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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 66 KB, 638x600, 25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49598536 No.49598536 [Reply] [Original]

60m users on brave, less then 25 bat available to each user to equal the entire fully circulating supply of 1.5b. if you arent buying you are retarded.

john faggot may have actually blown his brains out which means the bottom is in

>> No.49598689

I bought 12,500 BAT this morning and some MANA and ETH. BAT will be huge and I think these next few years in particular it will explode. Excited to see where this goes especially since I feel like I am getting good entries for once.

>> No.49598709

this shit is back to 25 cents?

>> No.49598744
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You're welcome. I boughted more Saturday night. Guaranteed a dumpening.

>> No.49598747

its the amount of bat that each brave user can hold to equal the entire supply but yeah pretty much at 25c too kek

show yourself john faggot tell me how much you want to neck yourself

>> No.49598793
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thank you for your service sir. i bought a decent amount last night and then another stack this morning as well

>> No.49599498

If Brave were to take even 1% of the advertising revenue from search engines, this coin would moon to astronomical levels. They also have other avenues for BAT like some of the wallet stuff and Solana things but I haven't looked much into that yet. Very bullish in the advertising side of this coin though.

>> No.49599564

Token not needed. Sold at $1.20. Thanks!

>> No.49599594
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Everything is bullish, but yet we keep dumping. Granted, everything is dumping. Just sucks that we have to be so thoroughly entwined with Grandpa Shitcoin

>> No.49599665

Decentr > Brave

>> No.49599689
File: 62 KB, 576x1024, 1655115681854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will I make it with the 40 bat I was given in exchange for my personal information? I have more on my cell phone but idk how to transfer it.

>> No.49599701

everything dumps together just buy more bat faggot

>> No.49599702

Yeah but no one coin can escape a market wide de-risk. It's times like these where you can get huge discounts on things that will perform well when we come out the other side of the bear. Times like these are where the real money is made though.

>> No.49599739

Agreed. It's inevitable that some of us will bleed on the way to the absolute bottom.
Kek. Already done my part. How much have you bought?

>> No.49599861
File: 165 KB, 472x495, 1654212338052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you dont want to kyc you can just wait until pay with bat feature is out, then you can just spend it on products and stuff right from your wallet without having to transfer to an exchange


about 190k bat between last night and this morning so far. i have some yolo bids set lower im hoping for a final capitulation event. if my bids hit it will be epic. also was buying between 37-40c range as well, little early with those ones but oh well.

>> No.49599955

When is Decentr going to be sued for running fake ad campaigns? You can't just use a companies logo and likeness without their permission.

>> No.49600204

I have held 143k since 2020. I don’t care how long it takes, I like the product and know it will succeed.

>> No.49600285

Bought 500 at 0.28. I'm here to support faggotry. You can count on me.

>> No.49600386
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i join you in solidarity my friend

>> No.49600515
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looks like brave bought the dip today as well


>> No.49600664
File: 2.72 MB, 640x800, 119128943_776772703135911_6217103770063451603_n.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will HODL the line and buy 350k at 20 cents. Props to all you lads already putting in work. Just wanted to bump while I had a free min from waging.

Hi BAP <3, TurtlesLad, and everyone else.

>> No.49600979
File: 420 KB, 789x539, batmoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now that we are back home at the 20c range we can start the OG saturday threads back kek

>> No.49601140
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I'll be there!

>> No.49601190
File: 384 KB, 1800x1801, 9B17BAFF-DE7D-4265-8DD6-D2384DAC75F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive been waiting for this for fucking months. used to hold when bat was around 60c or so. saw what was coming and dipped. it’s a good fucking day bat bros

>> No.49601260

why should any brave user hold even one of this shitcoin?

>> No.49601297
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>> No.49602013
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anyone know the name of that fudge factory?

>> No.49602029

Imagine the fucking smell

>> No.49602106
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Kind of excited to flush some of these lending products out of the system. Maybe then it's time for BAT to soar.

>> No.49602236

How do you get an ass that big? Massive amounts of saturated fat?

>> No.49602610

Seconded. TP has the best coom bait I’ve ever seen but I can never find anything name wise

>> No.49602718

Looks natural as well. Crazy genetics along with the gym is my best guess

>> No.49602836

No matter how much I get financially destroyed I know I can count on bat threads for a nice coom

>> No.49603010

I bought some BAT today because I can't believe it's back at this price with that many users lmao

With how many people they have using this browser they have to be able to make it moon eventually

>> No.49603789

>With how many people they have using this browser they have to be able to make it moon eventually
yeah they will figure it out eventually. luke seems driven to make it happen.

>> No.49604071

Luke is also an ETH maxi, so I wouldn't take his calls regarding crypto too seriously.

>> No.49604092

I'll buy when they walk away from the Solana scam

>> No.49604144

Watching Eich shill Solana was pretty rough. Brave always seems to prefer the more centralized option.

>> No.49604320

"this time its different" - every single bat holder in the last 4 years

>> No.49604401

it's the pragmatic approach. SOL and ETH are both objectively shitcoins but they also have the most users. Once an actually good L1 starts to grow they'll wrap bat on it as well.

>> No.49604412

Even if it's not different BAT still goes up LOL. That is the pattern.

>> No.49604506

then why didnt you sell at $2. oh yea this time its different

>> No.49604596

>nothing is ever different any everything always stays the same

im surprised you havent killed yourself yet

>> No.49604612

Except they seem to habitually partner with the shit option, sol, uphold, unstoppable, tap network, origin, bloody afrodao. In every case they've had better options available.

>> No.49604688

why didnt you cash out in november like the rest of us

>> No.49604696

partnering with SBF, the scummiest jew in crypto, is very bullish for our bags

>> No.49604709

brave has no idea how to run marketing or community. their performance is and continues to be laughably bad. but it doesn’t matter, the product is selling itself and the viral loop of BAT will eventually start spiraling upward

>> No.49604774

i sold a good amount of bat over $1. and now im buying back

>> No.49604789

>thinking SBF won't backstab brave the first chance he gets.
Eich isn't part of the tribe. At the moment though he's busy raping celcius and Saylor.

>> No.49604838

>thinking SBF won't backstab brave the first chance he gets.
its an exchange partner dude its not like he is marrying SBF and splitting the company with him

>> No.49604839
File: 101 KB, 600x502, brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its mind blowing in the crypto space how many people are literally BLIND to it. BAT has the greatest token sink and utility out there right now. Its a fixed supply, entire supply is in circulation, as it keeps hitting more hands, supply shock incoming

60M active users on Brave, that's not many BAT per user. Its crazy to think about. SDK's haven't been launched yet, the buy pressure of self serve ads hasn't been added yet. It's literally only starting

>> No.49604974

because I can't predict the market
still have more money than you faggot
and experiences, friends, and a partner.

you don't need money anyway, a rope is cheap
seethe and die

>> No.49605007

brave is going to be basically one of the only companies still building and growing their product in the bear market. all the flashy shit from the bull cycle will just be yelling hype garbage with no substance into an empty room

>> No.49605716

This is about my position at the moment. I can't believe how inept they seem from a marketing standpoint. That said, they seem to be more about delivering product.
>I'm in it for the tech
Not really. But at least they are producing something concrete.

Love ya TP

>> No.49605875

Anyone who refers to their wife/gf/husband/whatever as a 'partner' is a massive fag.

Still, I'm trying not to underestimate his ability to fuck up absolutely everyone. CZ needs to out-jew him somehow.

>> No.49606058

Yeah, you're right. Words are crimes.

>> No.49606351

>This is about my position at the moment. I can't believe how inept they seem from a marketing standpoint. That said, they seem to be more about delivering product.
LINK had absolute shit marketing too. Once they started getting things together, if was like a flip switched overnight and all the stars started to align. I think anyone that has been following Brave and what they are doing with BAT at least casually over the last few years should be able to see how obvious it is that this could be a mega performer from here.

>> No.49607034

ya i was in the link threads at like $2 originally, not super OG but had the same energy. this thing is primed for similar, I really dont think brave can fuck up bad enough to prevent it

>> No.49607082

I definitely see it. I've seen it since last year. I lurked in Link threads back in the day, but never bought. Never making that mistake again.

>> No.49607249

I have a coding youtube channel and put it on brave creators 5 months ago but no donations yet. Have you guys ever recieved a donation??

>> No.49607301

Got a link to the channel?
I generally watch coding channels for specifc langauge and pattern help

>> No.49607509

Maybe where you're from you sperg.
It's a common colloquialism in the UK so adults can avoid referring their significant others who are yet to be, (or wont be) married as "boyfriends" and "girlfriends".

>> No.49607644

>common in the UK
You mean a country of fags? Color me surprised.
You've got all the words you need already, girlfriend, fiancée, wife, degenerate live-in fuck-buddy that you'll never marry, etc. You're already 100% covered.

>> No.49607686

u guys are still buying after that 2 hour community call about AfrofutureDAO? kek

>> No.49607718

Here you go. But it's in Spanish so I guess you can't use for that.


>> No.49607753

no thanks, im buying hbar and waiting for it to go parabolic especially with the hbar foundation working nonstop to accelerate the growth of hedera's ecosystem

>> No.49607822

bro no one uses tipping or bat its just held by speculators

>> No.49607879

>Nigel, 46, osteopathic surgeon
>"Let me introduce you to my _girlfriend_"
>Mary, 42, teacher

>> No.49607912

If he's 46 and not married, he deserves to sound like a dumbass, because he is.

>> No.49607944


>> No.49608004

Yea i don't speak spanish. Not the content i'd normally watch, but tipped anyway incase it opens up any more of the Brave Creator interface etc.

>> No.49608266

What a dump truck holy shit

>> No.49608518

Nah, it’s fag talk. $40.25 eoy.

>> No.49608601

Still no sauce on that fat ass? Get to work BATtards

>> No.49609235
File: 13 KB, 1162x163, thanksanon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, thanks, anon, really. I know I sound like a fag but getting my first BAT tip... you just made my day. Thank you, really.

>> No.49609558

Funny how bad of a reputation biz has, yet it always seems to have the most friendly anons

>> No.49609817

im convinced it is exclusively us.

>> No.49609941

Here we go again, new BTC lows

>> No.49610243
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It's all so tiresome

>> No.49610282

Anyone have a link to a video of the panel at consensus 2022 that brendan was on?

>> No.49610931

Okay, now that all the coins are down it seems like the perfect time for me to join the crypto gang.
How do I get started?

Is coinmarketcap any good? where do you trade? anything i have to look out for?

I take any advice.

already asked this in the monero thread but i wanna get more opinions

>> No.49611057

Start by downloading the Brave browser. Open an account on a CEX (Gemini, Binance) and put all your net worth into BAT.

Look out for any other project aside from BTC and ETH.

And watch out for pajeets.

>> No.49611089

20 cents...

>> No.49611402
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>And watch out for pajeets.

>> No.49612316

Do the needful and scan your passport, sire. Most importantly, do not redeem

>> No.49612785


>> No.49612800
File: 48 KB, 400x364, 2017b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<------ Holy fucking kek my sides

>> No.49612964

You're asking me to do a puzzle using this image?