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51201377 No.51201377 [Reply] [Original]

My old father recently lost 80k in the Nasdaq by going long. The fucking idiot has been following the markets for half his life and yet he knows nothing. This is the 2nd time he loses such quantity of money, which may seem like it's not much for the average american, but we live in 2nd world country and he only makes 1.5k monthly.

Worst thing is that he shares the bank account with my mother, who knew nothing of his doings until today. He basically stole half the money he lost from his wife, from my mother.

I'm willing to forgive, but how do I make sure he never does it again? he clearly has a gambling addiction

>> No.51201464

i lost $250k in crypto lol

>> No.51201636

if your dad made that money he can do whatever he wants with it. if otherwise, dont tell anyone hes your dad because they'll know how retarded you secretly are.

>> No.51201721

what country do you live in?

>> No.51201995

He stole half the money from my mother, they both work

>> No.51202615

Lost how, like in a margin trade?

>> No.51202616

Throw $8k in a top 20 shitcoin down 90% and make the money back for him like a good son.

>> No.51202632

>2nd world
Watch this video, it's going to help

>> No.51202760

Options, he called for nasdaq at 12900

Not sure what to do. They are both close to 70 and my mother is histerical for obvious reasons. She was lied to, betrayed and her own husband stole from her.

It's a tricky situation because, again, they share the same bank account and I don't trust my father anymore.

>> No.51204861

Be successful then. Since it's that easy.

>> No.51207256

>I'm willing to forgive
First mistake. Never trust an addict gambler.
Take control over his finances, your mom should have that control.

what a dummy. Sucks to hear. 80 grand is good money for regular people.

>> No.51207320

Hate to break the news to you but 80K is a lot fo money to most Americans. 25K is. Most Americans are not wealthy. The difference is that in other nations the rich pretend to me poor because history has taught the wise rich to hide. In America the poor pretend to be rich. By teh time you take student debt, mortgage debt, tax debt, credit card debt and subtract that from their houses worth, their stock portfolio etc, most Americans under 50 have negative wealth. They just like to pretend otherwise.

The typical American family had a net worth of $97,290 in 2016, which is the most recent data available. In other words, 50% of the population has a net worth below that threshold, and 50% has a net worth above it.

>> No.51207414

>typical American family had a net worth of $97,290 in 2016
More like every american family had a net worth of 0 and every scheming kike has millions / billions.

>> No.51207517

By the way it is worth considering that by the time they are 50 most Americans will have to spend over 15,000+ a year to access medical care to keep them alive. All Americans pretent to be wealthy, this is where the culture of scum like the Kardashians displaying wealth comes from even though that is literally an abusive mother who publicly prostituted her daughter and had the footage distributed pimping her children. The degree and extent of what would be considered minimal 'wealth' in western Europe is 5-20 MIllion. This is where it gets interesting.
(Source: Credit-Suisse)
There are a total of 89,510 people in the United States with net assets of at least $50 million. This number equals 50.9% of the ultra-high net worth (UHNW) individuals over the world.

That's right there are only about 160,000 people IN THE WOLD worth more than 50 million. I am worth between 10 and 20 million dependoing how much assets relaised at sale/. I don;t need any more and it is the level where it is already grief to manage. When I got above about 10 million I began to realise how few actually wealthy people there are. The vast majority of people pretending to have wealth have negative net worth and simply borrow money to maintain an image and their lenders do not want to shut them down because it will make the lending account manager look like an idiot, so they let them desperately and erratically service the debt. If you think the poor at desperate to get a slice of your money wait until you rub shoulders with some of these desperate morons (they will literally ty pimping their adult daughters at you). So no OP your father is not 'second world' poor and neither are you. To someone 'second world' poor in a place like Russia 10K is a lot of money the near life savings of someone average.

>> No.51207547

I am not Jewish, neither am I anti Semitic. It is the kind of ridiculous crude angry simplification the stupid and poor rush to.

How do I feel about all this? I feel like I don't like people and they don't like me and I have always felt that way since I was a child. Humans attack anyone who they perceive as more intelligent than them as they view them as a threat. The really interesting bit is the proportion of the 7 Billion people on the earth for whom 1000$ is a massive fortune. About half. In many places a daily salary is a dollar or less for backbreaking work. Soon we will have ten billion people.

>> No.51207553

It’s a good time to go long now with the Nasdaq if you DCA in and hold 5-10yrs.

>> No.51207604

When's the expiry anon

>> No.51207616

>It’s a good time to go long now with the Nasdaq if you DCA in and hold 5-10yrs.
Do you really think so? I don't but do as you like. I think we are in an era of technical stagnation. FANG+ is garbage, just look at amazon with one billion on its stupid TV show with people with rubber ears. All shit. Nothing to do with money, I want to move to northern Scandinavia and tunnel into a mountain carving arches and halls from natural stone and directing underground stream and rivers and lakes to flow through them creating fountains and hydraulic power. I have wanted to do this since I have been a small child. I lived in the middle of a led zinc mineshaft without human contact for nearly four years but am above ground now, in a townhouse. I ever walk around sometimes and people who see me probably think I am a tramp or eccentric