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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50168813 No.50168813 [Reply] [Original]

How will the opening of a portal to hell affect me, financially speaking?

>> No.50168855

Schizo parasite.

Finance and economics are pseudoscientific make believe garbage, capitalism is inherently unstable, exploitative and unsustainable with a built in expiration date. All finance assets like money,crypto,debt,bonds etc are purely parasitic in nature and serve no purpose nor have any inherent value and private property is theft. Ever escalating recessions, poverty, disease, pollution, slavery and wars are fundamental and necessary functions of it and every single financier or crypto dudebro is a literal parasite.

We already live in hell and your hellworld will soon expire. A CERN black hole would be relief at this point not a threat

>> No.50168897


if financial assets have no inherent value then why are you so you concerned with who is in control of them?

>> No.50168931

Everytime they fire the LHC the world gets worse. I think it's a time machine and that cern is actually ruining our world. Every time they run it the world economic forum gets one step closer to owning everything and making us happy.


>> No.50168938
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furthermore why does CERN have a statue of a jeet god of destruction outside of their headquarters?

>> No.50168970
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I guess we should go back to trading sticks for rocks?

>> No.50168975

they're steering the world to world war 3 one time line at a time

>> No.50169019

Start with yourself American faggot. You speak like women. Men like you could never have made the world we live in. You don't deserve it.

>> No.50169041
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Bullish for energy stocks

>> No.50169053

Nothing happened, meh

>> No.50169057

Because they hold negative value. They are parasitic. Can you not read?

>> No.50169145

Idgaf anything alternative to capitalism is better. It is mathematically impossible to create a more oppressive and destructive system than capitalism. Capitalism operates with the same functions as a cancer cell. Maximizes suffering. It offers neither a clean life nor a clean death. Just slavery and torture.


>> No.50169193

fuck off, you are not entitled to anyone's resources you fucking smarmy faggot.

>> No.50169238

>Everytime they fire the LHC the world gets worse. I think it's a time machine and that cern is actually ruining our world. Every time they run it the world economic forum gets one step closer to owning everything and making us happy.
Chiyomaru is a based Shizo and he always was correct. Deja Vu's? Yeah, that's you noticing a timeline change.

>> No.50169261

Terms like capitalism or communism are meaningless. Reality is significantly more complex than this, and if anything your problem is with human nature itself rather than any particular fancy word. Your immensely low IQ is showing and its painful for most readers.

>> No.50169273

You have no idea how bad things can get, sweetheart. But you'll learn <3

>> No.50169281

? Capitalism and private property are the ones that allow the hoarding of recourses. Why do you so desperately desire to be a slave? When a couple of kings have bought everything and everyone on mother Earth would you still be saying "ITS OK BECAUSE THEY BOUGHT IT" ? I dont understand. How are you this braindead? There are people right now that own whole countries yet i am the one who seeks to steal recourses? I honestly think killing people like you isnt murder. It is euthanasia. You are so far fucking gone i dont think there is any way back.

>> No.50169292

I don't think its a coincidence.
>Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web while working at CERN in 1989, applying the concept of hyperlinking that had by then existed for some decades.

>> No.50169311


I'm not gonna bother discussing with you. You produce some schizo ramblings and when I ask for clarification of your nonsense you respond by being rude. I'm very educated if I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about then the problem is probably with the text, not my reading ability.

>> No.50169322

What’s the current ROK/STK trading pair looking like?

>> No.50169360

"Hurr durr muh human nature is inherently evil that is why i need a strict daddy/boss authority figure to spank me into submission"

You are a masochist who is in denial with himself and thus joined other schizos and people in denial like in 4chan or other rightoid spaces

>> No.50169389

You sound like you are extremely miserable. No wonder you mistakenly believe things can't get worse lol.
Take a break from the computer would be my advice to you.

>> No.50169398
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Selling a surplus isn't evil, but usury is.
t. Ezekiel 18 enjoyer.

>> No.50169447

Don’t worry, soon we’ll be able to sell our children into slavery to own housing.

>> No.50169454

And you sound like a boomer who is getting desperate. Know that no matter where you hide or how many guns you buy we will find you and we will euthanise you parasite. Dont tell me about struggles you priviledged sheltered amerikkkan parasite. The chicken has come home to roost and your precious stock market and blockchain will perish alongside your rotten world. We have nothing to lose but our chains but parasites like you have everything to lose

>> No.50169462

Yes it literally is evil since its constrained to the laws of the physical world and its evolutionary system. Cooperation is designed for mutual benefit once cooperation isn't needed shits fucked. Accumulation of power through resources/culture/reproduction/war has existed since the dawn of time and isn't exclusive to modern capitalism - a cartel is a cartel under every political and economic system.

>> No.50169473
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the relative peak of western civilisation was 1950.

>> No.50169479

You have already done that parasite this is what millennials are

>> No.50169536

Finance at its best allows people/places with poor development accelerate their economies and live higher quality lives. Look to Botswana for how loans can improve a society. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VslKKgYvVKU&t=247s

>> No.50169570
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Usury is to money what prostitution is to morality and what bribery is to government.
This unholy trinity forms a triangular wedge which leads to the other two (for example money lenders debase currency, funny money then bribes government and the proles have to sell their bodies/children to stay alive in inflation land).
Same result whichever way you slide the wedge in, it's a process.

>> No.50169699

you didn't feel it?

>> No.50170186

>we were in hell all along

>> No.50170222

all this stupid machine does is ram particles together at super high speeds
stop being all schizo about it and/or go back to /pol/

>> No.50170249

You sound 20 years old, at the very oldest.

>> No.50170752
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The game is over, as I am fond of saying. The bankers won. They are in control of the Pikes Peak batholith and the multi-trillion-dollar granite tunnel system—a highly symbolic 40 miles west of Denver, Colorado in the Front Range. But they are in control of much more than the end-time survival apparatus. They control not only the military and government of the United States of America but through the power of major corporations and the corruptibility of businessmen and government officials, fiat currency manipulation by the WiΩards of Fiat Currency at the Federal Reserve System, a small army of propagandists and “hackers” (this is a technically incorrect use of the term) who are fighting to maintain control of the Frankenstein monster they created called the Internet (in a war I fear they are going to lose), and even the Republican form of government they created which inevitably—and I would argue by design—fosters centralized control and assures only a handful of “elected” officials must be compromised to control an entire country, they control the entire Western world.

>> No.50171253

Fun fact: While watching the CERN stream live, they were switching between the four big experimental groups and their data processing center. What stood out the most was all of the white men and women (mostly men) and a few poos mixed in. Out of these hundreds of people not one black man did I see. What should be taken from all of this?

>> No.50171298

You just want to relinquish yourself of responsibility. Truth is none of that shit matters. You could enjoy your life freely until the end comes. In fact you could easily die in a completely unrelated manner like a car crash or cancer. Or you could choose to fight and find a way to break the matrix. Some people actually have the balls and might to try.

>> No.50171948

In the few minutes after 10am EST, probably for around 2-3 minutes, I felt like I was trippin and unable to recall things vividly. Then everything went back to 'reality.' I was curious to see if I would notice or feel anything. Def felt it.