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50451698 No.50451698 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>go for a short walk yesterday evening and heat feels not too bad
>go to gym and do cardio
>avoided junk food all day
>sleep goes badly because it's so fucking hot
>wake up after not enough sleep
>start working
>work goes meh
>buy binge food after work
>outside feels like a total sauna while having hot air blown at me
>binge at home
>feel like I'm melting
>drink coffee
>will go to gym right now after wasting all my free time online

Life is so boring and pointless.

Life as an ugly beta male is a scam.

I tell myself I'll stop binging on junk food but then I try to imagine not eating ice cream and it feels so bad.

I can't fucking wait for it to "only" be in the mid 20 degrees tomorrow.

One of my coworkers is a literal GigaStacey and it's depressilising.

Just as I'm writing this post I've decided to skip the gym today. I'm not feeling at my best because of missed sleep. I'll just imagine myself as those tabloid pictures of fat Leo DiCaprio or Elon Musk ("H-heh, j-just like me...") tomorrow.

>> No.50451799

Bong? it was 33 yesterday and 36 today but will be about 19-21 tomorrow which isn't too bad and manageable. But yes you are correct about life being a scam for ugly men in the year 2022. As for your binging, your brain has been rewired after years of fast food/processed sugar which is why you feel like absolute shit if you don't feed your body that garbage processed shit. The first week of abstaining is always extremely difficult but after that it gets better and by week 2 or 3 the cravings stop or are so little that it doesn't really bother you. Eventually you'll try the shit food again and it will taste like shit because your taste buds are actually working again and you'll wonder why you ever bothered consuming that garbage for so many years and the damage it has done to your body. Also, your cardio is pointless, you can do 1 hour of cardio and a few scoops of ice cream make it all pointless. The shit food also results in you not getting quality sleep.

>> No.50451889

Don’t stop trying. Pursue the things that interest you harder. Focus on fitness and staying active. Yes, it’s hot in many places across the globe, but it will pass. All of your fear and self-hatred can pass too. Be strong and stop pitying yourself because if you muster the will, you can do anything.