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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50413887 No.50413887 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.50413896

ketamine treatment, look it up and never post on /biz/ again you nigger

>> No.50413906
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stop cumming. retain your divine essence.

>> No.50413914


>> No.50413930

I can tell you, you don't come to a Mongolian finance forum and spam shitty beta threads all day. You faggot.

>> No.50413931

people will tell you tons of bullshit but there's a 90% chance you just need:

>vitamin D
>more cardio
>less sugar
>probiotic foods

>> No.50413945

Stop cooming
Go to sleep early

That easy but try it for 3 days and see how hard it actually really is.

>> No.50413953

You forgot to say >financially speaking

>> No.50413964 [DELETED] 
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Child chest and belly

>> No.50414004

Based cunny enjoyer.

>> No.50414077

Pick up healthy and constructive habits, break the old habits. An extreme change in your enviroment helps with both. Leave this place.

>> No.50414089

ketamine cures depression for a day
>i spent my life doing nothing productive, made no connections with anyone, and rotted on online forums
>why am i depressed ;_;

>> No.50414115

Find a life purpuse and keep pursuing it. Keep yourself healthy.
If you have big problems like no family or cancer try to solve those problems or accept them and leave them in the past for good, as much as they hurt. There's ni point on rumianting them if they have no solution. Keep persuing your dreams to make for it's loses.

>> No.50414116
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are you vaxxed?

>> No.50414138

Doesn't matter these days. Half these replies are bots spamming the thread to keep it bumped. Jannies won't do shit.

>> No.50414244

just bee happy!