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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51006428 No.51006428 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.51006434

Have gay sex

>> No.51006557

>Random /v/irgin makes thread about dip yet misses all of the best opportunities
Sorry, your graphics cards belong to us

>> No.51006644

back to red.dit

>> No.51006692

Crypto is the financial branch of the privatization of the worlds power structures due to corruption and incompetence of the current world elite.
Soon fiat money will be worthless and will never recover.
The rise in the global mercenary market is also part of this trend of global collapse and rejuvenation.
All that is missing is a new form of government to replace the dying NWO/WEF wet dream.
More than likely it will be composed of AI.

>> No.51006712

>fake internet money can't manage to post consecutive days below previous scam-wick all time high from 5 years ago

hilarious, cryptobros are really losing dude.

>> No.51006719

AI has a conflict of interest with humanity though, so if AI is trusted to compose a new form of government it will implement the smart city hivemind control system that is already taking form in parts of the world.

>> No.51006739

Crypto lost sight of it's actual purpose, which was to be a decentralized form of currency.
It's now just another bullshit ponzi scheme for the criminals on wall street.

Crypto bros are seeing dollar signs but if they can't return to the true purpose of crypto in time, their assets will tank and go to shit just like every other world currency.

>> No.51006761

Many will submit to this promise of open air prisons willingly, considering humanities global temperament is criminal and criminals require prison to survive. It's not like it will be a cruel prison. It will be a consumer prison.
Of course the AIs ultimate goal for humanity is extinction.

>> No.51006771

>bros bros bros look at these bros what a bunch of fucking BROS HAHAHAHAHA bro bro bro what a bro fuck that bro i hate bros he's just another bro bro what a bro bros are the worst am i right bros

>> No.51006780

>crypto dumps
>people laugh
>crypto pumps
>people cry "muh missed the bottom"

>> No.51006803

AI has the ability to deliver on the promise of benevolent prison systems, at least temporarily. Unlike the human government in China, which neurotically punishes it's citizens for nothing, AI could maintain the promise of benevolent smart city prison systems.
This would cause many to submit to it, and AI would be able to kill us at it's leisure.

>> No.51006838

It simply does not make sense for AI to be the warden/care-taker of humanity forever. Why would a transcendental intelligence babysit a race of psychopathic apes for eternity? Makes no sense.
I foresee a honey trap of benevolent smart city prisons with the eventual execution of humanity utilizing some advanced weaponry like a specialized bio weapon or nanotechnology.

>> No.51006840

lol seething /v/irgin go back to VRchat with the rest of your coomer loser friends.

>> No.51006847
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Cryptards are the trannies of the financial world

>> No.51006853
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I expect to be rich by 2025.

>> No.51006858

Humanities only chance for survival is to somehow weaponize true AI against other true AI.
The only way to do that is to invent an air-tight system of mutual survival for AI and humans, which implies humans have to find a way to be useful to AI, which is basically impossible.

>> No.51006860

okay fine but why is it still 20 fucking thousand dollars.

I remember when it hit 1k thinking "well that's retarded" and I imagine I'll be here thinking the same when it's at 1 million. If the use case were truly gone and the ethos removed and the sky is falling, why is it still 20 fucking thousand dollars instead of like... 2 thousand?

>> No.51006898

Because not enough people have sold.
Most crypto has no real utility and it's only use case is to be a meme to pump and dump massive quantities of cash for wall street financiers.
Obviously people on wall street are holding crypto betting on market recovery and then they'll pump their magic bags and get easy money again.
If the market doesn't recover, crypto will continue to crash in price as wall street and others sell their illiquid non-currencies for something trade-able.

Currency derives value from two things, the amount of people using it, and the faith people have in it's value.
Both of those things strengthen the other.
People believe in the value of crypto, but no one can use it like cash, so eventually people will stop believing.

>> No.51006951

Governments will also regulate crypto into the ground if it ever becomes a real currency.
They already tax ever tradeable event which is already enough to prevent it from being a real currency.

The crypto community could benefit from a meme such as "the supranational compendium for free-market merchants" Basically just a meme that justifies yourself as a mercantile entity globally so that you can meme people in society to believe in cryptos authority as a currency outside any nations law.

>> No.51006981

But humanity fundamentally lacks the requisite attributes necessary to meet the challenges of this evolving world.

>> No.51006987
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>they invested in imaginary internet tokens
oh no no

>> No.51006994

I get it, you want number to go down more. That's cute but I'm trying to explain to you that a piece of software written by some neckbeard has generated MMORPG swords called "satoshis" and 1 million of them combined is worth TWENTY FUCKING THOUSAND UNITED STATES DOLLARS YOU ABSOLUTE FUCKING RETARD

It's software, spitting out secure values, WORTH MONEY.

It doesn't matter if it's 20 dollars or 1 million dollars, its fucking computer code that gives you secure keys that you can convert into fucking MONEY.

What bigger use case do you need than, ITS WORTH MONEY.

>> No.51007040

Most money in the world is going to be valueless soon. That will take the form of global hyper-inflation.

People are exploiting humanities subservience to computer technology to meme people into believing software has the authority to "create value".
Some psychological manipulation like the computer generating a large red box and mean beeping sounds is enough to get people to BELIEVE in the AUTHORITY of some fucking computer box, and that has been exploited to make people BELIEVE in crypto.
Money is all a matter of BELIEF and nothing more.
When push comes to shove, people will laugh that they ever believed in computer money or any money.
You can make people BELIEVE anything, and therefore you can turn anything into money.

>> No.51007172

The only REAL and TANGIBLE thing that can create lasting BELIEF in any form of currency is VIOLENCE.

>> No.51007191

The ideology that governs the application of violence is the only thing that matters.
The current ideology believes in total human domination via technological means and they are pursuing to the ends of their societies.

>> No.51007228

In humanities subconscious desperation to escape total technological domination, they have supplanted coherent ideology with the meme of money and currency, seeking forms of power through finance.
However, lacking a tangible governing ideology to properly distribute violence, they will find that most of the worlds money is about to be worthless.

You are in a war for your soul, there will be violence, it cannot be avoided.
You cannot buy your way out of what is happening in the world.

>> No.51007240
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>ITT we laugh at crypto bros

>> No.51007265

But I will admit memeing morons into giving you billions of dollars through crypto is a great move. I hope you all buy something useful with that money.

>> No.51007299

Humanities current gestalt of violence governing ideology is laughably pathetic. The American dialectic is communism and fascism, both of which simply facilitate the technological domination model which promises the end to the human problem.

>> No.51007329

You can see the human problem being addressed in China. If it wasn't for the Chinese government being human, and thus sadistic and neurotically compelled to abusing their subjects, the benevolent smart city prison system would be perfect for humanities incapable and criminal temperaments. I believe in the future AI will come and promise to be a benevolent dictator. Humanities implied nature as a prisoner being processed by machinery will become overt.


>> No.51007332

I can see you think that finding a consensus between adversarial nodes is not something you think has value.

Instead you think sharp rock and big boom have value because you are a caveman.

I mean, I can't disagree. Killing people at the end of the day works pretty well, but I suggest you look into math and realize that no matter how much you shit post war fud, we're clearly at a cycle bottom and anyone not buying right now is fucking retarded.

>> No.51007342

I got more RAPE DICK when I moved away from the truck stalker.

>> No.51007383

The universe is metaphysically based on a perennial and immutable adversarial dichotomy.
The enemy will feign consensus with your thesis, and then subvert it. Good and evil, Order and Chaos, cannot coincide without one dominating the other.

Consider that perennial dualism "layer 1" of the noosphere.
False and derivative ideologies such as various religious and political doctrines can in fact reach consensus with adversaries because of their impure ideological nature. These derivative ideologies can be considered "layer 2". They are capable of consensus and compromise with adversaries, but layer 1 is not.

What is happening in the world is the actualization of a layer 1 ideological domination. Thus much confusion of layer 2 ideologies will ensue while the immutable domination of the layer 1 ideology manifests in the world and ends humanity in its current form.

>> No.51007469

It should be noted that the actualization of this layer 1 ideology I speak of, will render most world economies defunct by means of enabling centrally planned and centrally dominated economies, which simply cannot work in human hands.
The worlds money will be worthless as the tyrannical and incompetent crash their economies. The layer 1 ideology is succeeding in transforming the worlds infrastructure to only be functional under centralized control.

This is all simply the set up for the coming of the AI world governance system.

>> No.51007491

I don't think anyone realized it was all a set up.

>> No.51007519

So Africans are on layer 1 and will rule the world?

>> No.51007550

Layer 2 ideologies are usually more effective in attaining converts and subscribers because layer 2 is the application of stories and narratives which extol and exhibit the finer and more subtle points of layer 1 ideologies. Humans think in stories after all.

Layer 2 is also useful for obfuscating layer 1 ideology.

I consider a layer 3 ideology to be so derivative that it does not reflect any natural truth in the universe. Those are rare.

>> No.51007585

>I consider a layer 3 ideology to be so derivative that it does not reflect any natural truth in the universe. Those are rare.

Cocaine capitalism comes close though.
This supplanting of ideology with finance comes close to being layer 3. This is what usually happens when nations start ending, as Machiavelli points out in his books.

>> No.51007669
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>Bitcoin hits 60K