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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50347246 No.50347246 [Reply] [Original]

Why is housing so expensive?

>> No.50347262

Because real estate is flipped like a shitcoin
Capitalism works with luxuries, not necessities. Real estate and healthcare are proof.

>> No.50347307

how much does redhead gf like that cost

>> No.50347328


look at the roots idiot

>> No.50347346
File: 46 KB, 720x719, 1654794465735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off you spamming mouthbreather

>> No.50347348

Because it's overbought it's become scarce.
Not because people multiplied and need more land, but because land is a hedge against inflation.

>> No.50347360

I want to lie in her lap

>> No.50347363

Expensive is a relative term to how much you earn. It's just that you don't have any skills that are worth paying for. Keep on cooming and see where that will bring you.

>> No.50347370

Sauce? Name?

>> No.50347371

>Expensive is a relative term
Dude shit the fuck up. It's not relative if you look at stats and focus on the masses rather than cherrypick on the individual.

>> No.50347383

Vveronica Moser

>> No.50347385


Thats a man in the pic OP posted btw

>> No.50347388

I can also tell you don't have any skill set just for the fact that you couldn't figure out what I said showing you're low IQ.
>stats scary!

>> No.50347396

To clarify the retard can't spot downtrends in overall buying power even though it's not complicated to see.
>inflation isn't real
is what the retard is probably thinking

>> No.50347408

Hmmmm those neeeeeeeeples , the nipples i wanna lick those round pierced nipples until i can taste the aroma of death aroused form the anti depresseants she takes daily , the sweet nectar of the lifeless tits of a dyke AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaa pre um just leaked...

>> No.50347433

Reminder that anyone who writes "that's a man" is a seething roastie who is jealous of the youth and beauty of the female they could never be

>> No.50347454

It's a joke, you autistic fuck

>> No.50347457

Coomers gonna hate.
Also this. Kek

>> No.50347463

It's a stale joke, but regardless you don't understand simple shit

>> No.50347489


Why do you even need to look at the roots? No redhead has that color.

>> No.50347504

you will never be a women you disgusting faggot tranny


lmao fucking newfags maybe you should google what a trap is

if you were on 4chan longer than a year you would know

enjoy jerking off to dudes then fags

>> No.50347522

Because people allowed to own multiple homes while supply is limited.

>> No.50347530

literally no one would build you a house for free you dumb commie
>but the state
when did involving more middle men ever make anything cheaper

>> No.50347543

Because politicians have investments in real estate and choose where a house can be built and how many houses can be built. They control the whole housing market

>> No.50347555


>> No.50347567

>law is passed in the US limiting to one property per person
>suddenly single properties are hundreds of acres of sprawling land and buildings
>new law passed, properties can't be more than a few acres unless its a farm
>people grow a few crops to pass as a farm and continue doing the same thing
>the regulations keep coming until the red tape is so limiting that nobody can even own a normal house anymore
>politicians continue doing whatever they want because they're above the law
This is why "just make it illegal" never works

>> No.50347583

>literally no one would build you a house for free you dumb commie
Nigger thinks this current system isn't flawed, Lmao. What a dumb bitch that can't think outside the box. Also it can work if done right. Say I was the ruler in a totalitarian country. I'd get rid of most programs and focus heavily on allocating tax money to the creation of homes. I'd have homes be priced on material and labor and attach and ROI too so it create a profitable system instead of it just being a drain. Not a jewish ROI though as my goal would be to benefit the masses which in turn would lower divorce rates, poverty, crimes, drug addicts, homelessness, mental illnesses, etc.
>when did involving more middle men ever make anything cheaper
What the flying fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.50347591

Illegal immigration drives down wages and drives up housing costs.

>> No.50347598

Typos are due to my phone screen not registering inputs well due to it being cracked

>> No.50347610

You'd build yourself a palace while the peasants starve, just like every other "benevolent dictator"

>> No.50347611

summer is here

>> No.50347619
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>> No.50347628

Regulation and requirement of permits.

>> No.50347629 [DELETED] 

>You'd build yourself a palace while the peasants starve,
What the FUCK kind of nigger strawman argument is this? Low IQ

>> No.50347653

Low IQ retard level assumptions. Baseless assumptions because you have no real counter argument
>power would corrupt you because.. because it just would, okay??

>> No.50347668

It's the singer Ava Max.

>> No.50347674
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look guys I made him mad lol