.49259749

are you kidding, it was the greatest engineering experiment ever. I wish India and Africa would do the same so we won't get another generatio of doordash delivery tards

>> No.49259760

The west doesn't have the balls.

>> No.49259763

Fucking BASED China. Holy shit.

>> No.49259766
File: 129 KB, 629x800, 3AC9D15D-CE7E-4BEC-9221-C645A9A5D5C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>china’s Army being capable of invading Taiwan
>let alone Japan

korea Philippines taiwan Japan and USA form ultra GIGA barrier around China

If China do anything 500gorillion chinks will die from starvation after sanctions and blockade start

Then nukes fly because bugmen don’t have souls

>> No.49259787

Closer to 4%, actually. And it actually gets further diminished if they both earn similar incomes, you pretty much only get the full amount if you have a stay at home parent

>> No.49259793
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>> No.49259839
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You've given us two options, yes, but what about third option?

>> No.49259845

Maybe they shouldn't have traumatised them with a multi-decade forced suppression of breeding in the first place. It only ended in 2016.

>> No.49260024
File: 2.65 MB, 576x1024, 1653961518591.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't this sort of a thing in the west? Dont married people get better benefits with like tax and stuff? Its always been better off being partnered up than single in any society. This isnt new.

>> No.49260490

>demographics got fucked by the one child policy
CCP is actually mega retarded for this. But red-it midwits will continue to believe that China is run by precognitive cyborgs.

>> No.49260531

Tfw ur very own one child policy ends up cucking u in a few decades. If the chinese ppl had any balls they would rise up and over throw the ccp but they dont so they are going to keep getting centrally planned to their deaths by some sociopaths in beijing

>> No.49261115

Pretty bullish. More kids means more wagies begging for wages, more demand for rental properties, more demand for consumer goods etc. This kind of policy paired with China's current economic state would actually lead to the Chinese century. As another anon said, I'd fully expect the US to implement a similar policy to compete with this + win brownie points from lefties who want to add more taxes on "the rich".

>> No.49261244

Dont know if you're shitposting but that's honestly a very smart way to play a government policy against itself. If they truly fear population decline now is the time to challenge them on pretty much anything and everything since killing you can lead to mission failure.

>> No.49261341

imagine the sheer panic and thirst that would result from a policy like this. i'd walk right up to that QT and offer to get hitched, and make it work.

>> No.49261345

how is this gonna work?
Isn't there a massive gender imbalance where there just aren't enough women for the entire male population?

>> No.49261349

If this happens in the west people can just marry their friends.

>> No.49261350

this is literally fake

>> No.49261368

your thinking to limited. it's called polygamy.

>> No.49261393

They were literally importing women slaves from muslim countries to give to farmers last year.

>> No.49261429

>t. never been on /gif/

>> No.49261454

this, also the CCP has lied about demographics too, making up ~100 million people in the under 35 bracket. china is about to halve in population by 2050

>> No.49261500

>aside from going all in religious zealot mode.
you say that as if it's not a viable solution, religion acted as social glue for thousands of years prior to the relatively modern "advancement" of replacing faith with product and hedonism. Just take a look at the Amish in the US, every other group (even niggers, spics and muslims) see a below replacement level drop in fertility after 1 to 2 generation in the US but the Amish are an all White collective and they have an average birth rate of at least 4 children depending on the sect, unheard of for white population in anywhere else in Europe or the NA; if it works, it works.

>> No.49261511

Uighurs are from China and number in the thousands.

>> No.49261512

Not importing, but forcing uighurs to marry ugly gooks yeah

>> No.49261560
File: 1.72 MB, 950x1180, 1653351475255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There will be a surge in lady boys who will whore themselves out to pay the tax. RAD stock will shoot to the moon.

>> No.49261604

The modern concept of "consent" was a huge fucking mistake.

>> No.49261642

Germany solved this problem, they just lost the war.

>> No.49261697

based klaus schwab will state mandate impregnate big tiddy goth gf order

>> No.49261744
File: 43 KB, 465x488, 483fa8c4866bd05487b1bb688bb63c4157f85bc7b4b42bd8af378dd913553cc6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking called it.

Everyone told me I was retarded three years ago for predicting this was going to happen, and I fucking called it. "Hurr durr, the chinese people would never accept being pressured and forced into relationships" is what everyone told me.

The next step I predicted is that if women don't have kids, they're going to be prevented from having a career after the age of 35. Want to be an accountant or an engineer earning a good wage? Sorry, no kids means those jobs are unavailable to you now, go make Mcdonalds toys or mop floors for minimum wage. This would instantly reverse demographics from a dysgenic to a eugenic trend.

>> No.49261762

No link, and no article to be found anywhere on teh interbutts. Fake and Gay.

>> No.49261899
File: 662 KB, 400x378, 800yo so legal fox girl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

State mandated waifus?


>> No.49261927
File: 341 KB, 640x485, Gigachad XiJinPing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kneel to Xi Jin Ping

>> No.49261948
File: 39 KB, 392x443, 2hu Mokou kneels to XiJinPing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to grind social credits
to get a nice waifu
from Chinese government

>> No.49262037

the screenshot is literally fake you retards

>> No.49262136

yeah China is absolutely fucked for the next decades because of this retarded policy. men far outnumber women in the millions and when these people retire they wont have income and wont have kids to support them.
hundreds of millions of people wont have enough savings and will rely on the ccp on handouts and blowout the economy.
the ccp will engineer a virus soon to eradicate all their boomers to save their economy

>> No.49262711

I need to work out and taking better care of myself so I can see more of this crazy bullshit play out into the future.
God, give me the strength and forgive me for treating my body like a trashcan.

>> No.49262758
File: 527 KB, 1876x2352, Chinese military failures since WWII.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much this.
Don't fall for lies about their (or anyone's) modern military doctrine either.
The entire western world still uses infrared missiles designed in 1956. They're almost 100 years old because nothing changes unless there is heavy combat and jets don't fight anymore.

>> No.49262799

I hate to say it because they're heretics but the Mormons are doing swell.
This isn't a meme. The Amish and Mormons will take over the US at some point. It sounds so stupid. But when everyone in this thread has 0 kids and one single Amish family has 1 kid, they're winning.

>> No.49262828
File: 188 KB, 1200x1271, 1638985365238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. They're retarded. They literally have millions of single men who will never get married because the chinese people aborted all of their girls for decades. China's going to experience a demographic implosion over the next 50 years and we get front row seats lads.

>> No.49263009

fake and gay

>> No.49263104

Just make divorce illegal again.

Boom marriage is not the worst contract in the world a man can sign anymore.

>> No.49263123
File: 61 KB, 800x450, 1594816539767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather pay the tax.

>> No.49263148

Squid game for the elderly, reward would be they get to live

>> No.49263193

It’s a fake tweet retard

>> No.49263905

>thing affects men and women
God I hate feminists so much...

>> No.49263936

west doesn't want natives procreating

>> No.49264042
File: 449 KB, 1365x2048, e429893162052398fc2a398ab4713efd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the people who are going to suffer most from these policies are the ones living outside of the cities because there are hardly any women in the countryside. there's plenty of women in the cities but the problem is most families won't let their daughter marry someone who doesn't own a car and a house/apartment which is near impossible for most men. foreign brides and husbands must be looking good right now. match making services are going to be making crazy money. wish I could invest/open one there. ng

>> No.49264070

Who says china doesnt have this too already

>> No.49264109

Already happened in Rome under Augustus. Everyone hated it and I'm pretty sure Tiberius nullified it. There's several other points in history where this has been tried and it has never worked out in the long run.

>> No.49264134

Why doesn't china use all that cloning and genetic engineering tech to mass produce cunny? That's like the only thing I can think of that could even intentionally turn the ship around at this late hour. Also west is on the same trajectory only a bit slower.

>> No.49264147

It's a clear top indicator of a civilization, time to get out and short folks.

>> No.49264165

Legalize rape

>> No.49264214

>the ccp will engineer a virus soon to eradicate all their boomers to save their economy
is this what covid was supposed to be, but accidently got leaked out of the test lab and infected boomers from the rest of the world?

>> No.49264237

lefties hate marriage and family
why are women penalized at a younger age? why not just make it equal?

>> No.49264270

Mormons are losing the plot with their mass importation of low iq third world converts. Mormonism worked when it was basically Anglo-American Judaism out in the mountain west.

>> No.49264311

Yeah bro let me make you a baby with 2 and a half eggs left in my ovaries

>> No.49264344


Hi incels, no even this imhummane law still wont make girls want to put up with your derranged personality. :)

>> No.49264361

>how the dating culture is in China
-What is dating culture like in China?
-Checked trips

>> No.49264387

That's why we need ro legalize rape

>> No.49264390





Well this is better than 1984 shit, right?

>> No.49264391

>Feminist groups ignore the men
>men have a far greater difficulty when it comes to getting married, meaning the true victim here are the men
At least the sœyboys can't buy their chinese version of funko's I guess.

>> No.49264459
File: 462 KB, 1125x961, 1648750283689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huminaty is fucking up so badly we might just end going extinct

>> No.49264506

I hope the next "human" tier group fares better.

>> No.49264568
File: 59 KB, 620x372, President-Umaru-YarAdua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>foreign brides and husbands must be looking good right now
the problem with that is who is gonna sigh up for that?
Life in rural China is practically feudal and life in the city is like living in Chinatown New York, Euro's aren't gonna sign up for that and Japs have it much better in their own country, so that realistically leaves Indians, Turks, and Africans with Africans being the most likely candidates just due to their living conditions and population size. I just don't see how that's gonna work, crossing chinks with niggers sounds like a nightmare.

>> No.49264584

No they won't kek.
This policy is pro family and there is nothing they hate more than that, they will just import more brown people.

>> No.49264636

Tons of Asian dudes won't mind a qt nigger gf tho

>> No.49264707

So China officialy acknowledged that women hit the wall after 25?
Fucking based holy kek

>> No.49264732

Christmas cakes

>> No.49264735
File: 240 KB, 1550x872, 1643480741149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if we are being honest the world population could use a downsizing, 7.1+ billion people is just too many for the world to sustain especially once 3rd world countries start industrializing in full. The problem is that in China that would leave a massive amount of young men unmarried and with little reason to keep being good cogs in the system, that's a recipe for revolution. In the past the old chink solution would just be mass genocide their own population but now that they have made themselves the manufacturing center of the world they can't afford such disruptions if they want to keep themselves in power.

The world desperately needs sex bots but as White countries get browned out the group of people that have historically produced the bulk of technological innovation are diminished and oppressed by their own governments to the point that there the conditions for great tech leaps just won't be there. Chinks can be smart but they are better at coping and optimizing than producing anything new so I doubt we will see them make them, that leaves the Japs and they are starting to have similar problems to Euros as Jewish NGO's push for more gay shit and immigration.
This whole global order is gonna go off the rails within our lifetime

>> No.49264739

legalistically this is unfair since marriage is an externality and you cannot be held liable for others non action

>> No.49264744

ching chong ring rong ding dong

>> No.49264764

Literally we just need to legalize rape.

Sex bots already exist. They are called women

>> No.49264767

>the west
not gonna lie the shit that comes outta china keeps sounding better and better all the time

>> No.49264787
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maybe, but could they keep one uder control? Nigger females are gonna be larger than the average chink male and a lot more violent, how is the average chink gonna manage that?
Not only that but chink society relies heavily on a great degree of conformity and social obedience, thats not gonna fly with niggers; even niggers in the US who have an white admixture can't be controlled with anything other than a totalitarian police state and even that has it's limits, mass import of full blooded black in to China will make South Africa look like fascist Italy by comparison.

>> No.49264802

when has fairness ever stopped the government from doing something?

>> No.49264810

rape is already legal if you aren't white

>> No.49264852

There are tons of qt niggers. Just don't import the sheboona

>> No.49264875
File: 1.05 MB, 720x1280, girls.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You know, you don't have to become a tranny if you don't want to. But it's OK if you do. 4chan is a judgement-free zone.

>> No.49264895

Are same sex marriages legal in China?

>> No.49264927

My mind says NO, but my penis says YES!

>> No.49264975

My friend and I literally made a plan to get married if this happens.
Only benefit to fag marriage lmao

>> No.49265539

maybe. I was thinking a war with Taiwan but it would be too obvious if they just sent all their childless boomers into war to die.
but they have to start doing something within the next decade or two. guess what happens when hundreds of millions of single men with no family no money and nothing to lose goes hungry. your party is not going to last very long.

>> No.49265599

boomers in the west are also a problem, europe also has aging issues

>> No.49265628

Most men and women who aren't mentally depressed or NEET will simply choose to pay the tax instead. It cannot be more than the cost of raising children over time.

I don't really understand how being a post wall depressed incel is part of muh women's right though.

>> No.49265652

There are countries in East Asia and East Europe that are like 2~3 generations away from almost extinction.

>> No.49265971

cannibalize the rich. Roast their limbs on skewers and make leather bindles out of their flesh.

>> No.49266006

more chinks incoming

>> No.49266020

come on commy hate the jews

>> No.49266031

Once the west bans guns, there is no reason not to root for china.

>> No.49266094

Mods need to start banning image article posts without links to an actual article. This shit is fake af

>> No.49266124

Will be some time before the west has this, we haven't even implemented social credit yet.

>> No.49266204

One bouncy bomb on the three gorges dam

>> No.49266253

wise words spoken into an empty vaccum

>> No.49266301

slow down with the edge commie

>> No.49266593

So people in China will just get fake marriages with each other to avoid the tax?

>> No.49266760

We already have this in the US it's called 'married filing jointly' along with 'dependents'. Smart move to get China closer in line with the west and slowly erode the commie/poo bear worship without firing a single shot. Also
>singles with no kids get the rope

>> No.49266952
File: 51 KB, 680x680, Tickr PCOG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to /pol retard
This is now a PrecogFinance thread

>> No.49267117

well for foreign brides they go after poor women in south east asia. being a poor person in south east asia is 100x worse than being in rural china believe it or not.

>> No.49267153

>make a fake screencap
>/biz/ gobbles it up
I'm saddened to admit that this incel board is dumber than Reddit

>> No.49267337
File: 65 KB, 636x429, Honorable spurdo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember what happened the last time China started a war with Japan?

>> No.49267562

Memes aside, a hot war would be a horrible idea for China right now. Historically they've had a mediocre record, they're surrounded by hostile or semi-hostile countries, they have an "off" switch in the form of muh three gorges damn, and unlike the 1950s there isn't a massive surplus of young men because of the one child policy. Due to China's declining population (which isn't a bad thing in and of itself, endless population growth is a meme) every single dead soldier means you've wiped out an entire bloodline and left four grandparents with no one to support them. Of course, why would they even want to anyway? Why not just sit back while you keep getting richer and more powerful?

>> No.49267573

It's fake you retards

>> No.49267597

no the so called goberment is just the dominant gang

>> No.49267608


The western policy is to replace whites with blacks and browns. They will just make up the labor gap with immigrants.

>> No.49267634

literal fake headline

>> No.49267711
File: 3.91 MB, 270x263, 1653561567526.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This reminds me of:
>china is not fascist, chud

>> No.49267727

Implying they won't make a human farm which are more cheaper instead.

>> No.49267746

Can mass forced impregnation save China?

>> No.49267777

Another 4 letter group has done the same to Europeans, we aren't much higher than 1.0 per European/Actual American, certainly well, well below replacement levels, probably irreversible without something unprecedented happening

>> No.49267785

Also, notice the double standards by feminist groups not giving a fuck about men getting JUSTed as well.

>> No.49267796

Yes, forced impregnation by BBC leading to a genetically superior race: Asian work ethics and math brains combined with black size, strength and UV resistant skin. I can already imagine the breeding factories.

>> No.49267807
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>> No.49267820
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>> No.49267827

It didn't do a very good job then so I'd say it was more about the control of movement with vaccine passport and enforcing a global identity & movement control regime.

>> No.49267829

>instead he gets the retarded mind of a nigger mixed with the fragile body of a ching chong
Oh no no no...

>> No.49267835

As if our (((banking))) leaders would allow that. They shifted all industry to Communist China. Do you not understand they will be the new vehicle? And 'Americans' who make money from global free trade which rapes the concept of nationhood will go with it. Because it will enhance their power here. We will be under the Chinese model very soon. (((They))) used Portugal, Holland, Spain, France, England camer out on top and became the vehicle, then it was decided America better suited their aims, and now its on to China, after that, either the Chinese destroy the snakes among them or it will be India next.

>> No.49267860

/biz/ is retarded exhibit $928227:

falling for a fake Twitter screencap

>> No.49267865

The (((dems))) incentivised single motherhood in the 60's and its spread everywhere in Europe. As does every destructive idea (((they))) conjure up

>> No.49267867
File: 121 KB, 1080x1109, any day now 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This time China will really collapse!

>> No.49267876

malthusian have always been wrong though

>> No.49267878
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>> No.49267886
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>> No.49267889

Shhh, how else do you get discussion going on?

>> No.49267903
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>> No.49267907
File: 129 KB, 800x709, any day now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok guise, i know i was wrong the last 500 times, but trust me now, China will collapse in 2 weeks!

>> No.49267908

>4chan is a judgement-free zone.
shut up nigger

>> No.49267992

Incompetent mostly. Look at their war record over the last 1000 years

>> No.49268062
File: 114 KB, 1001x569, 1628977782588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are still 93% Han Chinese. Seems like they won the most important war, unlike you mutt

>> No.49268089

fake marriages incoming

>> No.49268101
File: 2.37 MB, 474x596, Fat faggot zoomer vs nigger.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black size, strength

>> No.49268115

Can I get a translation? I understand the eugenic message, but what specifically is it saying?

>> No.49268119

Han is a meaningless term at this point after centuries of rape

>> No.49268141
File: 2.81 MB, 544x884, Chink and puppy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be Chink
>Sister built for Big White Cock
>Grandma built for Big Japanese Cock
>Great grandma built for Big Mongol Cock

>> No.49268145
File: 141 KB, 1024x621, 1628857997794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems to me like cope, lmao

>> No.49268174
File: 473 KB, 952x842, PngItem_6032784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This whole global order is gonna go off the rails within our lifetime
This so much
I don't think people understand how fragile the world order is and many overestimate the amount of control the US really has
The US is inevitably going to collapse in on itself politically due to demographical change and it's already sifting away from being the world police
Europe, also counting Russia is completely fucked and so are Korea, Japan and China most likely due to aging populations and unchecked immigration in EU (Paris is the best example of how all big EU cities will be like in 10-20 years if nothing changes)

At the end of the day the US has the highest chance of surviving as a strong nation, albeit being much less powerful and more isolationist with a radically different social and political landscape. But overall it's extremely hard to predict what will happen other than that the current order and socioeconomic landscape is hanging on by a thread and delusion.

>> No.49268184
File: 2.02 MB, 1964x3668, WAKE ME UP INSIDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair I'm coping
But really, we're both coping. Are you that Peruvian on /pol/?

>> No.49268193


>an army of shrieking gook women

nightmare fuel

>> No.49268200

>At the end of the day the US has the highest chance of surviving as a strong nation, albeit being much less powerful and more isolationist with a radically different social and political landscape.

I agree, but we won't be strong. We'll be a remnant country that's been carved out of a balkanized post race war hellscape at best.

>> No.49268224
File: 2.70 MB, 1024x576, chicago.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, you would feel more at home next to vibrant nigger cities filled with incredible culture and bustle.

>> No.49268253

>oh no, the racists will be replaced! here's a shocking graph called a family tree to scare you into being more racist!

>> No.49268266

ratio is about 111 men to 100 females in marriage age group, so it’s pretty bad

>> No.49268278

Can a janny actually do their fucking job for once and delete this horrendous shit.

Business and finance.

>> No.49268290

More reason to worry, this will cause them to find foreign wife. Just like most middle east refugee are male and commit rape in europe.

>> No.49268340

Dumb should just do low interest home loans for couples main home and lower the interest per child they have.

>> No.49268372

Is this really the future Jesus wanted for us?

>> No.49268394
File: 1.05 MB, 360x279, Based Gary kills pedo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jannies tounge my anus.

Or alternatively just live their lives without any prospects of finding a wife, having kids, being considered full fledged adults. Which means that /at best/ they'll barely contribute to society, or at worst actively try to tear it down.

Or y'know, do what Hitler did and give people 0% interest mortgages, with 25% being paid off by the government for each child a couple has. Of course if you take the Spenglerian view if your government has to boost the birth rate then it's already over.

>> No.49268412
File: 23 KB, 474x380, apu_tired_coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think a race war is very unlikely
That being said, all throughout history extremely unlikely things have happened that no one could have predicted, if something retarded can happen it will
The internet has caused massive social and economic shifts akin to the industrial revolution, we are just only now starting to feel the pressure and effects of that

The worst thing has been the destruction of the nuclear family which is already causing massive social unrest which in turn destroys the economy
The US is doing better in that regard due to being more religious and hispanics being catholic, compared to Europe
Here in Spain both men and women are expected to wage (and frankly need to) in order to support a family
I have no idea how women have convinced themselves that being a wage slave instead of raising and spending time with their kids is a better way to live
Our economy is so completely fucked and we are basically a welfare state funded by germany

>> No.49268421

it's a fake screencap

>> No.49268429

>encouraging your moderate to high IQ native population to marry and reproduce
>importing millions of low IQ brown central american nigger monkeys per year, legally and illegally, to reproduce
choose wisely, white man.