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51189684 No.51189684 [Reply] [Original]

>Ew, Anon has a perfect degree and CV, but he's only 5'7
>Let's hire the homeless chad instead, he's so cute, tee-hee

>> No.51189704

The recruiter isn't going to know your height dumbass

>> No.51189716

Women can tell your height in a single look

>> No.51189719

they'll be able to tell based on your resume and cv lol

>> No.51189727

they read your resume right? it has info about you like name, address, age, height, hair color etc

>> No.51189742

I always include my current penis inspection qr code too

>> No.51189777

no it doesn't, at least it won't when you are applying to a real job, don't know about walmart

>> No.51189778

>complaining about inequality
maybe you should have a movement about it

>> No.51189792

if you dont have basic info about you on your resume you are never gonna get hired unless its like one of those apply anonymously places

any respectable company will know you are trying to hide something if you leave out basic information

>> No.51189834

did you also put your astrological star sign and your level in world of warcraft on your resume?

>> No.51189847

thats not basic information you retard

>> No.51189853

t. unemployed manlet

>> No.51189860

U actaully put ur height?

>> No.51189861

this. as long as you don't drop spaghetti during interview you'll be hired. hell, they hire complete fucking retards now because they gotta pump those numbers.

>> No.51189863

i can't tell if your trolling or actually retarded enough to believe that height, weight, hair colour, eye colour etc belong on a cv

>> No.51189864

Literally everyone does this. Are you literally retarded?

>> No.51189866

things like name, address, phone number, height, eye color, hair color are all normal to put on there

>> No.51189869

never put height in my cv and im literally wagecucking right now

>> No.51189871

I can tell you’ve never had a job before. Not only do I put my height on my resume but I used to decline resumes passed onto me by Human Resources because they either didn’t include their height or they were short

>> No.51189879

Should I mention my penis size bro?

>> No.51189880

it depends on the job, obviously on mcdonalds you can get away with leaving it out or even having spelling errors in it

but yeah, any respectable company or serious company is wanting to know basic information about you

you can leave it out, but they will suspect you hiding stuff and being secretive is not a good start

>> No.51189887

Did you expect NEETs to know what info is prohibited to put to CVs ?

>> No.51189890

ok so now you are trolling

yeah put your penis size too, as its part of basic information


>> No.51189891

This. And people always wonder why they can’t get an entry level job out of college lol

Employers obviously subconsciously prefer tall people so use that to your advantage. And even if you’re short you should still put your height anyways because it shows that you’re honest and gives the employer time to prepare in a way that can compensate for your weaknesses

>> No.51189893

oh well, im speaking to a troll. you're probably still retarded

>> No.51189903

women cannot even tell your height in person
I claim to be 6 foot but I'm 5'10 and women gush about how tall I am when we meet
they are fucking dumb

>> No.51189908

Lol, I’m the troll?

>> No.51189919

This is cope. It’s actually the opposite - women think you’re shorter than you actually are. I’m 6 foot 4 and most women guess that I’m about 6 feet even. My friend is 5 foot 5 and we asked a woman to guess his height and she said 4 foot 11

>> No.51189924

>Penis size and world of warcraft account is part of basic information

yeah your definately not trolling there retard

>> No.51189928

instant reply means you are a cuck looking to be humiliated
sorry bro, I'm not going to participate in your sexual fetish, it's just not happening

>> No.51189936

women dont know shit about height tho

im 6'4 and always say 6'2 to make it look like 5'9 manlets being honest about their height are even smaller

>> No.51189937

This doesn’t even make sense at all. I guess it’s true that lower than average height is correlated with low IQ.

>> No.51189952

>he doesn't know

>> No.51189972
File: 13 KB, 300x412, 2021_06_29_IMG_0024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys want in on a little secret?
Women are very easy to manipulate and there are a few things you can leverage to your favor since their admiration from women is near universal.
First, you must accept the following two statements as universal truths
>All women value married men more than unmarried men
>all women have inherent mothering instincts

If you'd like, we can get into the details of these two facts in a later post but first I give you the fail-proof method

>have final interview lined up with Stacy Stacerson (make sure it's on Teams/Skype etc.)
>ask a family member/friend with a young kid if you can watch their kid that day. Preferably a baby, don't go any older than 2 years
>when the interview starts, start it off with the baby on your lap and apologize. Mention that your wife had a sudden emergency (family member in car accident etc) and that you have to "watch the kid"
>in the first quarter of the interview start pinching the baby (off screen you retard) so it starts crying
>apologize profusely, start soothing the baby by cooing to it/rocking it (and stop pinching it)
>the baby will calm down, stacy will be dripping wet as she has just seen you demonstrate value and protector tendancies
The job will be yours
I've done this twice in the past 3 years and both interviews resulted in me getting jobs I was painfully unqualified for. Humans are tools with buttons and levers and once you are willing to accept this concept navigating life and using people to your advantage will come like second nature to you.

>> No.51189978

This, what also helps is instead of pinching you can use a metal spoon and burn it hot by holding it above a candle you have strategicly placed under your desk

>> No.51189982

nigga where do you live, oompa-loompa land?

>> No.51189985

> ask a family member/friend with a young kid if you can watch their kid that day

This is the most retarded idea I’ve ever read on a board that is literally filled with retarded gamblers

>> No.51189990

If you have any kind of relationship with your nieces/nephews its not strange at all. I wouldn't expect literal autists on here to understand that though.

>> No.51190001
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>> No.51190002
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why do tech companies do this to themselves? If I ran a big tech company I would only hire neckbeards like pic related

>> No.51190004

bros literally no one does this in Europe hahah jesus christ america is such a shithole

>> No.51190024

Why do you think they do a screening call anon?

>> No.51190027

It is not social convention in 90 percent of the world for a man to ask to “watch your kid” you transgendered freak

>> No.51190043

Yeah, if you're an autist whose family thinks he's a child diddler maybe.

>> No.51190049

Which is you, tranny

>> No.51190059

An adult male requesting custody of someone else’s child out of nowhere is legitimately autistic. There’s really no other way to put it

>> No.51190123

>tfw I used to live and work in USA
>tfw when every job application or interview asked for my height
Wtf is wrong with you americans?

>> No.51190163

Do Americans really? I'm so happy that I don't live in America.

>> No.51190180

Why? Because you’re a manlet?

>> No.51190183

Friendly reminder intelligence is correlated with attractiveness and basically you're both ugly and stupid

>> No.51190184

>They don't write down their dick size on their resume

>> No.51190185

That's just not cool

>> No.51190207

>doesn't know your hight
they know your age, height, weight, address, favourite colour, porn preference, current location, eye colour, previous location, (lack of) friend circle, future location, net worth, credit score, etc

>> No.51190212

Yes, but here in Europe no employer cares about your height.
Wtf, you Americans are really crazy.

>> No.51190246
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>> No.51190267

LMAO thats bullshit but i believe it

>> No.51190306


>> No.51190321

i'm an european recruiter (french, specifically), and i have denied people for failing to include height in their cv
it doesn't matter in all jobs but it does the higher you climb the ladder
it's simply a fact of life taller people are seen as more assertive and generally end up performing better. so this is information that's often just as relevant as years you spent getting some meme degree or what have you

>> No.51190390

I’ve never ever had my height on a resume - maybe something you put for physical labor jobs. Als I don’t put my sex, age, religion, hobbies or picture - nobody cares. But working in high-level IT, so that might be some steps ahead.

>> No.51190401

>Putting your sex on a resume in 2022

if you would do this your resume would go straight into the trash

you can put your preferred pronounce(s) though

>> No.51190404

Maybe it matters for some jobs. I have a CS degree and no employer ever asked for my height.

>> No.51190408
File: 460 KB, 1242x691, 25BD5C4B-BAE1-4751-9D7C-96047890796C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retard. Did you know if you're getting interviewed that if your obese or even sitting next to someone that is obese you are STATISTICALLY less likely to get a job? There are no specific studies with height, but it's obviously a thing too. Employers do in FACT judge you based on looks. It's 50% of the thing that determines if you get the job. If you look like a kid for instance, an employer will judge you for it.

The working world IS superficial.

>> No.51190429

Who the fuck puts their height or weight on their cv, are you asking for their moms name too? I think you're larping.

>> No.51190448

They can probably search that shit up somewhere online. Even if they couldn't, they'll see you in an interview and think lesser of you.

>> No.51190454 [DELETED] 


>> No.51190504

Of course you want to hire good looking people for representative jobs, but that's why you include a picture in the CV and conduct an in-person interview. And even then I know plenty of morbidly obese people with customer-focused jobs. I very much doubt the pure metrics weight and height plays that much of a role. It's all about how they carry themselves.

>> No.51190531

Yeah they do, I'm from Europe and I've had recruiters compliment me after seeing my 6'5 height in my CV

>> No.51190584

Which country are you guys from and what is your line of work? I'm a jeet and work as a dev and I've never mentioned height weight or anything for that matter.

>> No.51190691

>I very much doubt the pure metrics weight and height plays that much of a role. It's all about how they carry themselves.
What a load of cope. What I said about weight for instance is in fact a stat.
Also males who are short make less money then average and tall people. Short people probably get gatekept from higher paying jobs on average. Would make that stat make sense.

>> No.51190703

Sir u have to include very clear photographs of ur dick from several angles to pass HR roastie bitch whore KYC.

>> No.51190717
File: 144 KB, 1200x1200, cats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joke's on you HR roasties, I'm a tranny
Bet you want to hire me now, huh?

>> No.51190727

I’m 5’8” and couldn’t care less about your height or about the opinion of a walking and talking bleeding yeast infested hole.

>> No.51190730

>stupid, ugly, whore
bash your head in nigger

>> No.51190844

> 6'2 white athletic build (20yrs ago)
I think there is validity in this coming from the once "homeless" chad perspective although not homeless but broke (and still broke). I did get jobs I was clearly not qualified for. But that seemed to happen regardless the hiring manager gender. The only problem ive had the last 20 years is pajeets and pakis as hiring managers. They hire based on smell apparently. They only seem to hire their fellow shitskins.

>> No.51190941

Also smell sample and jaw profile

>> No.51191027

My photos are at least +2 or +3 in looks than me irl. I can tell recruiters reach out to me not because of my resume...

>> No.51191099

IMO it's only this way because it's mostly a fake economy meant to make people into consumer products for international finance. Of course there would always be some of this, if two candidates are equal you might pick the better looking one. But in a more real economy, and/or one where there was less value in turning the wagecattle into long-term revenue streams because of the strength of the underlying currency it would matter a lot less.

>> No.51191204
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>> No.51191226

is there a reputable company that does penis size verification? I wouldn't go saying it out loud but it'd be nice to just have a cert I can put on there

>> No.51191229
File: 34 KB, 359x434, FZlA5uEWYAAmEjj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't have the relevant connections to bypass the first stage of the interview process

ngmi in the business world my friend

>> No.51191238

you could also just set up some speakers in an adjoining room and have them play baby sounds.

>> No.51191287

>in future, to have an ugly goblina girlfriend, a cuckjob, a space in a cuckpod, selfish acquaintances, you have to be at least so and so tall, very handsome, eloquent, well cultured, well travelled, the sky is the limit what else. TEE HEE
Internet's most stupid NPC faggots' and trannies' wishful thinking.
What these numales gonna do, make the manlets hate them even more and claim manlets are the ones who always start shit first and not the other retarded faggot groups of "people"? To appease their own dumbass underdeveloped primitive minds?

>> No.51191338

There are many things you want to avoid anon, but a women acting as a salesman is the thing you should avoid the most.

Women recruiters are a massive red flag for me. It means all the coworkers would be retarded coomers and they will keep trying to pay me in smiles not real fungible units.