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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 19 KB, 447x691, HighIncomePill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50567944 No.50567944 [Reply] [Original]

Want the real black pill, Anon? The real black pill is that the American Dream of home ownership and white picket fences is alive and well, but only if you are high income, and that, if you had only gotten a more useful degree (ex. computer science), or had not decided to not participate at an early age, due to /r9k/ style self defeatism, you could easily be part of this upper class.

~t. 35 year old software dev, only 2.5 years in the industry, largely self taught, making $123.2k, 100% WFH, 100% health insurances paid by company, after only a couple years

>> No.50568004

I have to believe you are just a useless worker bee collecting a pay check too though. How much can you possibly know as a "self taught" software dev with less than 3 years experience. The real blackpill is that there is too much useless/degenerate pushing software that doesn't need to exist. Meaning your job doesn't need to exist. Meaning you don't need to exist. That's the real blackpill.
>My neighborhood is filled with guys like you who call themselves "software developers", they are retarded midwits
>Or thats just what the FBI are teaching their agents to say when someone asks what they do for a living
>Could be both

>> No.50568015
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i'm going to laugh when you arrogant, low IQ codeniggers are decimated by the recession.

t. six figure wfh earner in a real career, not codeniggerdom

>> No.50568023

If you are a huge cuck and cuck yourself hard enough they will let you have a picket fence if you take the jab.

Weird how I have all that and more and never cucked.

>> No.50568026

also whoever came up with that "analysis" is debilitatingly stupid. it's unintelligible, as i have no idea what it's even trying to convey, and it also ignores the impact of mortgage rates.

>> No.50568052

Average 30 year mortgage rate in 1988 was 10.34%. Average mortgage rate in 2022 is only 3.24%.

>> No.50568059

>Average mortgage rate in 2022 is only 3.24%.
that hasn't been true since january.

>> No.50568095

I am an accountant. I graduated at age 28 and didn’t get a good job until I was 29. Now, 10 years later I’m 39 making $100k per year wfh full bennies and tons of paid time off. All I had to do was study my ass off in school and live in abject poverty for several years in school. Like so poor that your heat gets shut off in December or so poor that you scrape the bottom of your couch and car for $2 in change so you can eat two McDoubles as your only food for the day.

>> No.50568165

Here's a black pill for you. I was in public accounting for 7 years, my dad for 40 years. He died from the vaccine last summer with a $3.8 million net worth. He worked 100 hour weeks until his health completely deteriorated, shabbos goying for the real wealthy folks, never stopping to enjoy the fruits of his labor. Here's the blackpill, CPAs don't get wealthy like that anymore for the most part, and the work never ends. Hope you have an exit strategy. My dad's was death. And he was a great great man

>> No.50568182

>public accounting for 7 years
>public accounting for 10 years
should have left after 1-2 years and coasted on a do-nothing $100-150k/year industry job doing the bare minimum
t. living the dream

>> No.50568190

Guess you could say he didn’t count on that

Nice fake story btw

>> No.50568197


No, coding is awful and I would rather live in a nigger infested hood rather than having to code to live

>> No.50568209

your dad was a jewish slave

>> No.50568211
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>> No.50568216


>> No.50568226

That's not the blackpill but OP is definitely a product of this modern day where we have a booming tech market due to low interest rates and he is mistaken by thinking that his job is important and that it will be around in ten years.

We will see a switch back to trades and resource production over the next ten years.

>> No.50568227

I fucking wish I could get a house for 350k. Rural flyover tards will never know real pain

>> No.50568233

Well my dad died and I trade options now. I'm not actually going to provide my labor to these corps. I'll just play on their evil game because I know it doesn't matter

>> No.50568239

Most jobs don't need to exist. The only purpose of most jobs is creating pointless products and services for mindless consoomers, to make corporations richer, and to trap people in the "only wage + consoome" lifestyle. The difference is that my job, which also does not need to exist, pays me 2x the average salary, fully WFH, with unlimited PTO, versus the other jobs that don't need to exist.

/biz/ has been saying this since I first came on it, in 2016. Lets see how this is panning out so far, via my income as a developer, by year:
>2019: $80,000
>2020: $81,800
>2020 (new job): $99,600
>2021: $105,540
>2022: $123,210

Also, with my how much I'm saving per month, and how little my frugal lifestyle expenses are (including rent), I'll be able to retire to part time, not software dev, in 3 years, while my investments keep growing, untouched, another 5 years. Then, retire full time, and start living off investment income (while it keeps growing). By the time software dev crashes (if it does), I'll be set.

>> No.50568245

based. for me, it's stealing wages from jewish corporations and jewish shareholders. i will turn my laptop on in about 12 minutes and do absolutely nothing all day, other than occasionally jiggling my mouse.

>> No.50568256

numbers going up but purchasing power going down
stupid monkey

>> No.50568258

>The difference is that my job, which also does not need to exist, pays me 2x the average salary, fully WFH, with unlimited PTO
This is the equivalent of a Celsius shill shilling the high APY on their shitcoin staking

>> No.50568270

Hey I'm not mad at it, we are saying the same thing essentially. Godspeed anon

>> No.50568308

I am also self-taught, trying to get my first job.
How did you get your first job as a self-taught anon?

>> No.50568439

Even as a LARP, it's survivorship bias.

While it's true that you have to play the game to become successful, the true redpill is that luck overwhelmingly determines your entire life. In the same way that you need to buy into the lottery in order to win the lottery, most people will not and can not win the lottery.

>> No.50568452

>still thinks he's going to make it
Face it, if you haven't made it by 30 what's the point? At 40 you're getting old, essentially your youth and discretionary time wasted doing something unfulfilling just to live miserly

>> No.50568506

For both my first and second job, a lot of it was just that the developers who were interviewing me were shit devs themselves, and hence were impressed by fairly simple things, so even though ended up in nightmare PHP monoliths, to start, still got my foot in. Also:

>knowing all the common "whiteboard" questions, from lots of practice
>studying patterns and design principles a lot, which is ultimately the thing that separates code monkeys from good developers. Most of the patterns I had not even used outside of practice work, but I knew how they worked, which was enough for interviews.
>many, many notecards, and memorization, on everything from languages, to patterns, to data modeling, to behavioral
>knowing the basics of testing, unit testing, integration, and common testing libraries (ex. MagiMock), which I also had not actually used, but said I had, and knew enough about to make them think I had.

>> No.50568524

Normies unironically want the kill themselves more than the 4chan NEET does. They subconsciously want to die and that is why they are taking the vax. Normies know just like 4chan NEETS know that the world is fucked up. They know it’s degenerate, pozzed, and unnatural way of living. Deep down they don’t really enjoy Fantasy Football. At least 4chan NEETS have a proper way to vent. Look at all the broken people, broken families, people in debt up to their eyeballs, alimony, 3rd world immigration. They want out just like the Hale-Bopp mass suiciders wanted out.

My dad is in his late 60’s granted he’s older, but he was always a pit bull and critical thinker and would often piece together things growing up and figure things out in ways that I couldn’t believe. Never took any shit at all. And he just lined up for the jab like they were offering flavored shaved ice on a summer day. Why wouldn’t he though? Kids are all gone, he’s divorced, his parents are gone and the best years are behind you. And a lot of younger people realize their shit is fucked before it even got started. No 80’s and 90’s comfiness for them.

>> No.50568536

>people who seek medical care to prevent dying actually wish to die
thanks for the post, ivan, it was really funny

>> No.50568545

The real black pill is that you remember that time in highschool when that girl in your gym class was all over you and you stood there like a fag doing nothing and she lost interest? That was 20 years ago, you will never get that back, it's over.

Who gives a shit about a house now, huh?

>> No.50568554

It’s spiritual. They are choosing to end the incarnation. Their soul isn’t making progress anymore

>> No.50568571

that explains all of the dead russians in ukraine

I never thought of it like that

>> No.50568583

>Graduate college in 2010
>Move into city apartment with friends
>Quickly get GF
>Move cross country and spend time traveling, doing anti-logging project, etc., working seldom
>Break up and move back to home city
>Make new friends
>Spend later 20's and early 30's learning to trade, doing street performing as full silver human statue/robot, traveling (though less often), going to underground shows, learning to train hop from crust friend, and becoming involved various underground projects
>Decide to "get serious," do dev work in early 30's, and end up at $123k income at 35

Yeah, sure, Anon. Totally wasted life.

>> No.50568624

Oh, I also forgot, in late 20's and early 30's, after GF breakup, start exploring kink scene, and get to explore all my sexual fantasies with wowan who also share the same fantasies, in multiple cities (GF also used to do shit for me but only because I liked it, which is not the same).

>> No.50568793

wow that's quite the list. thanks.

what resources did you use to prepare for all those?
what was your github project that got you noticed?
How long did this all take you?

>> No.50568855
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Damn your dad sounds a lot like mine was. Checked and truthpilled. But anyhow... Too comfy now

>> No.50568889

Protip: happy people don't make personal blogs on 4channel.org trying to convince NEETS how happy they are

>> No.50568925

I work in corporate finance from home. I barely work 10 hours a week and make $100k per year and have 401k match. I’ll probably never earn or save $3.5 million but I’m not working very hard and I generally like the people I work with and for. If I keep saving like I am I should have about $1.5 million or so by the time I’m ready to retire and die. I have accepted this fate because I have had jobs before that are so awful and soul crushing I would rather be dead. This is the best job I’ve ever had by miles.

>> No.50569039

Self taught faggots are the worst cuz you morons got jobs during one of the largest tech bull runs ever and think you’re set. Just know 9/10 of your coworkers loathe your shit code and you morons will eventually be filtered out of the industry. There’s nothing impressive about grifting a job in tech. You’re also a massive fag in general for making this post. No one gives a fuck about your $120k dev job with “100% healthcare premiums paid” >>50568583
no one cares
Dude probably went to some garbage boot camp and claims self taught cuz he knows he’d be mocked endlessly if he admitted he went to a boot camp.

>> No.50569304

sounds fulfilling lol
wow the kink scene, glad you can check that off your bucket list
you're basically an overgrown teenager

>> No.50569325

i wonder if we work for the same company

>> No.50569426
File: 333 KB, 1440x1440, 1031F2E2-B8A8-4437-905B-3157EEFAA2C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make $63,000 as a mechanical engineer designing, testing, and overseeing the manufacturing of agricultural machinery that farmers use to extract crops from the earth more efficiently, 3 years of experience in the “industry”.

How is it possible that these code monkeys make twice as much as me with the same number of years of experience and no degree?

>> No.50569508

Maybe we could jerk each other off in the bathroom

>> No.50569562

how would that work if we both work from home? teams, i guess.
capitalism is a jewish scam that rewards low hanging, easily scaled fruit, and not true innovation.

>> No.50569603

someone got his job stollen by a self-taught faggot kek

>> No.50569628

Nigger an illiterate meathead could make 42K working in a warehouse in rural Pennsylvania, don't tell me you paid for a degree and spent 4 years just to get an extra 50%.

>> No.50569629

kek. the money is always at the forefront.
building railways used to pay good back in time. Now is the turn of building machines.

>> No.50569676

Well that’s just great

It was 4.5 years studying thermodynamics, mechanics of materials, dynamics, kinematics and dynamics of machinery, control systems, heat transfer, and so on, and this is the reward.

Should I just learn to code? This is very demoralizing to read

>> No.50569712

if I were you, I would.

>> No.50569859

lern2code is a bubble. study for the GMAT and go to a high ranking MBA program. if you want to be a wagie, try to wage your way into high finance. if you want a slightly more relaxed lifestyle, management consulting. if you want closer to 40 hours a week, generic finance shit at a F500 company. i'm a wagie senior accountant at a fortune 5 company and i see dumbasses with shiny MBAs in FP&A, corporate development, strategy, and other nonsense job titles making $120-150k a year fresh out of school.

>> No.50569862


poster is showing you how to get a job as a PHP developer. You might not want this.

>t. 6 fig rust developer
Verification not required.

>> No.50569900

The shittiest code comes from H1Bs with master's degrees because most professors teach shit habits they learned writing C in the 80's. A least self-taught developers don't need to unlearn atrocious habits.

TC: 360k

>> No.50570024

You honestly should learn to code. There are a lot of specialized robotics jobs and similar positions that require both mechanical engineering and embedded programming.

>> No.50570035
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anon right now someone can take a 6 week bootcamp then get paid upper-class salary to do HTML for an unprofitable app that's a clone of another unprofitable app

I know someone juggling two of these jobs at the same time. People in 2003 did the same work to make their blog look cool

>> No.50570044

>code is a bubble
>get an MBA

Thanks, I needed a laugh

>> No.50570066

are you self-taught as well?
i am in backend with python/flask. Learning new stacks now. I need to get my first job.

>> No.50570080

if you think your house is actually worth the zestimate then i have a gucci bag i'd like to sell you and also a rolex watch that cost 5% of its selling price to sell you
unrealistic prices are sustainable for luxury goods not for life necessities.

>> No.50570147

without socially adept and well-connected financiers you wouldn't have a corporate welfare environment to support your autistic tinker toy job, codenigger. cope and seethe all you want.

>> No.50570165


An engineer doing 3 hours of coding a week is still contributing more than a "talker" doing fuck all the entire week

>> No.50570221

you're missing the point. without a slick talking MBA securing VC money or debt financing, your """3 hours of coding a week"""" job (see >>50568015 ) doesn't exist.

>> No.50570288


Yeah that's why the business side is the chaff that gets hit with the layoffs first while engineering is usually the last to start getting affected

>> No.50570297

Sounds ideal, VC money is a giant waste and it's 90% of the reason I need to deal with so many incompetent people soaking up a paycheck.

>> No.50570384

yes anon i'm sure real life is like that. that's why codeniggerdom is still a wild west and rigid project management schemes like AGILE don't exist, and there's also no such thing as JIRA or other means of tracking your productivity or output at some level. and despite being poorly socialized retards with limited to no understand of business operations, and the fact that you are all largely interchangeable by virtue of your work being in plain text source code in a version control repository (as evident by the ongoing operations of meme codenigger companies in light of record job hopping), you can NEVER, EVER be replaced.

>> No.50570410

You guys are so arrogant. It's amazing. No wonder normal people don't like being anywhere near you all.

>> No.50570420

I can attest, although my dad really lived the 10 commandments and was a "be the man you want your son to be" kind of guy. But in hindsight, the beginning of the downfall was the SSRI's he was put on in the 90s - 2000s when shitty mom wanted a divorce because some jewish psychologist said she would be happier leaving a real breadwinner for a 70 year old used car salesman. top kek when all my dad's money went to us kids and my shitty mom is raising nigger grandchildren with her "husband" (they are the husband's roastie daughter's kids, there are 3 little negro savages calling my mom "Nana"). Funny how the Jewish psychologist conveniently leaves that part of the story out when convincing these women that divorce is the answer. Top kek

>> No.50570460

it's a little known fact that the executive suite, the board of directors, and even the shareholders of publicly traded companies report to codeniggers. they hold total and absolute power at every institution graced by their high IQ and invaluable presence. without their two hours of work a day, everything crumbles to dust.

>> No.50570473

Stop selling yourself short. You are most likely highly capable but lack the confidence to take the risk to think big.
>similar situation myself, trying to think bigger now

>> No.50570570

Kill yourself normie

>> No.50570571

>tries to apply manufacturing-industry measurements of productivity to software development

Yep, it's MBA time. Enjoy your JIRA tickets, I never loom at them myself but some of my coworkers are fans.

>> No.50570640

You're still a gay faggot that no one likes at the end of the day which is why you posted paragraphs of self validation.

>> No.50570686

i like how your narrow minded, tinker toy brain latched on to one specific part of my post which you believe is easily disproven. you ever live through a culling? guess what happens when non-codenigger management starts putting pressure on your boss's boss for KPIs that enable tracking and validation of departmental expenses and output. hint: JIRA is one of them, and it's very easy to create generate pretty statistics and stories.
>muh 2 hours of work a day, mothafucka
>muh just get anotha job in 2 days, mothafucka
your work is documented in plain text, in source code. your work environment is containerized. you're utterly interchangeable. good times are coming to an end, niggerbrain -- fat pigs get slaughtered and such. hope you saved up that """TC."""

>> No.50570710

Average price 1988 $3.50
Average price 2022 14 quadrillion.

>> No.50570882

You will soon be laid off and your house foreclosed. Enjoy your 15 minutes faggot

>> No.50570911

>doesn't understand engineering work
>doesn't understand the output of engineering work
>either doesn't realize or ignores the orthogonality of code productivity metrics to business value.

Yep, you're definitely in management. I'm going to laugh when you fire your devs and the replacements you bring in tell you they need to start basically from scratch because the previous people never got any JIRA tickets for documenting shit. The fungibility of software developers is less than you've been led to believe.

>hope you saved up that """TC."""

Of course I did. I own my house and have no debt.

>> No.50571048

>insists on being irreplaceable
>output can't be quantified
it's a wonder the world ever existed before the almighty codenigger.

>> No.50571085

This pasta was not that engaging. What would compel a man to save such a thing.

>> No.50571087

It kinda depends. Seniors should have strong domain knowledge, thsrs why they are extremely expensive to replace.

>> No.50571089

you have no kids so whats the point of your retirement? I'm doing fuck all right now on gobermint gibs and living just as good as you are.

>> No.50571209

Living in a third world country and I have a bigger chance to buy a straight up mansion when my matic bag pumps. Why own a house in the US?

>> No.50571222

There's a lot of room between irreplaceable and perfectly fungible.

>output can't be quantified

Last month I made a one-line change that saved over $10m per month and I did some massive refactoring touching thousands of lines of code that had no direct impact on the bottom line but improved the maintainability of the code base. How would you measure those things?

>> No.50571297

I’m a process engineer in a pharmaceutical manufacturing plant that is the market leader in CAR T cell therapy and I barely make $56,000/Yr. I’ve been readying these codemonkeys thread for the longest time and I just realized I should’ve gone into tech as well.
>just turned 27
>MSc with internships abroad
>3 years experience
>Europoor, my salary is higher than most of my friends but still comparable to a project manager’s salary here

>> No.50571314

Last month I made a 1-line change that saved the company $10m per month and I did a multi-thousand-line refactoring that had no impact on behavior but made the codebase more maintainable. How would you measure that in terms of output?

>> No.50571632

>How much can you possibly know as a "self taught" software dev
Spoken like a nigger who has no skills whatsoever in anything. Newsflash you faggot! To get good at anything requires self teaching! Especially software development. Thank god for software development because now faggots like you cannot gate keep with degrees or useless 10 years of exp.. Fuck you and all your gate keeping pals in HR, etc.

>> No.50571703

people trivialize being a software developer but it's actually hard as fuck and you are endlessly learning new shit. it is much less stressful if you accept that you will be "studying" something or other until you retire. it will take years before you're particularly good.

data structures and algorithms (leetcode). system design. build something yourself that you can talk about in an interview.

>> No.50571792
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Faggot that couldn't write a for loop to save his life so he hides behind his faggot useless degree. If you WFH without writing a single line of code then nigger YOU ARE IN A FAKE CAREER! LMAO

>> No.50572155

my undergrad was in math. i took the "hardest" classes in your degree program for fun. cope and seethe you mentally retarded gorilla nigger.

>> No.50572249
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What is your actual career then you nigger? What are you working on from home? My point is 100% still true. You are not publishing papers or working in academia so your faggot degree is useless. You are likely some wagie for some finance/insurance/accounting firm. AGAIN USELESS CAREER COMPARED TO SOFTWARE ESPECIALLY BLOCKCHAIN. FUCK YOU NIGGER

>> No.50572274

>incoherent, borderline schizophrenic ranting
ask me how i know you have a debilitatingly low IQ.

>> No.50572324

programming is literally the only real job. everything else is an exercise in bullshitting.

>> No.50572348

white collar, anyway. tons of real blue collar jobs.

>> No.50572387

unless you're an OS dev or in embedded systems, your job is bullshit is likely an advertisement peddling, browser thumbprinting, privacy invading detriment to society for the sole purpose of enriching kikes. your "career" has no professional designations, no licenses, no prestige. in fact, if you practice your "career" in a non-managerial capacity past the age of 40 you are at severe risk of losing your job to someone 2 decades younger. you're an autistic tinker toy codenigger.

>> No.50572430
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Know how I know you're a nigger who couldn't write a while loop to save his mother's life?

>> No.50572461

Probably thinking about getting a master in electrical systems after finishing my computer engineering degree, also cope amerimutts, even a banana republic like Mexico has free colleges.

>> No.50572463

i have two stm32 microncontrollers sitting 18 inches away from my right hand as i write my post. they're for a personal hobby project. do you think writing COOOOOOOODE makes you smart?

>> No.50572470

we're probably in agreement that 90% of jobs don't need to exist, but the reality is that the world is only getting more digital. if you're a programmer over 40 you should be in an architect or mentor role. programming positions will be the highest paid jobs in the world forever now, i'm sorry anon.

>> No.50572471
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Gurantee you this faggot is a boomer civil/mech engineer who like to play with wood in his boomer garage.

Go play with your hot wheel and lego sets you fat out of shape moron. The adults are writing recursive functions in order to generate millions of dollars of the back of normie scum in 6 months time.

>> No.50572531

What did you study anon?

>> No.50572563

God this thread is full of cope.
I fucked up and did mechanical engineering, now I make a dogshit salary. I'm lucky enough to work from home and have little to do.
OP, could you greentext your path to being a dev? I've been self teaching and it's going well, but not sure how I'll be able to get interviews for dev roles when I'm ready

>> No.50572581

i told you my degree was in math. the fact that you think so highly of your college sophomore grasp of DS&A tells me everything i need you know about you: that you're a stupid fucking 85 IQ nigger retard. never mind that you're very rarely using recursion in real life, as it's annoying to debug and basically limited in real-world application to traversal, in which case you'd likely use a library function. cope and seethe, tinker toy codenigger retard.

>> No.50572607

>he seethes, on a web forum, on a device, via a global telecom platform, all made by "useless" nerds

>> No.50572640

give yourself a college education. every good dev is self taught.
pick a language and read a textbook on data structures and algorithms. practice with leetcode. youtube also an amazing resource.
learn system design (textbook + youtube).
build something substantial that you can talk about in interviews. commit to a repo in github just like you will once you're employed.
accept that this will take years and you will be forced to learn new shit in perpetuity.

>> No.50572787

Thanks for the thorough reply. I've been doing all of these (neetcode has been a huge help), but the project one is where I'm a bit stuck.
>build something substantial that you can talk about in interviews
Are tutorial-led projects something I should put on my github? I'm actually understanding what is taught, not just typing shit. I've been good about using git, and even some gif demos when applicable.

>> No.50572839
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>Just wage for the majority of your life bro
>This is a good thing!

>> No.50572911

If the tutorial-led projects result in something substantial then they can go in your github, sure. But I mean something that takes weeks or months to build, not something you threw together in one day. Also, you can probably get a junior position without having a portfolio and I would start interviewing whenever. Just be cool with getting rejected, I'm a senior and I only get an offer 1 out of 10 interview or something.

>> No.50573072

Not really. I used a VA loan to buy my house, essentially saving the 50k down payment I would have made with a conventional loan. I'm assuming you were strictly talking about affordable housing.

>> No.50573079

build an anon message board, but you have a feature where you can DM other anons. react front end, relational db on the backend. actually host that shit on AWS for real. this should take you a long time to build but it would be impressive and you'll know how everything works front to back afterwards. gl

>> No.50573208

>public accounting for 40 years
unless he was a partner wtf

>> No.50573308

when you finally meet a good developer you will realize with disgust how high the bar actually is in this industry that everyone talks shit about constantly

>> No.50573344

>making $123.2k, 100% WFH, 100% health insurances paid by company, after only a couple years
The dream is alive for those of us in good careers. Let's get you up to $200-250k soon, king

>> No.50573493

>haha this guy is annoyed so he must have had his job stolen
You are fucking retarded which was beyond obvious from this post. I work in big tech which your retarded ass will probably never be able to crack. I couldn’t care less about your pathetic $120k job, we aren’t even in the same realms of compensation. It’s just annoying seeing faggots like you with these drawn out learn 2 code larps

>> No.50573564

A great thing can be to join hackathons and submitting your work. Gives you deadlines to stay productive and also just general problem solving and exploration of available tools

>> No.50573569

You’re right about h1bs having the worst code, but “self taught” in 2022 just means watching YouTube tutorials and learning bad practices from pajeets shilling their courses. It’s not 2000 when self taught meant you read the fucking manual and learned how to program for real. This guy probably did a udemy course and faked his way into his first job.

>> No.50573597


>> No.50573758

I don't want that shit. I want a small shack with running water and internet where I can post on the internet all day and not have to work.

>> No.50573849

The American Dream was already mostly dead in '88. Do it again with 1950.

>> No.50573894

>t. low IQ cope
Coding is God's language.

>> No.50574013

No, it's spoken like an investor looking at "Salaries and wages expense" on the income statement and wondering how many useless goys are included in that figure and can it be lowered so I can keep more. My computer is always "puting" whereas you guys have emotions and stuff to worry about. Yikes.

>> No.50574031

The feeling is mutual Special Agent Smith.

>> No.50574032


>no licenses


An X-Ray tech in California can make 100k off a community college associate's degree. A nurse can get 100k just about anywhere in the country with a 4 year diploma and a 103 IQ. It's all because they have licenses that restrict supply and keep people from pivoting over at a moment's notice.

Licensure is EVERYTHING.

>> No.50574060

so licenses are a way to keep bullshit jobs any idiot can do in demand and you seem to be proud of this. got it.

>> No.50574110

nurse is a real job fwiw

x-ray tech though, lol

>> No.50574126

>accept that this will take years and you will be forced to learn new shit in perpetuity.
or do what all the didn't-learn-to-code people in a CS program did: switch into product mangement

I'm a leetcode monkey that barely contributes to our project as a SWE, so I figured I'd try out the formal "non-coding contributor" role

>> No.50574225

all of the managers at my last job were geniuses and ex coders so i am a lot more sympathetic to these roles than i used to be. but probably at most companies the devs are the smartest people on payroll and everyone else is just taking up space.

>> No.50574497

>>code is a bubble
>>get an MBA
>Thanks, I needed a laugh
that anon said top MBA. Top MBA is a better network/club to be in than ANY codenigger under the sun


>> No.50574519

You didn't waste your life, but you did dick around a lot in your 20s - I'm basically where you were 5 years ago at 24

>> No.50574583

>all of the managers at my last job were geniuses and ex coders
It sounds like the engineering managers were, which is good, but how about the product managers? You might not have even had any

PM has manager in the name, but is an IC role

>> No.50574849

people are buying bigger houses in 2022

>> No.50574928


>> No.50575170

is it bad that im only on 52k as a senior dev and dont give a shit because my life is compfy as fuck?

>> No.50575348

NTA but why post this without offering advice? Im new and trying to learn code starting with c/c++ and the (JS,html,css package because webdev seems easier to get), but im very interested in rust. What sort of project would impress an employer?

>> No.50575378

My brother went to school, up through masters, and got his degree in counseling. Got a job with one of the best hospitals in Chicago, but at a rural location. He's only make $50,000 with $83,000 in college debt, lol. On top of that, no summer vacation, due to "90 day probation period" on hire, with no time off. Also, he said he'll be working 60 hour weeks soon, too, one his case loads increase, meaning, not counting 2 weeks vacation, he's only making $16.66/hour.

$80k in debt and he's not even making more than someone at an Amazon warehouse. It's the sad path for meme degrees. Anyone who doesn't do STEM in this economy is essential committing financial suicide.

>> No.50575401

people who want to help others are the most exploited of all

>> No.50575739

Bump! /)

>> No.50575811
File: 61 KB, 960x946, 1651442656847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"90 day probation period"

Right.....so he's a new hire....so? What exactly are you expecting? That he would get 2 months vacation as a new hire? That he would start making 100k as a new hire, right out of school, as a fucking counselor? LMAO. Do you or he even understand how the economy works? Do you understand how capitalism works? Why would you expect to be making 6 figures in education as a new hire?

>> No.50575829

I must have gotten a new one in my right nut. I thought I got new ones in both nuts at that gas station yesterday.

>> No.50576441

>poster is showing you how to get a job as a PHP developer.

Truth. Both my first job and current jobs are largely PHP monolith. The difference between second job, is at first, team lead did not even know what "technical debt" and had a terrible "don't fix what works" Leaning Tower of Pisa mindset.

At this second job, though, after being in a 100% PHP monolith for 6 months, I got moved to 50/50 (PHP monolith nightmare + horrible highly coupled/nested UI):(well architectured domain driven design Py microservices + stateless functional react front end, well covered by tests). More importantly, this team is very good, and I am learning a lot from them.

Will my third dev job be PHP monolith? I hope not, but 100% PHP monolith --> 50% PHP monolith --> 0% PHP monolith doesn't sound bad to me, especially with $123k income, 100% WFH, and unlimited PTO, after only 2.5 years.

>> No.50576739

So what. In 1988 you had the option to pay the mortgage off more aggressively than minimum payments each month.

Give me low housing prices + high interest rates over high housing prices + low interest rates. The housing market in 2022 takes the frugality strategy out of my bag of tricks.

>> No.50576838

That can be, anon. The man on the TV told me that all of the available COVID-19 vaccines in my country are 100% safe and effective for 100% of the people.

>> No.50576873

The main thing that makes good developers irreplaceable is bad developers, and, for a majority of websites that aren't start-ups, they're running, at least a large part, on 20 years complete shit code. The result of this code that is so fragile, so hard to change or extend on, that even looking at it wrong breaks the application. If you are a business where your whole product is your application, good fucking luck. The longer the code remains unfixed, without proper practices and standards established, the closer it gets to collapse.

For this reason, the older developers that have been around for awhile, who are domain and code experts in the shit pile, are completely irreplaceable, as once they leave, much knowledge is just lost, being very hard to replace. And then, for newer devs, someone has to fix this shit, that the older and long left the company devs, built. That being the case, if you're a dev with good knowledge in writing tests, refactoring legacy systems, how to write proper code, for newer services, using proper architecture, principles, established patterns, etc., you're also set.

This isn't code that will be easily re-written by AI anytime soon. Nothing even close to it. 20 years down the road, and these positions will still be very high in demand. People saying programming will be dead in 5 years have no idea.

>> No.50576923


The real blackpill is that even if all of that is true they will exist anyway and thrive and prosper and you will just be a nothing burger with legs

>> No.50577012

Haha, finally we have awesome AAA MMORPG with NFT integration

> Assassins Creed Black Flag Game Director is the CEO of the Game Studio
>Massive Multiplayer Online game
>Doxxed Team
>Plenty of the upcoming NFT drops

>> No.50577260


I am take pride in WINNING. I take pride in ensuring I am not taken advantage of just because I wasn't born into wealth.

Want to know the difference between a free man and a slave? Legal designation. Nothing more. Unless there is law and enforcement saying you can't be fucked with you will be fucked with. Entering a role without legal protection is just asking to be fucked with, and you only have yourself to blame.

A FAGMAN software engineer is no less a beneficiary of this dynamic. Their employer has a crack team of legal experts and lobbyists on deck to ensure that nobody fucks with them. The only difference is that they're standing under someone else's umbrella rather than having one of their own.

Besides, an X-Ray tech is infinitely more valuable to society than someone who is actively maintaining the technocratic surveillance state. They're paid to make the world worse. I don't get how someone can be proud of that.

>> No.50577314

based post. figures that an 85 IQ codenigger retard is dumb enough to argue against professional gatekeeping or licensing.

>> No.50577327
File: 24 KB, 480x480, 4Chan_Meme_Pepe_Laughing_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>35 years old
>0 kids

lmao its over

>> No.50577460 [DELETED] 

OP here. I 100% agree. No way do I want to spend 45 years required to sit in front of a screen 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, most weeks. But again, I didn't even start in dev until 32, and spent my entire 20's traveling, living with friends, doing unpaid forest protection projects that kept me in old growth many months out the year, etc.

And now, at 35, 2.5 years in the industry, I have $100k saved (would be about $120k, if market had not dumped). About 3-4 more years at my current pay, standard raises, and low expenses, and I can have about $450k saved, mostly invested in index funds. Then, for 5 years, let that $450k grow, untouched, while I work a comfy part time job with just enough pay to cover my expenses. At 60, I'll have about $1m saved (if S&P grows stays at the average it's had since mid 1800's).

That's the trick, Anon. It's not about perma-waging. You get a super high paying job, but then keep living like a poorfag, while you stack fast wads into investments, which then, once grown enough, you can just live on. At $100k+ income, and proper frugality, most could easily do this in 5-10 years saving, then simply retire, if desired. Even if you keep working, or move to another field, to know it is by choice, and not requirement, is the important part.

>> No.50577501

OP here. I 100% agree. No way do I want to spend 45 years required to sit in front of a screen 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, most weeks. But again, I didn't even start in dev until 32, and spent my entire 20's traveling, living with friends, doing unpaid forest protection projects that kept me in old growth many months out the year, etc.

And now, at 35, 2.5 years in the industry, I have $100k saved (would be about $120k, if market had not dumped). About 3-4 more years at my current pay, standard raises, and low expenses, and I can have about $450k saved, mostly invested in index funds. Then, for 5 years, let that $450k grow, untouched, while I work a comfy part time job with just enough pay to cover my expenses. Then, retire fully. And at 60, I'll have about $1m saved (if S&P grows stays at the average it's had since mid 1800's).

That's the trick, Anon. It's not about perma-waging. You get a super high paying job, but then keep living like a poorfag, while you stack fast wads into investments, which then, once grown enough, you can just live on. At $100k+ income, and proper frugality, most could easily do this in 5-10 years saving, then simply retire, if desired. Even if you keep working, or move to another field, to know it is by choice, and not requirement, is the important part.

>> No.50577519

Op, what projects did you have to show your employers?

>> No.50577993

Honestly this is the bane of my existence. Fucking legacy Ruby on Rails code locked into 2009 which is impossible to migrate and also impossible to maintain.

Very often, these legacy systems should really be completely rebuilt from scratch rather than maintained. A team could rebuild that garbage from scratch with core architecture improvements if given the okay. The usual problem is that these applications are built as prototyped MVPs on tight timelines then have enormous technical debt once you start to maintain/improve them.

>> No.50578255

Interestingly enough, this ended up being much less important that I thought it would be, given how much everyone touts up having hosted projects online. I had my webpage, which was a study log, with one page per week for the log, one page per week for practice code, and small, mostly UI things, I was building, to live on. Then later, things like forms with CRUD, cookies, authentication, etc., once a back end and sql DB got added, as studies progressed.

At the second job, they asked about a personaly project I had worked on, but I just made something up about building a custom Plex like app I was building, going over imaginary design and how I would have built it, not actually having done so. I believe neither job looked at my website, which was my main practice project, despite it being on my resume.

If you want advice, learn patterns and principles, talk about unit, integration, and regression testing a little bit, get your whiteboard answers down, and in interviews, sound really, really passionate about programming, and wanting to learn more, grow more, face more challenges, etc.. Employers eat that shit up.

>> No.50578326

A company that drowns itself in technical debt, thriving in magic procedural or fake "static everything" OO code, no docs, etc., is not the type to likely give time to fix things, either. They just want more ARR. They won't give the time to refactor or rebuild or add test coverage until it is too late, and then they want some big feature, that will require many, many changes, and they want it in 2 months, but the code is so huge, and fragile, and terrible, it will take 2 years.