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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50991597 No.50991597 [Reply] [Original]

So, why are the markets shitting the bed today? News related? Data related?

>> No.50991602

jew related

>> No.50991606

>looking for a narrative to explain it
oh poor sweet anon

>> No.50991641

CZ failed us

>> No.50991654
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>a handful of whales cut their loses and take profits
>small fish run for the exists in response

There, I explained any crypto market crash ever

>> No.50991660

germany is collapsing just like 100 years ago

>> No.50991664

All I've been hearing is,
>priced in
>generational buying opportunity
>bobos missed the bottom
and now look at it, kek

>> No.50991683

Because it's still in bear narket and will continue to be for another 200+ days nigger

>> No.50991699

Kek you should buy now

>> No.50991722

We still haven't bottomed retard

>> No.50991725

>Because I said

>> No.50991739

A few things
1, in general the SP500 is overbought via RSI. I know you hate indicators, and that they are false, but if people use them, they are real.
2, rate hikes are not even remotely priced in. It takes months/years for term tightening to find itself in the pockets of Americans. The Fed Minutes meme of yesterday being bullish was the most bullshit take I could've ever considered. It was the fucking opposite. The minutes more or less explained, "We think we're doing a good job so far, soft landing kinda happening. We all agree 0.75 is going to happen in September, could be higher though."
3, Bitcoin's previous rise over the last few weeks was/is lock step with SP500. When Bitcoin is lock step with the SP500 you might as well buy TQQQ or SQQQ and not even bother with waking up to dumps like this.
4, just like we had a relief at 40k, 30k, 20k, we're actually going to probably 13-14-15k. Maybe a scamwick lower for a day or two to 10k. If we touch 15k, I will begin dollar cost averaging back in over the period of maybe 2-3 weeks to regain my full position.
5, the global economy is unironically in trouble. We more or less put COVID on a credit card and now the balance is coming due. Russia's entire plan is working out flawlessly. He invaded a small non-NATO member and now it's going to put the chill on millions within the NATO world. The media tells you how dumb and stupid and wrong they are, and how Ukraine is basically winning! That's not even close to the truth. Nations play long games, not week to week or end of month calls and puts.

That said, it's been painful watching ETH skyrocket but I've been in cash since 45-50k. Could've swung it. This entire rally was psychotically hard to not jump on the bandwagon for, but my conviction tells me point #4 is still true.

>> No.50991960

Fed futures started to shift after FOMC meeting minutes. They were solidly predicting a 50 bp hike in September, but right now they're basically 50/50 on a 75 bp hike .
Philly Fed also came in hot yesterday signaling more room for rate hikes.

>> No.50991977

everyone is desperate to believe that a recession won't happen but even the dumbest of niggers are starting to think the jews on tv are lying.

>> No.50991984

Do they watch the news? I know I don't.

>> No.50991985

OP wants high IQ anons. Could you please take your retardation to the rest of the board?

>> No.50991990

markets were too optimistic in the past couple of months, compared to the state of the economy

>> No.50992013

checked and bottompilled. theres still too much hope around from idiots hoping to get rich on dog chains and BBBY. Hope must be crushed from the market before healing can begin. The sign is when Doge is under 1cent and suicides are above 2%.

>> No.50992019


>> No.50992023


>> No.50992057

Ukraine wins by not losing, and by this point they are succeeding. The bigger issue is not Ukraine but retarded German energy policy (shutting down nuclear and going full dependent on Russia) and then playing along with sanctions for moral high ground (when they could easily abstain just like Turkey, another NATO member).

>> No.50992176

Exactly. Anyone that hasn't understood yet that NATO providing support is Russia vs NATO effectively, and they're effectively losing. Russia will pull back a bit, NATO will jump in. This is all proving a rationale for Ukraine to be a part of NATO. While Russia won't like it, Russians love being proved wrong. They're a "logical" species to say the least.

>> No.50992202

It was a fucking joke, but I do like having a real discussion on /biz/ every so often instead of
>That's a man
and the like. Believe it or not this board could be better. That literally no one on this board has successfully traded options is evidence nobody knows what the fuck they're doing and it's just a bunch of desperate people buying $1M market cap dog coins hoping they make it.

Wall street bets, whether you like it or not, is a better place to make money during a market downturn.

>> No.50992258

I'm a fellow bear but I've been tethered for a year, since last may. I missed out on August-November bull run. How are you going to cope if we miss out again waiting for lower bottom?

>> No.50992301

People selling massive fuck off bags.

>> No.50992320

BTC is at 21k and it was like that years ago, did you really buy the top? Again.

>> No.50992350

Rate hikes' critical mass is scheduled to be by the end of the year, whatever the value is. The longer I wait the more likely it is that when I do reenter the market it will be a sustained uptrend, and this dump is proving what I've been doing is correct so I am trying to keep a level head.
You missing out on the Fall/Winter buff is akin ultimately to missing out on SHIB. The longer we go without sustained downtrends the more likely it is you can buy THE, or CLOSE TO, "the bottom." Apply a SMALL amount of leverage in the bull run. Borrow a LITTLE to leverage yourself up. Post-halving, we will have dips, but it will likely go up. When we dip randomly 20-30% borrow a little more. In 2017 we had ICOs cropping up left and right. In 2022 we had NFTs. Look for the ICOs, NFTs and the like during the next run up.

Also, don't look at BTC itself, look at the total crypto market cap. That will tell you tops and bottoms.

>> No.50992365

read point 1 and stopped reading. ur a midwit retard.

>> No.50992397

Cope. Swing trading off the ebbs and flows during a market contraction is significantly easier than buying BBBY and hodling Bitcoin.

>> No.50992398

Coinbase says shiba inu has a 7 billion dollar market cap.
>People are looking for new projects to go up so they can make a profit.
No fuck? Really? People want to make money trading crypto? I'm so fucking shocked and shooked nigga.
Kill yourself.

>> No.50992429

Last 75 bps hike didn't even make the price dump because that's what everyone expected. What if its 50 bps in September and we go only up from there? Also, do halvings even matter anymore? Each halving is twice less important than the previous one.

I don't fuck with leverage but I will rope if I miss another bullrun again. I agree that macro is very shitty and shaky but this is a pure clown market, so anything can happen.

>> No.50992441

You took gambling on 1m market cap dog coins and translated it into reddit speak kek
>Get in on new projects and make profits bro
Outed yourself as a zoomer faggot that talks like a nigger leave this thread

>> No.50992463

no news to ruin a scheduled dumping, literally zero announcements planned for regular markets for the first time in a few weeks

>> No.50992479

The truth is it just randomly goes up and down based on irrational sentiment

>> No.50992502
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I will never hit the bottom simple as, I'll buy some more now and then some more later if we go down more.

>> No.50992669

you're an idiot
case in point

>> No.50992697

>What if its 50 bps in September and we go only up from there?
Unlikely. Inflation needs to be nipped in the bud. They already tried doing less back in March with a 0.25 instead of a big fat 0.5 to get the game started. They know they fucked up and the numbers are showing that.
>Also, do halvings even matter anymore?
As far as I'm concerned, they do.
>I don't fuck with leverage
You don't have to go in with 100x. Try something light like 1.05 or 1.1

>> No.50992809

high iq anon here:
I think the market was expecting a 50 bps hike but the fed minutes yesterday indicated that a 75 bps hike is on the table. the market is most probably pricing in a higher probability of a 75 bps hike. what I'm most worried about is the markets pricing in a recession risk (no, it isn't priced in yet), especially when one of the fomc members (kashkari) said yesterday that he's not sure if the fed can tame inflation without having a recession.

>> No.50992858

Ok thanks for some copium fren.

>> No.50992899

Thought it said high anons only.
Guess it's close enough.

>> No.50993324

>Inflation needs to be nipped in the bud
It's way past the bud, bud.

>> No.50993582

Market is about to crash due to hidden derivative shenanigans + recession + Fed shenanigans + property market collapse. Also they're all the same thing.

>> No.50993684

>Russia's entire plan is working out flawlessly.
Yes, but they were in dire straits well before the rest of the world; this is a can-kick to bring our inevitable economic collapse in line with theirs, time-wise. It's not that they're winning so much as they're making sure everybody loses with them. China too.

>> No.50993823

>Russia's entire plan is working out flawlessly
Aaand you ruined your entire comment lol

>> No.50993854

Of course, but just because the cancer has progressed doesn't mean treatment is still a viable option. No, I don't think the sky is falling. I do think an induced recession by way of heightened borrowing rates will calm things down. It won't be fun, but the world will get through it.
The US is theoretically self sufficient in almost all markets. The readjustment period would not be easy, but the potential future of an isolationist US with a strong USD is a possible future. There's caveats to a global commerce system, and I think COVID, the war in Ukraine, and now an energy crisis in Europe is showing this. I do believe we'll enter a form of a "dark age" of economics after this, where cross-border trade is going to be relatively greatly limited. Smaller countries will suffer the most from this, but the past 20-30 year bull market is coming to an end and I think we're headed back to the trend of semi-isolationism. Globalism doesn't seem to be worth the risk.

>> No.50993892

Learn more about how Russians work. Learn more about how Chinese work. They're not at all similar to the way "the west" operates.
Russians till soils and grow seeds. Chinese work in the shadows. I know it's hard to understand as a westerner that likes to come in and slap his dick on the table, but you're comparing apples to oranges.

>> No.50994081

nigger, i'm russian and i'm embarassed by this shit we managed to pull, we literally fucked our own economy into the ground

>> No.50994305

It could be that anon bought the top. I'm glad I opted out to stable at some point. But still, I hate the fling of the market in the opposite sense.

>> No.50994309

why don't you fuckers overthrow Putler?! There's that cliche of russians being though guys and shit, yet all of you 140 million are a bunch of pussies

>> No.50994330

because we live in a police state and putin has his own personal army that is loyal to him?

>> No.50994347

liberty B bros UNITE!

>> No.50994361

market dump during European hours, I think it's related to high inflation from a couple of EU countries.

>> No.50994423

but also fucked every eu country in the process
how is russia lossing?

>> No.50994433

The major causes are that the overwhelming focus continues to be on inflation , rising interest rates and the war in Ukraine. The market is void of major positive catalysts right now, so it is not surprising things are going this way.

>> No.50994474

he created a mild inconvinience for europeans at worst, ye average euro will have slightly worse standard of living but its better than trying to make ends meet when your salary is $200 and everything just suddenly became 2 times more expensive.

>> No.50994501

It’s the Jewish Shemitah year. Simple as.

Digits and green ID check em

>> No.50994589

You cant rationalize market behavior on a day to day basis.

>> No.50994592

This, just read an article stating the energy crisis in Germany is causing companies to relocate their facilities and factories out of Germany because of rising energy costs, which is causing the euro to lose value.
it's unironically true this time due to the state of the EU so they're panic selling out of EU investments to protect their shekels

>> No.50994669

My penus weenus of course. High IQ anons only: Why are the markets shitting the bed today? The answer, my peenus weenus. Peanus weanus peenus weenus peeenus weeus. My peenus weenus!!

>> No.50994696
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Yeah, that of the UK is about 10.1%. Its inflation has hit a 40-year high . This is not just US. It's so fucking sad that we are dragged to this shit.

>> No.50994703

My IQ is 167 and my intuition tells me it has to do with Shemitah ending in september

>> No.50994733



t. I am high IQ (135)

>> No.50994774
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stop overcomplicating everything bitcoin just follows QQQ now

>> No.50994810

Faggot liberal.

>> No.50994835

Explain how bankrupting America is a better alternative to letting inflation run high? I know the fed and the US govt are fucking incompetent but they cannot be that incompetent no?

>> No.50994969

It isn't incompetence. It is the same ideological malice that is destroying the rest of the West. If they gave a fuck about employment or housing, for instance, then why are they violating their own laws by inviting hundreds of thousands of jobless ESL shitskins across the border every month?

>> No.50995032

This guy understands.
The Trump phenomenon was a deflection of the actual movement of nationalism (politics is ALWAYS reactionary) throughout the world and especially the United States.
The thought they could ruin the name of nationalism in some regard with Trump but it only stirred it up because he turned out not to be le Hitler in any shape, manner, or form.

He was also the substitute (tolerable substitute) to the actual threat of right wing populism a la RON PAUL.
Combine these undercurrents with leaders like DeSantis and the unironic movement of hispanics to the (hard eventually) right and an isolationish, Monroe similar policy will slowly come to fruition.

All this combined with the USA being extremely rich, wealthy, and self sustaining will leave it smelling like roses when the dust settles.
Rough 3-5 years coming though.

>> No.50995060

I think you cracked the code

>> No.50995075

Because when you go bankrupt you don't owe anyone money anymore and you still have all your assets if you are a country or DONALD TRUMP this works very well.
The media went on and on about Trump's bankruptcies because it's universal irony.
Trump smelled like roses after each bankruptcy.
He will return and lead the USA through bankruptcy as well and the US will smell like roses afterwards.

>> No.50995189

>with leaders like DeSantis
You're an absolute retard if you think JewSantis is going to do anything positive for the common man other than fight bullshit culture wars and loot the country for his donors just like every single other politician in power right now. Stop simping for politicians you dumbasses, they will never, ever be on your side.

>> No.50995263

Stop asking for a fucking "why"

Because rich people DECIDED to bring it down. You small fry retail traders don't move the markets at ALL. You ride the wave. Fully controlled by someone else's decisions.

>> No.50995296

I made no claims whatsoever that DeSantis was good or that anything I typed is good.
Are you a lady perhaps?
One that can't into objective analysis of trends?

>> No.50995300

Instead of timing the market and trying to get in at the perfect time, I just DCA. So far I've been doing it on privacy crypto as I see them getting bigger after the regulations.

>> No.50995541
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this is the reason why we can't have nice things fuck russian bydlo

>> No.50995554

Buck of my investment is in index fund.

>> No.50995576

It sucks that the consider hedge has no ground over it.

>> No.50995611

Because I put half my paycheck into Link BTC and ETH yesterday of course it would have to dump 10-15% within 24 hours of my buy.

>> No.50995627

>Faggot liberal.
The fact that niggers on /biz/ think being anti-Russian is "liberal" just proves this sub is nothing but east European retards and American country bumpkins that don't have the IQ necessary to participate in modern society.

>> No.50995640

>Because rich people DECIDED to bring it down.
All in all, this is about as complex as it gets.

>> No.50995650

>So, why are the markets shitting the bed today?
Why not?

>> No.50995655

Cattle don't realize the turmoil we are about to see in the next couple of years.

>> No.50995674

That's good. Mine is on freeway supercharger product. 40% of my stable is in there. They offer quite a rewarding APY.

>> No.50995685
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>> No.50995701

Just relax and wait for a couple of years. I hope you will still be alive, Jeet.

>> No.50995744
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Just hodl. Better days are coming and it will melt the faces of those donks who think we are heading to nothing.

>> No.50995756

Aal me how I know you’re poor

>> No.50995779
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Are you also selling? I'm trying to DCA and scalp these days. It's been profitable on my end so far. I got my xpress, atom, icx, porto, and lazio at different prices. Better days are coming, kek.

>> No.50995827

a 12h osc has moved from overbought to oversold since the 15th, currently it is low and volume not yet confirming turnaround. a 1M osc is currently about to pass below 50

>> No.50995832


Fuck you.

>> No.50995847

pardon me, a 5D osc is about to pass below 50m, the 1M osc is currently nearly bottomed out

>> No.50995880

lmao seethe harder retard

>> No.50995884

If you are full of despair, this is not the right place for you. You should probably go with a low-level investment. staking stable will be a better choice, retard.

>> No.50995923

Because they could comfortably afford this war for weeks, not months. The plan was to be done by now. They knew they weren’t going to get the entire Ukraine but they figured they’d walk away with a redrawn map and some good shit from it. Instead it’s been a slog. Unlike a bustling war economy everything is more expensive but without enough extra jobs and more circulating money for that to be a good thing. But as bad as morale is bleeding it’ll be a full on embolism if they pull out now without anything to show for it, so Russia is pushing in the hopes that somebody will offer them a deal that they can sell as a win.

Really, they expected the world to say “oh no, here take money and leave Ukraine alone” not “here’s more guns Ukraine fuck em up!” but now they committed.

>> No.50996018

fr fr no cap broccoli head zoom zoom

>> No.50996051

How do you manage everything?

>> No.50996093

That's a man is comedy gold though

>> No.50996167
File: 11 KB, 225x225, download (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I do is DCA RIDE. Indeed massive pumps are coming. Holoride is close to launching their VR gaming platform in Audi cars

>> No.50996176

Got more Sylo as the incentive nodes draws close to it's launch. Only one Seeker left to be revealed. Web3 users will now have the opportunity to utilize their PFP NFTs for identity and communication

>> No.50996200

Found the yuropoor

>> No.50996218

>takes 25% of your country
>takes 80% of the natural gas
>takes 75% of the GDP
>takes 80% of your industrial capacity
>runs largest budget surplus in their countries entire history going back to stone ages
ThEyRe GeTtInG nOtHiNg OuT oF iT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.50996293

Not so bad. I have like 30% of mine in stocks, then the rest are in ORE which makes multichain access easy with just a single ID.

>> No.50996332

Fucking top kek. God tier post.

>> No.50996372

everyone is reassessing the fed put

what if..
what if they are serious
what if they actually hike rates enough

and they readjust their portfolios

>> No.50996376

Shemitah ends in late September

>> No.50996475

And yet they have to harvest semiconductors out of dishwashers because nobody wants to sell to them. Where are you seeing prosperity that can be explained other then numbers on a sheet? RDI is falling and now Crimea is going to do wonders for morale. Russia ain’t drowning but it’s definitely floundering rn. To date this war hasn’t been worth it for them,

>> No.50996517

Yeah, you can only make up a reason after the fact

>> No.50996561

You'll just need time and budget as you need to also think of a better alts to invest in soon. Don't rush and choose the solid ones like CryptoXpress, which is a one-stop solution. Fan tokens are also gaining traction.

>> No.50996566
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The VR gaming platform is now being tested in Audi cars in Europe. It will be fully launched in Q4

>> No.50996619

link pls?

>> No.50996645
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>> No.50996741

who the fuck knows.
both ways im taking this opportunity to accumulate more ETH and MATIC.
i expect some things in the next bullrun with the merge and Polygon's zkevm

>> No.50996771

>No matic threads
>yet tards always spamming matic in every thread
Bullshit astroturf marketing

>> No.50997125


>> No.50997171

Elon Musk sold his car

>> No.50998132

None of my assets are "shitting the bed" today.

>> No.50998149
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doesnt affect me because i have vinu, bnb, avax... and not the shit recommended around here. so

>> No.50998158

>high iq anon here:
stopped reading there