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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51133405 No.51133405 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.51133424

it gets applied to the debt. I'm more interested in the reduction of discretionary income amounts used for loan payments being reduced from from 10% to 5%. That literally reduces my payment from $1500 to $750.

>> No.51133430
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it’s sad to see.

>> No.51133443

>Is paying for Adam’s debt
Doesn’t Adam pay taxes too?

>> No.51133451
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>> No.51133461

Yeah but blue collar's can't wrap their head around it

>> No.51133466

Shitting on tradetards is stupid. Its like praising veterans. You got to get some suckers to sign up for that shit. So just do it, every non retard knows its just fake praise and propaganda to get people to do the grunt work in society.

>> No.51133476


yeah and he would get that money back in the form of debt forgiveness, while Chris would get fucking nothing.

Why do I have to explain this? I hate having to share a planet with some of you people

>> No.51133490

>it's bad because I don't get something

>> No.51133489

>college degree
College is for the dumb, university and institute are for the smart (STEM).

>> No.51133506


I've never been in debt in my entire fucking life but you have to admit it's pretty faggoty that the government is supporting the student loan ponzi and punishing honest debtors.

>> No.51133632

Both have jewish names.

>> No.51133645

Go back.

>> No.51133763

This guy’s name is Chris, ya goof

>> No.51133790

you're arguing against literal 18 year old kids on here. they dont have money and likely don't even have debt, they're just griefing

>> No.51133810

>punishing "honest" creditors

>> No.51134013
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t. Retard who fell for the meme

>> No.51134287


it’s punishing people who put in honest effort to pay back. their loans, and it also punished people who never took part in their student loan ponzi.

Once again America does the worst possible thing, If they really wanted to lower tuition they should just ban fucking student loans, or at least allow students to declare bankruptcy, that way colleges will have to obey actual ducking economics and price their tuition appropriately instead of bloating the price tag with guaranteed loans from uncle sam.

>> No.51134299

You end up middle class, which is slavery to the poor and rich

>> No.51134492

Just remove interest from loans. Those that service them lose interest. Funding dries up, uni has to subsidize and reduce costs. Everyone wins

>> No.51134504

>libtards like their jobs

>> No.51134541

Adam lied, this thread died

adam skin isn't dark enough for merit based
schmollarships or grants

>> No.51134633

Those loans never should have been given to us in the first place. Prices for useless college degrees are outrageous nowadays for little payoff most of the time.

>> No.51134653

Chris probably gets food stamps and other handouts because he's in a low paying, low IQ job

>> No.51134667

>white, employed, electrician chad
sorry ur wrong tho nigger

>> No.51134809

Tradetards are needed to build my houses.
just so they can see what they cant have.

>> No.51134946

Chris lives debt free making $90 an hour and drives a jacked up pickup that blows out black smoke directly into the window of Adam's Honda civic.

>> No.51135165

I fucking hate those chuds

>> No.51135477

Imagine paying something that gov created out of thin air. What a fucked up world.

>> No.51135513

Fuck you, I got mine.
Lol lmao.

>> No.51135548

Never been in debt like you've never taken out a loan or credit card, or never been in debt where you take them out but have the capital behind it to pay it off whenever? Debt is actually healthy for lending.

>> No.51135587

you don't understand the cost of you getting yours because you are retarded, lmfao

>> No.51135597

the concept of living within your means and not being poor is very new to you, isn't it?

>> No.51135600

Why did Brandon not scale the debt cancellation according to income earned? If someone earns $124,999, he should get $0.01 while the person earning $10,000 should the full $10,000?

>> No.51135621
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An early retirement

>> No.51135623

because socialist commies have shit for brains

>> No.51135625
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>amazon willing to offer me 44 an hour to fire wagies exclusively because i have a bachelor's degree

yep I'm feeling cozy

>> No.51135676
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>Chris lives debt free making $90 an hour and drives a jacked up pickup

Chris makes $25 an hour, leases a new dodge charger, has 2 energy drinks every morning at 5 am and his knees are blown out by age 34. Every person he meets he has to brag about how rich he's going to be in just 3 more years making $80 an hour to fix people's toilets. He tried to get his friends into herbal life

>> No.51135914

why is being an electrician bad for the knees?

>> No.51136414

But the real question is whe he's paying adma's debt?

>> No.51137848

Probably the best take in the whole thread

>> No.51137866

>I'm more interested in the reduction of discretionary income amounts used for loan payments being reduced from from 10% to 5%.

damn that's pretty bad. btw it only applies to undergraduate loans. if you have a mix of graduate/undergraduate it's weighted average (in terms of graduate/undergraduate split by $.) but yes, i'm also looking forward to this. it should cut my payments down a bit, from $540 to $400.

>> No.51137877

btfo, chris

>> No.51137882

Adam fucked 60 prime-age college girls and made memories and friends for life, as well as learned valuable skills for a long career, while the tradefag spent ages 18-22 making minimum wage staring at a Mexican’s ass crack showing him how to unclog a toilet and then going home to his apartment with no pussy, just to smoke a bowl of schwag dirt weed and eat Taco Bell alone.

>> No.51137926

Fast forward fifteen years later, and Adam is living in a $700k house in a gated white neighborhood, with his beautiful wife and three kids (who attend private school) while making 300k a year without breaking a sweat. Tradefag is living in a mold-covered double wide with derelict vehicles in the front yard along with his girlfriend and her half-black son. He works 70 hours a week, has gained 100 lbs, and has the skeleton of a seventy year old.

>> No.51138020

This anon is perceptive. He gets it

>> No.51138032

Also Christ got electrocuted and is now in a medically induced coma from which he will probably never awake.

>> No.51138061

Adam cuts into dead tradefag’s funeral procession line because he’s late for a tee time. Doesn’t think twice about it. Based.

>> No.51138131

Don't bother, I'll bet these people aren't even tow motor certified.

>> No.51138143

i understand this meme.... but are actual forklift certifications a thing? i drove forklifts in a factory for a few years and it was very short multiple choice test and a 5 minute skills test. there wasn't any sort of license or diploma or anything.

>> No.51138158

Growing up, my neighbor was an electrician with the State's roads department. He was electrocuted to death in the early 00s, and his wife won a massive multimillion lawsuit. She want out and bought sportscars, etc but was never the same mentality. She ended up getting early onset Alzheimers at like 60.

>> No.51138195
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Most likely a truck to drive myself to my engineering job where I will sit and do nothing all day, while listening to tradies complain

>> No.51138213

You are irrelevant. The pozzed lenders that needed to be purged will not only survive but thrive. What do you think is more likely; the government is benevolent and wise or they know throwing good capital at 90 IQ bipoc and fags isn't sustainable without stealing from the productive

>> No.51138231

1. I have never gotten a bill for Adam's debt
2. Even if I did I'd be on the hook, dollar for dollar, more for PPP loan forgiveness than this

>> No.51138242
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>Noo0o0o0o the PPP was designed to be forgiven and it ALL went to payroll

>> No.51138274

i work in corporate accounting. a lot of colleagues who do small business audit/tax work have mentioned that a considerable amounts of PPP money for small businesses has 1) gone to record amounts of salary/bonus for owners and 2) been forgiven. really makes you think.

>> No.51138278

i paid off my federal loans first because the interest rates were higher, im such a fucking idiot

>> No.51138284

Nooo you can't just point out I'm a little boy that will always need to be taken care of by real men.

The ppp loans were a way to get people to accept the lockdowns, what are they getting from you son

>> No.51138296

Tradecucks are the new incels, literally the same talking points
>m-muh fundamental pillars of society
>muh hard work
fucking LMAO

>> No.51138299

I'm actually an auditor too and they're right. 60% of the PPP money did have to be spent on payroll, that's true. For businesses that lost revenue, the additional amount was a profit windfall. For the businesses that never would have lost revenue, the whole loan was a profit windfall.

>> No.51138353

These fundamental pillars of society are being replaced by filthy illegals who can’t speak a word of English. How are you a fundamental pillar of society if someone who just ran across the border three days ago can show up to your job and do it better than you can?

>> No.51138362


>> No.51138400

Illegals don’t do skilled trades, they do low skill labor like being a farmhand, construction helper, etc.
You do not hire illegal spics to install the electrical wiring for your new building, to do underwater welding, etc.
The people being replaced by spics are factory workers mostly. It’s not like white collar employees are safe from foreign labor. H1b visas bring a lot of pajeets and chinks in to replace you dumb niggers in IT and engineering. The place I work has probably half its engineering department made up of shitskins.

>> No.51138408

my union requires legal citizenship, only scabs hire illegals thanks

>> No.51138409

Let me guess, ppp loans forgiveness and corporate bailouts are okay, right (((anon))))?

>> No.51138441
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>The only jobs that exist are trade jobs.

I know this is /biz/ and it may be an unpopular opinion, but trades are not the only jobs in the world, and they aren't the only jobs in the world either. I genuinely don't see the issue in cancelling the debts of nurses, engineers and other essential jobs in society when massive corporations get lemon socialism all the time. Oh, did a company make a booboo? Here's massive multi-billion dollar tax cuts to see you on your way, or we'll just straight up subsidise you. Oh? Are you a nurse barely making above minimum wage? Well fuck you.

>> No.51138449

>do it better
Do it subpar for less money because no taxes and nothing going for retirement, social and healthcare funds.
That works for a short term but long term the apartment burns down because albanian "electrician" did the wiring.
It worked out barely,l boomers were alive to wrangle the subhumans and before all the capable younger people fled west.
Then it collapsed.

t. Yugoslavia

>> No.51138450

I forget the exact stats but around 1/3 of Americans have a college degree and 14% have advanced degrees, advanced degree holders have most of the debt. Advanced degree holders don't make enough to pay their debt (???) so they benefit from this. Seems like this benefits people who have wealthy parents and can spend their lives being underachievers working for free at nonprofits and get PhDs at 50.

>> No.51138452

Lol where do you live? It's very common to see ilegals doing skilled trade in the north east because they're 1/3rd the cost of a tradesman. Contractors love Pablo the master carpenter who has 15 years of experience and is happy with $20/hr vs John who wants $90/hr for the same work.

>> No.51138476

Yeah, contractors will stab their workers in the back in two seconds flat if they could save 2 cents.

>> No.51138477

imo public universities need to be forcibly nationalized, pared down to the essentials (bye bye lesbian dance theory degrees and 10 layers of administrator roasties), and education made "free." advanced education is a matter of national security and it makes no sense that we're realizing this by selling children into non-dischargeable debt at predatory interests rates.

>> No.51138480

>barely above minimum wage
I don’t have an issue with ending student debt, or even with taxpayer funded college (no meme degrees), but c’mon now. Nurses make a lot of ducking money, they’re just mostly women who don’t know how to manage their finances.

>> No.51138492

If you make over $125k a year you don’t get debt forgiveness.

>> No.51138521
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graduate school credits are considerably more expensive than undergraduate. both schools i went to price graduate tuition per credit at 50% more than undergraduate tuition per credit. also graduate loans are at a much higher interest rate. pic related is for federal loans.

like it or not, many essential fields of work require advanced degrees while not paying much more money. social work is infamous for this, in that you need a masters degree to barely make a living wage (despite paying absurd amounts of money for graduate education and paying high interest rates on top of this.)

society has reached a point where advanced degrees are required to be competitive on the local labor market and the global labor market. a country can choose to be competitive by subsidizing education for the betterment of the country, or a country can choose to ignore the problem at which point it is no longer competitive and its citizens suffer.

>> No.51138630
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>Nurses make a lot of ducking money
Experienced Nurses in the right places make a lot of money. It's like every good-income job meme. The income shown on adverts is either a straight up lie or a half truth. Lots of CS grads are getting duped because they believed companies are looking for inexperienced students. The few occasions companies are looking for new people, the competition is a death-frenzy of desperate people with unironic 1/2000 chances. Believe it or not, there is barely a difference between the amount of 'good' degree graduate working in a shitty job than a 'bad' degree graduate. There simply isn't enough jobs in the 'unexperienced' or 'freshly graduated' sections for the graduates who have been schmoozed with the promise of free money.

On the grounds of loan forgiveness, excluding the already unjustifiable and bullshit levels of forgiveness that mega-corporations get by merely whispering they might have a 0.02% profit drop, the loan forgiveness Biden is doing for students isn't even that drastic. Firstly, it's $10,000 off any pre-existing loan in a public university. Lots of people have far more than that. There's a $20,000 forgiveness for anyone who did some kind of special programme, and there's an interest rate decrease/cap. That's it. He's not unleashed some kind of socialism that corporations get. Loan havers got a bone. Nothing else.

More importantly, this whole bullshit wouldn't be necessary if the majority of states had invested in their public higher education institutions. The cost of University and higher-tier education 30/40 years ago was a fraction of what it is today because States now outright refuse to fund their own futures. They could compromise and choose to fund the 'good' degrees but they don't choose too do even that. They expect 'the free market' to solve everything and then whine when they don't get enough qualified staff because they choose to not bother.

>> No.51138855

no, sensible people were just as pissed by those. two wrongs don't make one right.

>> No.51138901

there's nothing wrong with student debt 'relief' though, tucker put it perfectly. if a college keeps shitting out students who can barely scrap minimum wage, the college is fraudlent about its degrees and should have its outstanding loans forcibly erased. but now taxpayers are forced to pay these scammers who add 0 real value to society, which is understandably infuriating.


>> No.51138978

>The backwoods hillbillies in stained dungarees shovelling pig shit are the REAL scholars!
t. People who aren't scholars.

>> No.51138986

I work in the maritime trade and im lucky enough to be able to save 100 percent of my income with no bills. I am only using it to un neet myself and learn software engineering on my off time as i need the discipline and structure to fix my life by the time im 30. My trade also has a high salary cap anyway. The tradies who get into debt and have kids on their 60k a year salary at age 21 are the same phenotype as the liberal arts college fags. However nothing will ever overcome my pre programmed shame of not having a prestigious degree like my family members do, so i have constant anxiety to try to get rich. If you work in a trade you better have no bills and a plan to work your way up to a stem graduate, that is the whole point.

>> No.51139007

literally you didn't tho lmao

>> No.51139035

>the sniveling midwit with undue respect for his betters
hope they see this bro

>> No.51139078
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This is completely irrelevant because big poppa Clarence is going to tell you that giving you a free $20k is unconstitutional.

>> No.51139088


Because it's not about helping people truly in need, it's about bribing middle class millennials to go to the polls and vote for his party in November.

>> No.51139123

whenever I see a female with this in her bio, I know she's a hi. When I see a dude,I know he is dumb as rocks and likely a bootlicker.

>> No.51139140

i agree with what you're saying but the schools are paid up front. the schools have already received trillions of dollars for fraudulent degree programs. and even today, when schools are required to be more truthful and transparent with reporting on degree outcomes and employment statistics, a lot of it is deliberately misleading. they do everything in their power to omit bad results or they choose not to publish the results altogether. i went to a really shitty state school in pennsylvania with awful employment outcomes for anything not nursing/teaching/comp sci. their employment outcome survey 1) omits ALL salary information and 2) makes it seem like all graduates are successful when the top employers indicate that only nursing students, teachers, and tech workers are landing jobs.

>> No.51139164

Why does no one ITT understand basic economic theory?

Issuing debt increases the money supply. This is intended to be a temporary expansion which is closed later.
Paying back debt decreases the money supply. This brings the supply back to its "true" amount.
Canceling/forgiving debt locks in the money supply increase and frees up consumer funds that should have gone towards paying the debt back. Ergo, debt cancelation drives higher inflation.

Notice that there's nothing in there about taxes. Taxes have nothing to do with paying back debt cancelation at the federal level.
The real "tax" is inflation, which is a tax on the poor since they live paycheck to paycheck and do not own appreciating assets.
So when people like >>51138231 say they've never been billed for debt cancelation, it's because they don't understand the hidden tax that is inflation.

Anyways, I'll just drop this here from the former chairman of the Federal Reserve

>> No.51139197

AGs are scrambling & cannot find anyone who has standing to sue LOL

>> No.51139206

>Why does no one ITT understand basic economic theory?
you are retarded and a simpleton who can't read

>> No.51139220

What is wrong with philosophy. It is based, more people should inherit the philosopher's code in their stupid NPC existences' DNA. It would have done the world wonders and would have gotten rid of the jewish plague immediately. The brutish back to the caveman, instincts, blood, metal and fire jewish propaganda needs to be extreminated.

>> No.51139243


It'll be interesting to see if there are any effects on inflation. Payments will allegedly resume on Jan 1 2023 (although I'll believe it when I see it, wouldn't put it past Sleepy Joe to extend it again), which is deflationary and may partially or completely the inflationary pressure from consumers essentially having an extra $10-20k in their banks and payments being capped at 5% of discretionary income instead of 10%.

>> No.51139252

it's a thing you can do in your free time and a hobby, lmfao@urlife
you know, like reading

>> No.51139278

Exceptionally feminine thread, and OP.

>> No.51139400

>consumers essentially having an extra $10-20k in their banks
Unless I've missed new details, that's not how it works.

People will have their federal loan principle amounts reduced by 10/20k.
So if someone had a 40k federal loan and was paying 500/month pre-COVID, with 20k loan forgiveness they'll be paying half that going forward.
So it's net inflationary no matter what, and that's not even considering the changes to income driven repayment plans.

>> No.51139521

A lot of guys with college degrees and white collar jobs are actually more masculine than trade workers. I know of multiple guys who work six-figure corporate/sales jobs who do carpentry, flip houses, rebuild engines, powerlift, maintain their boats and vehicles themselves, in their free time. They are better with tools than any trade idiot I’ve seen. And they get to enjoy making good money in a comfortable office environment to feed their families. Best of both worlds

>> No.51139532

I don't know. It's retarded, isn't it?

I will just barely slide through to get the 10k because on paper my income is 120k even though my NW is several millions. Complete clown world.

Like another anon said, he's just trying to buy votes. Probably will work too.

>> No.51139592

I’m going to transition into a woman
Thanks Joe Biden
Drumpf BTFO
Eat shit trumptards
Enjoy prison tangerine man

>> No.51139605

Post it

>> No.51139636
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They kind of forgot to mention that Chris works off the books 25% of the time this doesn't pay tax. Chris is also either Union or independent contractor. Either way, his accountant has him down to paying less than 10% income tax.

Adam wages at the Shecklebergenstine mega fab and pays a solid 24% in income tax. Adam also has to pick up the slack for his diversity hire manager and the team of curry scented H1B's who can only perform the most basic grunt work. Basically, Adam is doing 3 jobs and the company is paying for one man. However, his wife, Zestimate Stacy, is banging Tyrone who she met in the garden section of Home Depot.

>> No.51139678

Wouldnt it be cheaper to have grossly discounted or free public universities than to suddenly start writing off these loans in USA?

I think it would be easy - free bachelors IF you maintain minimum X gpa, attendance rate. You handle your own living arrangement, if you skip out early then you can pay a relatively small penalty on taxes, or big enough to discourage failure… unless you have entered the work force in a beneficial position within 6 months. In the end it promotes only those who are serious about an education to benefit and we could have far less loanees and more professionals available in our country? Is this naive thinking?

>> No.51139731


has nothing to do with taxes

>> No.51139748

I love the ignorance in this thread.
Making 80k a year as a sparky with 3 years experience no debt and will open my own business in 14 months. This thread is to trap people, both college and trades are incredible ways to get ahead if you know what is in demand. That's why I'm doing both, seethe harder. Pretty soon I'll be getting defense contracts or building schools making about 1 to 5 million a contract. Look at USA spending.gov and just type in electric on the contracts and look at the 30 billion dollar electrical contract work for aircraft carriers.
Make it happen stop arguing over this shit. Not everyone has mommy and daddy to put you through school so using a trade to pay for it makes the most sense.

>> No.51139778

Let's not forget all the shitty trade 'schools' that exist purely to load up kids with debt without giving any of the prerequisite skills, contacts or experience to get a job. Or the programmes to exploit apprentice labour without giving any useful learning or experience doing the trade work. It's a complete sham on par with the raging people have about everyone going to university to get 'useless degrees' only this time it really is third-world-tier degree mills.

All the guys who went into trades from school ended up leaving and the only ones who survived were mechanics who work in shitty garages and whose careers are ultimately numbered as cars have become more sophisticated. It's a ticking time bomb as more kids get pushed into the pyramid scheme of trades.

>> No.51139786

because when you join a union, and you're the low man on the seniority pole, you have to blow everyone above you. sure, after 20 years, may the only person you'll have to blow is the union boss, but 20 years is a long time.

>> No.51139819

Brother my first day as an apprentice I made 33 an hour. You have a very skewed opinion on this line of work. Only a select few find out how to get into the big money because they aren't 90 iq driving leased trucks and abusing substances.

>> No.51139871
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It's ironic that after decades of liberal college students LARPing as commies, the real class war has become poor conservative white people (tradies, military, etc.) fighting against the wealthy laptop WFH class libs. Even the American "culture war" reflects this now.

>> No.51140018

Yes. True inflation hits everyone. But an independent contractor (s Corp) has a huge number of deductions like meals and food. The IC can hit that sweet taco truck while the STEM wagie is eating whatever goyslop they have in the cafeteria. He is burning fuel every time he goes to work or out for lunch.

>> No.51140029

Or just enjoy the best of both worlds and go to college under a full athletic scholarship. Free education, D1 athletic competition, unmatched /fit/ness, easy pussy 24/7, build a valuable network for lifetime use, wealthy alumni will always hire you, etc. Debtfags and tradefags BTFO.

>> No.51140064

Most of us corporate white collar types are more conservative than you are. Don’t larp as a conservative because we all know that you’re on Medicaid

>> No.51140113

I have an engineer degree and have been fixing roofs for 10 years. sometimes you can be both chris and adam.

>> No.51140239

And you probably do better work than most roofers who have been doing it their whole lives

>> No.51140351

>The real "tax" is inflation, which is a tax on the poor since they live paycheck to paycheck and do not own appreciating assets.
That's not me, don't care

>> No.51140702


in the name ADAM are two same letters as in ANAL, making him at least 50% gay!

>> No.51140736

If you don't make more than $125k a year after being babysat for the first 25-40 years of your life you're not essential. Social workers are not essential, they're people who are so useless that they go back and get the degree after their previous ten degrees led them nowhere. Kinda like teachers.

>> No.51140882

Being paid is better than being essential. Mexicans who mow the grass on the side of the highways are essential. But they aren’t paid anything. It’s all about convincing people who have the money of your ability to either a) make them more money, or b) save them more money. I don’t care about being essential to irrelevant people like you. I want to be essential to C-Suite, senior leadership, founders, the board, sales VP’s, etc. People who matter. Me making money isn’t essential to you, but you don’t matter so I don’t care.

>> No.51140893

Sadly most ultra leftist indoctrinated faggots get really prestigious jobs because our globohomo has consumed society. If you want a good job put a check mark on the tranny box for gender and you’ll get a million job offers. I guess Jews reward the goyim whom have consumed the most of the globohomo kool-aid. This is why even Gender Studies or African dance history majors are getting prestigious jobs in 2022 despite all the conservative jokes of them getting nothing.

>> No.51140936

It’s called playing the game. Put pronouns on your resume and email signature. Have a LGTBQ pin on your sport jacket. Wear a mask to the interview. Mention how you regularly donate to Ukraine. If you want good money and upward mobility in your career, that’s the game you have to play. Doesn’t matter if you don’t believe it.

>> No.51140968
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>low IQ, conflates income with being essential

remember when the president of the united states used the defense production act to mandate that meat production facilities remain open during the peak of covid, and low paid / low skill wagies must show up to work every day as an extension of this?

>> No.51141050

You have it wrong, you don't matter, even to those you claim to matter to, and everyone is tired of losers like you
The fact that you had to write all that to say nothing to prove you matter is proof you're a waste of space
Retard, low paid wagies in meat production aren't college grads with debt being forgiven

>> No.51141144

Loser cope. Useless eater.

>> No.51141161

Unironically, the working class deserves to suffer and that's why America is the most based country of all time - everything is setup to take advantage of the working class.

>> No.51141173

Nice! Your degrees have served you well, useless parasite

>> No.51141279
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>and then the venezuela style hyper inflation kicks in and turns out no one need some stay at home astronomy science reject that can't even fix his own toilet
top kek

>> No.51141301

>he isn’t defensively invested solely to profit from hyperinflation

>> No.51141722

>Retard, low paid wagies in meat production aren't college grads with debt being forgiven

i have multiple friends who work in factories as production workers with degrees. these are the people who will never pay off their student loans, retard.

>> No.51142003

Then they're extra retarded, they didn't need to go to college to wash chicken anuses. Also you are the sum total of the people you surround yourself with, so you must be very low IQ.

>> No.51142148

don't care, still Ridin w Biden

>> No.51142321

Kek you pretty much summed up half the guys I work with at my wagie factory.

>> No.51142354

Collegelets who didn't go into STEM deserve to be 50k in debt their entire lives prove me wrong.

>> No.51142378

Anyone else feel kind of sad watching this old feeble man stumble around disoriented? I'm pretty sure at this point he can't even be held accountable for his past evils because he isn't even mentally the same man. Maybe in the end he will die in obscure innocence not even remembering who he was or the things he's done.

>> No.51142418

i make six figures a year wfh doing financial reporting at a company you've definitely given money to. cope and seethe, i'm taking that $10k of loan forgiveness -- not because i need it but because i can.

>> No.51142427

Anons might not like it but you're literally right.
Don't know about the last sentence but everything else is true.
Those are the kinds of people you meet who work outside all day or indoors in a wood or cement heat box and theubsay, "water tastes bad to me." And their only hydration is Mountain Dew.

>> No.51142443

*they say water tastes bad.
I say phone posting sucks.

>> No.51142462

military are the ones working for the wealthy globohomo while pretending america stands for something

>> No.51142484
File: 21 KB, 225x400, yerp9ww193281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back when i worked in a factory i had two retard coworkers who were brothers. both were broke as hell, always asking people to borrow money for gas to get to work. but they always had a cup of convenience store coffee or an energy drink in their hand, and they bought $3 cup-o-noodles or chef boyardee from the wheel of death at lunch time. they also both smoked cigarettes. one day they almost got into a fist fight because one stole the last cigarette out of the other's locker and smoked it on break. they both ended up being fired for missing work and being retarded fuckups. many such cases.

>> No.51142736

>Don't know about the last sentence but everything else is true.
yeah the herbal life shade was a personal anecdote about some blue collar wagie i knew

>> No.51143823

If you're a NEET with 0 income does that mean you pay 0? What happens to the interest? Is the loan basically frozen at that point?

>> No.51144043

Because you're also a parasite

>> No.51144362

>y-you're a parasite
cope and seethe, niggerbrain

>> No.51144584
File: 151 KB, 828x1541, lyrka5r9iij91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You WILL thank me for my service.

>> No.51144623

he's gona need to change his diapers

>> No.51144729

If you aren't credmaxxing you aren't going to make it. I graduate in December and I have exactly 20k in debt. I've been getting pell grants as government gibs which means dark Brandon is going to wipe my debt to zero.
I have a job lined up and after saving for a year I'm going to debtmaxx into a house which I'll pay off to the point I can leverage it into buying a townhouse to rent out with more debtmaxxing. The cycle continues. Alway credmaxx

>> No.51144760


>> No.51144954

Niggers get handouts, parasite

>> No.51145006

Guns and a truck

>> No.51145028
File: 31 KB, 1080x368, Screenshot_20220828-155047_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might put the money I am saving into my private loans since 200/mo will pay it down faster. Interest rate on the first is only 3.26% though. Seems like a waste to pay these down any faster while I'm employed

>> No.51145200
File: 136 KB, 1024x1024, 1661199494276333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I'm 27 and neither of those
I just can't get my shit straight bros

>> No.51145456
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>> No.51145545
File: 58 KB, 250x228, 1650825477041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill everything.

>> No.51145562

weird larp?

>> No.51145571

>Retirement by the rope

>> No.51145627

Helen Hunt was in the Chair Force? Neato.

>> No.51145712


>> No.51145727


>> No.51145735

I half agree with those socialist cuck ^^^

It’s less about getting rid of the fat by force and just educating people. Ok you want to take a degree in Lesbian dance theory that’s fine. It’ll be 10k a semester. Can’t afford that’s fine go get a (non-government guaranteed loan) WHAT? banks won’t give you alone for that due to payment back risk.
If the university didn’t have guaranteed money by uncle Sam they would running much cleaner business. 1 maybe 2 administrator “roasties” max.

>> No.51145743

its the opposite

>> No.51145808
File: 693 KB, 1533x2000, e660dcc2b3d7eac5fea67dca3bda2c1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chris has a stay at home wife and no debt on five acres and doesn't have to touch a computer. Once his hours are over, he can do whatever he wants.

>> No.51147159


i mean i think banning non-economically rewarding "degrees" (basically everything that ain't STEM) and removing the interest, along with that bankruptcy idea would fix it.

more broadly, why in the god damn fuck does everything need a college degree nowadays? answer is because everybody has one, even if they are retarded and dumber after having gone to college.

all the non-STEM or finance jobs really don't need to have that bachelor's requirement

>> No.51147232

>Once his hours are over, he can do whatever he wants
If you work from home you do whatever you want during your hours lmao

>> No.51147256

>Da tradies body breakdown muh fugga by age 30! Physical exercise bad, sit in on Office desk all day chads are fit! don’t get health problems.

I bet you are a beta bitch and my muscular trade physique could crush you

>> No.51147367

>muscular trade physique
doubtful. i work out while working from home.

>> No.51147574

Your fat isn't muscle but it could probably crush somebody

>> No.51148148

How is she so non self aware.

>> No.51148658

That much money and then you put it in loans with interest rate of 3%, do you retards live in the ice age?

>> No.51148732

It's not a free check

>> No.51148920

Oh, thought it was. It would have made perfect sense to leverage on DeFi tools if it were a free check.

>> No.51149145

>DeFi tools?
How does this add up to the discussion retard?

>> No.51149242

Get out of your cave and see the advancement DeFi has made considering you can automate yield farming with tools like Spool.