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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 436 KB, 1080x1620, Brendan Martini BAT Brave Tuesday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50141393 No.50141393 [Reply] [Original]

Whitepaper: https://basicattentiontoken.org/static-assets/documents/BasicAttentionTokenWhitePaper-4.pdf

Paper on Token Veloicty:
Anyone ever read these things? Will 1 BAT ever be equal to one cup of coffee? I've read the papers and the conclusion of the Coffee/BAT price equilibrium is very compelling. It's a dense read but worth it.

>> No.50141543
File: 78 KB, 400x364, 2017a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> $0.28 in June 2017
> $0.28 in June 2022
$0.28 in June 2026 confirmed

>> No.50141676
File: 32 KB, 545x362, 1472344455357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw remember trying to buy into this ico and having my transaction rejected

fucking hell it feels like yesterday

>> No.50141727

You gotta hand it to Eich. BAT is one of the most sophisticated and elaborate long cons in the history of computing. Not only did he create JavaScript in 10 days and win two hard fought browser wars, he conned retail and Wall Street investors alike out of billions of dollars with an unregulated and unregistered security and managed to allude suspicion from authorities going on 5 years now. It’s safe to say batties got scammed

>> No.50141869

What is that now? 24 BAT per user? What do you mean no more BAT is ever going to be created and the exchanges are running out of BAT reserves? I don't get it anon?

>> No.50142164
File: 231 KB, 340x469, Bondy bat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot where I saw him say it but Brian Bondy the CTO and co-founder, I believe it was him, commented that he even tried to buy into it buy was too slow also. They didn't expect it to sell so fast.

>> No.50142194

BAT is reaching it's maximum supply as per the white paper. This means that no more new BAT will ever be created. Exchanges will not run out unless they're Celsius or voyager tier of trash like uphold. The BAT you earn from browsing on Brave is purchased by Brave from exchanges with the revenue they receive from advertisers. Simple as

>> No.50142274
File: 275 KB, 1292x1785, Screenshot_20220703-214905_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this on thr basic attention token site. What do they mean? And what are the implications?

>> No.50142281
File: 50 KB, 1280x720, lowestever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, the exchanges are literally running out of BAT. Pic related is from like 3 months ago. You can just look through etherscan and see millions of tokens leaving binance,ftx,kucoin etc etc that then they end up on gemini and from there it leaves to crypto wallets. This happens every month. It also happens when Brave does ad buys too. Brave buys BAT off gemini and then gemini has to go buy more BAT from other exchanges. Also BAT is basically maxed. Theres like 2.5m left in the UGP for them to dump and then its fully circulating.

>> No.50142298

huge if true

>> No.50142312

Exchanges like Gemini and Coinbase will be fine. Like I said, it's the smaller exchanges that will be fucked and fuck you over. Besides if you're holding more than like $1000 in BAT you should have it stored on a wallet by now. Unless you want that sweet sweet <1%apy from Gemini kek

>> No.50142380

Im not saying its a problem. Im just saying that a supply shock is happening. Orderbooks on large and small exchanges are going to get more volatile. A bump in demand could send the price flying. People are earning like 15-20 BAT per month and then sending it off exchanges for it to never be seen again.

>> No.50142493

We’ll you’ve been saying it for a few months. How long do these things take to manifest themselves in the marketplace? Gemini isn’t throwing up flags internally that their supply is shrinking? Are they constantly buying more trying to anticipate the payouts every month?

>> No.50142852

These things can either take time or happen all at once. If there was some real demand it could snowball pretty quick.

>> No.50143024
File: 166 KB, 756x743, 1656557780052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is after self serve, sku and the swag store i presume :-(

>> No.50143030

This is a finance forum.

Take your little coupon collecting over to /mlp/ crypto isn’t a finance topic anymore fagbaggie

>> No.50143171

>This is a finance forum
lol this is a crypto board, sorry to shatter perception

>> No.50143223

Never was, never gonna be again….
We tolerated you whilst we watched to squander actual money into this horseshit. Now it’s obvious that it’s just like discussing Pokémon points. So fuck off to /mlp/

>> No.50143619

I'll be chilling in Margaritaville with my coupons, come join me anon

>> No.50143638

Your moms name is margarita?

Cool story bro

>> No.50145641
File: 7 KB, 340x99, Screenshot_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does this mean?

>> No.50146808

It's been at max circulation for a year so I don't know if it means anything. I guess the devs can't sell 500,000 BAT per week.

>> No.50148142

Twitch ads are baked into the stream, by twitch, basically they highjack the streamers stream to broadcast the ads, there's no proper way around it any more.
It's not a separate API being loaded it's forced into the video content. There is nothing stopping Youtube from doing the same. Imagine the blow to Brave & BAT when their entire "revolutionary" ad tech business model gets torpedo because the ad blocker simply doesnt work anymore. I sold my stack a few weeks back when all they could talk about on the community call was that afrofutureDAO meme anyway hope you are not too invested in this anon

>> No.50149670

Twitch is doing transcoding on the fly because it's live so they have an incentive to do it. But all YT transcoding happens in the background. So they would basically need to create derivatives for all ad combinations possible since the ads are targeted. It is a big architecture change and much more complex than what Twitch is doing.

Also, YouTubers have been doing their own sponsored content forever. There is no way to get around that either.

>> No.50149883

i have an extension called "twitch adblock" that literally blocks the ads that are in the videos. if an extension can do it then im sure brave could figure it out too.

>> No.50150100

Should I use presearch on Brave for the w3b superstack, or wait for search ads?

>> No.50150294

According to you Eich is a scammer. Why are you even using Brave?

Presearch is a shitty product. Takes years to get a payout.

>> No.50150430

I was just kidding. Eich is a fucking demigod. Let’s be honest, he’s easily the most legit nigger in crypto and the whole industry is dependent to some degree on him to bring legitimacy to the space as a whole. I’m not sure people realize that enough.

>> No.50150525
File: 1.94 MB, 1436x1500, INEVITABLE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the conclusion of the Coffee/BAT price equilibrium is very compelling

Eich has such a big brain that he KNEW back in 2016 that inflation would eventually push the price of a cup of coffee to $40. The absolute madman.

>> No.50150692

This. Eich is based.

>> No.50150712

Seethe faggot

>> No.50151241

>no fortune 500 company will ever run a brave ad again

gets another chipotle ad

>> No.50151272

I haven’t gotten one yet. Does it include a discount if you come in and purchase within the next hour? These real time ads can be super useful to food chains

>> No.50151406

not sure. didn't click on it because i didnt feel like getting chipotle today. They need to start rolling those ads out before lunch time and dinner time.

>> No.50153096

agreed, and if I could pay with BAT I'd be buying lots of burritos

>> No.50153577

Me too. Even though I hate chipotle

>> No.50154250

It says e-commerce so I'm guessing that is the SKUs?

>> No.50154525

I would assume so.

>> No.50154605


>> No.50155087
File: 378 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20220704-132708_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. On the home page

>> No.50155588

obviously they cant or they would have, see >>50149670

>> No.50156167
File: 548 KB, 1080x1350, Footfag asian beach BAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk Brave isn't necessarily anti-ad. They're anti tracking. If it's baked into the video is it tracking? Is it not privacy preserving? I don't see it exactly going against their ethos, but I could be wrong.

>> No.50156244

How did you guys just now discover this? It was on their website for since at least January.

>> No.50156660

Brave just has to add BAT to Brave Search and we are on the moon

Simple as

>> No.50156661

nobody goes to basicattentiontoken.org. Its just a website nobody really has any reason to go to.

>> No.50157084

Do the needful, make a BAT poster that I can litter around town

>> No.50157139

automated ad blocking is the main selling point of brave and key for their revenue model why the fuck would anyone want ads on the web and notification ads?

>> No.50158245


>> No.50158328
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>> No.50158720
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Eich with never shove his huge head inside my gaping hole

>> No.50158734
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Welp another perfect shitpost ruined by shitty spelling

>> No.50159498

Is this a fake 4th of July pump that’ll be wiped out by tomorrow morning?

>> No.50159893

even if it is BAT is taking two steps forward and one back. Everything else is taking one step forward and two back.

>> No.50161620
File: 73 KB, 1513x499, BATUSD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very slow steps. Official BAT TA indicates a floor of ~40 cents until 2025, some hype and a few scamwicks, before inevitably collapsing back to the new floor of 60 cents.

>> No.50161656

It's pretty good desu, you're guaranteed a 3x if you bought way back in 2018 and hold another 5 years.

>> No.50161677
File: 980 KB, 1438x1279, Bat lucky strike toasted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50161924
File: 2.66 MB, 1661x2218, BAT married jewelry diamond.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made like 4 memes in the past two days. Too bad my mind was blank during the competition though idk if the foot fetish one would fly.

>> No.50163162

Hi anon. I really, really like this image. Do you mind if I save it to my machine?

>> No.50163292

BRAVE is literally the worst browser i ever used, can someone explain me why they are bullish on BAT when they can't even provide a functioning and decent browser?

Does it have functions i don't know about? Like better privacy / no tracking etc.?

>> No.50163502

will this shit ever pump like FTM or DOGE

why is this shit so crabbing for 5 years WTFFF

>> No.50163575

Anyone know why bat is doing better than my dogecoins

>> No.50163910

Utility. Memecoins take the back burner during the bear market. Utility tokens will guide us out the darkness and into the light

>> No.50163968

BTC dumps
BAT holds on

Always a bullish sign

>> No.50164334

can I have the unedited one fren?

>> No.50164959

>Does it have functions i don't know about? Like better privacy / no tracking etc.?
Meds now

>> No.50165765

Go ahead, also just wondering do you smoke cigarettes? I was toying with the idea of memes for to elicit strong responses from some people such as feet and cigarettes.

>> No.50165930

I literally get it for free by using the internet

>> No.50166564

I know it’s great isn’t it

>> No.50166898

bat is the only thing green

>> No.50167313
File: 1.36 MB, 1536x2048, 1656960850484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go.

>> No.50168122

I am so excited for you guys

>> No.50168198
File: 215 KB, 1440x947, Screenshot_20220705-091221_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too. We passed up FTM. Graph is next.

>> No.50168244

We pamping batbros. The great decoupling has finally commenced

>> No.50168866
File: 22 KB, 400x400, 94982E63-BC34-4CF2-9941-CB26364D9369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relevant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZVW0rRtKpE

Next cycle *could* be utility tokens that have actual utility. Although frankly, that was a 2017 meme as well.

>> No.50170932

Maybe now we get a FOMO nudge. I could care less desu. I’m long BAT

>> No.50170971

Bear market gainer like link in 2018. How many times does this need to be said?

>> No.50171133
File: 168 KB, 1460x955, movingup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BAT just keeps moving up the rankings. Getting link vibes

>> No.50171222
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>> No.50172619

i dont even know what #60 and #61 even do. those will be easy to take out and then we are in the 50s already. this thing is moving so fast its hard to believe

>> No.50172785
File: 311 KB, 600x339, AD5A4C0F-C923-4480-8240-2F1849CB64FD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We just broke resistance. Prepare for liftoff $BAT

>> No.50173292

i don’t have nearly enough BATs
what percentage of your guys portfolio do you have in this shitcoin

>> No.50173391
File: 43 KB, 720x404, This is my answer BAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Between 75 and 90%

>> No.50173415
File: 273 KB, 608x1080, 1324123474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

80% of my Crypto portfolio. Probably 20% of my whole net worth

>> No.50173430

Almost 100% but that's because I sold other shit and can't find any other good shit to buy. I'll probably buy some other shit soon if prices drop.

>> No.50173454
File: 36 KB, 659x659, 9CB5B319-E12F-47A8-82F1-0DC59B816D69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% BAT. This is the only crypto that’s not a ponzi

>> No.50174069

How do you not know what thorchain is?

>> No.50174175

whats that?

>> No.50174214

Theres literally nothing but shitcoins all the way up to like #6. All of this shit is vaporware that got bid up extremely high on low liquidity.

>> No.50174223

Network that lets you trustlessly swap between different native chains (e.g., ETH, BTC, Doge, whatever) without needing a bridge, wrapped tokens, or the like. It's pretty useful.

>> No.50174250
File: 461 KB, 726x670, 1512161100171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool. Still passing your ass up.

>> No.50174324

oh so you mean like every other shitchain l2 vaporware? Still getting passed

>> No.50174353

nah, it's not an l2, and it already works. A node operator who wants to support BTC<>ETH swaps will run a BTC node, ETH node, then a thorchain node to connect the two, without having to have any special infrastructure on the BTC or ETH sides.

>> No.50174433

This shit is never going down again isn't it?

>> No.50174522

sounds gay but ok

>> No.50174642
File: 310 KB, 1920x1080, 98765134557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool beans. But it's going down. And we are going up. Enjoy the view of our ass

>> No.50174689

Was just lurking reddit and saw a NEO fag absolutely seething about BAT. Theres going to be many such cases. BAT has been rejected and now its time for this dog to have its day.

>> No.50174727
File: 423 KB, 828x1792, 0AABE7A8-0A9E-47BE-B3BA-51EE21F39435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing absolute seethe on Webull

>> No.50174860

hahahahaha. These retards have no clue. Getting link vibes. Their lightbulb moment will happen at $120 per BAT and the second they buy in I dump on them for generational wealth.

>> No.50174974

i currently have about 18% of my overall portfolio in BAT. considering increasing that to 25-30 over the next few weeks

link vibes are extreme. flywheel is there, tokenomics are there, product is there, growth is there

narrative and community and marketing obviously lacking which is why we get cheapies. those can flip in weeks

>> No.50175206

Right now there are people that are scrolling through coinmarketcap every day and BAT always pops up as the only token thats green. They keep seeing it overtake their tokens. Narrative and community can flip in an instant. I have already seen multiple people mention privacy and utility as the next narrative. People are looking for real growth. Its undervalued too and has lots of room to run. Other tokens are still extremely overvalued and have hundreds of millions of dollars worth of tokens to dump on the open market. BATs looking pretty good.

>> No.50175240

It would be pretty nice if we went to $20 this year or early next year. If it happens I'm going to see if I can spend my way out of depression. No one has tried before, right?

>> No.50175421
File: 72 KB, 749x585, 1656628380744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BAT search engine
But Brave already has a search engine. Is this just gonna show me stuff I can buy directly with BAT tokens?

>> No.50175730

It will probably be like google ads where advertisers pay for top ranking. You will earn BAT for using the search engine. Google and Bing make billions from it. Even DDG is earning around $100m+ from it and brave search is already like 1/4 the size in one year.

>> No.50176083

Very nice Brave ad at 6:45

>> No.50176240

idk why brave is allergic to having the people they pay even think about uttering the word BAT. its annoying as fuck

>> No.50176259

damn that was actually a pretty good ad

>> No.50176278

i forgot about the community call, we still doin that today? should be in 20 minutes right?

>> No.50176283

i think so. anyone got any questions we need to ask?

>> No.50176314

yeah, ask them why they always avoid mentioning BAT in the brave ads

>> No.50176330

Can’t make it today but someone should ask about the planned e-commerce with BAT beyond just the swag store

>> No.50176344

and why they think the search queries fell this month

>> No.50176396

please ask about the relationship between BAT and search!

>> No.50176407

ask about the relationship between nigger cock and jennies butthole

>> No.50176432

if BAT had the market cap of google it would be worth $1,000

>> No.50176443

When I say e-commerce with BAT, do they plan on creating a marketplace like Facebook or eBay for buyers and sellers or a store with brand new products from Brave verified dealers or, what’s the outlook beyond the swag store?

>> No.50176491

and all we are asking is 4% of that

>> No.50176519

Yo yo my niggas I just bought some bat and now I got dis mahfuckin brave shhhheeeeiiittt you feel me niggaz. I finna get dem brave rewards ayo ayo how a nigga be gettin dem battys fo watchin movies n shhhhheeeeeiiittttt nigga

>> No.50176529

>what’s the outlook beyond the swag store?
whoa whoa whoa. dont get ahead of yourself buddy, the swag store is a long, long, long, long work in progress. give them a few more years to finish the t-shirt store.

>> No.50176553

Based. Fuck cryptotards

>> No.50176563
File: 189 KB, 1280x1266, 1634155310176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you might be content with 4%. I want to see Google burn. And BAT and Brave take its place.

>> No.50176572
File: 84 KB, 1033x670, D45BA74B-4412-4A46-B7B8-5E0ED9C31A95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome back nigger

>> No.50176584

meh. dont get me wrong i like brave and the whole privacy thing, but i would gladly cash out at $40 and then not be bothered one bit to see brave fail right afterwards

>> No.50176624

I mean, if it hits $40 I'll cash out happily as well. But leave a moonbag behind just in case.

>> No.50176653

if ur trynna get 100 million u need a lot of bat at 40 dollars

>> No.50176727

Well aware, bro. I'm not hitting 100 million unless we cross 500-600 bucks. Likelihood of that is nil

>> No.50176802

Notes from Call:


Another wallet partner program to be announced this month. Hopefully the next month after we will announce a BAT-related program. Build momentum and add BAT afterward

Solana dapp support coming soon TM. Literally two more weeks lol. We will see.

Goggle are out. Let us know what you think.

Mobile dapp support coming. Available for mainnet chains. Can try that out on android and ios right now.

>> No.50176903

Brave is the onramp for normie adoption of crypto. Buy the UI for Web 3.0. Not the pipes and wiring.

>> No.50176948


Minecraft server is up and running. Now you can murder Brendan in minecraft if you're dissatisfied with how slow the project is progressing

Twitter spaces took place last week; decentralized social stuff coming up.

>There are many new partnerships announced by Brave, which highlight other cryptocurrencies integrated into it. Other coins use it for promotion a lot and get more buyers into their coins. Why is there so little communication around BAT when brave partnerships are announced? Can we somehow strengthen the relationship between success of Brave browser and BAT token?
Some of these L1s like Filecoin are about getting basic L1 support in. Others like Solana and NEAR and a few others actually include agreements orbiting around integrating BAT into the ecosystem. Whether through dexes, exchanges, marketplaces etc. where we can use wrapped BAT. So it's mainly a timing thing. Intend to work BAT into other partners in the future. As we have these chains integrating, we are adding BAT.

With the other onramps coming into the wallet, we are working on BAT promotions as well. But we need to make sure it's working well so we don't have difficulty using BAT in the transaction. All these things are happening at once. It sounds like it's not totally BAT related but a lot of them ahve BAT in them - but it's more like get it optimized first then announce BAT integration so that people don't get frustrated with the integration not working as planned.

For example we have a NFT drop with BAT NFTS for the end of this month. Part of that has figuring out how to accept BAT for the dex fees etc. Hope that helps.

>> No.50176989

>were there ever any plans to add additional offramps for BAT to be withdrawn to other non-custodial wallets off-browser?*
There is uncertainty in this due to regulation. It's a climate of trying to operate in a way that doesn't bite you later. We are now seeing signs in the US and elsewhere where early regulation drafts are coming in. Right now we have the two custodial partners we have. There is another partner we want to onboard for rewards as well but we don't have more info to share on that now - we are in discussions. But taking the BAT you earned and then throwing it into the noncustodial wallet is not happening in the near term due to regulatory risk. We got advice from counsel on this stuff. Long term, we already have the infrastructure in place to give it to noncustodial. But we have to operate within the bounds of the law, as we understand it.

>> No.50177032

Luke is still cautiously optimistic that we will hit around 100m users by EOY. Will update if we hear that goal shift but no sign that it has yet

>> No.50177113

literally nobody cares

>> No.50177136

Agreed. Should have deleted it but I'm on cruise control with this. If you don't like the summaries, do it yourself

>> No.50177237

Love you and the updates

>> No.50177263

Theres also talks of another custodial partner. So bitflyer,uphold,gemini and maybe ftx next.

>> No.50177337

Re payouts this week, upgrade to version 1.40 as soon as you can to streamline likelihood that you'll get your payment on time. Do it before the disbursement date.

No self serve time frame yet. Focused on improving infrastructure. But, soon.

>> No.50177356

Luke acknowledges it's properly phrased "soon, TM"

Love you too man

>> No.50177376

Ayo mah mufuggin nigga how I get bat for watchin ads n shiieeettt

>> No.50177379

If things get more bearish we may roll out self serve sooner on a more limited basis in order to recover lost income streams. But, we need to have the infrastructure in place for support, platforms, etc. to help with onboarding.

>> No.50177397

>join community call
>luke is downplaying importance of selfserve
yeah im glad i sold

>> No.50177441

I'm so excited for search ads, guys

>> No.50177539

lmao literally discussing biz features on the community call

>> No.50177540

Nearly established that Luke browses these threads. He added rss for 4chan to his Brave News feed. Complained about lack of thumbnails.

Questioner asked for Brave News to come up with a way to trawl through /biz/ to add BAT threads to the news feed. Luke agreed we need this.


>> No.50177567

hes a coomer for sure

>> No.50177671

If we can get over the .45 wall there’s barely anything standing in our way up to .55

>> No.50177741

once we hit 45 then we can go to 50, and then after 50 nothing in our way to 55, and then after 55 we can go to 60, and then theres nothing from 60 to 65, and then 65 we can go straight to 67

>> No.50177838

Then from 67 to 70, 70 to an easy 75, from 75 we hit some resistance at $1 after he hit $1 we skyrocket above $3 then we hit $40 soon after

>> No.50177889

>Brave Search Images
Will be discussed next week

>> No.50177922

idk what that guy was even talking about. what did he mean that you can search google images but not brave?

>> No.50177967

No idea. Unless he means being able to use an image file to search the web for its source?

>> No.50178524

I wonder if Luke cooms to TP’s posts

>> No.50178617

He’s got his kids jumping all over him constantly and his wife probably monitoring his browser history. I bet he barely gets a chance to rub one out in a typical day. If he does it’s probably the same way most married men do. Grab an old sock, jerk one out as fast as you can, throw it in the hamper then roll over and go to bed immediately

>> No.50178930

I had no idea Luke had a family, he seems like a solid guy.

>> No.50179052

Theme of next bull market is utility tokens. Who knows where will be.

>> No.50180162
File: 9 KB, 249x189, froge haha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Grab an old sock, jerk one out as fast as you can, throw it in the hamper then roll over and go to bed immediately

oh no no no no no no. What kind of sad fucking married life is this, I shiggidy diggidy hope you guys don't have marriages/sex lives where you actually do this sort of thing

>> No.50180342

Married men masturbate at a much higher rate than single men. You’ve obviously never been in a long term relationship. The numbers aren’t even close. Nobody wants to climb on top the same woman over and over and over again for years on end. Especially after she shit out a few kids. You take head and handjobs from your wife when you can & go to Asian spas once or twice a week.

>> No.50181324


Or they could just fix tipping and accounts getting flagged, and stop wasting time on retarded shit.

>> No.50181903

>Or they could just fix tipping and accounts getting flagged, and stop wasting time on retarded shit.

>> No.50182701
File: 1.24 MB, 1440x1809, BAT Brave Santa cigarette small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's the community making that sort of thing, not people who can actually fix the problems. They are hiring engineers.

>> No.50184536
File: 1.72 MB, 1440x1958, Bat in her face cigarette small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50184709

I read the text on the ad in the 1950s commercial reader voice.
>Your throat will thank you tomorrow, if you smoke Phillip Morris... today
Top kek

And no I'm not a boomer. I'm 31

>> No.50185031
File: 162 KB, 916x916, 20211109_180203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ripped it from this meme