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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 8 KB, 461x337, trx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5030441 No.5030441 [Reply] [Original]

200 sats by friday

>> No.5030469

Shit nigger.
I got about 500 of these.

>> No.5030503


Me to, thanks to binance

>> No.5030539

What does it do?

>> No.5030649
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Also, supposedly a big partnership announcement coming early next week. Pic unrelated

>> No.5030701

How much do you think we can make off this?
Literally free money

>> No.5030791

Alibaba 2.0

>> No.5030900
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>> No.5030978

Damn son. Flauntin' that cheezeburger money!

>> No.5031140

I think it’ll go more like 250-300

I have 95k of these.

>> No.5031193

shill it on me anons... been watching it for a few days now, went to their website and read more about it and all, but i still don't understand the full potential of the project. Any insights?

>> No.5031268

i did the original ICO and let me just tell you, the translated white paper sounds so stupid that i have to just assume its lost in translation and hope for the best. its something to do with entertainment? something like that. sounds pretty dumb but the guys behind it are no fucking joke

>> No.5031318
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>> No.5031339

This Ian the Facebook that takes over MySpace.

>> No.5031361

I love this coin. This is how it feels to be an early adopter of something with real potential.

>> No.5031380

Do you know if it's going to be marketed in China? With the China ban on bitcoin and all there's going to be a huge market to grow on

>> No.5031409

What's myspace and how does it take it over in this analogy?

>> No.5032101

china is on board. Look at the team

>> No.5032521

mooning again

>> No.5032557
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I put baby bucks in it but this is a real mean bean! jazzed for 2018

I'm kind of worried that /biz/ is going to shill this left and right soon though but I'm not touching it for at least another year

>> No.5032724

I have seven Tron. What's a reasonable amount of money to spend on some?

>> No.5032741

70 sats on binance, letss go can't wait 17th december

>> No.5032814

71 :)

>> No.5032876

also, whats the 17th?

>> No.5032935

Shhhhhhhh we don't shill this one yet

>> No.5032961

Sell walls getting demolished

>> No.5033096

Partnerships revealed

>> No.5033199

Thin walls past 80 sats TRX to the moon!

>> No.5033229

i didnt think they had a set date, just "this coming week"

>> No.5033249

bought 3.5k at 73 sats, hoping that by the 2022 Qatar world cup this shit will have made me a millionaire

>> No.5033589

Isn't that just like $35? Am I retarded?

What's the price forecast on this crypto?

>> No.5033709

probably 100 sat end of day

>> No.5033778

probably 100 sat end of day

>> No.5033780

Project only started in September breh.. if this shit hits the 10 dolar mark one day, I'm already in for 35 grand. Never go all in new projects, if things start picking up, gradually invest more over time, if not, you only loose a few bucks.

>> No.5033845

Do you know what market cap it needs to hit $10?

>> No.5033869

There are so many coins. I'm concerned that they won't accrue any serious value. That said, I'll probably grab a handful first of January

>> No.5033937

Right now it's at about U$ 745 million. so that means U$745 billion, not to shaby if you consider the worlds largest (and still growing economy) is going to be in the equation, unlike bitcoin

>> No.5033939


3x the marketcap of Bitcoin

>> No.5034118

FUKING RETARDS THINK IT WILL GO EVEN 1¨$ lol remind me of the ripple tards

>> No.5034364

Doesn't matter tho gains are gains.

>> No.5034421

Is it too late to hop on this pump?

>> No.5034423

$ doesn't matter, it's all about %

>> No.5034439

even it goes up to only U$0.10, that's already 10x kek

>> No.5034687

WOW already at 80 sats

>> No.5034729

fuck me

>> No.5034736


>> No.5034770

Bought at 43 sats see you on saturn bios

>> No.5034862
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>> No.5034867


Is this a massive PnD? Its up nearly 3x in the last week alone. Is there an actual reason for this?

>> No.5034922

project only started in september, they probably will have access to china (unlinke btc) and it probably has only begun beeing listed in exchanges for a couple weeks

>> No.5034930


>> No.5035001

Something feels off with TRX. They did a massive airdrop on Binance, and it just.. feels sticky.

6X'd since the airdrop. Prob going up way more.

>> No.5035016
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This is a joke, right? The whitepaper is comedic gold. The preface reads like an intro scene narration from Godzilla.

>> No.5035045
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>> No.5035109

Today /biz/ made me a very rich man.

>> No.5035130

this shit is legit man... holy fuark

>> No.5035161

Good or bad thing ... Have like 150k in this shit. So Far so good. Help me anon

>> No.5035175
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see yall when i get my lambo

>> No.5035188

yeah I don't understand it either.

Also, 100 sats

>> No.5035193

what the fuck

>> No.5035214

get out boys. pumps over. i got out at 108. screencap this and make fun of me if it pumps another 2x

>> No.5035224


>> No.5035249

Jesus crist this coin made me some money.. when it crashed at 115 sat i wanted to sell but the buy walls disappeared and sold at 100 lol.

Let it dip a bit and again please.

>> No.5035275

everybody is trying to rescue their coins. you're in for a fucking.

>> No.5035284

dump dude shits going down ASAP. 165% in like 6 hours

>> No.5035316

Panic selling.. jesus

>> No.5035317

literally only bought this coin because I love the film but gains are gains

>> No.5035372

Fuck I missed it. Guess I'm in this for the long haul.

>> No.5035376

Dumped and now it's all going into REQ or ARK or XRB or MANA

What do u think

>> No.5035409

panic selling is key to survival when you know when to do it. TRX went from .83 to 115 in like two minutes so i was like fuck that and sold the second i saw someone else sell. thats all it takes to make the tower fall

>> No.5035412

tron or mana? what's better to buy and hodl if I have very limited funds (absolute poorfag here)?

>> No.5035413

Wait it's coming back.

>> No.5035455

What is this shit it got like +300 million marketcap in one day ?

>> No.5035489
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>daytrading a coin worth less than 100 sats

are you people really that poor?

>> No.5035494

Alibaba 2.0

>> No.5035507


>> No.5035531

ez x3 here
its easy mode

>> No.5035656

im putting mine in req and iota once it hits a bottom

>> No.5035730


>> No.5035864

this isn't over. holy fuck i love this coin.

>> No.5035898

Me too. Tron is amazing

>> No.5035908

I only sold a small portion of my stack. This thing has a big future.

>> No.5035999

It’s going back up guys...
Dammit. I sold too early.

>> No.5036035

You sold your entire stack?

>> No.5036037

yeah fuck it.

>> No.5036051

just wait til china wakes up, sees their chink coin is up 100.88% and then sperg ouit CHINA NUMBA ONE and start going all in.

>> No.5036103


>> No.5036129

it's over i think. will rebuy low tho. this shit is gonna bring me to lambo land

>> No.5036153

It's definitely over for now.

>> No.5036174

Yea I sold at 101, just re bought around 85. Now have about 98k

>> No.5036191

how the fuck did you guys know it's gonna moon that hard?

>> No.5036194

unironically this

>> No.5036203

What do you think each will be worth in a month?

>> No.5036208

and i remember getting 500 of this and people were wtf is this shitcoin :D

>> No.5036233

It was on fucking Forbes

>> No.5036257

kek I'm retarded

>> No.5036300

One of Trons investors is lireally Binshen Tang, the founder of Clash of Kings, that normie mobile app. If that app were to allow Tron payments as an alternative to cash, like fuck i cant even imagine.
Plus Justin Sun(founder) has already established himself

>> No.5036310
File: 55 KB, 900x506, to_the_moon_by_nowis_337-d4l4dic[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

up 82% today bitches

>> No.5036384

hey uhhh what does this coin actually do

>> No.5036450

Entertainment, Online Casinos, Mobile Games, Social Networks.

>> No.5036534


think about hundreds of millions of addicted chinks just throwing their money into online gaming, gambling in online betting

>> No.5036566

NICE i bought a little yesterday because it was literally the cheapest thing i could possibly get

>> No.5036572

>get 35k Tron at the time
>thinking it would be shit

oh boy, am I gonna make it?

>> No.5036712

getting an organized pump over the next 1.5 days and I dont even know the fuck it does lmao

>> No.5036753

Korean telegram groups are saying it’s going up through tomorrow. We will see I guess

>> No.5036757

If you make it I’ll get you a house in Beverly Hills. I have 95k so we will be set. If we all lived on the same block imagine the parties

>> No.5036818

I have social anxiety actually.

>> No.5036819
File: 1.55 MB, 1280x960, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought 20k TRON because of this picture he posted on twitter hours ago

Full expect the coin to MOON even harder in the next couple hours when China and Korea wake up

>> No.5036846

They are not a handsome race.

>> No.5036920

the one on the right's kind of cute.
the one on the left tho
it's like someone shrunk his face

>> No.5036935

this too, if this currency sees a place in the app store amongst normie phone games, then apollo has landed.

>> No.5036943

There is absolutely no way binance gave me free shit worth 5000 dollars.

>> No.5036966
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>> No.5037023

Same here. That was the joke lol

>> No.5037125

How the fuck do I have 500 of these?
What do, hold or fold?

>> No.5037130

now kiss

>> No.5037173

This is actually going to moon again.

>> No.5037175


>> No.5037300

I'd invite you too, bro

>> No.5037328

Did we just become Brest friends?

>> No.5037375

I'd also share a breast with you, bro. We could do a bump on her thighs

>> No.5037505

Well I’m all set on the drug part, but yea I’d get hammered drunk and go on my Ferris wheel

>> No.5037776

Sell now or...? I want to hodl this long term, but it would be really nice if it dropped, and I would have got myself cheap coins.

>> No.5037844

IM gonna old my 95k. If it doubles I’ll be very happy. Hoping for exponential growth.

>> No.5037899

refueling for next push, its coming

>> No.5037937

Can this get to 1$?

>> No.5037960
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here we go boys

>> No.5038185
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> Saw a thread shilling TRX last week.
> OP got shit on for shilling such a shit coin.
> Bought and ncreased to 60k over the last week.

>> No.5038202

remember, if /biz/ hates a coin, that coin moons

>> No.5038218

strap in bois.

Cya to the big party on my moon mansion

>> No.5038296

Too late to get in I guess?

>> No.5038344

nigga its 2 cents right now on binance, if it hits 10 cents like REQ did then you up 500%

>> No.5038349


>> No.5038398


>> No.5038434

True. Bought 8k for the lulz.

Started with 200 usd in crypto a while back and at 1k usd now so not willing to all in on these.

>> No.5038525

I have only REQ @ binance, really don't want to sell any of them.. Or what's your opinion? How fast it's gonna get that 10 cents?

>> No.5038583

>tfw used to own 1m tron from ico but got autorefunded by binance before i noticed


>> No.5038661

this shit mooning still?

>> No.5038694

Get in, we're going to 3 cents

>> No.5038730

Really thinking that I sell my dear ARKies and buy this, should I?

>> No.5038746

i'm waiting for the chinks, this is their coin. going 200 sats 99%

>> No.5038783


>> No.5038822

all in on this

>> No.5038825

best coin ever! When China is back in the game, its gonna go to 1$-2$ easy

>> No.5038845

Who else is cruising off the airdrop?

>> No.5038851

I randomly biught 20k of these for .005 cents so 300 dollars profit mmmmmm

>> No.5038869
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1 penny!

>> No.5038931

>buy in
>starts dropping
fuck all of you

>> No.5038957

dude if it goes down sell at 1 sat loss and buy back lower. i lost 1/3 of trades but still positive because when i sell it usually goes 2+ sat up.

>> No.5038972


>> No.5038982

Step 1) Never buy the High

>> No.5039007
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>wtf why isn't it 50 dollars in 5 seconds

>> No.5039010


>> No.5039027

New here, how do I add funds to BlockFolio?

>> No.5039040

When I got the airdrop my 500 TRX was worth $1. Now it's $8+

Holy shit I could have made so much money

>> No.5039050


>> No.5039051

can i join you guys? I have 98,000 tron?

>> No.5039086

people its easy, you buy when wall is almost eaten, that means you get the chance to eat next wall and sell +2 sat. if it goes down you sell at 1 sat loss but stay near strong walls.

>> No.5039102

i have 10k can i eat out of your garbage cans

>> No.5039128

Please can someome explain how i add real money to blockfolio so i can start investing

>> No.5039165

this is over i think, the sell walls are hugeeee.

>> No.5039193

Good. I almost put money into this.

>> No.5039242


oh my fucking god

>> No.5039271
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>> No.5039312

Do you guys think this will drop back down in a couple days?

>> No.5039333

just sold 2 million tron at 102 sats

thanks for holding my bags anon

>> No.5039355

might drop to 80 sats

>> No.5039495

Fuck you then Mr. know it all

>> No.5039503

support at 9x - not going to 80 again

>> No.5039504

Lulz up 138%

>> No.5039563

this ones over boiz

jump on CHIPS now, below 5 mln in market cap

>> No.5039908

I have 5500, kicking myself for not buying more Tron

>> No.5040302

Heading back up to ATH! Took a break and now it's roaring back. Could be one hell of a night here!

>> No.5040672

lol its done bro stop shilling your bags

>> No.5040674

should I buy RIGHT NOW guys it's 117% this is serious

>> No.5040946


Do it!!! It's pennies still.

>Message brought to you by Samsonite Luggage.

>> No.5040956

buy high sell low

>> No.5041158

HELL yea. This is gonna he fun! I might get a few thousand more to round it to a neat 100k

What are the chances this moons to $1?

>> No.5041188

Fuck no man. You get a seat at the table.

>> No.5041210

I got you senpai. Try linking a card then buying BTC then trade for tron

>> No.5041230

once it gains some publicity and people see how simple it is and easy to execute, i think it will be a solid moon ride.

>> No.5041238

Bought 100K then immediately sold at .004

I thought it would never move and had what I thought were more promising leads.


>> No.5041243

Senpai is auto changed to senpai
(Post unrelated. Testing a theory)