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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50581078 No.50581078 [Reply] [Original]

So I FOMOd and bought a 4bd .5 acre 800k house in a semi-rural area with great views to a golf course

I am still still single and don't have a gf. 20-35 minutes to get to the city. I wanted to secure a place for my future children and I didn't want to get priced out of a 4bd home if I were to rent in the city for the next 5-10 years. Was this the right choice?

>> No.50581091

Generic spambot thread

>> No.50581096

>800k house
don't know if srs. what is your yrly income and net worth?

>> No.50581103

Someone post the based /fit/ pasta about this webm

>> No.50581118

the trick is to move to the city and wife a city girl and then bring her to the middle of nowhere so she cant cheat. not the other way around. 800k house is a lot with interest

>> No.50581151

that was the plan but I didn't want to be a rentoid forever if home prices were to go up another 25-30% year after year i would essentially be priced out of a decent home

>> No.50581538

tell me plz.

>> No.50581652

Just abnb the house and move to the city to do this >>50581118 and build equity in the meanwhile

>> No.50581692


800k houses are easy to buy these days, tons of tech jobs pay over 200k

>> No.50581712

Women owe me sex

>> No.50581744

So you bought your country estate. Make it nice and then rent a pied de terre. If you got an 800k house you can afford a modest condo in a fine-enough area.

>> No.50581950


similar situation here, bought a townhouse for 400k in 2017 40min from the city (expensive area, loudoun county va), now town house is worth 580k and I make 300k a year up from 150k when I bought this house. The dating scene in my area sucks though

>> No.50582287

Golf bunnies owe me multiple children

>> No.50582332

buy a condo or a co op in a dense city, live there and date city girls. buy land out in the country all cash. save up and put 20% down for a construction loan. boom u got a condo in the city and a home for a huge discount

>> No.50582719


>> No.50583058

that's my cousin haha

>> No.50583250

You do need to go to where the pussy is, but Dont you DARE second guess yourself over having 3 things:

1. A good car
2. A good job
3. A good home

you have that on your own bro, your better than 80% of men. You need to go out with some other bachelors, stop hanging out with old fucks, married guys, and no girl getting nerds, be the badass of a few college bros groups and let them feed you college pussy, get a vasectomy before hand because once you start, the puss vein will be never ending, but keep your ear out for talk of the girls "too busy making something of themselves" aim your cock, and pounce on those with everything you got bro, literally tell everyone your looking for one of those and the group will reward you with a high caliber chick.

Or learn to keep the pussy carousel going around as long as you want.

Just dont become a taxi, or free rent, or the guy anyone can borrow money from, keep saying your broke, but dress and move like normal and girls will see the contradiction

>> No.50583277

She looks clean

>> No.50583409

I want to eat her shit directly from the source.

>> No.50583779

She lost her tee :(

>> No.50583798

thats the illusion. if you're human, you should know all humans are innately repulsive

>> No.50584567

You have a problem

>> No.50585186
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>> No.50585333


>> No.50585609


>> No.50586894

You are awesome.

It's a hype plan, love the metaphors. Having fun like this is how it used to be before the bland neutered zoomer males came to this site

>> No.50586910

you're retarded or horribly inexperienced with women if you think that will ever work. reality is 50/50 between 1) her forcing you to move back to the city so she can be closer to her mom (who she talks to literally every day) or 2) her just divorcing you and taking half of your shit so she can move back to the city and be closer to her mom (who she talks to literally every day) without you.

>> No.50587062
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I can probably guess the sentiment.
This kinda thing is boomer bait boiled down to its purest form.
She’s a hot blonde chick, who’s good at golf, which is an old man’s sport.
It’s the same thing that happens when guys drool over girls who are into guns or sports.
Boomers make no attempt at seeing things from other peoples’ point of view, so they see a cute girl who likes what they like and think “Jackpot!”
Meanwhile, these types of girls are really the most ruthless gold diggers you could ever encounter.
Of course she doesn’t like golf/guns/football, but if she pretends to, she’ll be able to get some old stupid guy to finance a pretty comfortable lifestyle.

>> No.50587537
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>bought right before the mother of all housing crashes
you did good

>> No.50588073

Loudoun County, along with the majority of the DC area is hell on earth.

>> No.50588540

no, if that pasta came from /fit/ it was about her lame footwork and shitty aim

>> No.50588680

You might have a brain eating parasite dude. Might even be the gay worm that makes you want to suck shit. Take ivermectin right away

>> No.50588805

Why would you peg yourself to one location when you don't have a mate? Cities are for sex and finding a mate... and you bought a house away from that. If you're on this board posting about it I also know you have 0 game and are completely lost when it comes to women. I would say you made a mistake. But, you could just airbnb the place while you stay in the city, you know, where all the women are.

>> No.50588873
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>whole post is le chase hedonism
That won't fill the hole deep in your chest

>> No.50588916

get ready for the cope by flyover chuds talking about muh tradwife. in reality that tradwife dating pool consists of a few dozen 24 year old, 220 pound, 85 IQ single mothers with 3 kindergarten aged children raised on a diet of mountain dew and cheetos.

t. grew up in a flyover shithole

>> No.50589136
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>just save your entire salary for 4 years lmao