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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50777534 No.50777534 [Reply] [Original]

>start site
>use AI to write 90% of articles, just generic content that performs well on SEO
>add some shopping lists and other such material
>publish some sincere content with very subtle redpills throughout
>make product review articles

My goals:
>ask companies to send me free stuff (have a niche, and also do general content)
>make money from affiliate marketing
>make money from ads

Will I be able to make $1000-2000 a month from that, anons?
I refuse to wage.

>> No.50777548

I launched it 5 days ago and have gotten 20 visitors so far.
It's a relatively unknown but very memorable domain (think of something like "thepopper.com" - "buzzfeed.com"-tier.)

>> No.50777564

depending on the execution, this plan could go from gaining nothing to gaining a lot ...
you will probably fail though

>> No.50777583

>20 visitors
did you take into account the botnets/crawlers ?

>> No.50777671

Yeah, it's probably 90% bots, but it was still a bit exciting.

It ain't my first rodeo - I've tried twice in the past, and you're right, I fucked up both times.
But, I left one of the sites online, and it's kind of funny, because over two years of inactivity, it gained 100,000 views - so, I was somewhat motivated by that fact.

>> No.50777757

> I've tried twice in the past, and you're right, I fucked up both times.
Yeah, me too, i'm not saying this to discourage you.
>But, I left one of the sites online, and it's kind of funny, because over two years of inactivity, it gained 100,000 views - so, I was somewhat motivated by that fact.
Interesting and congrats, but if you check the numbers in more details, what is the proportion of botnets ?
If the numbers aren't complete garbage you could leverage that old website instead of starting from scratch.
On top of that if you did setup your links properly you could also probably gain some valuable insights (what kind of content works, where does it works the best, etc, basic shit)

>> No.50777837

Thank you, fren - don't worry, I didn't take any offence.
You're completely right - even in triumph one must remember they are only mortal.

So, I'm definitely going to account for the possibility of failure.

And cheers - I actually think it's mostly organic traffic!
I could leverage the old website but would rather not due to the content, and part of why I further think it's not botnets is that it was a 4chan-aligned site.

Fluoride, vaccine speculation, self-improvement posts, and "industrial society and its consequences"-posting.
I never said anything provocative, but I figure it landed me on some watchlist somewhere, and certainly on Google's advertising lists.

It seems the bulk of it came during the booster vaccine speculation, which may have led people to some of my articles.
Eh, either way - I'm planning to keep it completely clean this time.

>> No.50777868

I almost forgot to say - thank you for your advice!
I appreciate it.
Have you had any successes with running your own site?

And, if you don't mind me asking, what do you do for a living right now?
I'm not a newfag on the site, but I am a complete newfag when it comes to making money with anything that isn't peddling shitcoins.
Hoping to get advice from wherever I can.

>> No.50777883

Why the fuck did my ID change again?
I presume dynamic IP.
Not a bot anons, have gotten called one for that before, so this is an >inb4 bot

>> No.50778214

Link? I wanna see.

>> No.50778264

I'm sorry, anon - the domain is registered in my real name, and honestly, I would really fucking love to share it with you guys, but I cannot doxx myself on here.
I honestly trust you guys enough to even doxx myself, but I know that archives exist for every thread, and there can always be a malicious actor out there.

Sorry again, fren.
I can share this:
>separate pages for: technology, global news, health and fitness content
>lots of content planned on cooking, "most popular gadgets", hobbies, etc.
>redpilled content revolves around living a more self-sufficient life, self-improvement, own heritage, and non-electric alternatives to modern technology
>health and fitness is essentially /fit/ condensed into articles