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49833667 No.49833667 [Reply] [Original]

>taxing billionaires is le bad

>> No.49833700
File: 107 KB, 1024x753, 1631880910887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude this is a board of climate change denying trumptards. get useful tips, make money, leave. don't try to make sense

>> No.49833705

the populism is starting

>> No.49833719


>> No.49833722

From a policy and outcome standpoint, yeah. there's too few of them. But this is OT, OP must be a bagholding pajeet stinky linkholder

>> No.49833725

>get useful tips
>make money

>> No.49833734

retard detected

>> No.49833741

>theft is le bad

>> No.49833746
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taxing ANYONE is bad you stupid fucking commie
maybe the government should get a REAL job

>> No.49833759


>> No.49833764

You don't get useful tips from shilling Chainlink or Bobos/Momos being Euphoric from small change of price.

>> No.49833771

16 year libertarian weed-smoking edge lord. I remember those days, you’ll find yourself cringing at this point of your in a few years.

>> No.49833815

libertarians are retarded

>> No.49833838


>> No.49833849

I don't really care except when people start calling for absolutely retarded slippery slope shit like taxing unrealized gains.

>> No.49833850

no one cares about politics here, fuck off

>> No.49833851

This isn't funny because no one actually says this. Who is angry at tax increases because it is "class warfare"? You should be banned for posting such a low quality thread.

>> No.49833891

Taxing billionaire is a popular position that the right and the left should agree on. It disproportionately impacts Jews.

Hating blacks and jews is not a popular position. Stop larping on bullshit and try to fight battles you can win. Promote policies that will impact Jews, blacks, lgbt, immigrants the most. Like higher taxes on rich, more policing (impacting blacks more), more laws against lgbt by removing it from media and schools and lowering immigration. Just recently they removed trannys from swim teams, this is a good thing.

These are absolutely popular policies, a white ethnostate isn't. Get realistic and win fucking battles legislatively instead of larping on the internet like a dumb piece of shit.

>> No.49833902

>taxing unrealized gains.
Such a thing would never actually happen beyond some leftist politicians paying lip service to the liberal arts major socialist crowd. There would be no quicker way to irreparably fuck the economy of an entire nation than to make long-term investments a tax liability.

>> No.49833913

they unwittingly criticize the total global success of their own ideal. they're already living in a libertarian paradise where government and the monetary system are created by and for capitalist interests. every institution that makes them seethe is the product of the unrestricted free market and the tendency of the rich and powerful to pull up the ladder behind them

>> No.49834043

>government and the monetary system are created by and for capitalist interests
Capitalism is merely a self regulating approach to resource allocation. I suppose you mean "capitalist interests" as "those who own capital". That has nothing to do with capitalism and everything to do with those who control the capital. They would own it just the same under a communist regime, the only difference are the rules of engagement (i.e. take the largest companies in Russia which were formed under communism, for instance). Regardless of regime, no surprise that those who control the capital have immense influence within government and society at large.

>every institution that makes them seethe is the product of the unrestricted free market and the tendency of the rich and powerful to pull up the ladder behind them
The free market does not produce the rich and powerful. The control over capital does. A select few will control the majority of the capital whether you like it or not. Communist, capitalist, socialist, it doesn't matter. I'm sorry but everything you just typed is some form of hilarious cope.

>> No.49834060

It's called climate crisis now, and its been a nothing burger for 50 years.
>2 more weeks!!

>> No.49834098

communism and socialism don't exist, these are names for capitalist strategies that attempt to arbitrage social capital for control over assets. Reality is a free market, there are no rules, and you are the one who is coping

>> No.49834143


>> No.49834179

How do you tax billionaires? Their wealth comes from unrealized gains

>> No.49834195

taxation in general should be outlawed

>> No.49834211
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>communism and socialism don't exist
>these are names for capitalist strategies that attempt to arbitrage social capital for control over assets
>Reality is a free market, there are no rules
>you are the one who is coping
With this amount of unfounded and downright wacky bullshit you're spewing you should unironically consider a career as a college professor in the liberal arts. You could actually become famous and a regular source familiar with the matter at the Washington Post.

>> No.49834218

I am angry at progressive taxation both because it is class warfare designed to undermine liberal democracy as a whole and because it is discriminatory and unfit for liberal democracy on itself. Flat tax or GTFO *inflation is a flat tax.

>> No.49834234

>"you aren't using my meme labels in a way i understand"
>projects soijak
>no argument

>> No.49834255

you are a dog for the rich and you do it for free lol

>> No.49834294

This is what happens when you don't read Hoppe and get your definitions of what libertarianism is from the libertarian party or worse, self titled "libertarians" in the US.

>> No.49834296

>dude bro lol communism is capitalism
>Reality is a free market
Define "free market"
Give me a single example of a free market in history
Protip: you can't, because it doesn't exist - just like the communist utopia doesn't exist.

>> No.49834303

I'm skeptical of the current system full of tax exemptions, bennefits and write offs being more progressive than a pure flat tax.
If anything you're the one defending a statu quo created by billionaires and their political parties and media.

>> No.49834309

Crypto before centralized exchanges. I hate faggots like you. Your types didn't come here back then. Those were the days.

>> No.49834443
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>Crypto before centralized exchanges
if your definition of "markets" ends at the jockey lot, by all means
>I hate faggots like you
there is no need to be upset

>> No.49834600

Your post consisted of:
>These "meme labels" don't exist because reasons
>They actually mean another thing because I said so
>Reality is what I think it is
I made no argument other than saying you would be a great liberal arts professor, a position which I stand by.

>> No.49834660

> maybe the government should get a REAL job
This lmao

>> No.49834770

>He hates crypto
>Some sort of commie/corporativist
No surprises here. Also:
>No need to be upset
Just stating a fact.
Based /thread.

>> No.49834843
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>hates crypto
Where did I even remotely suggest that? lmao
>Some sort of commie/corporativist
Reading comprehension not your strong suit I gather?

>> No.49835638

I don't reply to disingenuous individuals, especially when it seems like they are trolling. Consider this where we part ways and I hide your replies.

>> No.49835716

wow you socialists are le so based
really looking forward for that wealth tax on the rothschilds and the top 0.1 perc-
>increased property tax for everyone
>increased car co2 emission tax
>black reparations tax
>inflation tax
>increased income tax
>increased sales tax
>shared social security tax

you filthy commie kikes always do the same thing
"eat le rich", "tax le rich"
then some retard believes you and suddenly you are genociding the middle class, while the upper classes either got integrated into your party elite or fled to other countries with all their assets

>> No.49835804
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the word capitalism is poorly defined, and therefore useless. most people just equate it with "freedom" which is also vague. freedom to send lobbyists to washington to give you corn subsidies?
>but IIIIII know the definition of capitalism!!!
congratulations, probably 3 people on this entire board share the same definition of capitalism you do. the rest have their own, different definition. if you spend all day arguing over the meanig of words, you’ll never get to the point or convinve anyone of anything.

>> No.49836076

>muh climate change
nothing more than a distraction from things that matter like all the stuff in op.

>> No.49836425

If you think what we've been experiencing is a nothing burger...I've got some land in Florida to sell you

>> No.49837036

Adding shit like gentrification and still gaslighting people about gas prices being due to "gouging" and greed that magically started November 3rd, 2020 is why normal people are never going to support you. You act like you only care about kitchen table issues and then immediately jump to brown-communism the instant you get a bit of momentum, and the end result is no one wanting to help fix issues because they know you'll hijack it and pass a bunch of laws that hurt the middle-class.

>> No.49837174

Unions suck so yes it's bad

>> No.49837266

Why do poor people keep expressing their opinions like they have value? If they had value you wouldn't be poor

>> No.49837276
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I support taxing billionaires 90%
Ones like mark cuban shall be given exemptions
The rest culled

>> No.49837567

Just remember libertardian this is why you don’t have a future. Retards like you are going to keep pushing down at the overwhelming majority of society until you get a backlash that your money can’t save you from. People like you cause the communism you hate so much. Social democrats of the early twentieth and later 19th century readily understood this so actively worked to create social systems which allowed the lower classes a more just distribution of society’s wealth to drag them out of coerced poverty caused by greedy robber barons playing business tycoon. And no socialism is not when the government does stuff.

>> No.49837970
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hello, tourism should be out of season, bull market is over so let me ask you what are you doing here? Reddit tab is right to your left,please close this one and never come back, your ip and home address is logged if you even dare to sneeze on this board again I will rape your ass while you're asleep thank you

>> No.49838030
File: 186 KB, 1024x778, 1655018615769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do commies flap their fat gums on things they don't understand?

>> No.49838070

>2% more
Okay so Mark Cuban pays like 2000 more on his salary as a CEO.

You are literally too stupid/underage to understand the concept of net worth or why inflation and bad monetary policy as conducted by socialists and the Fed is the reason why the assets that the rich hold keep going up. You are literally not intelligent enough to ever be capable of understanding genuine finance reform as the solution to the problem you just scream "le tax" because you are a fucking retard.

>> No.49838115

This nigga doesn't want roads

>> No.49838148

I like Piketty's idea of a very small tax on total assets beyond a certain range, something like 0.5% tax on total owned assets above $500k each year

>> No.49838234

You must be an American. Literally every other developed nation on earth has many social programs which manifestly benefit the general population and can be considered, to a certain degree, socialist. The USA has a retarded mindset that, as long as taxes are low, some random nobody with zero capital can become a millionaire if he just works hard enough, completely ignoring the fact that essentially all wealthy people got massive hand outs from their parents. All this does it make a growing portion of the population at bare subsistence while a ever smaller handful of elites soak up all the gains of the market. It's actually sad to see the proles buy into the very system which disadvantages them when there is evidence from all other developed nations that social programs can and do help to uplift those without capital.

>> No.49838324

The US in comparable to AUS in the percentage of GDP directed towards the welfare state.

>> No.49838460
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>Ruin public services so they are easier to privatize
Holy commie cope hahahahaha

>> No.49838513

Fuck off, you say like it was not poors who will suffer the most during communis. The way to libertarianism is to crush society so many times that all useless retards get filtered from the genepool

>> No.49838553

>Bribe people to not join unions
Lmao so pay them? Holy shit what are they saying?

>> No.49838641

Typically it's usually threats like "if you unionize we'll shut down that location" which is a violation of labor laws, but the penalties are rarely enforced and when they are it's a paltry fine. Shit happens all the time, hell, it's been in the news quite a bit recently with both Amazon and Starbucks

>> No.49838646

If I want a road to my house, I'll pay to have one paved.

>> No.49838659
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>Lives in prison colony
>His children beaten by police if they cross outside of pedestrian crossing or dont have face mask
>If he gets coof he goes into concentration camp
>Its for your own good
>Jailor says its just his job
>Politicians are paid by chinese
>Thinks he is developed nation

Checks out

>> No.49838674

Bruh, do you know how roads work? They kind of need to lead from your house to... you know.. other places.

>> No.49838702

>Typically it's usually threats like "if you unionize we'll shut down that location"
How is that a bribe? Why would they even need to say that to you? Isnt that just the obvious outcome of trying to unionize?

>> No.49838736

It's literally illegal to threaten a person's job because they choose to unionize. Look up the history of mining in the USA regarding unions, it's actually morbidly hilarious because miners used to stake out the mine with guns while the mine owners bought old war planes to drop bombs on them so the scabs could come and work the mine instead. People who aren't ideologues realized that there needs to be a balance of power in negotiations between labor and ownership otherwise exploitation takes place.

>> No.49838763

>It's literally illegal to threaten a person's job because they choose to unionize.
Im sure it is. So why would they do that. If you unionize you should expect to loose your job.
>it's actually morbidly hilarious because miners used to stake out the mine with guns while the mine owners bought old war planes to drop bombs on them so the scabs could come and work the mine instead.
Fucking based

>> No.49838764

Like to work where evil capitalist motivated by profit want their wagies? Or to shops where evil capitalists want to sell their goods? Or to hospital because evil capitalists want to sell you expensive insurance?

>No no no the moment we stop building roards capitalists will be gone and we will get our communist uto... Wait a minute

>> No.49838811

Fuck off ESG shill

>> No.49838821

Again, union disputes have led to quasi civil wars which is something civilized countries seek to avoid, therefore governments try (at least in theory) to mediate a fair middle ground between employers and employees. If you set aside ideological leanings you will see the importance of ensuring fair terms for both labor and management.
I don't know what shithole you live in but in mine the hospitals offer socialized healthcare that my public roads allow me to visit. Also, if you view everyone who isn't an ancap as a communist you are just going to marginalize yourself from any and all conversations

>> No.49838883

Yeah its called union busters, without the state the unions would have been eaten alive. Also we dont live in the fucking 1800s. The US is one of the most regulated countries in the world when it comes to health and safety standards.

>> No.49838897

this, taxtards should be shot

>> No.49838912

>Socialized healtcare
>Everyone who is not ancap is communist

Yes and I am tired to pretend they are not. I dont give a shit about public disscusion, I know your shit system is gonna tank and your public opinion will not change that. If you dont like it you can just fuck off.

>> No.49838922

Equality is everyone pays the same flat tax, why is it fair that someone making 200k pays more tax than someone making 40k? They get the same services from the government, so why should one pay more?

>> No.49838927

plus half of them are not even serious, they're just trolling

you really think /pol/ is actually full of people literally ready to put people into ovens?

>> No.49838931

Taxing billionaires is already done though? Tell me how do billionaires get taxed right now

>> No.49838938

I hate people who act like it's a matter of principle. By ''taxation is theft'' logic you're not gonna have taxation at all and therefore can't uphold laws and therefore theft becomes legal.

>> No.49838986

this what no sex does to a mfer

>> No.49838988


That user, holy shit

>> No.49839040

The government shouldn't recognize the existence of corporations or the entitlement of creditors to assets in the event of a default. All property should have to be owned by individuals and usurers/shareholders should have zero legal rights.

This will solve the billionaire problem