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File: 932 B, 1200x720, 56873FB2-A168-42B4-B6E9-DB3814A09F11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49823000 No.49823000 [Reply] [Original]

>portfolio crashing
>crypto dead
>energy costs through the roof
>fucking 40 degrees and getting cooked alive and can’t afford to turn a fan on due electricity costs
>inflation through the fucking roof
>Döner almost 7€


>> No.49823024

Your fucking fault for not leaving the country

>> No.49823041

000 like your bank account balance, hans

>> No.49823052

move to Prague

>> No.49823053

move to russia before russia moves to you

>> No.49823063

>40 degrees is hot in Germany
Holy shit krauts are a bunch of pussies. It’s been 100+ in Texas for a month and no one is even complaining.

>> No.49823076

germans are the biggest cucks
bootlickers for ukraine. sending them their weapons over, money, taking in their refugees and fucking selenski is unhappy with germany, constantly critizing germany. deamanding more free stuff, giving out list what he wants from germany, in return providing jackshit and pissing on germany.

>> No.49823084

American education unironically in this post.

>> No.49823099

>Döner almost 7€
Ess keine Ausländerscheiße, kauf billige Schnitzel im ANgebot und mach es selbst

>> No.49823106

I’m in Texas and I’m complaining. doesn’t matter how many summers you go through here, it’s not any more enjoyable or better than the last. quit pretending like it is. also you gotta be baiting with the degrees comment unless you really are retarded.

>> No.49823108
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He is talking about human measurements not mutt numbers

>> No.49823109

My fucking sides, holy shit burgers really are devolving

>> No.49823135

hahahahhaha fucking americans

I wonder how hot it was in Afghanistan today

>> No.49823139

>he didn't realize klaus schwab chainlink threads spammed after covid-19 weren't schizo posting a year ago and the great reset was upon us

>> No.49823147

>>fucking 40 degrees and getting cooked alive and can’t afford to turn a fan on due electricity costs
if you wet the floor your house will cool naturally, trust me, poor guy from Portugal, when the house gets hot, in like >40º weather, we mop the floor with a generous amount of water, and close all windows, it gets cool pretty quickly as the water evaporates...

>> No.49823164
File: 196 KB, 700x465, haftbe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wallah alhamdulillah ich mach dich gleich zum schnitzel du kleiner drecks alman.

>> No.49823185

Fresse kanack!!

>> No.49823192
File: 17 KB, 180x179, 1639385006293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with all these Sörens and Kevins and fucking Döner? Seriously it's like the Kartoffel equivalent of Soilent/corn syrup/Starfucks.

Also why do you keep making this idiotic thread? It got jannied just an hour or so ago.

>> No.49823197

Why are Portuguese men so fucking sexy

>> No.49823259

Who is this?

>> No.49823264

Not even a bit. Jews forever.

>> No.49823265

shawarma > doener

>> No.49823304
File: 74 KB, 1600x984, photo-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Du kleiner drecks alaman willst mir was sagen. Ich spucke auf dich, ich spuke auf deine ganze drecks familie, auf deinen ganzen drecks staat spucke ich alhamdulillah. Während ich hier gemütlich mein durschlöscher auf deinen nacken genieße machst du dich schon bereit für dein bett, willst ja morgen nicht zu spät kommen du kleiner drecks alaman cuck. Lass und treffen düsseldorf haupti und ich mache dich so fertig deine drecks familie wird dich nicht mal mehr erkennen.

>> No.49823312

Amerimutts and their playdoh measurement system.

>> No.49823316

its our equiv of Tacos

>> No.49823390

>fucking 40 degrees and getting cooked alive and can’t afford to turn a fan on due electricity costs
Buy some solar panels and a split air conditioner and DIY the install (it's illegal to DIY install a split airconditioner, but who the fuck cares).

>> No.49823402
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Alles wird gut

>> No.49823449
File: 93 KB, 640x599, rga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying im a wagecuck
>implying im living in the rohrpott
Also i bet you are just a german or jew faggot kek

>> No.49823472

Komm Yachtclub Niederkassel du verdammter Klapperstorch ich lasse dich ein paar lustige Grimassen für meine Jungs schneiden bevor wir dich Kielholen schicken du Lackaffe.

>> No.49823475

All Germans are wagecucks

>> No.49823521
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the absolute state of mutts

>> No.49823533
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>> No.49823543 [DELETED] 


>> No.49823546
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>> No.49823560
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put me in the screencap

>> No.49823562

>the idiot is a Hartz 4 receiver
Never a surprise

>> No.49823566

40 degrees celsius fuckwit

>> No.49823570

>inflation in Germany
Uh oh.

>> No.49823586

Was zum Teufel hast du grade über mich gesagt, du kleine Schlampe? Du solltest wissen, dass ich meine Ausbildung beim GSG9 als Jahrgangsbester abgeschlossen habe, in mehrere Kommandounternehmen gegen Al-Kaida involviert war und über 300 bestätigte Tötungen habe. Ich bin in Gorillakriegsführung ausgebildet und der beste Scharfschütze im deutschen Bundesheer. Du bist für mich nichts als ein weiteres Ziel. Ich werde dich mit einer nie zuvor gesehenen Präzision vom Antliz dieser Welt tilgen, merk dir meine verdammten Worte. Du denkst du könntest hier im Internet so eine Scheiße über mich erzählen und damit durchkommen? Denk lieber nochmal darüber nach, du Wichser. Während wir uns hier unterhalten, habe ich schon mein geheimes Netzwerk aus Spionen kontaktiert und deine IP-Adresse wird grade rückverfolgt, also mach dich besser auf den Sturm gefasst, du Made. Der Sturm, der das erbärmliche kleine Ding, das du als dein "Leben" bezeichnest, auslöschen wird. Du bist verdammt nochmal tot, Junge. Ich könnte jederzeit überall sein, und dich auf über siebenhundert verschiedene Arten töten, nur mit meinen bloßen Händen. Aber ich bin nicht nur im unbewaffneten Kampf ausgebildet, ich habe auch Zugriff auf das Waffenarsenal der Bundeswehr und ich werde es aufs Vollste ausschöpfen, um deinen elendigen Arsch von diesem Kontinent zu blasen, du kleiner Scheißkerl. Wenn du nur gewusst hättest, was für eine apokalyptische Rache dein kleiner "witziger" Kommentar provoziert hat, hättest du vermutlich dein verdammtes Maul gehalten. Aber nein, das hast du nicht hinbekommen, das wolltest du nicht, und jetzt wirst du dafür bezahlen, du verdammter Idiot. Du wirst in meinem Hass ertrinken. Du bist tot, Junge.

>> No.49823591

ehy fick dich du opfa, ich schwör ich geb dir alter. Mach nochmal so scheiss post hier und dann siehst was abgeht

>> No.49823609
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>> No.49823618


>> No.49823647

Just find a roastie that pays for your shit

>> No.49823671

even fucking worse. I bet you are studying some retarded shit as well. Inb4 "I'm in engineering or CS", yeah as I said some retarded shit that has no use in Germany, but you think you're in the U.S.
Being a Student on Bafög you are just on a glorified Hartz 4

>> No.49823673

overregulated can't even sell weed or moonshine

>> No.49823701

Yeah but im not on bafög, didnt have the guts to lie about my crypto

>> No.49823704

Unironically better role model than most cucked onions Germans.

>> No.49823705

>didn't get a chance to go grocery shopping due to helping family all weekend
>just had to pay 7€ for a Dürüm mit Käse
How the fuck is this allowed?

>> No.49823725

>Dürüm mit Käse
WTF is that?

>> No.49823727

Now this is some quality bait
>tips fedora

>> No.49823733

>not taking advantage of the state
lmao you really are a typical German cuck. Don't forget to pay tax.

>> No.49823740

A Dürüm, but mit Käse, obviously

>> No.49823750

Who eats shit like that?

>> No.49823753

I did something, but im not writing this on a taiwanese fishnet repair forum

>> No.49823757

A mcdc cheeseburger is 1.8€ here now. I paid 4,8€ for a schnitzelweckle at the bäcker

>> No.49823771

Haven't eaten at McD for many years, but almost 5€ for a Schnitzelbrötchen is pretty brutal

>> No.49823785

of course you did you little german cattle cuck.
All you did was report someone for parking incorrectly.

>> No.49823795

You voted for the sozis, you must pay the price, your country had a good few decades but now must be destroyed

>> No.49823799
File: 10 KB, 288x160, E993E900-B258-4E36-8BD4-D31B9297DE60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s just a little sample, germcucks. Sssshhhhh, it’s just the tip.

>> No.49823845
File: 595 KB, 680x678, 1634035331267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tick tock, my Russian friend. Tick tock.

>> No.49823976

I just hope you dont life here
Because most of you scum lives here and is just miserable

>> No.49824017
File: 187 KB, 1092x1161, 1564790188728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys actually falling for this bait

>> No.49824041



>> No.49824049

I am far from miserable, who really is miserable is the true and pure Arian race living in a east German shithole spending their monthly Hartz 4 on the cheapest beer available.

>> No.49824090

I knew it, a parasite that parasites and it miserable about it You have to go back

>> No.49824150

>Someone that earns 100k+/year is the parasite
>not the pure Aryans living on Hartz 4
This is what wrong with G*rmcucks.

>> No.49824163

We are ful

>> No.49824175

>schnitzel ist von österrereich

>> No.49824197

Austrians are germans (Baiovaren to be precise)

>> No.49824237
File: 258 KB, 500x523, 1635167621134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>schnitzel ist von österrereich

>> No.49824259

Learn some history

>> No.49824529
File: 16 KB, 128x128, 3423423214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leute, was werde ich tun. I have my sugarbaby, she is hot as fuck but she is fucking annoying sometimes. I told her to go on a city trip with me to Munich but i kinda regret it now. I kinda wanna dump her but she is really hot.

>> No.49824572

Everyone replying to you is a Europoor
>I know 100 degrees is like 38 deg celcius or something

>> No.49824674

If you think shit is bad now just wait until the winter when nobody has fuel to keep themselves warm and inflation has continued on this trajectory.
All worth it for the sake of globalism and replacing your population with inbred somalians.

>> No.49825185

>>Döner almost 7€
I still pay 5 but they shrunk the size of the fucking Döner to like a McDonalds burger. What the fuck man just raise the fucking price instead

Honestly its a fucking cuck country

>> No.49825209

No everyone is a fucking idiot that just got baited

>> No.49825253

Unironically do it Prague is fucking great the pussy is unreal

>> No.49825266

This is why I love Americans kek

>> No.49825280

your fault for letting them in. Kek.

>> No.49825302

>Don't eat that foreign muck
>Nowt personal not raciss just don't like it
Based German Norfman.

>> No.49825610

> Be me 1 year ago
> Notice increasingly warmer climate
> Notice inflation
> Notice economic decline
> Buy airconditioning for entire house
> Setup a three year fixed rate at truly green energy company for 70 euros a month

> Be me now
> Airco every day
> Electricity bill even lower this calendar year due to tax cuts to keep electricity affordable
> Got back 260 euros from energy company for past year
> Paid 600 euros for 4300 kWh over the past year
kWh price starting this year with tax cuts: 5 cents
> Getting a Tesla eoy for that cheap mileage

I played this so fucking well.

>> No.49825644
File: 336 B, 266x177, B182FD58-2F97-48FA-A1F2-71E46079854F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to add this

>> No.49825742

This guy is trolling.
If you do this you will feel even more heat and you will have troubles breathing.

>> No.49825832

Do germans not use heating and ac or something? Is this some european thing?

>> No.49825906
File: 20 KB, 381x505, FSB4VjpXEAU-HXy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy mother of jesus, top kek

>> No.49825944

You will know freedom once you start hating poors and alcoholic retards instead of all foreigners.

>> No.49826113

I hate poors, alcoholics and foreigners.

>> No.49826124

Einfach macher

>> No.49826165
File: 159 KB, 800x766, __henrietta_gunslinger_girl_drawn_by_youkai_ankake__95a135579578a1e0ead607bba69c2064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here in Italy, germanfren.
tfw can't even tell if bait anymore
t. smelly thirdworlder

>> No.49826239

You should only hate poors (this includes middle class trash), alcoholics, druggies etc.
There is no difference between a successful arab and a succesfull white, just how there is no difference between an alcoholic arab and an alcoholic white.

>> No.49826244

Share your portfolio, I'm curious. The European stock market is (are) atrocious.

>> No.49826246

Of a kraut of all yuropoors I would have expected you at least saw the energy crisis coming with your nuclear plants being shut down. Should've really installed solar panels and a battery, my man.

>> No.49826295

Show your hand Achmed.

>> No.49826304

Google schroder gazprom they're the biggest energy cucks in all of Europe.

>> No.49826367

I am white and make more than you, Hans.

>> No.49826371
File: 66 KB, 625x626, thisisbait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT smelly e-German backpackers that jump up and masturbate to Deutsch/EU chauvinism whenever the metric system comes up because the celebration of an arbitrary French measuring system that offers the ability to do decimal division and multiplication as a means of changing units is so superior simply because repeat sloganeering makes it true.
No wonder Goebbels was successful.
>Forgetting about putting the "C" for clarification
>Bitching about 104°F (40°C) weather.
Yeah you're a bunch of pussies the lot of you Krauts.

>> No.49826394

I doubt it Achmed.

>> No.49826411

Yes but that's government policies. Installing solar is something you can do on your own, because first off it's always nice not to have to rely on energy companies, and second it's doubly important when your government act like complete retards when it comes to energy security.

>> No.49826459

You can doubt it all you want, don't forget to ration your Hartz 4 well enough so that you can get drunk on every weekday of the month, Hans.

>> No.49826491
File: 3.39 MB, 312x290, Moritz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49826511

triggered the burger kek

>> No.49826517

checked & kek'd

>> No.49826543
File: 114 KB, 976x549, Africans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do not worry!
Literally boat loads of Africans are coming!
Your government believes that this will save you!

>> No.49826607 [DELETED] 

Show nose

>> No.49826636

Show Nose

>> No.49826652

I'll wait another 5 years and sell my house. Then I will move out of gerkmany

>> No.49826654

Europoors taking easy b8 to feed their obssession with americans

>> No.49826661

this is amazing

>> No.49826672

how do you hear with solar in winter in a snow storm?

>> No.49826702

You have to suffer because your government tries to teach the Russians a lesson

>> No.49826757

You mine shitcoins at full throttle and earn a few tenths of a cent while you're at it.

>> No.49826759

lmao how is getting rid of nuclear plants doing for you dumbasses

>> No.49826934
File: 65 KB, 972x776, 1605531786514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's illegal to DIY install a split airconditioner
The developed west, everybody.

>> No.49826957

40 degrees? We aint had anything past 32 where I live in Spain, someplaces have not been past 26 yet lmao

>> No.49827000

>need your air conditioner license so an african refugee can install it in your commie bloc house

>> No.49827003

Why don't you just use the system used by the entire world minus the US?

>> No.49827012

>ah jaa die mutti macht das schon ganz gut
>shuts down nuclear power plants
>sets germany up for blackmail by russia
>imports millions of economic migrants
>ohh, ich habe nichts falsch gemacht
kek, get fucking merkeled.

>> No.49827047

We don't really have snowstorms around these parts. We barely get snow.

In the case it does happen, well you'll need to burn gas again I suppose, or a wood stove.

>> No.49827068

>40 degrees
what the fuck? how

>> No.49827098
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>> No.49827113

OP forgot the most important one:
>highest taxes in the world
>non-married, childless workers have to pay up to 40% of their income to the state, which in turn gives that money to unemployed mudslimes

>> No.49827169
File: 1.34 MB, 568x396, even bigger yikes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49827294

Don't worry everyone. While it might seem counterintuitive, complaining is a national sport in Germany, maybe even more popular than soccer. Hell is nice day here.

>> No.49827295

Because Fahrenheit is a better system for measuring air temperature, as it's a human-based ratio instead of water-based - ie. 0F=cold as shit, 100F=hot as balls.

>> No.49827372

Price hike on the shrunken Döner is incoming as well...
Hier in der Stadt kannst die Dinger auch mittlerweile zuklappen und nix schaut mehr raus.

>> No.49827413

AC in residential units is seen as a cardinal sin and literally the devil (or even Hitler) by 98%+ of Germans.

>> No.49828180


Düsseldorf is way worse though

>> No.49828204
File: 4 KB, 262x193, 1655121813339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Put me on the screencap

>> No.49828209

>Waffenarsenal der Bundeswehr

>> No.49828258

don't worry anon, diversity is your strength

>> No.49829379

>triggered the American
Learn some actual English than that shoddy structuralist trendy crap that misappropriates clinical psychiatric terms into vulgar slang. Oh wait what am I saying? Germans are after descendants of barbarians that couldn't even speak Latin correctly. Welp like hairy barbarian like welp sons and daughters.
But we do in where it's necessary. It's not like we're going to give up a custom just like German culture is never going to give up what it values traditionally like stability to fault, pedantry, and weird to zero sense of humor.

>> No.49829401

Checked, but it is your fault for letting the shitskins in, kraut

>> No.49829425

Wow euros are easy to bait

>> No.49829522

What’s funny is the temperature conversion is actually correct and equal (40C =104F)
But euros will still hoot and holler like it’s some kind of ebin murica moment.

>> No.49829557

I've been looking for the refunds page and can't find it. What do you think that means?

>> No.49829762

Their buildings still at least have ventilation right?
What about office buildings, surely the wagies are kept cool.

>> No.49830954

He meant Scientists Degrees Celcius not Hamburger Degrees Freedom you walking case of diabetes

>> No.49831051


Imagine paying more than $0.08 / kWh for electricity, how embarrassing....

>> No.49831575
File: 5 KB, 250x250, images - 2022-06-13T213254.394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crypto will recover and don't act like a kid. This is the cycle. Bette prepare for a big comeback. I got an extra usdc to buy Equilibrium, Polkadot, GLMR and POLS. Major coins will always survive.

>> No.49831652

lmao this

>> No.49831671

>richest and most opportunistic country in EU
>can't afford to power a fucking fan
stop the cap, faggot

>> No.49831751

How about you use human measurements next time you fucking mutt?

>> No.49832109
File: 34 KB, 605x507, images (60).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freeway is built for long term and sustainable growth anon. Stake your fiat there for 43% apy and that will solve your problems. Been using the platform since last year.

>> No.49832527

>Every burger is trying to save face and claim it was bait.
Not so fast you fat fucks.

>> No.49832965
File: 16 KB, 389x389, images - 2022-05-30T042802.547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honeyland is also designed for sustainable platform so i'm giving it a try. As a beekeeper, i'm gonna make sure my bees are well taken care to farm more honey and nft.

>> No.49833002


>> No.49833043

You should be asking why you are letting your nation strengthen globohomo. Everyone should have their own measurement system.

>> No.49833076

Germans are arrogant, autistic, humorless, and stupid. Fuck Germans. Anything bad for Germans is good for the world. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfJv9QYrlwg

>> No.49833170

Isn't Texas rather dry? What fucks you up here in Germany is the high humidity too. You are just sweating. But sweating won't cool you down, instead you just look like you took a shower.

>> No.49834137

I‘ll leave this hell hole after selling in the next run 2024. I have a clear target, I know when to stop accumulating for tax reasons and I will ducking make it. Already sold my material shit, I’m just grinding it out until then, leave and never come back. I won’t miss you germany, you were my home once bout you turned against your citizens. Do I vote with my feet.

>> No.49834271
File: 58 KB, 1500x1500, Neutrogena-Ultra-Sheer-Dry-Touch-Sunscreen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well well well, at least the imported Arabs can handle the heat, you will be replaced, pale skin Aryan

>> No.49834378

Anon, you forgot the best thing, the euro is going to dump *hard* in the coming months and years. The ECB doesn't want to raise interest rates because it would basically instantly bankrupt some southern European nations. So the alternative is 7%+ inflation for the Euro.

Not really a problem for your (and mine fuck) investments as they are probably mostly international (i.e. USD) but wagie life is going to increasingly be worthless.

>> No.49834393

I was also going to leave but where do you even go? Everywhere is even worse than here.

>> No.49834527
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>> No.49835962

It was insanely obvious lmfao

>> No.49836004

>Döner almost 7€

The ones i frequent are at 5.50€.

>> No.49836083
File: 35 KB, 657x527, 1610716374504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot also
>Gf ghosting me
All I wanted is to make it and start a family.
What the fuck.

>> No.49836106

The mere fact that other places do not speak German makes your statement false.

>> No.49836138

Based Texan trolling 20+ europoors with an understanding of both C and F.

>> No.49836223
File: 67 KB, 720x1280, 1628109711690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's the sun that gives you cancer bro, have this sunscreen

>> No.49836272

> The mere fact that other places do not speak German makes your statement false
What is Austria? What is Switzerland? What is Mallorca?
Also you should try living in another country. You’ll quickly realise just how much better it is here even though yes it is not great. I tried living in NZ and the UK and it was like trying to live 40 years in the past

>> No.49836285


>> No.49836292

Your insane government shut down the nuke plants, they also plan to shut down the last two remaining. The world is governed by fucking idiots.

>> No.49836316

>Döner almost 7€
Döner has been 6 Euro for so many years, 7 euro döner has been predictable even with healthy inflation. YOu don't wanna pay less, you get what you pay for :)
Althougha dönerpreisbremse at 7euros would be a good idea

>> No.49836324


>> No.49836342

>be me krautfag
>eat shit all my life, hate this country
>in 2019 get remote job for financial research company in USA
>first time ever I like my job, pay is great, people treat me well unlike german boomer bosses
>decide to move to US
>get visa sorted out, sell all my shit
>flight is booked for march 2020
>orange man goes on tv, shuts down borders, muh meme virus
>stuck in this hellhole for 2 years, forced to wear mask, curfews (meanwhile US coworkers go to lunch and disney land they dont give a fuck)
>2021 travel ban finally gets lifted
>have to start the whole visa process all over again
>holy shit I just want to get the fuck outta this hellhole, finally!
>now market crashes
>shit scared there will be layoffs and I wont get to move to the US after all this
>government already talking about new mask mandates and other bullshit
I just cant take this anymore. if Im stuck here for another winter with lockdowns and masks Im gonna kms myself

>> No.49836355

I pay 5€ and I feel that is expensive.

>> No.49836409

I had to go to my doctor recently and she told me that they are convinced the government has already decided on return to full Maskenpflicht and lockdowns this winter. Lauterbach is apparently upset that he didn’t get to play dictator like Spahn did and wants to have his turn.

>> No.49836437

im pretty sure theyre gonna roll out measures again
tehyre already talking about some retarded o-o rule, masks from oktober until ostern.
they also sneakily changed the rules, sarting from october 1st youre only fully vaccinated if you have three shots. i hate this fucking country so much. and everybody will just go along with it as usual. I seriously cant do another winter like this, I had nonstop fights and argument with retarded corona cultists

>> No.49836501
File: 428 KB, 1940x1190, 1628527926954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember who is behind it.

>> No.49836504
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This is very good bait. Premium quality.

>> No.49836629

>Remember who is behind it.
german npcs are behind it

>> No.49836665

They just enable it

>> No.49836669
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>> No.49836750

they dont just enable it they actually police those stupid rules i had neighbours call the cops on me during lockdowns. fuck german retards and fuck pol too. they can bring in as many migrants here as they want no arab ever gave me a hard time because i had no stupid masks on. i had turkish Barbers cut my hair even though i had no vaxx pass. no german would ever do that theyre all soulless automatons. even in the netherlands people were more relaxed about these stupid corona rules and took masks off the second the mandates were lifted. here people still wear them even young folks in their 20s. ive really come to hate germans over the last 2 years. replacing them all with migrants wouldnt be the worsr thing that can happen.

>> No.49836811

>highest taxes in the world
How do i know you never left mommies basement

>> No.49836814

>>Döner almost 7€
WTF??? What cheap slum do you live in?
I pay 9,50€ right now.

>> No.49836825

I don't wanna know what'S inside your kebab anon

>> No.49836842

Aggressively facefuck her. If she is misbehaving tell her you will aggressively facefuck her later as punishment.

>> No.49836908

Based (you) collector.
Have another.
Btw, I'm in Texas, and we would all die if we didn't have air conditioners.

>> No.49836976
File: 367 KB, 1440x1440, FRvAFZ3XIAIk5Pf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you live? We have some that are 5,5 but most around 6,5

List is probably long outdated though

>> No.49836995

40 Celsius is 104 Fahrenheit in Germany.

They don't use the proper imperial rule of measurement in eurotrash, they use the Metric system .

>> No.49837046

Any Germans here? Why are you sabotaging yourselves like that? Why haven't you killed a politician yet?

>> No.49837114

Germans are good people they just follow the rules too much. Back when you weren't ran by jews it worked fine

>> No.49837119

The same stuff that is in your 10€ one. It’s just that I don’t live in the west or Berlin

>> No.49837133

I ask myself this everday, all the people actually standing up for themselves and their values are dead, whats left is a young generation cucked anf brainwashed from the start, the only thing they protest is "fascists", plastic and blm

Some people protested at the home of some politician against covid but that got shutdown pretty fast and was seen very negativ by most of the population (which STILL wear masks everywhere)

>> No.49837168
File: 65 KB, 850x400, hitlerwasright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know what's going on

>> No.49837170
File: 325 KB, 578x632, 28F58E45-12E3-4C56-A2E8-F558A84EDC5D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Smartest americunt

>> No.49837177

Prepare your anus. The ECB is forcing a transfer union on you so you can make the interest payments for poor Italy, Poortugal, Spain, Greece and in time France, Belgium etc. Of course when Ukraine joins (and they will) we will also need to reconstruct that. So yeah, Italians (well their gov) doesn't have money to spend so that will also be mostly on the Dutch and Germans. We also have a climatecrisis thing going on and many countries in the East don't have money to spend on the transition. It would only be fair if Germany and the Netherlands would finance the transition in Poland huh? It's not all bad. In exchange for all that money they will buy your products! So you can actually work for your own money and earn it TWICE. Isn't that a sweet deal?

>> No.49837179

germans are brainless retards amd theyre not good people at all. theyre soulless, heartless robots who would give up their neighbours to the gestapo if some rule said so.

>> No.49837219

>crypto dead
>energy costs through the roof

You wouldn't say these things if you were on QANplatform. Energy efficient blockchain which is just coming to life, not dying.

>> No.49837232

They are just doing what is rational if their belief that their leaders had their best interests at heart were true. Maybe when they learn their mistake they will do what a rational person would do if they discovered their country is controlled by evil bastards.

>> No.49837254

Go finish your homework you cringe edge lord

>> No.49837263

idk. There'S real kebab and kebab made with minced meat.
I'm convinced any kebab that's cheaper than 7€ is mostly minced meat instead of actual meat. You can kinda see it, minced meat has a really even distribution of fat, wherever real meat will have stripes and shit instead of points of fat

>> No.49837270

yeah its totally rational to wear masks in 35 degree heat when youre a healthy 20 year old. just stfu with your /pol/ bullshit youve probably never lived here and never had to endure these autistic fucks its enoig to send a man over the edge

>> No.49837320

>self hating Germans
Don't forget you're the same as all the others

>> No.49837363

It's fucking funny how they finally realize, that their 3 vaccines didn't work, spitzenkek! The problem is, that the vaxxfag-cultism was just the tip of the iceberg. Collapse of this meme-country is imminent thank god.

>> No.49837801
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I thought swab is german why is he raping germany so hard?

>> No.49837817

At least the socialist government will give you your neetbux right?

>> No.49837835

Based. Especially since most of the people replying apparently aren't smart enough to realize you obviously already converted from 40 C to 104 F to make your criticism.

>> No.49837856

Baden Württemberg, the better question is where you live or if your place is scamming you.

>> No.49837862
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>Döner almost 7€
Because you let Jews bring millions of Turks and other incompatible muslims into your society.

>> No.49837880 [DELETED] 


Look >>49829522

He was commenting directly on the fact that 40 C is 100+ F

>> No.49837893

On one side, yeah, shits bad. On the other i have no fucking clue where to bother escaping to, you just trade one shitshow for another.

>> No.49837903


>> No.49837908
File: 111 KB, 908x753, netherlands.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49837957

A fan burns like 30W retard

>> No.49838183

germans should unironically be genocided and the world would objectively be a better place

>> No.49838222

As if burgers, leafs or assies are any better, theyre even bigger bootlicker

You cant even enter these countries without the vaxx even now

>> No.49838385

It's good. Unless he means just cheese and no meat.

>> No.49838440
File: 28 KB, 720x404, 1430800583426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well done.

>> No.49838573

I'm from near Wiesbaden
Your list is outdated

>> No.49838730

>instead of water-based
normal humans are made mostly of water
oh wait some are mostly lard

>> No.49838854

expand on the pussy benefits pls, i have friends in prague and might unironically move there

>> No.49838890
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>> No.49838895
File: 359 KB, 600x500, 78069549_p40_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we should have done a better job dealing with the Russians in WW1 and WW2

>> No.49838921

This is your brain on mutt DNA

>> No.49838935

Because they can't cook and döner has been relatively cheap for the longest part of their lives plus döner shops are literally everywhere.

>> No.49839280


Alles klar Florian, Simon, Christoph, Manuel und jetzt geht euch mal wieder schön bücken und die gleitcreme nicht vergessen. Die Ukrainer und Syrer wollen am 30. ihr Geld! Und wenn eure Rosette mal wieder wund und gereizt ist dann verschafft euch Luft, indem ihr bei Facebook einen bösen Smiley unter einen Post setzt oder veranstaltet einen angemeldeten Sitzstreik, ihr Eunuchen

>> No.49839412

>Penny Hähnchenbrust 9.8€/kg
It's over.

>> No.49839447

good, germans need to pay for their crimes against humanity

>> No.49839490

Where are you from?

>> No.49839512


>> No.49839519

Amerinigger be like
>yo dis climate isn't african enough i wantz 50 C shieet whiteboi cant handle 40 C

>> No.49839528


>> No.49839559

>Don't forget you're the same as all the others
Im not like these people at all. Youre a moron and all you can do is parrot stupid /pol/ talking points.

>> No.49839574
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Economic Reorientation

>> No.49839604
File: 189 KB, 1241x1010, sorosGoals2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing personal goyim, starving and freezing in Winter is little price to pay for keeping the unity of JEUropean Union.

>> No.49839652

to be fair i dont blame germans ( i know few who mostly are cool people) but i hate their politicians and goverment, half of the reason we are in this shit is (((climate policy taxes))) they lobbied for and and their dependency on russian resources which made Putin richer than before, i also think Merkel knew about invasion and agreed for it (she went to Moscow multiple times in few months proceeding it) but Putin butchered it and now under pressure from USA and general public Germany had to change their neutral position to save the face.

>> No.49839657

>there's benzene in sunscreen
great, now these fucking idiots will put that shit in their cars and a bottle will cost me 40€s.
Happened to cooking oil, don't even ask

>> No.49839699

walking up to some politicians home just werks, so of course it was deemed wrongthink and everyone doing it must be an evil nazi who deserves to get doxxed and lose even his wagecuck job so they can slash their Hartz IV as punishment.

>> No.49839785
File: 2 KB, 125x117, 1473426978090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>close all your nuclear plants to "fight climate change"
>replace them with coal plants

>> No.49839811

miese krise du weisst dies das ananas

>> No.49839963

Everywhere is hot but crypto is not dead. Buy your favorite right now. SCRT at a steal if you want something that will come back strong.

>> No.49840738

really some big brain moves here
nuclear was closed for safety reasons however

>> No.49840792

>(((safety reasons)))

>> No.49840805
File: 2.10 MB, 4032x3024, 20190612_154805519_iOS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bavarian independence when?

>> No.49841008

Good time to buy. Stake some if you want passive income too. Lox is simply a good one for me. I don't see many projects that solve real-life security problems.

>> No.49841139

>billige Schnitzel im ANgebot
Support your local Metzger and buy Suppenfleisch.

>> No.49841162

>nordstream 2 was against european unity
Lmao oh vey

>> No.49841180


>> No.49841187

Someone should create a cluster of pastebins with addresses of politicians in minecraft

>> No.49841197

This HAS to be bait

>> No.49841638
File: 36 KB, 614x429, 1653918059954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The state of normies

>> No.49841840

Best time to build is while others are fading crypto. Taking part in the Subsquid ambassadors program at this time makes much sense.