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51055300 No.51055300 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.51055319

sounds comfy desu, just make sure to keep a beer schedule and don't overdrink

>> No.51055343

i did this a few times at my old job. things got a little dicey when i was once on the verge of slurring my words and i was pulled into an impromptu meeting with my boss and my boss's boss (who is mormon) and a bunch of other senior level people. i stopped doing it after that. kek.

>> No.51056273

just 1 beer at lunch and one at 15 is enough

>> No.51056281

yep, looks like a thread full of winners here folks.. kys alcoholic dirt

>> No.51056302

Alcoholic here. This is retarded and don’t start this shit. I lose large tracks of time during my benders and I wish I never picked up the bottle. It can happen to you too, it’s the only way out of reality

>> No.51056320

My rule for this is no more than 3 vodka cokes in the afternoon (2-4pm) and only beer from noon. So far nobody can tell.

>> No.51056332

how much you been drinking and for how long?
asking for my liver

>> No.51056347

>boss calls me out on glazed over eyes on zoom call
>panic, fake a cough and take the week off "sick"

>> No.51056380
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cmon guys... back it off

>> No.51056405

Your liver is going to be fine, I was basically on a 3 year bender now and drank basically every weekend before that and I'm not having any problems at age 30. I do however feel like a worthless piece of shit so I'm currently sober and trying to stick with it. Just remember to take vit B supplements.

>> No.51056408

Op you just convinced me to stop being a neet and instead be a drunk and a menace to society at work

>> No.51056441

Not him, but was an alcoholic

If you get to the point where you're drinking in the morning to keep from feeling sick, that's the point where you'll know that you're a couple years from death if you don't do something.
Your blood levels will start indicating damage before that, so if you ever get the shakes, assume your liver is screaming for help.
Luckily, if you stop in time, your liver can heal fairly well on its own.

Alcohol DTs are almost as bad as heroin, which I was also addicted to.
I've had to go to detox 2 times (1 for heroin and 1 for alcohol) and it's no picnic having to drop everything and let your family know you're a loser.

If I could go back in time before I started using chemicals to escape this shitty existence, I'd find a way to cope any other way, but honestly going through all that has been the thing that made me learn to be content with myself and find satisfaction in accomplishment.
I only really started drinking because I thought that I could handle it after I got clean from heroin- wrong
Also, I don't do AA or NA because I find those places are filled with trouble making drama leeches and I don't like being around their chaos.

Get it together anon before you end up in rehab and have to deal with the reputation of being a drunken asshole.

>> No.51056512

Well, since we're on biz, there is a way to prolong your drinking and minimize damage to your body/prevent hangovers.

Administer a shot of B-complex and Glutathione before you start drinking or 3x/week, and that will help your body breakdown alcohol.

I relapsed about a year ago for a couple months, and since I caught it in time, I didn't have to go to detox again, I just did Vitamin IV infusions, and have been keeping up with that.
NAD+ is actually really helpful for addiction and somehow lowers your cravings.

>> No.51056583

I binge every weekend and since Covid I have been drinking everyday. I feel like shit all the time and have recently started shitting blood from pancreas failure. Your pancreas will go before your liver. I’m 30 and just trying to kill myself. Funny thing, I actually made it last year but this vaccine shit demoralized me so much that it threw me into a deep depression. I can’t believe everyone just went along with mandating an untested medical procedure, but I digress. Society proved that it doesn’t want me, and I’m checking out of it now. The social contract is broken.

>> No.51056618

I highly suggest you check into rehab immediately. It's not worth throwing your life away just because you subscribe to some internet schizo theories. You will see more clearly once you're off the drink and should focus your attention to productive things instead of internet socialization afterwards. Especially 4chan is an incredibly toxic environment and you obviously can't take it. A slow death from alcoholism is not the way to go.

>> No.51056654

Reminder that there exists only 2 drugs which causes more damage to your brain and body than alcohol: crack and meth.

If alcohol was discovered 30 years ago and there wasn’t thousands of years worth of culture attached to it, it would have rightfully been categorized as a schedule 1 drug

>> No.51056668

Struggling functional alcoholic here. I can go months without drinking but when I do, it's easily 6-10 beers a day, often all within a few hours. I recently was going down the same road as OP and it was a wake up call. Stopped cold turkey this week. It's not fun at all guys.

>> No.51056685

>I want to die because other people are sheep

>> No.51056704


>> No.51056710
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>changed vaccine and herd immunity definitions
>changed fda medical process
>created vaccine social media campaigns
>censored and deleted any information about negative vaccine side effects
>crazy internet schizo theory

Yeah go fuck yourself. You libshits are so concerned about me and my health. Just let me fucking die in peace and leave me alone. Stop telling me to wear my seat belt or what to smoke or what to drink. It’s my life and I’m checking out of your rules faggot.

>> No.51056711

Costs 4 usd for the cheapes store can in Norway so I brew all my own beer. My trick when I feel like Im drinking too much is to brew a batch with almost no alcohol. So for the next few months that the batch lasts Im drinking like 2% ABV beer

>> No.51056732

This guy is right >>51056685, just because you gambled some dollars and you now don't have to work anymore doesn't mean you made it. Politics and such only affect you as much as you allow it to.

>> No.51056788


>> No.51056794

I support someone's decision if they wanted out, or in, whatever. It's that person's decision. All the best in the next life anon.

>> No.51056827

Pancreas damage shouldn't cause you to shit blood my friend. If it's obvious blood you have some sort of ulcer or anal fissure, the latter could easily be caused by constipation secondary to alcoholic dehydration. If it's dark red/black blood it could maybe be caused by oesophageal varices from drinking but you'd have vomited up blood if that were the case.

>> No.51056837

Well this is just laughably wrong, not least because none of the drugs you have mentioned are even in the top 10 of neurotoxic drugs.

>> No.51056858

Quit drinking. Seek the guidance of Christ.

>> No.51056862
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>b-b-but i know better than the top 30 drug experts in the UK who created this chart as part of their study and published it in one of the most prestigious medical journals in the world
Okay inceldur

>> No.51056913

Yes i do as I have done research projects on axonal damage of certain drugs. Their category for harm is immediately apparent as not exclusive to biological damage and at that there's no information as to what it even means. Per person? What form of damage? Apart from the fact i could name lots of drugs more neurotoxic than alcohol (lmao), meth or crack I can instead just point out they've somehow got heroin as one of the top for physical damage. That requires some amazing obsfucation.

>> No.51056923

i take at max 3 drinks on a WFH day. 1 to lunch, one at 15 then one when im sending some emails

>> No.51057057

Europoor here, just signed a job which will approximately give me €2900/month, company car+fuel card, roughly €7000 in bonusses per year (easyily attainable goals). WFH is 50% of the time, and the office building is only a couple kilometres away from my appartment.

Is this what making it feels like?

>> No.51057151

Euros think 42000 a year is making it.
Damn it’s grim over there

>> No.51057172
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I drink water, but I make sure to keep it under a liter an hour so I don't die from overhydration. Us drinkers am I right fellas?

>> No.51057531

Net wage though, not gross! :)

>> No.51057902

Based. Soon you'll be driving drunk to buy more booze during working hours.

>> No.51057986

I can’t. Every once in awhile sure but it ruins my productivity. I also workout in the afternoons and I can’t drink before that.

>> No.51058086

I would occasionally have a few beers at my old job during lunch sometimes.
Helped when I had to deal with the college interns that were a pain in the ass to train because they wouldn't listen.
Managed to take some of them home and fuck them so I guess it worked out in the end.

>> No.51058807

>he calls this "daydrinking"
that's just a normal day, anon

>> No.51058871

Fuck off alchy

>> No.51059177
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>>b-b-but i know better than the top 30 drug experts in the UK who created this chart as part of their study and published it in one of the most prestigious medical journals in the world
>Okay inceldur

>> No.51059204

Very interested in hearing more about your research. Which drugs actually are the worst in terms of neurotoxicity?

>> No.51059296

In terms of commonly used drugs mdma is the worst. There are lesser used variants that do more. In all cases you can do things to mitigate it but drug users obviously don't.

>> No.51059304


>> No.51059360
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>> No.51059367
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>Day 1387 of being the team chad thanks to adderall

>> No.51059373


>> No.51059525

Antivaxxers and alcoholics will get the same tragic fate they deserve, nature finds a way

>> No.51059717

>says the processed snacks eater
Enjoy the balding.

>> No.51060089

I did the math. You have 10 years of heavy drinking before you have a 10% chance to develop cirosis (I don't know how to spell it). Then, you have like 5 years left, but if you stop drinking, you can live with it.

>> No.51061493

Only 2? Oh anon, it gets so much worse

>> No.51061529

Head over to the /cdf/ thread on /x/. The fungus have taken over your brain anon but you can kill them. We have the technology. You can be free anon. Peace be with you brother. Don’t give up. Praise the Lord.

>> No.51061596

>makes getting vaxxed a part of his religion and identity and can never shut up about it
buddy, give it a rest

>> No.51061824

Don't kill yourself. That's letting them win. You can recover and strive for excellence. That's how you win and how you make them seethe. They hate beauty and form.

>> No.51062010

It's far worse than what schizos believe. We are ruled by jews that see nothing more than cattle, who are currently genociding our race via importing third world shitskins, and if you say anything about this publicly your life will be destroyed

>> No.51062252
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Sounds great

>> No.51062715

WFH pre-covid beeraholic. I drink 8 - 10 pints a day, every day, for the past 10 years probably. I fast until 1 each day and only consume black coffee, don't eat shit food, and other then beer only drink water. People keep telling me I'm going to die any day but that seems unlikely. I've seen a lot of drunks in my time and the problems always seem to be related to drinking liquor.

>> No.51063011

Physical affects aside, you should figure out why you feel the need to drink often. There seems to be few cases where someone drinks often without an underlying mental/emotional issue. Take care of yourself anon.
Also, genuinely laughing about how fast some faggot turned this into a vax thread kek

>> No.51063027

>t. caffeine addict wfh doing nothing

>> No.51063220

>don't drink habitually
>only dose once, after that you won't get the high back

I want to quit but it's hard when every social event involves alcohol
>tfw got drunk and made a fool of myself defeating the purpose of fitting in anyways

I went like 2 months or so once without drinking and it felt great to break the habit of needing a drink Friday after work and also to get a good rest over the weekends instead of being hungover.

>> No.51063265

I did this after smoking a joint and i didn't give a fuck. It was a meeting after 6pm though.

>> No.51063360

I had this with meth. Once went to the office bathroom before work started to jerk off and after 3 hours realized i was way too late to actually turn up so quietly went out to my car to continue jerking off then drove home.

>> No.51063388

About to do 1 month of sobriety mid next week. You guys are lucky you get to drink. There's absolutely nothing to do

>> No.51064579
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You've dug yourself into a rut, only expecting fun while drunk. This is your current broken perspective and you should choose a different one.

>> No.51065109

This is a great idea. I’m going to start making my own beer and wine.

>> No.51065174

happened to me and i spend 11 days in a coma then seizures after, then learning how to walk again
you don't want that. get help and work your way out

>> No.51065203

Don't do this. You need to kill this habit.

>> No.51065220


>> No.51065249

>vaccine mandate is so disgusting I just NEED to CONSOOOM booze daily to handle it
Shut the fuck up. Stop rationalizing your alcoholism, go to rehab, and handle your shit. Probably the dumbest reason I’ve ever seen for being an alcoholic. Get your shit together

>> No.51065323

Even like extremely occasional usage like a couple times a year at reasonable doses (1-2 points and no more)? I know mdma is hella neurotoxic but I always assumed doing it once in awhile wasn’t a huge deal, I have yet to notice any lasting side effects but I don’t abuse it at all and only really take it at music festivals. Isn’t it something to do with mdma causing you to overheat which is what does the damage?

>> No.51065660

Weird substituted (beta-ketone ? - i.e. "substituted" MDMA "variants") Amphetamines would be a good punt, as there's a couple that have receptor affinities that are completely fucked and will result in ridiculous amounts of oxidative stress.

There's a synthetic opiod (that's also a precursor to the actual "desired" synthetic product) that basically instantly gives you Parkinsons, though to be fair no one takes that on purpose. The name escapes me.

Shit like MDPV is probably pretty bad

>> No.51065691

I was doing this until my dad got drunk and shot himself in the head a month ago. He survived but it kinda ruined the fun for me, that bastard

>> No.51065971
