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50212870 No.50212870 [Reply] [Original]

Is the Great Binance-FTX War between CZ and Sam Bankman-Fried about to begin?

>> No.50212893

Who will win
The chink or the jew

>> No.50212910

fuck the jewbankman

>> No.50212927

The chink jew war will define this century!
Go chinks

>> No.50212995
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>Bankman-Fried is a vegan

>> No.50213025

Sam Kikeman vs CZP Bugface will define crypto will define the financial future of the Millennial generation.

>> No.50213039

Jews are white. Throughout the majority of white history, the whites stood with the Jews.
Nazis and Jew killing crusades are outliers that don't happen often, they strengthen Jews more often than not.

The verdict is that Jews are white. You must stand with Sam

>> No.50213041

Explain this to me like I'm a child or golden retriever

>> No.50213058

kek based chinaman. destroy this sharp nosed faggot

>> No.50213063

Tell the jews that cuz they sure as hell don't think so

>> No.50213070

original jews were dravidian elamites who looked black like andamanese tribes and turned to arabs and then white.

jews always transform to different skintones to blend with the richest group at that time

>> No.50213092

Literally 0 chance chinks can win. They are just a shitty sweatshop. Jews are actually gods chosen and practice ancient occult magic and are like 140iq.

>> No.50213157

I don't trust CZ or Bankman, with chinks and Jews, you lose.

>> No.50213223

Zhao is actually a Chinese jewish name, but he actually has morals and is an all around good guy. Bankman is a facade for banks and actively tries to destroy the industry out of pure greed. If he had any ethics he wouldn’t have destroyed the market. Cz should send a hit squad out on do Kwon

>> No.50213285

The original Jews were, part of, a bunch of nomadic herdsman living on the edge of Bronze Age society that flooded in when Bronze Age society collapsed.

>> No.50213352

can anyone actually shed light on what cz is saying?
i was thinking the same thing he's saying
things dont add up

>> No.50213482

cz will distribute gas again

>> No.50213626

lol. 140 iq based on papers with a questionable methodology where they tested Ashkenazim in gifted schools and had a miniscule sample size. Why are God's Chosen so genetically fucked up and how did the chosen get so utterly rekt by Rome hahahaha

>> No.50213645

Fuck off with you FTX bags, Moshe. Jews arent white, they have been fighting with europeans since the dawn of time. They are two separate peoples.

>> No.50213672

why do christcucks identify with rome, the extinct nation that killed their god (according to them)?

>> No.50213715

bot response.

>> No.50213757

And yet they recovered and decided to rule the entire world while Rome has suffered from catostrophic crashes.
And what do you mean genetically fucked up? The high amount of schizophrenic and psychopathic genes is what enables them to be succesful.

>> No.50213778
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Jews are not white and never will be white. Jews sold whites as slaves to Muslims from the Visigothic to Reconquista times. They were banished partly for this.
Jews will conveniently claim to be white when it suits them and cast it off as soon as they can gain the upper hand. Aren't all goyim cattle for you anyways?

>> No.50213781

You want to go for walk?
*smacks excited dog*
Bad dog, bad dog!!

>> No.50213787
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bot religion

>> No.50213800

is FTX larping it's way out?
How bad things really are?
I remember hearing tabasco saying they almost got blown out once because they were overleveraged to the bone (15x or something)
What's their current situation ?

>> No.50213812
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One side is ultrabased, the other side is ultracringe

>> No.50213829

Based CZ needs to put the jew's dirty shop underground

Jew Bankman is doing what the jewish cabal always does, it's just realize obvious and sickening now. Destroy, consume and control

>> No.50213890

Jews are not white and neither are amerimutts. Go KYS retard.

>> No.50213893
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>Shalom my fellow white men! I think we all can agree that our greatest ally Israel must be protected at all costs!

>> No.50213928

yet they can never seemingly build a functioning society without being parasitic on existing sponsor nations? Why does Israel feel the constant need to beg the US for money or support if it can exist on its own? Why does it steal nuclear technology and has one of the largest espionage networks that dwarf China's and Russia's?
Jews were always on the periphery of Western Society until 1918. The US was a new world backwater that wondered into the ruins of the old order.
Genetically fucked up goes beyond schizophrenic and psychotic genes, some come to mind as Tay Sachs, higher rates of Alzheimer's, screenings to prevent inbreeding, which is prevalent among Orthodox communities. This reality does not align with the notion of a chosen people. No amount of wordsmithing and deception can castigate the reality set forth in front of the world.

>> No.50213953

>t. Sneeding haredi nigger
Don't need flags to know where you're from

>> No.50213962
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>> No.50213994

>haha I said sneed randomly, so heckin le based

>> No.50214029

cope Moshe. I never mentioned anything about Christianity yet you immediately felt attacked. That isn't very kosher of you. Now Shabbat Shalom.

>> No.50214072

I shit on christcuckoldry and you immediately feel attacked

>> No.50214314

Wait I thought cz and ftx jew Sam are in the same team of shitting on thier customers. Are they against each other? Does cz hate him or something

>> No.50214382

Whites have loved Jews throughout 90% of history.

>> No.50214400

crypto is proxy battlefield in asymmetric ww3. big nose is sockpuppet for wall street, yellow man sockpuppet for CCP. they are jockeying for position in the coming digital financial system based around CBDCs

>> No.50214421

cz has 150IQ

>> No.50214540

sbf replied

>> No.50214606

no he didn't you fucking retard

>> No.50214632

Neither 140 or 150 is high.

>> No.50214881

Okay. IQ 160 then

>> No.50215040

CZ is the only trust worthy person in all of crypto. I'm honestly shocked he hasn't been killed.

>> No.50215270

holy shit bagholding truly makes people blind

>> No.50215325

I root for the Chink, he seems a better guy

>> No.50215449

Hadrian died for this

>> No.50215558
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CZ is shady but he is nowhere as vicous and ugly as SBF. SBF is a jew of the worst kind. He will destory what he touches and has no morals or higher common goals for the community.

>> No.50215759

CZ is actually pretty aligned with crypto ethos and gets it, go look at interviews of him. This other guy is very actively sabotaging good tech and projects for financial gains and that's why i dislike him. Values first, money second.

>> No.50215929

Because the church took over the Roman civilization when the barbarians sacked the empire. Where the emperors magistrates worked daily in the courts it became the priests. The pope took the pontifix title too. People just stopped caring about pagan generals and shifted allegiance to the church. So the Roman world became Christian and carried on in the eastern half.

>> No.50215977

SBF has openly said that he doesn't give a shit about crypto and is only here to make money.

Fuck SBF/jews, on team CZ

Funny enough, Hitler / the Nazis were fans of Chinese/Japanese (called them "honorary Aryans")


At this point it's clear that white civilization has lost

And while China is part of NWO (jews made communism), chinks are the only people who can save us

>> No.50216010
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i'd not trust either of them

>> No.50216047
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>> No.50216057

jews are a spiteful bunch, and they've still not forgiven europe for rome sacking the kikes in isreal
hence the kikes doing everything in their power to destroy europe with niggers and dunecoons

>> No.50216074

>Throughout the majority of white history, the whites stood with the Jews.
109 countries.

>> No.50216100

CZ was first, binance is better, i vote CZ.

>> No.50216180
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>> No.50216573

Marginally. Binance is a shit company whereas Bankman is a ruthless kike.

>> No.50216593

All history is a Jesuit lie

>> No.50216627

>Jesuits bad
which flavor of christcuck is the right one (spoiler: it's none but I still want to hear your opinion)

>> No.50216728

CZ does his own chinky things, while the jew can't keep his claws to himself
They are both bad, but I'll bet on the yellow peril

>> No.50216753

So a chink and a jew walk into a bar.....

>> No.50217246

doggie gets snack
throws i up
claims it's a loan back to the snack giver.
ask for another snack to keep from starving to death.

>> No.50217428

>Throughout the majority of white history, the whites stood with the Jews.
This is wrong.

>> No.50217492

For me it's Arthur.

>> No.50217970

CZ is the divine spirit in human meatsuit, he will make us free
Jewman will make me eat ze bugs, live in cuckpod and become a zombie with a chip implant 100x vaxxed
of course he looks white they stole all the possible white genes to make themselves less inbred
if youre a nigger everyone looks white who is not a shitskin

>> No.50218104

Everyone hates sbf

>> No.50218312

i hope the chinaman wins

>> No.50218348

DEX tech will replace them both

>> No.50218530

So you've never seen Biden and Putin shake hands?

>> No.50218615
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You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

>> No.50219019

Kek this actually made sense to me

>> No.50219169

>Jews are white


>> No.50219734

Someone explain what the fuck cz is trying to imply. If you could get away without paying a 9 figure loan wouldn't you? He's also implying in other tweets that taking a loan in the first place is weird, but it's a prop trading firm, why the fuck wouldn't they if they thought they'd make money on it?

>> No.50222244

for the sake of the world it's important that the chinese win over the globohomo bugmen jews

>> No.50222327

throughout the majority of white history, whites considered jews to be the murderers of christ and the synagogue of satan.

the truth is that jews are semitic middle easterners of a hostile , foreign culture and religion to white people because white people means the people of european stock.

>> No.50224122

If CZ was Japanese, he would win, but alas...

>> No.50224181


>> No.50224305
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U stupid goy. Can't u see this is for your own good.

>> No.50225985

But but Chinks are the Jews of Asia

>> No.50226257

why did you even post this

>> No.50226567

I would watch the pay-per-view

>> No.50226706

please post nose for validation

>> No.50226713


>> No.50226735
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Based CZ doesn't do degen shit

>> No.50227341

I don’t know, but CZ seems like the lesser of two evils and I will be going for him.

>> No.50227369

kinda hard to follow yea

>> No.50227407

she cute

>> No.50228849

>Jews are white.
jews are sand niggers
>also CZ is based

>> No.50228882

We better hope CZ wins because the FTX kike is trying to kill crypto

>> No.50228902

Chink can't understand the Neanderthal Jew high IQ moves, FTX will replace Binance before you know it.

>> No.50228905

Instead of giving you a loan
I give a friend a loan to loan to you

And I say I didn't the 3rd friend a loan

>> No.50228924

So many fags coping. Jews have been white for a while now. Isreal is a white nation

>> No.50228951
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>So many fags coping. Jews have been white for a while now. Isreal is a white nation

>> No.50228969
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>inbred pedokike, child molester cultists give their products of incest herpes and have a high IQ


>> No.50229016

Nice fairytale, not true at all tho.

>> No.50229044

30 million users versus a couple of milly for the curly hair. He's not even hilarious either

>> No.50229797
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Bankman will lose, that's just because the goyim have long since taken control of this whole dispute, that's why ryoshi went into hiding and is just now coming into the light again considering the qom launch and all of that, i can see this building up as the chink's way of controllng crypto

>> No.50229856

Anime gets it largely right, since it's influenced by neoplatonic mysticism: the world we know is reset at intervals, and the Controllers who sell parts of themselves to cooperate with it are our worst enemies.

>> No.50230194

you are fucking retarded, kill yourself.

what anime are you even talking about faggot

>> No.50230552
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>> No.50230677

Parasitism is a superior strategy to nationalism and territorialism, particularly in the era of globalism. Why would anyone choose a losing strategy? Jews have been ruling finance in Europe for ages as well. Thry were never poor kek

>> No.50231061


>> No.50232409

Jews are the blood of Shem
Whites are the blood of Japhet

Jews are sandnigger chameleons

>> No.50232447

Its is, also note the seal of Saturn Binance logo

>> No.50232573
File: 129 KB, 1144x610, oldandgoldvsnewandblue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old & gold
New & jew

>> No.50234090

You’ve been parroting this for millennia moshe and it still doesn’t make it true
>high iq
About as high iq as a snake

>> No.50234408
File: 479 KB, 828x1792, 4E270D08-F58A-425D-AA75-E1F8BD6A335E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about pic related jew project

>> No.50234768

go to https://huggingface.co/spaces/dalle-mini/dalle-mini and enter "ecstatic maniacally laughing jewish man enveloping the earth like an octopus with infinite coins and dollar bills in space", it will all make sense then. the "in space" part is optional

>> No.50234940

dem titties

>> No.50235310

ok I definitely aren't a friend of some of SBF's actions.
but I think if exchanges go against each other everyone in crypto is the loser.
you can hate another exchange with the deepest anger/fire, but
in the end we all represent the crypto space.
so you want an enemy? how about you have a look at banks who want to drain crypto of money for their own interests.

TL;DR in my opinion, competition yes, but crypto should stay united.
(against forces who are really trying to attack it.)

>> No.50235482

2 faces of the same thing

just an old classic esau gambit

>> No.50235848

It's a psyops so people demand more regulations in the crypto space

>> No.50235985
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This has been deboonked

>> No.50236877

>Why are God's Chosen so genetically fucked up
ironically enough they need more diversity because they are inbred

>> No.50237658

You are a street person with a cell phone. But even street people are allowed into the library.

>> No.50237771

>not a believer
AKA he is sane

>> No.50238904

Muut response
Jews killed Jesus according to the bible

>> No.50239680

Cz is pissed off that bankman bought 100k of his baboonas and now he knows that bankman will hold to try to prevent the moona

>> No.50240649

Nothing to the jews. Nothing. Not even water.

>> No.50241109

Previous cycles with Binance as the largest exchange went smooth. Oldfags were making bank left and right. Based chinks forking Bitcoin giving out free dividends left and right.
Anons help me outline the events since the big nose tribe took over the crypto space.
-Gensler rejected spot ETF, approved ETF based on USD.
-Yellen crypto infrastructure bill.
-FTX became the largest exchange in US.
-ICP bros, SBF fucked up the price of ICP.

>> No.50241577
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I go with the honorary Aryan

>> No.50241680

I only dislike him because he fucked around with ICP. Dominic gonna obliterate this lil niga

>> No.50243997

Can't even call it a war. Based CZ will wipe the floor with this virgin jew