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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50946037 No.50946037 [Reply] [Original]

Should I buy a townhouse as my next "stepping stone" for around 350k or continue being a rentoid? The mortgage and HOA fees will be exactly the same as a shitty apartment. With the townhouse at least I'm putting equity into it.

>> No.50946099

depends on the kind of life you want to live, retarded frog fuck

>> No.50946111

that's kinda harsh, non frog poster.

>> No.50946203

$350k is a lot of money. i'd wait another year and see how the market reacts. most likely prices will continue to go down. i can't imagine a worse case scenario than prices going up maybe 1%, unless you live in a super hot clown world market.

>> No.50946228
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>Townhomes where I live cost 1.5 million minimum

Holy shit I'm going to fucking lose it bros

>> No.50947026

I have a townhome. I like it because I don't have to take care of anything. I pay an HOA fee but don't have to worry about the exterior or lawn or anything.

Just make sure there's not a bunch of renters around. You want actual home owners living near you.

>> No.50947060

If you're getting a mortgage that $350k is really more like $550k. The bank gets their cut, don't forget.

It's a scam unless you buy it in cash, also you're really just renting from the government. And if you're renting you might as well have the flexibility to just leave.

Save your capital for something that will earn you money, like a business. (((Mortgages))) are a rip off, do not buy unless you're paying cash.

>> No.50947193

>shared walls
No thank you

>> No.50947834
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>I live in the red part

Maybe try moving somewhere else? It's a big country.

>> No.50947866

Tf you live in commiefornia?