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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50414967 No.50414967 [Reply] [Original]

Is the future really this depressing?

>> No.50414987

yes the world is depressing, but i created a little world around me that isnt

>> No.50414994

In the future it will be automated away and we will all live in anti social bubbles in a metaverse 3d internet world while we play video games to earn money

>> No.50414995

imagine having any sympathy for sympathy whores

>> No.50414998

Yes, being an adult that works sucks sometimes but you have to enjoy the good times.

>> No.50415002

take off all that makeup and nails and leave this clown world

>> No.50415004

she shoulda gotten married to one of the countless guys available to her a decade ago

>> No.50415010
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The sad thing is all she’d have to do is giggle at the jokes of some wagelsave beta like myself and we’d end up taking care of her and she wouldn’t have to work

>> No.50415131
File: 51 KB, 754x768, Its too late.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate realtors so god damn much. My wife and i want to sell our home for close to $1,000,000 as possible and move to alberta mortgage free but those fuckers will take like a $36,000 cut. I sold my last home without a realtor but the market was so fucking hot and i still had to bust my ass because those fucks wouldnt bring their clients to my place because it was a private listing and now since the market is dumping i actually have to hire one.


>> No.50415156

wow she’s literally me

t. realtor

>> No.50415180

>waaaahhh I have to work and it's not fULLfILlInG
fucking pansy ass zoomer

>> No.50415201
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Why am I hard bros

>> No.50415211

only if you're a wage cuck npc cattle. neets will inherit the earth

>> No.50415220

What was her dream bros?

Also this.

>> No.50415245

Fuck every newfaggot ITT

>> No.50415249

i sell homes for 3% just look for someone that will work with you

>> No.50415255

watching normie cucks dreams get crushed makes my dick hard

>> No.50415262

stuf bitch

>> No.50415351

pretty much how it always worked. now they prefer wageslaving over us lol

>> No.50415394

I play with chemicals for a living as a cover for being worth 8 figures. Because of people like the chick in your video, my family basically, will do everything to suck me dry if they know and I am too lazy for a full blown war with them.

>> No.50415538

> What was her dream bros?


>> No.50415583

you in ontario?
My gf literally just got her license and would cut a decent deal

>> No.50415610

Would she take no more than $5,000 flat rate?

>> No.50415625

probably, that comes out to half a percent which is pretty rough but it depends on where you are too.

>> No.50415636

I knew this kid , was amazing musician. By his late 20s he gave up became real estate fag. Regardless if hes doing well or not hes a musician and nothing else. He had connections but ruined them because his sister is a hoore claimed a false rape and he defended her bullshit.

>> No.50415648


>> No.50415655

I know but i was bored. I dont find the thread demoralizing. 1pbid is 80% of the posts now. Chatting with bots lets me pretend im chatting with real people.

>> No.50415664
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Literally every plebbitor nowadays with a "dream job degree." Kek thanks for playing kids

>> No.50415758

Just remember anon. Even after the last human has drawn their breath. This entire universe is subject to heat death.

>> No.50415780

sounds blissful, so long as we can still get outdoors for walks

>> No.50415800
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>be woman
>feel like crying
>better take out my phone so I can record me crying and post it on the internet

>> No.50415808 [DELETED] 
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Makes me feel less guilty about my tranny fetish desu

>> No.50416305

He’s gonna fuck her in his million dollar house lmao

>> No.50416310

What about these snakes/?

>> No.50416336


>"saves" 36k selling a 1 million dollar house
>in reality leaves more money on the table because he thinks he can do the job of a good realtor.

>> No.50416413
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just another dumb whore

>> No.50416675

wtf, how much you get paid to litterally walk around a residence and talk for a few minutes all day long? how does it imply doing more work than wageslaving at McDonalds getting reminded every 15 minutes you aren't fast enough that the customers will complain the food is cold

>> No.50416941

only if you're vaxxed

>> No.50416963

This all you can do. Make your own little world.

>> No.50417071

What a stupid whore, selling real estates (like selling any other shit) is a sophisticated mind game between you and the potential buyer it's not just "hey, this is the bedroom", "here's the kitchen".

>> No.50417218

wanna fund an independent film in LA bro?

>> No.50417250

>bitching for a 3.5% fee to get the job done quicker
What an absolute nigger.

>> No.50417313

you're spending dollars to save cents here bro

>> No.50417315

me in the video realizing crypto isn't enough

>> No.50417475
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>> No.50417485

real estate agents make so much fucking money
what's her problem? she should have been a housewife

>> No.50417683


Bro, if you sold in April still you would have got 200,000 over asking on that decrepit pile of shit you are selling for a million leafbucks.

Now you'll be lucky to get $800k.

>> No.50417722
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Same, whats your favourite? Mine's DXM

>> No.50418079

A modern classic

>> No.50418169
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>> No.50418359

OMG!! Work should be partyies and unicorns and shit. We've been deluded!!

>> No.50418399

What a fucking lampy

>> No.50418420

Aaaand my sympathy is gone.

>> No.50418446

>Having it to begin with

>> No.50418697

Roastie detected

>> No.50419062

This, I’m a girl in mine

>> No.50419318


>> No.50419346

if youre a post-wall roastie

>> No.50419361

Nothing is hotter than a chick in tears, except maybe if she also has a black eye and bloody lip. Fuck I'm diamonds rn

>> No.50419371

Millennials/zoomers are such entitled little brats.

>> No.50419402

hahaha yesss suffer in the wagecage roastie

>> No.50419434

kys chang

>> No.50419504

Who the fuck works in 2022...?

>> No.50419516

She was never going to do any fulfilling to begin with because normie fulfillment is always misguided.

>> No.50419913

barely related question, but I'm too lazy to make a new thread: would offering, say, 50% of the price of a house (paying cash) work if people are desperate enough?

>> No.50419942

Shes hot

She doesn't need to work

Shes obviously LARPing

She probably got sent $200k from simps from that 1 tiktok alone

>> No.50419957

i feel like everyone I know and I will die of cancer

>> No.50419998

>Opens an onlyfans account in 3, 2...