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49378699 No.49378699 [Reply] [Original]

Is Alex Becker just pumping or is he actually this retarded?

>> No.49378756

I just broke your thread's hyman and stole it's virginity. Lol not very tight either

>> No.49378792

will we finally have FUN?

>> No.49378809

axie infinity already got pumped and dumped. this retard must have some heavy ass bags

>> No.49378841

I can't imagine anyone playing nft games except broke shitskins

>> No.49378863

all of the big companies making serious money with games (microtransaction shit like GTA online, mobile games, fifa cards etc) have absolutely no incentive to use a system which would allow the public to make money. NFTs do not offer any technical edge or advantage

if you buy game related shitcoins (they are all shitcoins) you need to buy and sell quickly on the hype cycle. if you hold waiting for a product to be delivered and gain players you will get fucked, because no real developers are making games which will either be finished or be good (outside slots websites)

>> No.49378964

pay to earn is fucking dead
the moment it's profitable, bot farms in third world countries will drive the price to the ground with oversupply

>> No.49379006

It has a chance but you this anon >>49378863 made the best take. There's no advantage for crypto gaming against the current models where the profits are all for the companies. There's no way they are going to accept sharing the profits.

>> No.49379071

This niggerfaggot just pumps and dumps p2e as a whole thinking since games will never go out of style so will the crypto p2e shtick

>> No.49379318

just another way for shitty gaming companies to make even more money all they think of is 'how can we incorporate crypto into x game economy to make even more money for us?' fucking niggers

>> No.49380995
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>> No.49381318

>trillion dollar mc bull
either he’s retarded or preying on financially illiterate crypto folks, which many are. Liquidity is being drained from markets rn, to suggest that 1) bull is coming 2) he can predict what sector 3) gaming
wtf has anyone even looks at gaming stocks, their financials etc? The industry is really rough, hard to make profit without some serious thought and planning. AAA budgets are wild, and investors are wisening up.
This is 2021’s funfair

>> No.49381336

Sounds like that stupid fucking Zuckerverse that's still an epic failure.

>> No.49381402

Sure thing.

>> No.49381522
File: 8 KB, 852x73, lolmoneyhaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Made $10000+ trading virtual items in a dead video game
>Invested $200 each in Thetan Arena and Axie Infinity for shits and giggles, got burned on both

>>49378863 Sharing profits with the public via gambling based economies cam ne outrageously profitable for businesses, just look at Valve with CS:GO.

GameFi could absolutely work by copying said system and improving upon it (Although the game itself would need to be a high enough quality product to compete with Valve's offerings)

Thetan Arena failed because of venture capitalists dumping their bags once their tokens were unlocked, and it took a $600 million dollar hack to knock Axie down a peg, but even then it's still easily taking the #1 spot for cryptocurrency gaming

There's a lot of growing pains in this space that could be improved on, but it's certainly something to keep an eye on.