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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 488 KB, 1910x1782, paygap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49378685 No.49378685 [Reply] [Original]

When is the West ready to just fully embrace findom? Young women make more than men in some cities despite working less hours and choosing less lucrative majors. OF is becoming normalized, divorce courts and child support are still extremely one sided, M/F suicide ratios are 4-1 and rising. Women collect the majority of govt benefits, and we STILL want to give them more and campaign for equality.

What can be done about this?

>> No.49378781

HEY!!!! Back up buster, take a moment to conceptualize the aroma of that woman’s stink. Very disrespectful for you to not comment on the scent before speaking you been warned.

>> No.49378822

Men should just completely check out of society, get on welfare and see how fast this shit collapse before they beg men to work again

>> No.49378938

If I showed this to any of the women I know who still believe in the pay gap they would give me some anecdote about how someone they know makes less than a man so therefore it's not even close to equal yet.
Basically this.

>> No.49378965

Check out these hard working PM's telling the engineers what to do :>)


>> No.49378987

You will have zogbots demanding you work for free lel.

>> No.49378999

I now hate women even more. :)

>> No.49379069

I never understood why companies hire and overpay women when they are not worth it and generally lack creative ability.

>> No.49379117

It's the law.

>> No.49379161

Because most companies are not innovative or competitive, most jobs do not optimize for productivity, and being around attractive women improves morale and day to day experience more than anything else.

>> No.49379190

Right. It helps that they are obedient as well.

You Americans are fucked in the long run. Women are just like their reproductive aparatus, everything about them has to be preprogrammed. Put them in an unpredictable situation and you are done.

>> No.49379218


Don't do anything. Let it escalate. In fact, let me correct myself, maybe we should do something and accelerate it. Make the entire world just for women 24/7. Make it so completely lopsided it finally breaks, and maybe that will wake up men to being real men instead of soft bodies. The 4th turning can't come too soon.

>> No.49379220

A company that isnt innovative doesnt have a monopoly and thus is a competitive company. In a long run, such company is doomed to fail.

>> No.49379225

Yeah, some of this. The books have all been written. The most valuable business commodity is getting teams to "gel" together. You don't need to innovate or compete. You have to have teams working together that "gel" and don't fight with each other. Then you have to give clients customers and shareholders the warm fuzzies. You want young woman for those roles. No one actually wants to talk to the freaks over on /g/ every fucking day they're at work. Everyone is just trying to survive the fucking workday and go home. Not everyone argues about linux "for fun"

>> No.49379243

"Findom" is literally normal. If we fully embraced it we would be returning to tradition. That's how it's always been. The man slaves away and gives all his money to his wife and offspring.

>> No.49379263

Ha. Keep dreaming. Business is cutt throat. You re gonna get rekt from the outside at least.

>> No.49379278

10% maybe. But 90% of businesses are just rehashing the same tech and the same models that we've had for 50 years now.

>> No.49379282

I've said this before, the entire purpose of women's suffrage and the current gynocentric political and economic policies of the west were for the sole purpose of bringing harems back. Everyone has heard the 90/10 rule with dating, but it's more like 99/1. Instead of being part of the king's harem, they're now part of Chad and Tyone's harem. An elite group of men are now fucking the entire female species. Turns out, they only hate it when they don't get to choose which harem they're in. The entire purpose of feminism is because average women would rather suck Chad's cock than settle for an average man

>> No.49379289

Yeah. And that means that they are competing. Which means that they are dying.

>> No.49379301
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>> No.49379319

It’s because Jews like women more because they are better golems that parrot the globohomo rhetoric so they reward them with all the high paying make work white collard jobs that used to go to men. Also they like white women in the work force because that means they have less of a chance at becoming a mother with white children

>> No.49379322
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The solustion at that point is to just kill chad and tyrone and enslave women. I mean it's not that hard when 90% of men can't procreate and have no stake in society. This is the future liberals and cuckservatives wanted.

>> No.49379350

Yeah, and in bull markets I imagine sociability and attractiveness are way way over represented.

True to an extent, but now we're pushing for female domination in every area compared to men, and not just trad roles in the past.

Leaving hordes of men underemployed with a female middle class is next level findom that fucks with birth rates and social cohesion.

>> No.49379354

There is no solution. The guy you replied to is right. Feminism was a cry for unchecked hypergamy. Society was a beta males contract to ensure their reproduction. The only outcome is a demize of civilization.

>> No.49379426
File: 114 KB, 1080x694, a53c1f3104ae1c082b068ffd1b2ce723e3c74332aca2fc20159364c9bb39c811_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The difference is the males always made the decisions in the past, with a few exceptions from competent females. If a man put his foot down that was generally the end of it - and rightly so. Nowadays it's the females who always have the final word and the final say. It takes getting beaten in the head with facial wounds, including with a door, faeces put in bed, loss of a significant portion of a finger and countless provable lies for a male to have any hope of winning an argument these days. (you can replace history with "modern history").

>> No.49379454

It wasn't an accident or religion that women were kept locked down since early hominids. Unchecked hypergamy really fucks a society over. They banned it because it ended the lineage of most trades. The butcher, blacksmith, farmer, etc, ended up with no son to pass his trade to. Women don't naturally select for intelligence. It was more or less a fluke in humans that the smartest ended up able to kill and rape more. It's why no other animals evolved intelligence the same way we did

>> No.49379468

What's more, you can fight and you can fight, but if you're a low status male (ie. 90% of young men nowadays), you will just get hammered and hammered until you finally just tend to give in to it and accept it as normal. Take shit after shit.

>> No.49379506

and you will be happy.

>> No.49379510

anything to stop women from being mothers

>> No.49379537

It doesnt have to be like that. You can evade all the bullshit with online business, if you trully wish to overcome it. Remember, we offer the final word. It will always be like that. Do not give in to a defetist position.

>> No.49379633
File: 2.29 MB, 720x1280, woman.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 she wins on appeal
>she pledged the money
>she isn't spending it

>> No.49379680
File: 410 KB, 731x1120, 521515151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's literally over. What you're talking about is, historically, a sign of imminent societal implosion. not necessarily mad max but you're in for interesting times. No two more weeks or le happening about this, I just read books.

>> No.49379704
File: 448 KB, 731x1120, 72501825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Riddle me this anon, who is worse:

1) this whore
2) her worthless father
3) the society that enables her behavior (you)

>> No.49379717
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>> No.49379897
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>> No.49380112

What's that image? Euthanasia pod? I tried reverse image search and nothing.

>> No.49380154
File: 2.95 MB, 640x360, 1653456951871.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What can be done about this?
Cool it with the antisemitic remarks

>> No.49380355

>be company owner
>only hire competent people (ie white and east asian men)
>get sued out of existence
>nigger hordes loot your house
>if you defend yourself you're charged with a crime
It's a mystery

>> No.49380398

To this day, along with the Building 7 collapse video, this is one of the most insane videos I have ever seen in my entire life.

>> No.49380488

We had a Findom system in place already. It was called marriage.

>> No.49380581

You got a link?

>> No.49380649
File: 139 KB, 1092x863, kek lol wew imagine my shark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get literally any degree
>a woman will always be preferred over you at a 2:1 ratio

>> No.49380659

It's actually
>be company
>have quotas
>but also the government gives you credits for going over the quotas
>oh shit why is everything failing
>save me, dongles

>> No.49380670

this video is better https://odysee.com/@corbettreport:0/9-11-a-conspiracy-theory:e

The key to NEETing is to find a woman to financially contribute a lot, ideally most of the rent and food - luckily this is easier today as women make more than men on average and get preference for hiring, school, promotion etc. You'll probably have to settle with a heavier/uglier woman or someone older or even a single mom but if you're willing to compromise you can get a sweet gig, it's more common than you think actually. Many women today are addicted to work and WANT to work more than you.

>> No.49380679

Not him but there are many videos of it on youtube.


Careful you don't get TOO interested, you don't want to end up like one of those hundreds of thousands of people who mysteriously disappear in the US every year.

>> No.49380693

Also I don't believe those numbers. I don't mean that in a sense of "it's not true" but in a sense of "the men are probably working under the table". If you were forced to live in this shit society, why would you report employment if you could just do stuff off the books?

>> No.49380694

I mean for this webm >>49380154

>> No.49380696

Men champion getting shit done. It’s not going to stop we’re hardwired to provide

>> No.49380715

>tfw im a white british male and i paid an obese ebony woman to put a leash on me and force me to suck her toes last weekend
its over

>> No.49380721

Chin up lad. Re asses

>> No.49380772

It's actually really weird to think at some point society didn't actively punish you for being male, beyond making you have a job. Now they actively try to prevent you from having a job so they can suck QE bucks up.

Except QE is over so most of these businesses will fucking collapse. Kek.

>> No.49380921

and then people wonder where all the inflation is coming from. QT is just QE light

>> No.49380935

Just become a criminal and let everything burn. This shithole has no worth

>> No.49381024

Always was like that, difference is that before lower value men used to drop out society, so their society didn't work, beta males are still needed. Now men are too blind to see the truth with their shiny toys and delusions

>> No.49381046

These are the same type of people looking at your job application btw :^)

>> No.49381049

>east asian men
Their called chinks. You should know since you are one.

>> No.49381106

Incorrect. Beta males are opting out. Check out MGTOW, Incels, herbivores, etc. Men are becoming selfish.

>> No.49381146

Plenty of them are still contributing. A few of them leaving is not an issue, specially now that robots are a thing

>> No.49381192

It doesn't work when the men aren't making nearly enough money. The whole thing collapses. Women don't want to date. OF can't get the income they need either. It's tough out there. It's like what Ford said, you got to pay your workers so they buy your cars.

>> No.49381196

The funny thing is, this particular orc was actually modeled after Harvey Weinstein

>> No.49381205

Robots are not a thing. The economy is lagging behind. Even a few percent will have a devastating effect. Not sure you are aware of how big MGTOW is. The sooner we hit bottom, the sooner we will bring a situation more favorable to ourselves.

>> No.49381249

You're delusional bro, robots do much more of what you think, in fact many companies still keep some useless worker because the government demands it, only to keep unemployment rates steady

>> No.49381252

People work to eat and survive, but not for a future, innovation, or creativity anymore. It's a big deal, bigger than you think.

>> No.49381261

Nope. Time will teach the best. Pendulum swings. This time much faster. It's a World Wide Web.

>> No.49381269
File: 20 KB, 262x400, AF06A947-DD45-45FC-8EAF-FBA1AB02AC51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you’re interested in some deeper dives into the sociobiology of some of the ideas being floated ITT, check out these three books:

1. The Red Queen, by Matt Ridley
2. The Selfish Gene, by Richard Dawkins
3. Sperm Wars, by Robin Baker

>> No.49381295

much more than if you cared to check

>> No.49381317

it needs to crash for the situation to get better, can't happen soon enough though, if at all. Pity millenials and zoomers, wasted generations

>> No.49381339

I am a millennial. I've stopped pitying and begun to accept the goodness of God.

>> No.49381347

ITT schizos
don't want to take your meds? fine
at least go outside and touch grass faggots

>> No.49381369

Don't be scared. A few years of terror is required for a lasting renaissance.

>> No.49381521

Greetings from kazakhstan

>> No.49381571


>> No.49381605

Recommend us some books anon. I like reading.

>> No.49381624

tell me more. expand on your statement. provide an example.

>> No.49381691

I was just outside. The fat McDonalds worker was hitting on me. What does it mean to be an American today? Maybe McDonalds. Did you touch grass today as well?

>> No.49381736

In order to keep those robots functioning you need people who can do problem solving on the spot and work with thier hands, which is most commonly white men. However that type of career is pretty demanding and if a 25 yo woman is more likely to be promoted than a 35yo man they are not likely to put in the extra effort.

>> No.49381759
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The goal is to deny the (((system))) of your skill/labor and let it collapse. You owe fuck all to a society that has actively excluded you your entire life and wants to disenfranchise you all while gaslighting you that you're better off than the classes the system is propping up. There are several ways to go about it.
>make enough off crypto/stocks to never work again
>work your ass off for a few years to save up enough for some kind of off the grid homestead/innawoods Tedshed/van life
>move somewhere cheap, work an easy part time job for 20-25 hours a week (ideally earning just enough to avoid homelessness without earning enough to disqualify you from some gibs) and get a few likeminded roommates
>scam the government for disability or NEETbux
>leach off family, if you do the part time job thing mentioned above and contribute some around the house they're more likely to tolerate this

>> No.49381799

Truck drivers are are great example of a white male occupation that's been devalued by infinity immigration, paired with talk of automation, which has directly led to the breakdown of supply chains.

>> No.49381821
File: 131 KB, 1192x670, 83750825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at what point does it become morally perilous to contribute to (and thus enable) society?

Just understand that there is a natural order. When the order is violated, this creates two problems:

1) cultural decay thanks to the breakdown of order itself
2) cultural decay thanks to the reaction to the breakdown of order

Sort of how you don't welcome a fever, even though it is technically a sign your body is fighting a virus. This toxicity snowballs into disaster unless the societal immune system succeeds, and even then it will be changed (reactionary ideology). You can see this reaction-counterreaction toxicity play out in "multicultural" societies as well.

Correct, and there is nobody competent anywhere near a position to fix it. The true Atlas Shrugged timeline.

>> No.49381832

Reading this made me irrationally angry.

>> No.49381835

Based. There are actually millions of white men in the western World applying these strategies. And the numbers keep growing! Keep spreading the tactics.

>> No.49381844

Im going to go ABC

>> No.49381857

NEETdom is cringe, it will always be cringe. There will come a day sooner than you think when these stormclouds will pass, and it is your responsibility to create children to be there
>but muh state of women
where there is WILL, there is a way

>> No.49381909

There are more than enough children around at this time.

No man is obliged to comply with your definitions.

Especially given current affairs.

At this time, every man must look for his ass.

>> No.49381928
File: 166 KB, 1024x487, patriarchy_vs_feminism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>option 1 involves working before you /makeit/ while you are buying your crypto/stocks
>option 2 involves working to afford your home of choice and afterwards you're still working to survive off grid, just a different kind of work than clocking in and out for Mr. Shekelberg's company
>option 3 involves working
>option 4 does not involve working
>option 5 work is optional but your family is less likely to hate you if you aren't full-NEET
3/5 feature work and work is suggested for another option. Only one is true NEETdom and that still takes some work to scam the government out of enough welfare to live off. Make work rewarding for men if you want us to play the game, otherwise we're happy to watch all the roasties and whinorities who have stolen every opportunity from us collapse the system with their incompetence.

>> No.49382490

r-eddit pop science world view fuck off.
science is fake.

>> No.49382510

Literally men's fault for being simps. It's a negative feedback loop. It becomes harder to get laid, men simp more making it harder to get laid

>> No.49382547

It smells like shit and I'm actually sitting on my ass and taking a shit while typing this

>> No.49382629

That bridge was built by white men, good job falling for a psyop to make you look retarded.

>> No.49382634

My company (medical) sent us all an email on international womens day saying we have over 85% female employees, that we should be proud of advancing our diversity so well, but there is still a lot more to do.
How do we get more diverse? Is 90% enough? 95? I don't get it. Do we need over 50% LGBITQABCF+ ... Or is it because all the C-suite is male and we need over 50% females there too? They're definitely pushing that way, hiring for management roles based on "EQ" not "IQ" and promoting people out of HR.

>> No.49382642

>richard dawkins
go back

>> No.49382652

This doesn't mean anything
I have a master, my own apartment, I earn $180k and yet women still despise me

>> No.49382751

how come 9/10 people itt can't fucking spell?
I think at least half of you are named raj and abdul.

>> No.49382796
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Thank you, you get it. Start gangs.