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50826692 No.50826692 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>have a big fat binge every day of every week of the past many weeks
>told myself Sunday was the last time
>wake up on Monday morning
>go to work
>tell myself this is the fattest I'll ever feel in public
>come back from work and manage to avoid buying junk food on way home for work (only previously avoided this about 3 times in 5 months)
>eat probably less than 2000 calories of healthy food
>browse internet
>go for a walk while listening to Moldbug on a podcast
>buy Pepsi Max on way home
>go to gym
>sleep and get woken up by alarm after slightly more than 7 hours
>get ready for work
>go to work
>a few times during work today I started talking and people kind of just continued the conversation as if I wasn't there
>realised how beta and inconsequential people consider me
>had only a black coffee for lunch (don't know why food cravings didn't appear before)
>go home after staying slightly late to finish stuff
>go to supermarket.... and buy healthy stuff
>ate healthy food; around 1560 calories plus vegetables and I feel full
>now browsing internet before going to the gym later

This may be it. This may be the road to not being a fatso. I want to lose 20 kg. I want to view the majority of the population with disgust. I want to sweat less and not carry around this hardened lard weight vest.

>> No.50826707

Cheers anon

>> No.50826861

i keep reading your blogposts with interest.
the impression of yourself that you are a beta is something we work on in the future. I think the way out of it is that you become a whole man not just a wage cuck flatline. When i am confident i never think about other people. i know from lived experience that i am worth my weight.
its btw not necassarily a negative that office cuck trash doesnt respect you. it really is not the group you ever want to belong to or get old in. be a visitor, all the good stuff is above and below of them. there is a good reason every great man in history absolutely hated these office midwit middle class wage cucks.

Glad you are on the road to a leaner body. I recommend to make sure you not overswing to the downside, stick at 1700-2000 if thats your range. As i said last time will is everything. Gl anon

>> No.50826889

we don't give a fuck about your life

>> No.50826896

kek loser why don't you take a gun into work and lay it out for them. oh wait. you aren't man enough.